donderdag 26 januari 2017

seminar: Investing, outsourcing and recruitment in Romania

Where: Tinnenpot hall courtyard, Tinnenpotstraat 21, 9000 Ghent

When: Sunday, February 5th OM 15h

Speaker: ir. Freddy Jacobs, president "Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber '
You will get answer on the following topics:
  • What should I do if I'm going to invest in Romania?
  • Can I apply for grants?
  • Where should I look?
  • How do I proceed?
  • How do I outsource products and services to Romania?
  • How do I recruit in Romania?
Registrations required: mail to  (name, organization, phone and e-mail and number of people)
This event is hosted door KEG - after the lecture you can visit the exhibition.
KEG brings the industry into contact with artists to promote creativity in companies.
If you want you can attend the vernissage with apero - concert with the family 11am on Sunday, February 5th at the same location.

woensdag 25 januari 2017

Reduction of the tax rate for dividend revenue obtained by non-residents in Romania

The new fiscal code.
The tax rate for dividend revenues derived by non-residents from Romania has been reduced from 16% to 5%, as of 1 January 2017, similarly to the amendment brought in the case of distribution of dividends to Romanian legal entities.

More info mail

Tax exemption for ICT employees in Romania

The procedure regarding the exemption from income tax for IT employees was modified by Order of the Ministry of Finance no. 835/2015 which replaces the old legal framework (MFP Order no. 1479/2013 – repealed). The new regulations stipulate that the employees in this sector may be exempt from income tax only if they occupy certain positions, as defined by the law.
Starting July 30, the alumni working in this sector must be in one of the eight functions, as defined in the Annex of the Order 835/2015:
  • Database Administrator
  • Analyst
  • System Engineer in Computer Science
  • Software System Engineer
  • IT Project Manager
  • Programmer
  • Information System Designer
  • Computer System Developers
In the old regulation, the provisions established that the IT employees can benefit from exemption if, besides the specific jobs, they graduated with bachelor certain specialties such as automation, mathematics, physics or chemistry informatics, cybernetics, accounting and management information systems etc.
The new regulation makes no reference to the graduate specialization, but specifies the requirement of higher education: IT employees “holds a diploma awarded after completion of a higher education long-term form or a diploma awarded after the completion of the first cycle of the collage studies, issued by an accredited higher education institution, and actually provides one of the activities listed in the Annex”, according to the Order 835/2015.
But there are no changes on the rest of the conditions to be met for the IT employees to benefit from income tax exemption:
  • the posts including the occupations correspond to the aforesaid;
  • the post is part of a specialized compartment, highlighting in the organizational chart;
  • the employer has made in the previous fiscal year and recorded separately in analytical balances as a result of a creative activity of computer programs for trading on a contract basis, an annual income of at least the equivalent of 10,000 US dollars (calculated on the average monthly exchange rate by the National Bank of Romania related to each month which saw income) for each employee who is exempt from income tax.
Proposed amendments to existing exemption for IT roles - coming soon in 2017
A draft order has been published stating how similar income tax exemptions for individuals in specialist Information Technology (IT) roles under the current law will be subject to change. Under the new rules the activities of the individual will be more important than the formal job title when determining whether the exemption will apply. 
Under certain conditions, Romania currently provides for favorable tax treatment for salary income derived by IT specialists as follows:
  • Positions held by the eligible employees are limited to Database Administrator, Analyst, Informatics System Engineer, Software Engineer, Informatics Project Manager, Programmer, Informatics System Designer, Informatics System Programmer.
  • Employees eligible for the income tax exemption work within a specialized IT department in accordance with the organizational chart of the employer.
  • Employees should effectively perform one of the activities referred to in the relevant Order and hold a study diploma awarded after graduating from a long-term higher education institution or, alternatively, a diploma awarded after completing cycle one of university education (the diploma should be issued by an accredited higher education institution).
  • During the previous fiscal year, the employer has realized, and it has booked distinctively in the trial balance, a yearly turnover of at least USD10,000 for each of the respective employees (this income being obtained from software creation activities based on a services contract).
In order to apply for the IT exemption, the employer should hold on file the employer’s related justifying documentation.
The main amendments to the existing exemptions are the following:
  • For companies founded in the current year, the condition of USD10,000 referred above should be fulfilled by the end of the next fiscal year when they benefit from the income tax exemption. This will also apply to existing companies that undertake an activity of software creation in the year as a result of business reorganization.
  • Instead of defining activities eligible for the exemption by reference to formal role descriptions they will be defined by reference to the tasks and activities to be performed by the individual. In other words the title of the role will no longer of itself define whether the exemption applies.
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maandag 23 januari 2017

INTEREST ON DEPOSIT IN KAZAKHSTAN 14 percent per year in 2017

Keeping some cash in your investment portfolio has always been important for both an emergency fund and to meet short-term goals. But in 2017, it will be even more important, since market volatility is expected to be higher than usual. You don’t want to be forced to sell stocks when you need cash in a down market.
The question is: Where should you put your savings in 2017 ?
One of the answers is : The Republic o Kazakhstan.
Minimum deposit amount USD 5000, EURO 5000 or KZT 750 000                                                           
Min balance USD 5000, EURO 5000 or KZT 750 000                                                                       
Max deposit amount taking in account additional payments for new deposits USD 10 000 000 , EURO 10 000 000  or KZT 1 820 000 000
Net withdrawals: no limitation till min balance                                                                                
Additional payments: no limitation on amount and periodicity of additional payments in line with the max deposit amount
Term of interest rate fixation: interest rate is fixed for the whole period of deposit agreement                 
Interest payment: interest is paid on the first working day of every month on client’s current account
without capitalization
Prolongation: automatic deposit prolongation on the same period, with the same conditions, with interest rate defined by the Bank at the date of deposit prolongation
We help investors with the paperwork and help them to get the paperwork in order to be able to open the savings account in Kazakhstan.
Deposit term
12 months


More info : mail me

woensdag 18 januari 2017

Document archive services romania

Document storage is required when you have historic documents that you need to retain, but do not have the facilities to store them securely. It is likely that the cost your office space is comparatively expensive compared to archive storage, resulting in off-site archive storage being more economical that keeping the boxes of documents in your office.
Starting January 1, 2016, the rules on archiving documents were amended by an order of the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP). Among the changes which are able to keep the accounting archive documents electronically, and the list containing the types of documents that must be retained for five years was completed.
Rules on archiving and keeping of accounting and other financial and accounting documents can be found in Section C of the General Norms for preparation and use of financial and accounting documents, approved by Order of MPF no. 2634/2015 in force on 1 January 2016.
Accordingly, persons referred to in art. 1 para. (1) - (4) of Law no. 82/1991, as amended and supplemented, are required to maintain a certain number of years a number of financial and accounting documents. Also, the self-specific fields for which the applicable law provides for use of other documents, applied properly and specific regulations.
The registers and other financial and accounting documents are archived for a period of 10 years starting from the date of financial year during which they were completed.
The exception to this rule are payroll, that will be archived for a period of  50 years.
In other words, companies, societies / national companies, autonomous administrations, national institutes for research and development, cooperative societies and other legal entities are obliged to keep their archive the books and documents underlying the recording in accounting
We offer archive services from 1 January 2017.
  • Free document storage quotations
  • Long and short term document storage
  • Secure document storage facilities
  • Fully equipped document archive storage systems 
  • Secure destruction services when the documents are no longer needed
  • Delivery/pickup services
You need to keep your company documents 5 years at disposition in Romania to governmental organisations.
If you stop your activities, we can keep the archive for you.
Contact us for prices and modalities.
You can already store your documents for 150 euro/year ex VAT (rata BNR)
Request a Free no obligation document storage quotation to find how much your document storage would cost