Romania' S Rural Development Strategy 2014-2020 PNDR Subventions For Agriculture In Romania
Romania’s rural development strategy for the next years falls within the context of reform and development that UE proposes by Europe 2020 strategy.
The national rural development programme for 2014-2020 contributes to the realization of a smart growth by supporting the forms of cooperation between research institutions and farmers and other players of rural economy, as well as by supporting the training component, skill acquirement and information dissemination.
Equally, PNDR takes into account a sustainable development which insists on reduction of carbon emissions and support of environmentally-friendly agricultural practices. Last but not least, the support given to investments in rural infrastructure and economy leads to the reduction of poverty and creation of workplaces in rural areas, thus contributing to a growth favorable to inclusion.
Following the lines marked by this ambitious strategy, PNDR proposes to respond to the general objectives of Common Agricultural Policy related to food security, sustainable management of natural resources and balanced territorial development, as well as specific objectives of rural development. Thus, by approaching strategically all six rural development priorities, PNDR proposes to support durably and sensibly economic and social development of rural areas in Romania.
Romania confronts great challenges in achieving its economic and social potential, in the field of agri-food and forestry, as well as on a level with rural areas. The GDP per capita is smaller by 50% of UE average and significantly smaller in rural areas.
Another reference document is “National strategic framework for sustainable development of agri-food sector and rural area between 2014-2020-2030” abbreviated “National strategic rural framework” which intends to determine the objectives of sustainable development of the Romanian agri-food system and rural area for continuing the economic growth of Romania.
Thus, these documents have identified as main issue the improvement of the economic and environmental function of the rural area and agricultural sector and will be approached by the agency of six rural development priorities in the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADR).
Whereas the agricultural sector will remain, definitely, for a long period of time the most important contributor to economic activity and social reliability of rural area, creating a “credit fund” and continuing the guarantee schemes with a view to ensuring the necessary sources of funding for PNDR beneficiaries during 2014-2020 is a priority. This articulated credit-guarantee system is a priority and must be functional along with the start of the implementation of the new rural development programme.
Romania will have a considerable amount of subventions for agriculture in the period 2014 - 2020. The subventions for romanian agriculture in the period 2014 - 2020 are divided in axes. We can give you a preview on the axes in order to understand what will be the subject of subventions for the Romanian agriculture in teh period 2014 -2020.
Encouraging knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas
1A. Encouraging innovation, cooperation and creating a basis of knowledge in rural areasThe increase of the competitiveness and reliability of activities in agri-food, forest sector and rural areas can be supported only by the development of a basis of knowledge supported by a scientific research adapted to these requirements, by promoting innovation and cooperation among all players involved.
1B. Consolidating relations between agriculture, food production and forestry, on one hand, and research and innovation, on the other hand, including with a view to better administering environment and improving environmental performance The consolidation of relations between practical needs of farmers and foresters and research activity will take into consideration the initiation of operational groups by the agency of the European Partnership for Innovation in agriculture and the support of information services that meet the real needs of farmers and forest owners, including the groups of manufacturers.
By this support, it is intended to promote an agricultural and forest sector efficiently from the point of view of the use of resources, reliable from economic point of view, productive, competitive, with reduced emissions, beneficial to the environment, which acts in the direction of some agri-ecological production systems and goes with fundamental natural resources on which agricultural and forest activity depends.
1C. Encouraging studying and training for the whole life in agricultural and forest sectorsConsidering the low level of skills and basic knowledge among farmers and forest owners, as well as the deficiency of training courses generally, it is necessary to have sustainable services for increasing the education level of farmers and forest owners, as well as workers in food industry (as regards management, marketing, processing, food safety and hygiene, etc.).
Increasing the reliability of exploitations and competitiveness of all types of agriculture in all regions and promoting innovative agricultural technologies and sustainable management of forests
2A. Improving the economic performance of all farms and facilitating the reorganization and modernization of farms, especially with a view to increasing the participation and orientation towards the market, as well as agricultural diversification For the improvement of the performance of agricultural exploitations, modernization and achievement of the production potential, investments for the modernization of constructions of the farm, modernization of equipments and technical equipments, improvement of the quality of fixed assets are very important.
2B. Facilitating the entry in the agricultural sector of some adequately qualified farmers and, especially, rejuvenation of generations The improvement of the performance in agricultural activity and orientation of agricultural exploitations towards the market can be stimulated by the support of young people for taking the lead of farms.
Promoting the organization of food chain, including the processing and commercialization of agricultural products, animal welfare and management of risks in agriculture
3A Improving the competitiveness of primary manufacturers through better integration of them in the agri-food chain by the agency of quality schemes, increase in value added of the agricultural products, promotion on local markets and within short supply chains, groups and organizations of manufacturers and interprofessional organizations.
The achievement of a high level of competitiveness in the agri-food field can be ensured by better processing of agricultural products, increase in value added for agricultural products and improvement of the outlet organization by promoting, within local markets, short supply chains.
3B Supporting the risk management and prevention at the level of exploitations
Agricultural production is highly dependent on climate changes, case which requires facilitating the access of farmers and forest owners to funds that compensate, partially, losses resulting from natural disasters or other unfavorable phenomena and that allow the reconstruction of affected physical assets and income reassurance. An adequate insurance must cover losses caused by animal and plant diseases, vermin infestation, different weather phenomena (floods, droughts, erosions, etc.), environmental incidents (toxic waste spills, etc.).
Reconstructing, preserving and consolidating ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry
4A Reconstructing, preserving and developing the biodiversity, including in Natura 2000 areas, in areas which confront natural constraints or other specific constraints and within high nature value agricultural activities, as well as the condition of European landscapes
Romania has a high level of biological diversity, being the country where you can find the most bio-geographical regions in Europe, i.e. 5 of the 11 identified at UE level, European protected areas (Natura 2000) covering 22,7% of Romania’s territory. Biodiversity preservation represents an important objective of the rural development strategy for 2014-2020.
4B Improving the management of waters, including the management of fertilizers and pesticides
The sustainable preservation and management of water resources represents one of the most important objectives in the field of environment protection. Although, at the present day, water resources can be found, generally, in good condition, the increasing tendency to use chemical substances in agriculture under the pressure of the intensification shows a real risk for water pollution with nitrates.
4C Preventing the soil erosion and improving the soil management
Romania has good quality soils, but a good deal of them are affected by different degradation phenomena. Extreme weather phenomena and inadequate practices of agricultural management increase the risk of soil degradation by erosion caused by waters and wind, soil salinization/alkalization, artificial consolidation, decrease in oil biodiversity and decrease in organic matters. In some regions (especially in the south, south-east and east Romania), these threats contribute more and more to an increased risk of desertification, decrease in productivity and even marginalization of agricultural areas and abandonment of agricultural activities.
Promoting the effective use of resources and supporting the transition towards an economy with reduced emission of carbon and resistance to climate changes in agricultural, food and forest sectors
5A Making more effective the use of water in agriculture
Romanian freshwater resources are reduced and irregularly distributed, our country coming under the countries with poor water resources. The phenomenon of drought is spread on a good deal of territory, fact which leads to a decrease in water resources, sometimes by about 30% in one normal year.
5B Making more effective the use of energy in agri-food sector
5C Facilitating the supply and use of renewable energy sources, sub-products, wastes and other non-food raw materials, in preparation for bioeconomy
In Romania, there is a wide range of renewable energy sources coming from agriculture and forestry, but their level of use is low (1,7% of total renewable energy production comes from agricultural sector, compared to 10,6% in EU27).
5D Reducing the greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions in agriculture
In Romania, the level of greenhouse gas emissions coming from agriculture is low, the objective of the rural development strategy for the programming period 2014-2020 being the maintenance of a low level of them.
5E Promoting the preservation and sequestration of carbon in agriculture and forestry
The increase of forested areas contributes to the achievement of global objectives regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions and adaptation to climate change effects. Concurrently, by foresting the agricultural lands, it is also intended to achieve other environmental objectives, such as the reduction of soil erosion, improvement of the capacity to retain water, improvement of the air quality, etc.
Promoting the social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas
6A Facilitating the diversification, founding and development of small enterprises and creation of workplaces
In rural areas, the main activity is agriculture, so that a great majority of the rural population is occupied in agriculture and obtains income from this activity. Due to small areas of agricultural land, the lack of agricultural equipments and access to credits, a great deal of agricultural exploitations is subsistence exploitations. In order to create workplaces and to increase the income of the rural population, the diversification of activities and promotion of small-scale businesses are required.
6B Encouraging local development in rural areas
In order to reduce differences which still exist between rural environment and urban environment and in order to create some decent living conditions for rural population, it is necessary to continue the process of renovation of villages and development of rural infrastructure.
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