dinsdag 27 november 2018

Presentation company creation and subventions and recruitment in romania on the fit seminar 28 November 2018

Romania is oxygen for your business
I spoke about :
- company creation in romania
- recruitment in Romania
- subventions in Romania
I gave a testimonial of 15 years of business adventures with practical tips on company creation, recruitment and subventions in Romania.
If anybody is interested we can do all of this for you as we helped more then 250 clients in Romania with their business.
Just mail me frjacobs@telenet.be

Download the full presentation:

The tax rate for a micro enterprise with one full-time employee amounts to 1% in Romania

The revenue threshold of a micro enterprise will be EUR 1 million, from January 1, 2018. The tax rate for a micro enterprise, with one full-time employee, amounts to 1%, whereas the tax rate for micro enterprises with no employees reaches 3%.
According to the latest changes in the Fiscal Code,  a newly established legal entity is required to follow the micro-enterprise tax regime starting with the first fiscal year and will remain under this tax regime if it meets all of the following criteria:

1.     The maximum threshold of annual turnover is EUR 1 million;
2.     Income generated from consultancy and management activities is not more than 20% of the annual turnover;
3.     It does not carry out any banking, insurance and reassurance, capital markets, gambling or upstream oil & gas activities;
4.     The share capital must be held by entities other than the state or the local authorities.

As long as the micro-enterprise continues to meet all of the above criteria, its status will remain.
Any newly registered legal entity with a share capital of at least RON 45,000 may choose to become a corporate income taxpayer as of its date of incorporation.
Any existing micro-enterprise with a share capital of at least RON 45,000, as well any existing micro-enterprise that increases its share capital up to this threshold may also opt to become a corporate income tax payer.
As from February 1, 2018, companies that are qualified as corporate income taxpayers, but their annual revenues fall below the threshold of EUR 1 million will have the obligation to apply the micro-enterprise tax regime.

Taxation on micro-enterprises
Micro-enterprises are taxed on their turnover. Micro-enterprises with at least one full-time employee are subject to a tax rate of 1% imposed on the business income, representing RON 1.000. Moreover, the firm has to pay to the state the imposed social contributions (pensions, health, work contribution) and the income tax for each employee. One should know that micro-enterprises with no employees are subject to the business income tax of 3% imposed on profits generated in one fiscal year.
Taxpayers of income tax like companies with a turnover of more than EUR 1 million may choose, according to the Fiscal Code, for the calculation, declaration, and payment of profit tax on a yearly basis or for quarterly instalments.

What is the threshold for micro-enterprises in Romania?

The modifications of the Fiscal Code for 2018 mention that the income tax is applicable for micro-enterprises with revenues under EUR 1 million registered in 2017. This rule does not apply for juridical entities with activities in the banking sector in Romania.

Tax deductions for micro-enterprises in Romania

According to the Fiscal Code for 2018, micro-enterprises in Romania can also benefit from tax deductions. More specifically, they may fall to 20% of tax for sponsorship, for the quarter in which the expenditures were registered. This feature is applicable starting with the second quarter of 2018. For a proper understanding of the new business and tax rules for micro-enterprises in Romania, it is best to talk to one of our accountants in Romania. They can help small, medium and large entrepreneurs align with the tax regulations imposed by the Fiscal Code and its modifications.

More info mail frjacobs@telenet.be

woensdag 7 november 2018

Survey recruitment trends in 2019

Some things to consider….as we are close to 2019. Some points can be converted in actions or strategies. You can ask yourself some questions as you start the new recruiting year:
Do you use the power of employee referrals ?
Employee referral is an internal recruitment method employed by organizations to identify potential candidates from their existing employees' social networks. An employee referral scheme encourages a company's existing employees to select and recruit the suitable candidates from their social networks. Employee referrals are a very popular method for finding high-quality candidates through recommendations from company's current employees. By setting up employee referral programs, companies can improve their time, cost and quality of hire.
Did you consider candidate referrals on social media ?
If we accept that to gain new business through referrals is an attractive proposition, how do we apply that knowledge to the recruitment arena? Or more specifically, how do we apply the concept of referrals to help us attract new, high-quality, candidate applications in a tight candidate market ? Linkedin gives a powerful toolkit for candidate referrals in order to generate candidates for profiles. Do you use it systematically ?
What CRM styrategy do you have ?
Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) is a method for managing and improving relationships with current and potential future job candidates. Since we live in a candidate-driven market, having a CRM strategy has become an absolute must!
What is your inbound recruiting strategy ?
Inbound Recruiting is a recruitment marketing strategy where you proactively and continually attract candidates with the goal to make them choose you as their next employer. Your goal in inbound recruiting is to attract, convert and engage candidates. What is your inbound recruiting strategy ?
Mail me for a tailor made approach: frjacobs@telenet.be
What HR tools do you use ?
Recruiting without HR technology has become mission impossible. There is a variety of great HR tools that significantly improve and fasten recruiting and hiring processes.
Where is the human touch that you added ?
Technology certainly makes recruiting tasks easier. But as you use more technology, you lose the humanness that people connect with.
You need to use some recruitment innovation to avoid a fully-robotic process. Make sure you use candidate names in correspondence. Try to recall personal details when talking to candidates. You can store notes about topics to discuss in your recruiting software.
Is your website mobile friendly ?
The best recruiting websites are designed for mobile. Not only should it be easy to find information while using a device, but candidates should also be able to apply for jobs from their phones. Recruiters who require applicants to switch to a desktop are going to suffer as people do more web browsing on the go and from the couch.
Can people work remote ?
As more jobs move completely online, more employees will work from home. Workers will be less willing to move for work. You will need to find ways to accommodate remote candidates. This will likely mean more video interviews and working around time zones. You might also need to convince clients to consider remote candidates. You might need to help clients learn how to interview candidates who live across the country. Workplace culture might not be as important to candidates, so you and your client will have to sell candidates on other job features, such as time off and educational incentives.
Mail me for a tailor made approach: frjacobs@telenet.be
Did you already experiment with video recruiting softwares ?
Video Interviewing or Video Recruiting or Digital Interviews is a fast emerging field in the landscape of recruitment today. This is an easy way to screen a high volume of candidates. The employer defines a set of questions on an online
recruiting software and invites a list of candidates to answer these issues.
Synchronous interviews are conducted live over the internet with both the interviewer and the candidate in attendance and are often used as an alternative to an in-person interview. In contrast, asynchronous video interviews are recorded by the job seeker at a time convenient to them. Typically, the applicant responds to questions displayed by the video interview platform. The hiring manager is not present for the interview.
The hiring manager has two main options. Some organizations conduct an online interview using popular, consumer-grade video platforms, such as Microsoft Skype and Apple FaceTime. This is the least expensive approach and is generally easy to set up. The drawback is that the technology can do little more than establish a connection and record, store and categorize the videos.
The other main option for the interviewer is to use specialized video interviewing software from vendors, such as HireVue, Montage, Spark Hire or Sonru. These platforms have data capture and analytics capabilities that the consumer video software lacks and have more controls for scheduling video interviews and sharing the videos among hiring managers and HR.
Do you use structured interviews to increase efficiency and to prepare for video recruitment ?
A structured interview (also known as a standardized interview or a researcher-administered survey) is a quantitative research method commonly employed in survey research. The aim of this approach is to ensure that each interview is presented with exactly the same questions in the same order.
Research shows that these interviews are much more effective than unstructured or semi-structured interviews, which is why they are being used by more and more employers. In recruiting a structured interview is a type of interview in which all the candidates are asked the same questions planned in advance
Mail me for a tailor made approach: frjacobs@telenet.be
Are you GDPR ready ?
Don’t think this new law applies to you? Think again! If you have even ONE European resident as a customer or email subscriber, it most certainly applies to you…and failing to comply could cost you BIG TIME!
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new piece of EU legislation that will replace the current Data Protection Act (DPA) with the goal to unify data regulations within the EU. Staying compliant with GDPR is one of the top priorities for recruiters around the world.
What is your hiring metrics toolkit ?
Data-Driven Recruiting and HR Analytics are expressions used to demonstrate recruiting methods in which planning and decision making are based on data acquired through HR technology such as Applicants Tracking Systems and Recruitment Marketing Platforms.
Are the recruiting efforts linked with the overall strategic goals ?
Stop! Does Your Talent Acquisition Program Align With Your Business Strategy? Strategic alignment is another recruiting trend that will gain more attention in 2019. Strategic alignment means linking recruiting efforts with the company's overall strategic goals. That way, recruiting can be planned and executed in the most efficient way to support and drive the company's growth.
Mail me for a tailor made approach: frjacobs@telenet.be

woensdag 24 oktober 2018

Seminarie ‘EU-fondsen voor Bulgarije en Roemenië’

Kom te weten hoe u voordeel kan halen uit de EU-fondsen voor Bulgarije en Roemenië!
Organisatie: Flanders Investment & Trade, samen met AWEX.
Dit seminarie biedt Vlaamse bedrijven praktische informatie over hoe een beroep te doen op de EU-fondsen voor Bulgarije en Roemenië. Het programma verloopt in het Engels en u heeft de mogelijkheid de sprekers persoonlijk te ontmoeten tijdens de netwerklunch.
Bulgarije en Roemenië vormen samen een markt van 31 miljoen inwoners met heel wat opportuniteiten voor Vlaamse bedrijven. Sinds beide landen begin 2007 lid werden van de Europese Unie, bieden de Europese fondsen een goede opstap naar deze markt voor alle bedrijven die er willen investeren of zakendoen.
Bulgarije en Roemenië krijgen meer dan 30 miljard EUR steun van de Europese Unie voor de periode 2014-2020. Een groot deel hiervan wordt gebruikt voor de landbouw, voedingsbedrijven, transportinfrastructuur, milieu- en energieprojecten, enz...
Dit seminarie biedt u daarenboven de mogelijkheid om contacten te leggen met leidinggevende vertegenwoordigers van verschillende Bulgaarse en Roemeense instanties, bevoegd voor de implementatie van de EU-programma's in beide landen. Het is met andere woorden een unieke kans om meer informatie in te winnen over hoe u als Vlaamse kmo voordeel kan halen uit deze EU-fondsen.
Deze informatievergadering vindt plaats in het Conscience-gebouw van de Vlaamse overheid op woensdag 28 november 2010 en start om 9.00 uur.
Het volledige programma kan u op deze pagina downloaden. De deelnameprijs bedraagt 50 euro per deelnemer. 

Bijkomende informatie


Nog vragen?
Contacteer Arnout Geys:
E: arnout.geys@fitagency.be
T: +32 2 504 87 96

dinsdag 9 oktober 2018

In house recruitment by an interim manager: key advantages part 1

Part 1 - 20181009
Technology as the major influence factor
Recruiters want to spend more time engaging with candidates but at the moment they don’t have the process to enable this. This is where technology can help. I believe technology is one of the major factors influencing the performance of in-house recruitment. Tools, including automation and automatic postings on social media channels drive efficiency without making recruiting any less personal.  I believe intelligent automation is and will be the most readily adopted of tech solutions, because it creates time and cost savings and improves candidate engagement. Therefor I automate time consuming tasks in-house for almost every client that I have. I use a technology solution that allows me to access metrics quickly and easily. I understand KPI metrics and then I communicate results to the talent acquisition team, hiring managers, wider HR team and business leaders. I think about what my client want to hire for.  I always consider a values based recruitment model to ensure hiring is fair and consistent and I have a clear process for identifying right-fit candidates.
At each moment the system that I install is ready to be used or to be re-booted for new search profiles that have to be launched.
In fact, it becomes even more personal if I have time to spend with candidates because screening, shortlisting and scheduling have become streamlined and communications intelligently automated and personalised.

Does this sounds great to you  ? mail me frjacobs@telenet.be

I provide my clients in-house with a simple to use ATS system and a career web portal if they do not use one. The ATS automates postings on jobsites and the application procedures and the status of a specific profile that is launched for every profile at candidate level. The career portal makes the digital marketing easy by providing an apply link on websites and social media.
A dashboard is installed to automate the postings on social media. Thus I have  more time for direct search and screening of the candidates.
Also a wide range of metrics are put in place to measure the success of recruitment per strategy used.
I come in January and February to recruit. After that I finished I go to another assignment. When the client needs profiles again in September all is rebooted and the profiles are published in 1 day on several websites and social media by date and hour over a defined campaign period.

Does this sounds great to you  ? mail me frjacobs@telenet.be

Solve your recruitment problems by hiring Romanian technicians, drivers and engineers with a standard Belgian Labour contract

CIBR Morning Memo          

Editor: Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania, Buzau, Romania
Editor: Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber, Buzau, Romania
nr. 3 /2018 – contact us at www.investromania.be
To unsubscribe send unsubscribe to   cibr@telenet.be complying with GDPR regulations


  1. Solve your recruitment problems by hiring Romanian technicians, drivers and engineers with a standard Belgian Labour contract
  2. Our in house recruitment services
  3. Our company creation and subvention services
  4. Land plot for sale – residential development
1. Solve your recruitment problems by hiring Romanian technicians, drivers and engineers with a standard Belgian Labour contract
We find them for you -  contact us - frjacobs@telenet.be
Shortage is no longer a problem we find technical workers, engineers and drivers in 4-6 weeks. You pay a search fee at success. The workers come only to Belgium if you offer them a Belgian labor contract.
Also for IT we can find freelancers that work from home in a time zone that is 1 hour ahead of Belgium. Or you invite the IT specialists to work in Belgium with a Belgian Labor contract.
These services are conducted with a search fee upon success.
We can perform the searches  remote or as in house recruiter against an interim management fee.
We currently have a team of 6 recruiters.
Mail us and solve your staffing problems on the spot.
2. Our in house  recruitment services (The recruitment factory)
We offer complete solutions within recruitment were advertisement, networking, and databases search are included. We differentiate by offering search as a natural part and complement of the recruitment process. This will give the full picture of the candidates that are available on the market and we will select the best candidates for the assignment. We assign our experienced recruitment consultants to clients according to the number of positions which need to be filled. If requested, these consultants will take over the entire recruitment process, including interviews and candidate selection, advising respective departments and drafting contracts. If needed we hire the candidates for our clients and register the labor contracts.
Executive search and middle management
We are specialized in the in house recruitment of executives, management and specialists in engineering and sales. We implements demanding and interesting recruitment assignments for domestic and international companies. We work with targeted direct search in the market, including executive searches, handling advertisements and recruitment processes.
Employees and workers
We help companies – in house -  to find workers and employees on a tailor made basis. Our “organized recruitment” of workers and employee is a system of recruiting unskilled and skilled labor for industry, construction, transportation and farming. Recruiting the best employees for your organization is an ongoing challenge for every manager, supervisor and human resources professional. If you're looking for solid, proven best practices and up-to-the-minute ideas in recruitment, interviewing and selection, you've found the right partner in recruitment. Our approach is tailor made and we provide you with workers and employees that will fit in your organization with the defined skills and experience.
Here is what we offer:
  • Analyzing your business strategy and personnel requirement.
  • Evaluating employee qualifications.
  • Identifying the skills and staff you’ll need today and in the future.
  • Designing a recruitment strategy around your business goals.
  • Implement national and international recruitment programs.
  • Integrated management of all channels in order to find the right candidates.
  • Assessments using a wide range of recruitment procedures and skill profiles.
3. Our company creation and subvention services
Opening an operation in a new market is generally the most costly and time-consuming way to enter it, but the rewards and benefits can be great. There are important legal and financial implications involved in setting up a business. You should take advice from our accountants or business advisers and lawyers.
We are specialized in providing assistance and guidance related to international company formation and related services in various locations worldwide. We also assist with the management and administration of international companies, and provide company services that are designed to guide and support the daily running of the business. Our specialized services include asset protection, accounting and audit services, licensing solutions, legal advice and representation, patent and trademark registration and office services.
We provide remote company creation services. You only travel when your company is created. We use our experience to proceed with your incorporation quickly, efficiently and in a cost effective and professional manner.
The list below contains examples of benefits when you register a company in Romania:
  • Stable economy, politically and financially stable business climate.
  • Make greater gains on annual capital and personal and corporate tax reduction.
  • High levels of asset protection and tax planning can be achieved.
  • Favorable tax environment and low tax benefits.
  • Strict confidentiality and privacy laws and protection from lawsuits and creditor claims.
  • Lower levels of business risks.
  • Investments diversification.
  • Real estate planning.
  • Your customers will take you more seriously if you have a local base.
  • If you use a joint venture, you will be able to share the risk. You will also benefit from your partner's local knowledge and reputation. If you operate alone, all profits from the enterprise remain yours alone.
  • A local subsidiary company offers limited liability if things go wrong. It is also easier to expand than a local office. It provides an opportunity to extend your intellectual property rights and registrations into other markets.

Each year the amount of grants made by corporations, foundations, and government agencies increases. We support businesses and mainly work on the submission and optimization of subsidies, credits and the acquisition of taxation advantages. Over the last fifteen years, we have submitted applications with a 99% success rate. We carefully analyze the probability for success in the intake and pre-feasibility phase. In 90% of the cases the subvention file is linked to a bankable business plan and credit application and a conditioned letter of credit. We have a success rate of 100% for credit applications. Unfortunately we cannot serve everybody as we only do an intake of files that will be successful.
The vocation of our company is not to become an applications factory but to be a partner for our clients. We help our clients through each step before, during and after the funding of their projects (implementation and project management). Getting subventions is one challenge being paid after a correct implementation project and project management is the second challenge.
If you are in the process of applying for a grant for funding then you should look into our consulting services. The process of writing a grant proposal is particularly difficult and in order to be successful you can benefit from the expertise of a professional skilled in the areas of grant and funding development as well as in fundraising and negotiation with bankers. .A “grant” or “subvention” writing consultant takes some of the stress off your shoulders and makes it possible for your staff to continue their daily routine without having to take on yet another task.
Our Services:
  • Our external reviews constructively examine your current policies, systems, and procedures and offer best practices recommendations from highly successful subvention or grant seeking.
  • Search and location of the best alternatives of subventions and grants, according to the customer's situation, activity and projects.
  • Permanent update of new aids and subventions. In this way you will always be updated about the new opportunities and you will not overlook any possibility because of lack of information.
  • Report, recompilation and preparation of all the documents and information to start the proceedings, filing and proper management of the file at the corresponding institutions.
  • Permanent follow up of the file in order to assure its optimal implementation and its rectifications if needed.
  • Preparation of all guarantees (public organisms, clients and suppliers, etc…) and investments justifications needed for subvention or grant files.

4.Land plot for sale – residential development
Offer 1001: Land for sale for construction in Brasov in Cristian (Brasov city) 13002 sqm for residential development with 18 parcels and approved PUZ.
Offer 1002 Exceptional plot 30.000 sqm – 3 hectare industrial land iclod in cluj Romania 3 parcels for industrial investment
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zaterdag 11 augustus 2018

The main modified taxes and fees for companies and PFA and individuals in Romania for 2018

The Government and Parliament have operated in 2017 a series of changes to corporate tax and taxes, which apply in 2018. Some were adopted by the Government and modified by the Parliament on the last one hundred meters, while others have not yet succeeded exchanged by senators and deputies in due time, so that they can be applied from 1 January 2018 today all measures are implemented.
More info mail frjacobs@telenet.be
VAT split payment (VAT Split)
Value added tax remains 19% in 2018. Instead, there are changes to the payment of this tax by VAT paying companies.
The deductible VAT payment mechanism was optionally introduced by the Government in October 2018, with the mandatory application of all VAT paying companies from 1 January 2018.
Finally, Parliament amended the mandatory system and limited it to certain categories of companies: those in bankruptcy and those with certain payment arrears, which must separately open at least one VAT account.
VAT companies that are not subject to the VAT split, VAT system may optionally switch to paid VAT. In 2018, they will benefit from a 5% reduction in the corporate income tax (or micro-enterprise income).
Companies that have a company that applies VAT Split as a supplier have to pay them in separate accounts.
New gross salary 2018: Income Tax and Social Contributions
By Government Emergency Ordinance 79/2017, since 1 January 2018, the Government has moved most of the social contributions from employers to employees, fundamentally changing the structure of gross wages.
Thus, the new fees for employees' salaries will be the following from 1 January 2018:
On the company side:
-Investment insurance for 2.25% work due by natural and legal persons who are or are assimilated to employers.
On the employee's side:
- Social security contribution (CAS) in quota of:

a) 25% due by the natural persons who are employees and by the natural persons for whom there is the obligation to pay the social security contribution, according to the Fiscal Code;
b) 4% due in the case of special working conditions by natural and legal persons who are or are assimilated to employers;
c) 8% due to special conditions of work and other working conditions as provided by Law no. 263/2010 on the unitary pension system, as subsequently amended and supplemented by natural and legal persons who are or are assimilated to employers.
- The Social Insurance Contribution (CASS) in the 10% quota due by natural persons who are employed or for whom there is the obligation to pay the social insurance contribution, according to the Tax Code.
- Income tax - 10% of gross salary.
This reduces the total share of mandatory social contributions by 2 percentage points, from 39.25% to 37.25% and income tax from 16% to 10%. These cuts were introduced by the government to offset the application of the tax to a higher taxable base (gross wage) so that employees do not lose the net, and employers do not pay more for the whole wage.
In this case, firms should increase gross employee wages by about 20% to keep net salaries the same, with approximately the same wage costs through additional labor contracts.
Employees in the IT sector (certain categories), from research and those with disabilities will benefit further from zero tax on the income. This means that the compensatory measure will not be fully covered, and in this case the net salary will decrease by several percentage points if the employers do not increase the wage costs.
Within these contributions, the share for Pillar II pensions is reduced from 5.1% to 3.75%.
Contributions and withholding taxes are withheld and paid to the state by employers.
REVISAL 2018 procedures
By GD no. 905/2017 on the General Register of Employees' Evidence, the Government set the period that employers will have at their disposal to transmit the change in the gross monthly salary in the context of the CAS and CASS relocation from employer to employee starting in 2018.
The document sets as an exception, in the context of the CAS and CASS relocation to the employee, that employers will be able to transmit by 31 March 2018 any change in the gross monthly basic salary, indemnities, bonuses and other supplements produces from the date of entry into force of the Government Decision and until 31 March 2018.
Following March 31, 2018, as a rule, employers will still be required to submit REVISAL changes to the gross monthly gross salary, allowances, bonuses, and other benefits under the individual employment contract or, as the case may be, the collective labor agreement, within 20 working days from the date of its production - the Government underlined.
In the case of newly concluded contracts, they must be forwarded to the REVISAL Registry one day before the employee starts his activity.
The transfer of contributions from the employer to the employee is made on 1 January 2018 in accordance with the new Fiscal Code, the deadline being extended only as regards the obligation to transmit data to REVISAL. The return of the tax burden was not postponed, but only the obligation to communicate it to the Labor Inspectorate.
Minimum wage 2018
Gross national gross salary rose from 1,450 lei to 1,900 lei, from 1 January 2018.
This increase in gross is mainly due to the transfer of social contributions from the employer to the employee, but also by an increase in the net, which implies an increase of the total salary for the company, from 1,783 lei per month in 2017 1,943 lei in 2018, for each minimum salary.
Such a minimum gross salary for 2018 is equivalent to  1,550 lei per month under the conditions of the social installment in 2017, rising to 1,450 lei  as a minimum gross salary in 2017.
By raising the gross minimum wage, a whole series of fines are also cited, such as road fines, where a fine increased from 145 lei to 190 lei in 2018 (10% of the minimum wage crude).
Micro-enterprises and tax
The ceiling for taxing the micro-enterprise income tax is increased, from EUR 500,000 to EUR 1 million, turnover. Thus, in 2018, the turnover is 4,659,700 lei for the transfer to the income tax of the micro-enterprise.
Firms falling within this ceiling will pay instead of 16% levy tax a tax on income, 1% if they have at least one employee, and 3% if they have no employees.
Companies with consultancy and management revenue, regardless of their weight in total revenue, have also been introduced into this system. Similarly, firms engaged in gambling, insurance, banking, land use can also enter here if they fall to the EUR 1 million turnover threshold.
In the Senate, by bill, it was proposed that Emergency Ordinance 79/2017 should be amended so that companies with social capital of at least 45,000 lei and at least 2 employees could choose for a 16% profit tax change. The draft is at the Chamber of Deputies, which did not make a decision by the end of 2017. In order to amend the Emergency Ordinance, the bill needs to be adopted by the Chamber. Until then, we have only Government Emergency Ordinance 79/2017, in the form decided by the Government.
Other business changes:
  • Taxpayers will continue to transfer contributions to pensions, health and unemployment into an account, and VAT, income tax, and income tax on another account. The payment of contributions to pensions, health and unemployment, VAT and income tax and income on the same Treasury account was postponed until July 1, 2018.
  • Taxpayers will electronically file tax returns for January.
  • Expenses with interest on loans from associated companies are deductible for amounts up to EUR 200,000. When the loan expense exceeds 200,000 euros, 10% of the difference between income and expenses is deducted. This is where non-taxable earnings are deducted and tax expense, surplus borrowing costs and deductible amounts of tax depreciation are added.
  • As local taxes, for freight cars with a total authorized weight of at least 12 tonnes, the local tax increases (by approximately 7%).
  • A number of other local taxes in some localities were announced to be increased for 2018.
Taxation of dividends 2018
The dividend remains 5%.
In addition, another 10% applied to the Gross Minimum Wage Health Benefit (CASS) will be paid if the amount of income from independent and investment activities exceeded 12 minimum wages in the previous year.
For the year 2018, to see if we are in the 12 minimum wage with the value of the dividends, we have to sum up all revenues from independent activities + dividends + rent + other sources obtained "in the previous fiscal year" as stated in paragraph 3 of Art. 170 of the amended Tax Code.
PFA on  2018 and other independent activities
In principle, those who are both employed and earn income as PFA will pay their contribution to pensions (CAS) and health (CASS) and pay as well as income as PFA. Contributions are not, however, calculated on the total PFA income, but only on the minimum wage, diffrent than the salary, where it applies at full value.
PFA, PFI, individual enterprises, liberal professions, agricultural workers, etc. will pay contributions if they obtained in the previous year cumulative net revenues from these activities of at least 12 minimum gross salaries in economy (22,800 lei), as follows:
The pension contribution (PAS) for PFA will be 25%, applied to an income chosen by the taxpayer at least equal to the gross national gross wage (1,900 lei),
Health Contribution (CASS) for PFA will be 10% for the minimum wage (1,900 lei)
Income tax of 10%, regardless of value, is paid for the entire amount.
More specifically, under OUG 79/2017, the monthly basis for calculating the social security contribution for self-employed persons is the income chosen by the taxpayer, which can not be lower than the minimum basic salary in force in the month for which the contribution is due.
Individuals who earn income from self-employed activities from one or more sources of income owe their social security contribution if the following conditions are met, as appropriate:
a) the net income realized in the previous year, excluding social security contributions, based on the number of months of activity during the year, is at least equal to the country's minimum basic salary in force in January of the year for which determines the contribution;
b) the estimated net monthly income to be achieved is at least equal to the minimum gross national salary in force in the month in which they start their activity or the country's minimum basic salary in force in January of the year for which establishes the contribution for those that go from determining the annual net income on the basis of annual income rules to the establishment of annual net income.
c) the monthly value of the income rules obtained by reporting the annual income tax to the number of months of activity during the year following the corrections is at least equal to the country's minimum basic salary in force in January of the year for which establishes the contribution in the case of taxpayers who in the current fiscal year carry out activities imposed on the basis of income rules;
d) the monthly net income realized in the previous year, after deducting from the gross income of the deductible expenses, in relation to the number of months of activity during the year, is at least equal to the level of the minimum gross national salary in force in January of the year for which the contribution is established in the case of taxpayers who derive income from intellectual property rights.
Taxation of rents
Individuals who earn rental income pay a 10% tax from 2018 on a 60% basis of the rent.
A social security contribution (CASS) of 10% applied to the gross minimum wage in economy (means 190 lei per month) is also paid if it has achieved net annual incomes from aggregated self-employment of at least 12 gross minimum wages.
In the case of rents, under the ceiling of 12 gross minimum wages, net rental income is taken into account, means those for which the 40% deduction of the rent has been applied.

More info mail frjacobs@telenet.be