website caldura ieftin
Panourile radiante creaza o egalizare a distributiei temperaturii pe inaltime, intre tavan si podea. Astfel, se evita formarea pernelor de aer supraincalzit care se localizeaza in zona tavanului atunci cand sunt utilizate alte sisteme de incalzire. Incalzirea camerelor cu tavane inalte cu ajutorul panourilor radiante da posibilitatea scaderii semnificative a consumului de energie.
Transmiterea caldurii se face fara pierdere de energie. Undele termice realizate electromagnetic transmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi de transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona de radiatie. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor din incapere.
Incalzirea obisnuita cu apa calda, cu gaz sau cu curent electric, degaja caldura in principal prin convectie-suprafete. Suprafetele fierbinti degaja energie termica prin conducte termice in aerul din incapere – si doar intr-o mica masura prin radiatie termica. Cota parte de radiatie termica este totusi decisiva pentru clima care se simte in incapere. Astfel, din punct de vedere fizic, confortul sobelor de teracota este determinat de o cota mare de radiatie termica – unda de caldura comparabila cu cea apanourilor radiante. Sistemele de incalzire infratherm ce folosesc panouri radiante reprezinta o adevarata revolutie in acest domeniu, acest lucru datorandu-se multiplelor avantaje pe care le prezinta incalzirea cu aceste panouri radiante comparativ cu celelalte sisteme existente la ora actuala.
Principiul panourilor radiante
Principiul dupa care functioneaza aceste panouri radiante este identic cu cel dupa care soarele incalzeste Pamantul prin intermediul radiatiei infrarosii. Prin urmare, cedarea de caldura a elementelor de incalzit se realizeaza prin unda in infrarosu si convectie. Acesta produce radiatie termica cu un randament ridicat, fara electrosmog. Panourile radiante cu radiatie infrarosie la distanta este un sistem inovator de inalta calitate recunoscut pe plan mondial ca fiind liderul in materie de eficienta a incalzirii. Cele mai importante avantaje ale sistemelor de incalzire cu panouri radiante sunt: economia energetica si costurile de intretinere aproape inexistente. Exista posibilitati de incalzire partiala, de alegere a temperaturilor potrivit zonei, de programare a orelor de functionare.
Transmiterea caldurii fara pierdere de energie la panouri radiante
Undele termice trannsmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi la transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor de instalatii din incapere . “Vinovatul pentru pierderi”, in cazul sistemelor termice obisnuite - conductele, tevile de apa, camera cazanelor, camine, convectoare, puturi de aerisire - dispar in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si astfel, se poate economisi de trei ori, si anume la:
* Costurile pentru energie
* Costurile de instalatii
* Costurile pentru reparatii si pentru revizii
Datorita faptului ca aceste panouri radiante sunt prevazute cu termostat, temperatura se mentine constanta in incapere, la valoarea setata, raspandindu-se uniform, in toate colturile incaperii.
Clima individuala si amenajare decorativa a spatiului cu panouri radiante
Instalatia panourilor radiante este foarte simpla si poate fi aleasa optim pentru orice spatiu individual. Se preteaza in aceeasi masura pentru spatii private, cladiri publice – de la aeroporturi, spitale, banci, hoteluri, cabinete medicale si pana la muzee, pentru birouri sau spatii de productie – de la sere si pana la spatii sterile fara praf. Amplasarea panourilor radiante se poate face pur si simplu dupa principii practice, rationale sau se pot interpune si accente individuale, creative de decoruri.
Avantajele panourilor radiante:
1. Reducerea costurilor cu incalzirea cu pana la 30-50%
2. Instalare rapida, simpla (pe perete sau pe tavan), cu costuri reduse
3. Nu necesita aprobari, intocmire proiect, racordare la reteaua de gaze
4. Nu exista pierderi de caldura ca la sistemele clasice (conducte, centrale)
5. Incalzire rapida, fara consum de oxigen
6. Mentine o umiditate a aerului constanta si optima
7. Elimina mirosurile neplacute (fumul de tigara)
8. Purifica aerul (ionizeaza)
9. Ocupa mai putin spatiu fata de alte sisteme;
10. Nu necesita o incapere speciala, aerisita, sau incaperi de depozitare combustibil
11. Peretii se mentin uscati, nu apare igrasie, mucegai
12. Sunt sigure in exploatare
13. Nu necesita intretinere (revizii periodice, piese de schimb, etc.)
14. Randament crescut comparativ cu alte sisteme de incalzire
15. Nepoluante, nu exista deseuri toxice, noxe, CO2.
Plasmele termice sunt ideale pentru incalzirea eficienta a oricarui tip de spatiu:
* Apartamente in blocuri, case sau vile
* Case, vile sau case de vacanta
* Pensiuni, hoteluri, moteluri
* Cladiri de birouri
* Policlinici, spitale, scoli, gradinite
* Spatii comerciale
* Restaurante
website caldura ieftin
donderdag 15 september 2011
Infra red heating: the savings of the future
CIBR – the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber has the exclusive importer contract with the Belgian leading supplier of IR- heated panels.
website caldura ieftin
A word about the technology provider
Energy Products Group SA (EPG) develops, manufactures, and distributes infrared heating appliances and solutions for use in domestic, commercial, and industrial environments. EPG believes infrared heating technologies have an enormous potential as an energy-saving, cost-efficient, and comfort-enhancing alternative to traditional heating systems.
EPG has built up a unique level of expertise in infrared heating since 1999. The company has also teamed up with several strategically important industrial and academic partners to develop its product lines.
EPG has its main headquarters in Belgium, with a worldwide distribution network covering Europe, North America, Russia, and South America. Cibr is the contact for Romania.
All that you need to know about infrared heating technology
For a lot of people this technology is unknown……Let’s try to inform the general public on this new technology.
At the heart of heating system is a far-infrared ray panel, which consists of heat-resistant glass fiber plates to which an incombustible carbon plate is attached. Its front surface makes it easy to spread radiant heat, while its back-side is heat-resistant, ensuring no damage to walls/ceilings to which it is attached.
Once electricity flows through the heating Panel, its temperature raises to between 85 and 105 degrees Celcius within four minutes, and 96.1% of the total energy is evenly radiated as far-infrared rays, providing gentle, effective warmth to the entire room.
In a room with a traditional air circulation or conduction heating system, the overall room temperature must be increased until the room's occupants feel warm.
The time taken to achieve this level of warmth increases costs and also carbon emissions.
However Radiant-Heating System radiates far-infrared rays from its Heating Panels directly the people and objects in the room, providing significant and effective heat to the room without drying the air, in a fraction of the time of conventional methods.
A safe and eco-friendly heating system is provided by cibr in Romania
* The panels produce no waste or residue, are CE certified and pose no fire hazard. Quiet and safe with no vibration, the panels remove unpleasant odors and destroy viruses, germs, mites & bacteria, improving the overall health of the surrounding environment
* The panels do not emit any harmful electronic waves
* The overall savings on maintenance are more then 70%
* The panels use the “plug and heat” technology
* Infrared is a specific kind of light, invisible to the human eye, but to which we are nevertheless highly sensitive. It is very efficiently absorbed by the body giving a deep warm feeling. On a bright sunny day, we can feel perfectly comfortable in just a T-shirt, even though the air temperature may be close to freezing. Think of the typical après-ski scene, or of a walk in the high mountains.
* Beneficial to your health. Infrared radiation stimulates the blood circulation and reduces humidity in buildings. Less air circulation means it is also anti-allergenic.
* Emission-free heating. Natural heating panels are emission-free, meaning they are safe to use. Completely eliminates the risk of toxic emissions. There is no risk of carbon monoxide emissions and the panels do not disturb the air or promote dust. There is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
* A more efficient way of heating Energy savings up to 50%. Infrared heating reduces energy consumption between 25 to 50% compared to conventional heating systems. Good for your budget. Comfortable surroundings are achieved at much lower room temperatures, as the heat is absorbed directly.
* Good for the environment. Saving energy means less greenhouse gas emissions. And when green electricity is used, the heating panels are CO2 neutral.
* Easy to install. All you need to do is fix the panels to the wall or to the ceiling, and provide an electrical connection. No pipes, no drilling, no chimneys.
* Maintenance-free. The heating panels require no maintenance, because there are no moving parts, no burners, no filters, no fuel lines, …
* Flexible re-use. The panels are easily moved, so you can take the panels with you when you change locations. This also makes it easier to re-arrange or re-decorate rooms.
* Optimal space efficiency. the heating panels can be mounted on walls or ceilings and their sleek design creates extra space to live and work in.
Source: Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania, July 2011
website caldura ieftin
website caldura ieftin
A word about the technology provider
Energy Products Group SA (EPG) develops, manufactures, and distributes infrared heating appliances and solutions for use in domestic, commercial, and industrial environments. EPG believes infrared heating technologies have an enormous potential as an energy-saving, cost-efficient, and comfort-enhancing alternative to traditional heating systems.
EPG has built up a unique level of expertise in infrared heating since 1999. The company has also teamed up with several strategically important industrial and academic partners to develop its product lines.
EPG has its main headquarters in Belgium, with a worldwide distribution network covering Europe, North America, Russia, and South America. Cibr is the contact for Romania.
All that you need to know about infrared heating technology
For a lot of people this technology is unknown……Let’s try to inform the general public on this new technology.
At the heart of heating system is a far-infrared ray panel, which consists of heat-resistant glass fiber plates to which an incombustible carbon plate is attached. Its front surface makes it easy to spread radiant heat, while its back-side is heat-resistant, ensuring no damage to walls/ceilings to which it is attached.
Once electricity flows through the heating Panel, its temperature raises to between 85 and 105 degrees Celcius within four minutes, and 96.1% of the total energy is evenly radiated as far-infrared rays, providing gentle, effective warmth to the entire room.
In a room with a traditional air circulation or conduction heating system, the overall room temperature must be increased until the room's occupants feel warm.
The time taken to achieve this level of warmth increases costs and also carbon emissions.
However Radiant-Heating System radiates far-infrared rays from its Heating Panels directly the people and objects in the room, providing significant and effective heat to the room without drying the air, in a fraction of the time of conventional methods.
A safe and eco-friendly heating system is provided by cibr in Romania
* The panels produce no waste or residue, are CE certified and pose no fire hazard. Quiet and safe with no vibration, the panels remove unpleasant odors and destroy viruses, germs, mites & bacteria, improving the overall health of the surrounding environment
* The panels do not emit any harmful electronic waves
* The overall savings on maintenance are more then 70%
* The panels use the “plug and heat” technology
* Infrared is a specific kind of light, invisible to the human eye, but to which we are nevertheless highly sensitive. It is very efficiently absorbed by the body giving a deep warm feeling. On a bright sunny day, we can feel perfectly comfortable in just a T-shirt, even though the air temperature may be close to freezing. Think of the typical après-ski scene, or of a walk in the high mountains.
* Beneficial to your health. Infrared radiation stimulates the blood circulation and reduces humidity in buildings. Less air circulation means it is also anti-allergenic.
* Emission-free heating. Natural heating panels are emission-free, meaning they are safe to use. Completely eliminates the risk of toxic emissions. There is no risk of carbon monoxide emissions and the panels do not disturb the air or promote dust. There is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
* A more efficient way of heating Energy savings up to 50%. Infrared heating reduces energy consumption between 25 to 50% compared to conventional heating systems. Good for your budget. Comfortable surroundings are achieved at much lower room temperatures, as the heat is absorbed directly.
* Good for the environment. Saving energy means less greenhouse gas emissions. And when green electricity is used, the heating panels are CO2 neutral.
* Easy to install. All you need to do is fix the panels to the wall or to the ceiling, and provide an electrical connection. No pipes, no drilling, no chimneys.
* Maintenance-free. The heating panels require no maintenance, because there are no moving parts, no burners, no filters, no fuel lines, …
* Flexible re-use. The panels are easily moved, so you can take the panels with you when you change locations. This also makes it easier to re-arrange or re-decorate rooms.
* Optimal space efficiency. the heating panels can be mounted on walls or ceilings and their sleek design creates extra space to live and work in.
Source: Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania, July 2011
website caldura ieftin
zondag 11 september 2011
Government Decision no. 1680/2008 state aid scheme Romania
Government Decision no. 1680/2008 state aid sheme Romania
The Community Acquis in the field of state aids allows granting regional state aids to enterprises, under the Community Guidelines on regional state aid 2007-2013 (the Official Journal of the European Union no. C54/2006), and the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (European Union Official Journal no. L 214/2008).
The aid scheme established by the Government Decision no. 1680/2008 on ensuring sustainable economic growth, with its subsequent modifications and additions, applies the provisions stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008.
The duration of the state aid scheme (established through the Government Decision no.1680/2008) is of 5 years that is for the period between 2007-2013, the final maximum budget for this program is the equivalent of 1 billion Euros, thus a medium annual budget of 200 million Euros, not exceeding the annual budgetary limits during these five years. The estimated total number of enterprises that will benefit from the scheme is around 150, which means that there will be around 30 beneficiary enterprises per year.
The maximum amount of the state aid that an economic operator can benefit from in accordance with this scheme is the equivalent in LEI of 28.125 million Euros. For the investments and jobs developed in the developing region no. 8 of Bucharest – Ilfov, the maximum level of state aid which can be obtained by an economic operator is the equivalent in LEI of 22.5 million Euros.
The state aid can be granted to businesses that will make initial investments, have submitted an application for the Grant Agreement and the authority responsible for the scheme administration have subsequently confirmed in writing that, after a thorough examination, the project meets in general the eligibility criteria established in the state aid scheme, before starting the works .
There are considered eligible the costs related to an initial investment made in the same area, concerning the following:
a) either the tangible and/or intangible assets related to the creation of a new business, the development of an existent one, the diversification of the production of a business for new markets, or a fundamental change in the production process of an existent business;
b) either the purchase of fixed assets directly related to a business, when that business had been closed or would have been closed without that purchase, and the assets are purchased by a independent investor. The mere acquisition of the shares of an enterprise shall not be considered an investment.
The state aid scheme is applied to enterprises from all sectors, save those stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation – E.C.O.J. series L no.214/2008), as follows:
a) aids favouring fisheries and aquaculture, as they are regulated by the (EC) Regulation no. 104/2000;
b) aids favouring the primary production of agricultural products, stipulated in the Annex I to the European Communities Foundation Treaty;
c) aids favouring processing and marketing agricultural products activities, in the following cases:
When the amount of the aid is established on the basis of the price or the quantity of such products purchased from primary producers or marketed by these enterprises;
When the grant of the aid is conditioned by the obligation to direct it, partially or totally, to the primary producers;
d) aids favouring activities in coal sector;
e) regional aids favouring activities in metallurgic sector;
f) regional aids favouring activities in naval constructions sector;
g) regional aids favouring activities in synthetic fibres sector.
This scheme does not apply to enterprises that are in one of the following cases:
a) those “undertakings in difficulty” in the sense of the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation);
b) there are undertakings which are subject to an outstanding recovery order, if this recovery order has not been already carried out, according to the legal provision in force.
The enterprises, under this scheme, cannot benefit from the following types of state aid:
a) aids favouring export-related activities, such as aids directly linked to quantities exported, establishment and operation of a distribution network, or other current expenses related to the export activity;
b) aid contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods;
c) aid to operation.
In order to ensure the complementarity of regional state aids schemes, the enterprises shall not benefit from state aids under this scheme if for the same eligible costs of the initial investment they have received state aid or de minimis aid from other state aid providers.
The provisions of this state aid scheme are applied to undertakings registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with the subsequent modifications and additions, which make investments in Romania, and fall into one of the following categories:
a) they make an initial investment, of 5 to 10 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 50 jobs;
b) they make an initial investment, of 10 to 20 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 100 jobs;
c) they make an initial investment, of 20 to 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 200 jobs;
d) they make an initial investment, exceeding 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and they create at least 50 jobs.
The enterprises that meet cumulatively, at the time of submitting the application, the following eligibility criteria, shall benefit from individual specific allocations under this scheme:
a) are registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with its subsequent modifications and additions, making investments in Romania;
b) intend to make an initial investment that falls into one of the categories provided at letters a) to d) of Article 2 of the Gov. Dec. no. 1680/2008.
c) does not have outstanding debts to constituent budgets of the general consolidated budget.
d) are subject to foreclosure, bankruptcy, judicial reorganization, dissolution, liquidation or other situations regulated by law;
e) do not fall into the category of “undertakings in difficulty” according to the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)
f) they are not subject to state aid recovery orders, or such orders have been already carried out, according to the legal provisions in force;
g) at the time when they apply for the state aid, they submit a viable investment plan (expenses shall be detailed: quantity, price, amount), and a technical-economic study
made by a specialized company, which should prove the economic efficiency of the investment, respecting the indicators provided in Chapter III of this guide;
h) do not make investments and do not create jobs for which they request state aid under this scheme, in activity sectors exempted by the Gov. Dec. 1680/2008.
More info
The Community Acquis in the field of state aids allows granting regional state aids to enterprises, under the Community Guidelines on regional state aid 2007-2013 (the Official Journal of the European Union no. C54/2006), and the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (European Union Official Journal no. L 214/2008).
The aid scheme established by the Government Decision no. 1680/2008 on ensuring sustainable economic growth, with its subsequent modifications and additions, applies the provisions stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008.
The duration of the state aid scheme (established through the Government Decision no.1680/2008) is of 5 years that is for the period between 2007-2013, the final maximum budget for this program is the equivalent of 1 billion Euros, thus a medium annual budget of 200 million Euros, not exceeding the annual budgetary limits during these five years. The estimated total number of enterprises that will benefit from the scheme is around 150, which means that there will be around 30 beneficiary enterprises per year.
The maximum amount of the state aid that an economic operator can benefit from in accordance with this scheme is the equivalent in LEI of 28.125 million Euros. For the investments and jobs developed in the developing region no. 8 of Bucharest – Ilfov, the maximum level of state aid which can be obtained by an economic operator is the equivalent in LEI of 22.5 million Euros.
The state aid can be granted to businesses that will make initial investments, have submitted an application for the Grant Agreement and the authority responsible for the scheme administration have subsequently confirmed in writing that, after a thorough examination, the project meets in general the eligibility criteria established in the state aid scheme, before starting the works .
There are considered eligible the costs related to an initial investment made in the same area, concerning the following:
a) either the tangible and/or intangible assets related to the creation of a new business, the development of an existent one, the diversification of the production of a business for new markets, or a fundamental change in the production process of an existent business;
b) either the purchase of fixed assets directly related to a business, when that business had been closed or would have been closed without that purchase, and the assets are purchased by a independent investor. The mere acquisition of the shares of an enterprise shall not be considered an investment.
The state aid scheme is applied to enterprises from all sectors, save those stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation – E.C.O.J. series L no.214/2008), as follows:
a) aids favouring fisheries and aquaculture, as they are regulated by the (EC) Regulation no. 104/2000;
b) aids favouring the primary production of agricultural products, stipulated in the Annex I to the European Communities Foundation Treaty;
c) aids favouring processing and marketing agricultural products activities, in the following cases:
When the amount of the aid is established on the basis of the price or the quantity of such products purchased from primary producers or marketed by these enterprises;
When the grant of the aid is conditioned by the obligation to direct it, partially or totally, to the primary producers;
d) aids favouring activities in coal sector;
e) regional aids favouring activities in metallurgic sector;
f) regional aids favouring activities in naval constructions sector;
g) regional aids favouring activities in synthetic fibres sector.
This scheme does not apply to enterprises that are in one of the following cases:
a) those “undertakings in difficulty” in the sense of the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation);
b) there are undertakings which are subject to an outstanding recovery order, if this recovery order has not been already carried out, according to the legal provision in force.
The enterprises, under this scheme, cannot benefit from the following types of state aid:
a) aids favouring export-related activities, such as aids directly linked to quantities exported, establishment and operation of a distribution network, or other current expenses related to the export activity;
b) aid contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods;
c) aid to operation.
In order to ensure the complementarity of regional state aids schemes, the enterprises shall not benefit from state aids under this scheme if for the same eligible costs of the initial investment they have received state aid or de minimis aid from other state aid providers.
The provisions of this state aid scheme are applied to undertakings registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with the subsequent modifications and additions, which make investments in Romania, and fall into one of the following categories:
a) they make an initial investment, of 5 to 10 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 50 jobs;
b) they make an initial investment, of 10 to 20 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 100 jobs;
c) they make an initial investment, of 20 to 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 200 jobs;
d) they make an initial investment, exceeding 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and they create at least 50 jobs.
The enterprises that meet cumulatively, at the time of submitting the application, the following eligibility criteria, shall benefit from individual specific allocations under this scheme:
a) are registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with its subsequent modifications and additions, making investments in Romania;
b) intend to make an initial investment that falls into one of the categories provided at letters a) to d) of Article 2 of the Gov. Dec. no. 1680/2008.
c) does not have outstanding debts to constituent budgets of the general consolidated budget.
d) are subject to foreclosure, bankruptcy, judicial reorganization, dissolution, liquidation or other situations regulated by law;
e) do not fall into the category of “undertakings in difficulty” according to the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)
f) they are not subject to state aid recovery orders, or such orders have been already carried out, according to the legal provisions in force;
g) at the time when they apply for the state aid, they submit a viable investment plan (expenses shall be detailed: quantity, price, amount), and a technical-economic study
made by a specialized company, which should prove the economic efficiency of the investment, respecting the indicators provided in Chapter III of this guide;
h) do not make investments and do not create jobs for which they request state aid under this scheme, in activity sectors exempted by the Gov. Dec. 1680/2008.
More info
donderdag 1 september 2011
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