vrijdag 2 december 2016

Ondernemen en sparen in Roemenië met drie procent belastingen

“Roemenië is een arm land met een corrupte overheid en een bevolking van zigeuners die niet werken en daardoor stelen en bedelen”. 
Dat is het verkeerde beeld dat veel mensen van Roemenië hebben. De grootste schuld ligt bij de internationale media en de marketing van de Roemeense overheid.
 Na 13  jaar in en met het land te hebben gewerkt vertelt ik een ander verhaal. “Roemenië is een fantastisch mooi land dat bovendien aan een enorme opmars bezig is.”  De Roemenen zijn normale mensen zoals ik en U.  Er vindt momenteel een enorme versnelling plaats in Roemenië. Het beeld dat ze allemaal zigeuners zijn klopt niet. In Roemenië wonen ruim 22 miljoen mensen, 400.000 daarvan zijn Roma, de zigeuners die nu voor een groot deel het beeld van Roemenië bepalen. Maar zo’n klein percentage van de bevolking is niet bepalend voor het hele land.
Micro company (srl) in Roemanië met drie percent belastingen tot 100.000 euro omzet
De Europese richtlijn 2013/34/EU wil in de eerste plaats voor een administratieve vereenvoudiging zorgen. Ze past in het actieplan van een 'Small Business Act for Europe’. De Europese Commissie engageert zich hierin om de centrale plaats van de kmo's in het economische leven te erkennen. De Europese richtlijn geeft de lidstaten de mogelijkheid om de categorie van micro-ondernemingen in te voeren.
Roemenië heeft deze richtlijn al deels toegepast en heeft een belastingregime ingevoerd van 3 percent op omzet ongeacht het aantal werknemers (de vroegere regeling van maximum 9 werknemers komt te vervallen)
“Als je als ondernemer geen rekening houdt met de Roemeense cultuur ben je ten dode opgeschreven.” Je moet een beetje geduld hebben met de Roemenen. En dat is in bijvoorbeeld Spanje niet anders.” “Dan heb je nog te maken met een andere manier van denken. Roemenië kent momenteel drie generaties. De generatie die opgegroeid is voor de revolutie van ’89, de generatie die hun opleiding hebben genoten net voor, tijdens en na de revolutie en de generatie die na de revolutie is geboren. Die laatste groep is nu twintig a dertig en dat zijn mensen zoals wij, Europeanen met een goede opleiding. De andere generaties hebben dat niet en die denken dus in het stramien waarin ze opgegroeid zijn. Dat moet je koesteren en daar moet je mee leren omgaan. Voor dit soort taal- en cultuurverschillen moet je open staan, het is iets om rekening mee te houden. Met de cultuurverschillen in je achterhoofd zie ik geen enkele moeite om in Roemenië leuke dingen te gaan doen. In tegendeel: ik zie alleen maar mogelijkheden.
De beste manier om zo snel mogelijk met de cultuurverschillen om te gaan is om gebruik te maken van lokale mensen. Zo krijg je beter inzicht in de lokale knowhow van bijvoorbeeld het management. Als je iets in Roemenië wilt produceren en je doet dat helemaal op  jouw manier, dan wordt dat geen succes. Het is slim om Roemenen in je bedrijf te hebben die je kunnen adviseren hoe je iets in Roemenië moet aanpakken. Laat de Roemenen maar zeggen hoe het werkt.

woensdag 16 november 2016

83% of employers affected by talent shortages in Belgium – comments and solutions

We will briefly look at some findings around shortage of skilled labour force and engineers in Belgium and then discuss some solutions.
The facts
Robert Walters recently surveyed over 100 companies in Belgium to research the effect of both a candidate short market and the strategies businesses employ to manage them. According to this survey, an overwhelming 83% of employers in Belgium, regardless of company size, have experienced challenges when recruiting suitably qualified candidates.
58% of hiring managers say they have struggled to attract candidates with the right hard skills or experience. A lack of appropriate specialist staff could hamper efforts to increase productivity, turnover and profitability, preventing the company from reaching its full potential. Pay remains a stumbling block as well: 38% of employers say that salary expectations of candidates were too high. 6% of hiring managers see candidates unwilling to relocate as a serious recruitment challenge.
When asked how skills shortages have affected businesses, 46% of employers stated that they faced increased difficulty in meeting deadlines and client expectations while 36% say it has reduced staff morale. 20% of hiring managers feel that talent shortages across all job functions have directly impacted productivity.
Romania has 22 million people and a very interesting pool of skilled workers and engineers. Because of the lower salaries and taxes it is interesting to outsource work to a Romanian daughter entity.
On the other hand you can also employ Romanian employees in Belgium with a Belgian labour contract.
What can we do for you ?
We can do the recruitment and /or direct search for you. We act upon a profile that we draft with our clients. The duration of the search is determined by the solution that the client wants to implement. Contact us for a free intake meeting at frjacobs@telenet.be . We can also create your company and do the preliminary incubation services in one of our business centres with open office accommodations.

donderdag 30 juni 2016

Company creation in Romania - formation of a Romanian company

We helped a lot of foreign investors in opening and creation of  a company in Romania and the registration of a company in Romania. We are experts in company creation in Romania as well as other services like business licences and permits, bank account openings complemented by internet banking , consulting services, administrative services, accounting.
Your benefits to open a company in Romania and to create a Romanian company:
Opening an operation in a new market is generally the most costly and time-consuming way to enter it, but the rewards and benefits can be great. There are important legal and financial implications involved in setting up a business. You should take advice from our accountants or business advisers and lawyers.
Here is what we offer:
  • Stable economy, politically and financially stable business climate.
  • Make greater gains on annual capital and personal and corporate tax reduction.
  • High levels of asset protection and tax planning can be achieved.
  • Favorable tax environment and low tax benefits.
  • Strict confidentiality and privacy laws and protection from lawsuits and creditor claims.
  • Lower levels of business risks.
  • Investments diversification.
  • Real estate planning.
  • Your customers will take you more seriously if you have a local base.
  • If you use a joint venture, you will be able to share the risk. You will also benefit from your partner's local knowledge and reputation. If you operate alone, all profits from the enterprise remain yours alone.
  • A local subsidiary company offers limited liability if things go wrong. It is also easier to expand than a local office. It provides an opportunity to extend your intellectual property rights and registrations into other markets.
contact us for more information: frjacobs@telenet.be 

woensdag 29 juni 2016

Detachment with A1 form in Romania - procedure for A1 in Romania

Employee’s mobility is on many employers’ agenda for a wide number of reasons, including limited qualified resources and entering new territories. The procedure for detachment in Romania is one of Europe’s difficult cases and basically Romania looses a lot of taxes by a central agency that is working with a procedure that is contra productive and against migration to other regions in Europe. But with a lot of effort you will obtain your A1 form as employee or independent worker – PFA. We hope that the government will simplify the application to obtain European standards (e.g. Belgium you will have it in a couple of days by mail).
For more info mail frjacobs@telenet.be

How to proceed  in order to get the A1 form in Romania?

You can leave on a short assignment to another EU country (maximum 2 years) while staying covered by your home country's social security system; you will be then considered a posted worker.
You can be either an employee posted by your employer, or a self-employed person (PFA).
Rules on postings are designed to make it easier for you to work abroad for a limited period:
  • You won't need a work permit - unless you are an employee posted from Croatia to Austria, where restrictions apply to work in certain sectors.
  • You won't need to have your professional qualifications recognised; however, you may need to make a written declaration for some professions
  • You will keep on paying contributions to your home country's authorities
  • You will be covered by your home country's social security
  • In your host country you will however be subject to local rules - which means you could be asked to pay for services that are provided for free at home: find out about different social security systems in the EU
  • Once you retire, you won't have to deal with social security institutions from different countries - your host country's institutions will not be involved.
While EU rules ensure that you can stay covered by your home social security, there are no EU-wide laws laying down which country can tax your income during a posting. This may be set out in national laws or tax agreements between countries - but these agreements do not cover all eventualities and vary considerably.

Remaining in your home social security system with the A1 form from romania

If you wish to remain in your home social security system in Romania, you'll need an A1 form (formerly the E 101 form). This form proves that you and your dependents are still covered by your home system while abroad - for up to 2 years.
  • If you are an employee, make sure your employer gives you the A1 form
  • Keep this form with you
  • If you are self-employed, get the A1 form from the social security institution you are registered with in your home country and keep this form with you
  • For Belgium you need to register at www.limosa.be in order to obtain a form with a QR- code for labour inspections
You should be able to present the A1 form to the authorities at any time during your stay abroad. If you're unable to, you might have to pay social security contributions there. If you are checked and have a valid A1 form, your host country must recognise it.

Professional qualifications when you apply for an A1 form in Romania

To work temporarily in another EU country, you don't need to apply to have your qualifications recognised.
Obligations of the employer in the EU outside of Romania
If you are an employee, your employer is obliged to comply with the host country's basic rules on employee protection for the duration of your posting; these include:
  • minimum wage (your salary may not be less than the local minimum wage)
  • maximum work periods and minimum rest periods
  • working hours (you may not work more than a defined amount of hours)
  • minimum paid annual leave (you are entitled to holidays)
  • health and safety at work
  • employment conditions for pregnant women and young people
  • rules prohibiting child labour.


The A1 portable document is issued pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EC) no. 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems and those of Regulation (EC) No . 987/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009, the regulations that apply in the relationship between EU Member States and European Economic Area.

For more info mail frjacobs@telenet.be

maandag 16 mei 2016

How to create a Romanian company in Romania

More info: frjacobs@telenet.be
We are specialized in providing assistance and guidance related to international company formation in Romania, company registration in Romania and related services in Romania. We also assist with the management and administration of international companies, and provide company services that are designed to guide and support the daily business.
Our specialized services include asset protection, accounting and audit services, licensing solutions, legal advice and representation, patent and trademark registration and office services. We provide remote company creation services. You only travel when your company is created. We use our experience to proceed with your incorporation quickly, efficiently and in a cost effective and professional manner.
We helped a lot of foreign investors in opening a company in Romania and the registration of a company in Romania. We are experts in company creation in Romania as well as other services like business licences and permits, bank account openings complemented by internet banking , consulting services, administrative services, accounting.
Here is what we offer via Romania:
  • Stable economy, politically and financially stable business climate.
  • Make greater gains on annual capital and personal and corporate tax reduction.
  • High levels of asset protection and tax planning can be achieved.
  • Favourable tax environment and low tax benefits.
  • Strict confidentiality and privacy laws and protection from lawsuits and creditor claims.
  • Lower levels of business risks.
  • Real estate planning.
  • Your customers will take you more seriously if you have a local base.
  • If you use a joint venture, you will be able to share the risk. You will also benefit from your partner's local knowledge and reputation. If you operate alone, all profits from the enterprise remain yours alone.
  •  A local subsidiary company offers limited liability if things go wrong. It is also easier to expand than a local office. It provides an opportunity to extend your intellectual property rights and registrations into other markets.
More info: frjacobs@telenet.be

donderdag 5 mei 2016

Een bedrijf oprichten in Roemenie en fiscale holdingstructuren in Roemenie

Voor bijkomend advies en info mail: frjacobs@telenet.be
Wij constateren  dat steeds meer ondernemingen kiezen voor de oprichting van een onderneming of dochteronderneming in het buitenland. Door de lage oprichtingskosten, snelle oprichtingsduur in combinatie met de beperkte aansprakelijkheid en lage belastingdruk  is  de Roemeense limited (srl) erg populair.
Doordat de Europese wet- en regelgeving in de loop der jaren is versoepeld en vele fiscale voordelen biedt voor zowel grote als kleinere ondernemingen, zien het aantal nationale holdingoprichtingen en bedrijfsoprichtingen afnemen, terwijl juist de oprichting van internationale holdingstructuren en buitenlandse bedrijven oprichten een ware “hype” aan het worden zijn. Een holdingstructuur is aanwezig wanneer een vennootschap (holding) aandelen houdt in een andere vennootschap (werkmaatschappij). De onderneming wordt uitgeoefend in de werkmaatschappij, waar ook het ondernemingsrisico wordt gedragen. Belangrijke activa, zoals pensioenrechten, intellectuele eigendomsrechten (IE), onroerende zaken, overtollige winstreserves, kunnen worden ondergebracht in de holding. Indien de werkmaatschappij in een verlieslijdende situatie geraakt, blijven deze activa beschermd. Schuldeisers kunnen zich in beginsel niet verhalen op het vermogen van de pure houdstervennootschap. Het aansprakelijke ondernemingsvermogen kan door de keuze voor de holdingstructuur aldus worden beperkt. Bij meer uitgebreide structuren geldt verder dat risico's die zijn verbonden aan verschillende bedrijfsactiviteiten onderling kunnen worden afgeschermd door deze in afzonderlijke vennootschappen onder te brengen. Hoewel de rechtspersonen organisatorisch en economisch verbonden zijn, is iedere rechtspersoon alleen voor haar eigen verplichtingen aansprakelijk. De ondergang van één onderdeel vormt geen bedreiging voor de voortgang van de andere activiteiten. Daarnaast heb je ook de fiscale voordelen op dividenden (5 percent in Belgie)
De crisis heeft minder impact op bedrijven, welke zijn gevestigd in een land met een fiscaalvriendelijk klimaat en flexibel ondernemingsrecht. Hierdoor wordt een snellere vermogensopbouw mogelijk door de verlaagde belastingdruk op de buitenlandse onderneming. In Belgie, Nederland, Engeland en Duitsland is de verplaatsing of oprichting van de onderneming naar een Roemenië in de plaats van naar een belastingparadijs razend populair geworden. Ook landen als China en Amerika, welke mogelijk meer voet aan de grond willen krijgen binnen Europa kiezen vaak voor  Roemenië als thuisbasis.
Voordelen van fiscale buitenlandse structuren
Roemenië kent een zeer sterk toenemend aantal fiscale buitenlandse holding structuren en bedrijfsstructuren waarvan de meest bekende voordelen hieronder worden genoemd:
  • Voordelige en snelle oprichting
  • Beperkte aansprakelijkheid
  • Verlagen van de belastingdruk door gebruik te maken van belastingverdragen
  • Grotere internationale bekendheid
Voor wie zijn fiscale buitenlandse holdingstructuren en bedrijven het meest interessant?
Hieronder volgt een niet limitatief  overzicht van ondernemingen welke reeds gebruik maken van buitenlandse fiscale holdingstructuren:

  • Trading companies
  • Webwinkels
  • Franchise ondernemingen
  • Scheepvaart ondernemingen
  • Internationale werknemers
  • Software & IT ondernemingen
  • Technische ontwikkelaars
  • Mode industrie
  • Top sport
  • Productie industrie
  • Ondernemingen met inkomsten uit intellectueel eigendom (royalties)
  • Vastgoedondernemingen
Voorbeelden van fiscale buitenlandse interessante fiscale combinaties en opzetten:
  • Royalty structuur
  • Import / Export Structuur
  • Dividend Structuur
  • Financieringsmaatschappij
  • Investeringsmaatschappij
  • Consultancy structuur
  • E-Commerce Structuur (zeer geschikt voor webwinkels)

Voor bijkomend advies en info mail: frjacobs@telenet.be

Micro company in Romania has a tax regime of 3 percent till 100.000 euro – taxes in Romania

More info mail frjacobs@telenet.be
The micro company is a very interesting company as the tax levels are very low. It can be used to save money as it is a company it is fully legal (piggy bank). With this company you can invest and when you make the pension you simply dissolve it and then the remaining money will be transferred after legal dissolvation in conformity with law 31/1990 to your personal account.
According to GEO 50/2015 amending the Law 227/2015 - The new Fiscal Code, published in MOF No 817 of 3 November 2015 starting 1 January 2016 for micro cap will be 100,000 euros.
Conditions of admission to a company in the micro category:
• incomes other than the activities in banking, insurance and reinsurance, capital markets, gambling and exploration / exploitation of natural deposits;
• incomes other than those of consulting and management, in a proportion of 80% of total revenue;
• incomes do not exceed the RON equivalent of EUR 100,000;
• share capital must be held by persons other than the state or local authorities;
• dissolution is not in liquidation, registered in the Trade Register or the courts.
Income tax
Taxing income microenterprises are made depending on the number of employees:
• The tax rate 1% - minimum 2 employees;
• The tax rate 2% - one employee;
• The tax rate 3% - no employees.
For the company to benefit from reduced rates of income tax (1% or 2%), employees must be full-time employees. Tax Code states that if, during the fiscal year, the number of employees changes, tax rates mentioned above will apply beginning with the quarter in which the change is made.
For enterprises that have an employee or two employees when the service terminates, maintaining the tax rate is considered fulfilled if during the same quarter are hired new employees.
More info mail frjacobs@telenet.be

dinsdag 29 maart 2016

VAT Registration In Romania New Procedure 2016

VAT registration
The procedure for VAT Registration in Romania has changed yet again in January 2016. There is a questionnaire of 22 pages to be submitted at ANAF with the corresponding attachments conform with the opisul that comes with the new regulations. The VAT registration Romania process specifies that the company in question must meet a number of conditions such as: to be formally incorporated according to the laws of our country, to have a real registered office, to submit to the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) all statements and claims provided by law, to submit the balance sheet for the last month prior to filing the application.
1) The taxable person must be able to perform their activity in the registered office or secondary locations. To assess this criterion one has to file an affidavit (criteria stipulated in the old legislation has been maintained in the new provisions);
2) None of the directors and / or shareholders of the taxable person seeking registration for VAT purposes, according to art. 153 para. (1) a) and c) and paragraph. (9 ^ 1) of the Tax Code and any taxable person requesting registration under art. 153 para. (1) c) and para. (9 ^ 1) of the Tax Code cannot have criminal records. If administrators and shareholders are not registered in Romania, they must submit an official declaration of showing that they do not have criminal records;
3) The administrator needs to proof his income 12 months before the application for VAT and he or she needs to provide that tax authorities with a copy of the diploma that she/he holds.
4) The most important aspect of Romanian VAT Registration process concerns the registered office. According to Romanian legal stipulations, the registered office of a company can be listed in a building owned by the company or acquired through lease or loan acquisition. In accordance with the Law No. 51/1995, the registered office can be established at an address of a law firm, but only for a maximum of 12 months. Through our especially designed service packages, our company can help you find a suitable place to establish your registered office or you can simply opt for registering your address at our law bureau location.
The Romanian tax authorities granting the VAT number will firstly assess the level of risk for the respective business depending in a series of factors: type of business, type of location of headquarters, actual company "substance" referring to the possibility of the entity to conduct the respective business in the country from the rented location, area of business (certain areas of activity are considered more risky than others: for instance in some areas of import export there are more registered cases of VAT fraud, residence of directors and shareholders, existence of Romanian directors, shareholders and employees (which is considered a positive factor). Tax authorities have also recently requested a number of additional documents from both Romanian or foreign shareholders and directors such as: proof of income (in Romania or abroad) and general business experience.
International VAT number
Romania's EU accession resulted in a massive increase of the volume of commercial transactions between Romania and EU countries. EU legislation requires companies to be registered with the Register of Intra-Community Operators (ROI) if engaging in an economic activity with companies from EU Member States. Therefore Romania adopted a procedure to be followed by companies in order to register with the Register of Intra-Community Operators.
In order to register for a EU VAT number, business entities in Romania must register as an intra-Community trade operator. There is a set of documents which must be provided in order to complete this registration process. A response shall be provided by the fiscal authority within ten days from the application. These procedures are mandatory since any business entity which omitted to register with the Registry of Intra-Community Operators shall not be provided with a valid EU VAT number, under any circumstances.
First, it is necessary for the company to be registered for VAT and then recorded in the ROI. Among the documents required, we mention: the certificate confirming company details registration which is issued by the trade Register and the criminal records of shareholders and administrators of the company.
After that the authorities issued this ROI certificate the company has an international VAT number that can be checked at:   http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vatResponse.html

Happy New Year! 2016 Starts With Tax Cuts In Romania

The new year will bring three important tax cuts in Romania. Not only the VAT rate will be lower starting January 1, 2016, but also the tax on dividends and the tax on small companies’ revenues. The New Year has brought several tax cuts in Romania benefiting consumers, small firms as well as those who receive dividends, according to local media reports.
A cut in standard Value Added Tax (VAT) rate to 20% from 24% as of 1 January 2016 will cost the state budget about RON 8 B (EUR 1.7 B) in revenue, according to romania-insider.com.
Additionally, VAT on foods in Romania was cut to 9% from 24% in June last year.
A drop of RON 1 B (EUR 221 M) in budget revenue is expected to result from the lowering of tax on dividends to 5% from 16%.
In a bid to boost employment, the Romanian government has also cut income tax for micro businesses. Small firms with at least two employees will pay income tax of 1%, those with one employee - 2%, while those who hire no employees will pay 3%.
Starting from 2016, the ceiling for the income made during the fiscal year, at which an individual is able to register as a micro enterprise in Romania, has increased from the equivalent of EUR 100,000 from EUR 65,000. If the income exceeds EUR 100,000, the company will have to pay profit tax of 16%.