Romania Officially Sent The Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 To The European Commission
"I emphasize that Romania does not register any delay in submission of the proposal by the Partnership, the deadline set by EU regulation is April 22, 2014" added Eugen Teodorovici.
The EU Funds Ministry official sent the proposal of the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 to the European Commission
According to the Minister, the Commission has three months to examine the document, which time period may be interrupted if comment on this document shall be transmitted to the Member State .
Structural Funds Romania 2014 2020
The Partnership Agreement submitted to the Commission includes a proposal regarding indicative financial allocations for operational programs financed from structural funds, as follows:
· Operational Programme Large Infrastructure: 9.5 billion
· Regional Operational Program: 6.7 billion
· Operational Programme Human Capital: 4.2 billion
· Operational Programme Competitiveness 1.2 billion
· Operational Programme Administrative Capacity: 0.55 billion
· Operational Programme Technical Assistance: 0.21 billion
The implementation of EU funds for 2014-2020 will managed at the level of only three ministries:
MFEur will have Management Authority for: Operational Programme Large Infrastructure Operational Programme Human Capital, Operational Programme Competitiveness and Operational Programme Technical Assistance;
MDRAP will have Management Authority for: Regional Operational Programme, Administrative Capacity Operational Programme, namely the European territorial cooperation programs;
MARD will be the Managing Authority for PNDR and POP.
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