“The Romanian government offers RON 2,250/month in subsidies for
companies hiring graduates and unemployed people over the age of 45 and the Romanian Govt. increases
subsidies for employers who hire apprentices.”
The Romanian government offers RON 2,250/month in subsidies
who hire unemployed people who are over 45 or young graduates will receive a
monthly subsidy of RON 2,250 per person for 12 months, according to a press
release by the Ilfov Employment Agency.
The employers are required to maintain working relations with the
individuals for at least 18 months.
Also targeted by the subsidies will be employers who,
based on the number of employees, have fulfilled their obligation under the law
to employ disabled persons, as well as employers who do not have this legal
obligation who have employed disabled perosns for an indefinite period and
maintain their employment or work relations for at least 18 months.
In the case of graduate employment, AJOFM grants
employers a subsidy of RON 2,250/month for a period of 12 months for each
employed graduate. In the case of disabled graduates, the grants are offered
for a period of 18 months.
Romanian Govt. increases subsidies for employers who
hire apprentices
Employers who sign apprenticeship or training contracts will thus get
RON 2,250 (EUR 484) per month for the whole period of the contract.
An emergency ordinance adopted earlier this year provided subsidies of
RON 1,125 per month for apprentices and RON 1,350 per month for graduates who
work as trainees.
The Government also increased the subsidies for companies that hire young
people at risk of social marginalization. Unemployed people who get a full time
job for at least three months will also get an activation premium worth RON
1,000 (EUR 215) from the state, which will be paid in two
More info : frjacobs@telenet.be
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