zaterdag 30 april 2011

Oprichten van een naamloze vennootschap (societate pe actiuni in romania ) in Roemenie

Oprichten van een naamloze vennootschap (societate pe actiuni in romania ) in Roemenie

Wil U een onderneming oprichten in Roemenie dan is de naamloze vennootschap één van de mogelijkheden.

De oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap vereist een minimum kapitaalinbreng van het Roemeense equivalent van 90000 RON. Hiervan moet op de dag van de oprichting ten minste 30 % volstort zijn en als het een oprichting door publieke inschrijving betreft wordt dit percentage verhoogd naar 50 %.

Binnen de 12 maanden vanaf de registratie (oprichting van de vennootschap in Roemenie) van de vennootschap bij het locale register moet er een volledige volstorting van het kapitaal plaatsvinden bij een Roemeense commerciële bank. Indien men nadien overgaat tot een kapitaalverhoging, bedraagt de maximumperiode voor de volstorting van de nieuwe aandelen 36 maanden.

Een naamloze vennootschap moet ten minste 2 aandeelhouders hebben, dit mogen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. De vennoten van een naamloze vennootschap zijn slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van hun inbreng in de vennootschap. Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door aandelen die op naam of aan toonder kunnen zijn en de aandelen zijn vrij verhandelbaar.

Elk aandeel heeft een nominale waarde van minimum 0,1 nieuwe lei. Bovendien hebben alle aandelen een gelijke waarde, dit omdat alle leden van een naamloze vennootschap gelijke rechten hebben.

De beslissingen worden genomen door de meerderheid van de stemmen tijdens de Algemene Vergadering, 1 aandeel vertegenwoordigd in principe 1 stem maar er mogen beperkingen geplaatst worden op het stemrecht van een aandeelhouder die in het bezit is van meerdere aandelen.

Ook mogen er preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht uitgegeven worden maar dit maximaal ten belope van een kwart van de waarde van het maatschappelijk kapitaal en er mogen geen preferente aandelen uitgegeven worden aan de vertegenwoordigers, de bestuurders of de auditoren van de vennootschap. Indien er sprake is van een beperking van het stemrecht van bepaalde aandeelhouders of indien er preferente aandelen uitgegeven zijn moet dit wel in de statuten van de onderneming vermeld worden.

Op zijn minst 1 maal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering van de aandeelhouders bijeengeroepen worden. Deze vergadering moet plaatsvinden binnen een termijn van 3 dagen na de afsluiting van het boekjaar van de onderneming. De jaarrekening wordt dan aan de aandeelhouders bekendgemaakt en de resultaten worden besproken.

De naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door de Raad van Bestuur, deze bestaat uit 1 of meerdere bestuurders, zij worden verkozen voor een termijn van maximum 4 jaar, deze termijn kan nadien verlengd worden. Een persoon mag ten hoogste in 3 ondernemingen tegelijkertijd in de Raad van Bestuur zetelen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft de bevoegdheid om zijn macht te delegeren aan een Managementcomité. De bestuurders van een naamloze vennootschap moeten dezelfde informatie bekendmaken en dezelfde documenten voorleggen als de bestuurders van een besloten vennootschap. Bij de oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap moet er een raad van 6 censoren aangesteld worden. Hun taak bestaat uit het controleren van de activiteiten van de onderneming. Op zijn minst 1 van deze 6 censoren moet een erkend accountant zijn. De censoren worden verkozen door de meerderheid van stemmen op de Algemene Vergadering, hun mandaat duurt steeds 3 jaar. Nadien kunnen ze wel weer verkozen worden voor een volgend mandaat. De censoren moeten verantwoording afleggen met betrekking tot hun bevindingen aan de Algemene Vergadering. In de eerste plaats controleren ze de jaarrekening van de onderneming en houden ze in de gaten of de bepalingen die werden vastgelegd door de statuten niet geschonden worden. Indien er een onregelmatigheid vastgesteld wordt door de censoren mogen ze een Algemene Vergadering samenroepen. Een Roemeense naamloze vennootschap mag op de Roemeense beurs, de Bucharest Stock Exchange, genoteerd worden, hiervoor is wel de formele goedkeuring van de CVNM (de Roemeense stock en exchange commissie) vereist, de vennootschap moet reeds minimum 3 jaar zijn activiteiten uitoefenen en het kapitaal van de onderneming moet op zijn minst € 1 000 000,00 bedragen, de CVNM kan in bepaalde gevallen beslissen om van deze voorwaarden af te wijken.

mail us for more information

Oprichten van een naamloze vennootschap (societate pe actiuni in romania ) in Roemenie

Wil U een onderneming oprichten in Roemenie dan is de naamloze vennootschap één van de mogelijkheden.

De oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap vereist een minimum kapitaalinbreng van het Roemeense equivalent van 90000 RON. Hiervan moet op de dag van de oprichting ten minste 30 % volstort zijn en als het een oprichting door publieke inschrijving betreft wordt dit percentage verhoogd naar 50 %.

Binnen de 12 maanden vanaf de registratie (oprichting van de vennootschap in Roemenie) van de vennootschap bij het locale register moet er een volledige volstorting van het kapitaal plaatsvinden bij een Roemeense commerciële bank. Indien men nadien overgaat tot een kapitaalverhoging, bedraagt de maximumperiode voor de volstorting van de nieuwe aandelen 36 maanden. Een naamloze vennootschap moet ten minste 2 aandeelhouders hebben, dit mogen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. De vennoten van een naamloze vennootschap zijn slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van hun inbreng in de vennootschap. Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door aandelen die op naam of aan toonder kunnen zijn en de aandelen zijn vrij verhandelbaar.

Elk aandeel heeft een nominale waarde van minimum 0,1 nieuwe lei. Bovendien hebben alle aandelen een gelijke waarde, dit omdat alle leden van een naamloze vennootschap gelijke rechten hebben.

De beslissingen worden genomen door de meerderheid van de stemmen tijdens de Algemene Vergadering, 1 aandeel vertegenwoordigd in principe 1 stem maar er mogen beperkingen geplaatst worden op het stemrecht van een aandeelhouder die in het bezit is van meerdere aandelen. Ook mogen er preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht uitgegeven worden maar dit maximaal ten belope van een kwart van de waarde van het maatschappelijk kapitaal en er mogen geen preferente aandelen uitgegeven worden aan de vertegenwoordigers, de bestuurders of de auditoren van de vennootschap. Indien er sprake is van een beperking van het stemrecht van bepaalde aandeelhouders of indien er preferente aandelen uitgegeven zijn moet dit wel in de statuten van de onderneming vermeld worden.

Op zijn minst 1 maal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering van de aandeelhouders bijeengeroepen worden. Deze vergadering moet plaatsvinden binnen een termijn van 3 dagen na de afsluiting van het boekjaar van de onderneming. De jaarrekening wordt dan aan de aandeelhouders bekendgemaakt en de resultaten worden besproken.
De naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door de Raad van Bestuur, deze bestaat uit 1 of meerdere bestuurders, zij worden verkozen voor een termijn van maximum 4 jaar, deze termijn kan nadien verlengd worden. Een persoon mag ten hoogste in 3 ondernemingen tegelijkertijd in de Raad van Bestuur zetelen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft de bevoegdheid om zijn macht te delegeren aan een Managementcomité. De bestuurders van een naamloze vennootschap moeten dezelfde informatie bekendmaken en dezelfde documenten voorleggen als de bestuurders van een besloten vennootschap. Bij de oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap moet er een raad van 6 censoren aangesteld worden. Hun taak bestaat uit het controleren van de activiteiten van de onderneming. Op zijn minst 1 van deze 6 censoren moet een erkend accountant zijn. De censoren worden verkozen door de meerderheid van stemmen op de Algemene Vergadering, hun mandaat duurt steeds 3 jaar. Nadien kunnen ze wel weer verkozen worden voor een volgend mandaat. De censoren moeten verantwoording afleggen met betrekking tot hun bevindingen aan de Algemene Vergadering. In de eerste plaats controleren ze de jaarrekening van de onderneming en houden ze in de gaten of de bepalingen die werden vastgelegd door de statuten niet geschonden worden. Indien er een onregelmatigheid vastgesteld wordt door de censoren mogen ze een Algemene Vergadering samenroepen. Een Roemeense naamloze vennootschap mag op de Roemeense beurs, de Bucharest Stock Exchange, genoteerd worden, hiervoor is wel de formele goedkeuring van de CVNM (de Roemeense stock en exchange commissie) vereist, de vennootschap moet reeds minimum 3 jaar zijn activiteiten uitoefenen en het kapitaal van de onderneming moet op zijn minst € 1 000 000,00 bedragen, de CVNM kan in bepaalde gevallen beslissen om van deze voorwaarden af te wijken.

mail us for more information

Oprichten van een naamloze vennootschap (societate pe actiuni in romania ) in Roemenie

Wil U een onderneming oprichten in Roemenie dan is de naamloze vennootschap één van de mogelijkheden.

De oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap vereist een minimum kapitaalinbreng van het Roemeense equivalent van 90000 RON. Hiervan moet op de dag van de oprichting ten minste 30 % volstort zijn en als het een oprichting door publieke inschrijving betreft wordt dit percentage verhoogd naar 50 %.

Binnen de 12 maanden vanaf de registratie (oprichting van de vennootschap in Roemenie) van de vennootschap bij het locale register moet er een volledige volstorting van het kapitaal plaatsvinden bij een Roemeense commerciële bank. Indien men nadien overgaat tot een kapitaalverhoging, bedraagt de maximumperiode voor de volstorting van de nieuwe aandelen 36 maanden. Een naamloze vennootschap moet ten minste 2 aandeelhouders hebben, dit mogen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. De vennoten van een naamloze vennootschap zijn slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van hun inbreng in de vennootschap. Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door aandelen die op naam of aan toonder kunnen zijn en de aandelen zijn vrij verhandelbaar.

Elk aandeel heeft een nominale waarde van minimum 0,1 nieuwe lei. Bovendien hebben alle aandelen een gelijke waarde, dit omdat alle leden van een naamloze vennootschap gelijke rechten hebben.

De beslissingen worden genomen door de meerderheid van de stemmen tijdens de Algemene Vergadering, 1 aandeel vertegenwoordigd in principe 1 stem maar er mogen beperkingen geplaatst worden op het stemrecht van een aandeelhouder die in het bezit is van meerdere aandelen. Ook mogen er preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht uitgegeven worden maar dit maximaal ten belope van een kwart van de waarde van het maatschappelijk kapitaal en er mogen geen preferente aandelen uitgegeven worden aan de vertegenwoordigers, de bestuurders of de auditoren van de vennootschap. Indien er sprake is van een beperking van het stemrecht van bepaalde aandeelhouders of indien er preferente aandelen uitgegeven zijn moet dit wel in de statuten van de onderneming vermeld worden.

Op zijn minst 1 maal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering van de aandeelhouders bijeengeroepen worden. Deze vergadering moet plaatsvinden binnen een termijn van 3 dagen na de afsluiting van het boekjaar van de onderneming. De jaarrekening wordt dan aan de aandeelhouders bekendgemaakt en de resultaten worden besproken.
De naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door de Raad van Bestuur, deze bestaat uit 1 of meerdere bestuurders, zij worden verkozen voor een termijn van maximum 4 jaar, deze termijn kan nadien verlengd worden. Een persoon mag ten hoogste in 3 ondernemingen tegelijkertijd in de Raad van Bestuur zetelen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft de bevoegdheid om zijn macht te delegeren aan een Managementcomité. De bestuurders van een naamloze vennootschap moeten dezelfde informatie bekendmaken en dezelfde documenten voorleggen als de bestuurders van een besloten vennootschap. Bij de oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap moet er een raad van 6 censoren aangesteld worden. Hun taak bestaat uit het controleren van de activiteiten van de onderneming. Op zijn minst 1 van deze 6 censoren moet een erkend accountant zijn. De censoren worden verkozen door de meerderheid van stemmen op de Algemene Vergadering, hun mandaat duurt steeds 3 jaar. Nadien kunnen ze wel weer verkozen worden voor een volgend mandaat. De censoren moeten verantwoording afleggen met betrekking tot hun bevindingen aan de Algemene Vergadering. In de eerste plaats controleren ze de jaarrekening van de onderneming en houden ze in de gaten of de bepalingen die werden vastgelegd door de statuten niet geschonden worden. Indien er een onregelmatigheid vastgesteld wordt door de censoren mogen ze een Algemene Vergadering samenroepen. Een Roemeense naamloze vennootschap mag op de Roemeense beurs, de Bucharest Stock Exchange, genoteerd worden, hiervoor is wel de formele goedkeuring van de CVNM (de Roemeense stock en exchange commissie) vereist, de vennootschap moet reeds minimum 3 jaar zijn activiteiten uitoefenen en het kapitaal van de onderneming moet op zijn minst € 1 000 000,00 bedragen, de CVNM kan in bepaalde gevallen beslissen om van deze voorwaarden af te wijken.

mail us for more information

maandag 25 april 2011

From 2011 you can create a BVBA in Belgium with 1 Euro of capital

The minimum capital should be only 1 euro and capital must be raised only after five years.

The federal Cabinet has recently approved a draft Bill to introduce a new type of company. It is a private company with limited liability for starters, also called the Starter Bvba. The minimum capital is only 1 euro and is "tailored to young people who wish to start a business but lack the necessary capital, and for pensioners who wish to remain active and additional income for their retirement needs to add".

The creation of Bvba Starter is subject to certain conditions:
- The minimum capital is EUR 1;
- After more than five years of capital shall be increased;
- A financial plan prepared under the supervision of an expert from the figure occupations (accountant, auditor, etc.) to early failure due to lack of experience prevented.

By comparison, before a notary may set up a simple BVBA, there must be at least € 6.200 (€ 12.400 if you are single) to the account of that "BVBA creation 'stand. That is the minimum pay up part of the promised (so-called issued) capital (minimum € 18.550).

Is joint and several liability a problem? Not really.

For the founders of some S-BVBA first three years subject to the same rules around the so-called founder liability for ordinary BVBA. If the financial plan is drawn up correctly, this is not something immediately to sleep through the night. Furthermore, your liability as a partner the first five years is limited to € 18.550.
You walk around with S-BVBA ie not immediately more risk than if you would start with a simple BVBA.

Attention! At the latest five years after its establishment, the S-BVBA be converted into an ordinary BVBA, with a minimum subscribed capital is € 18.550.

More info we host and create you rcompany in Belgium

zaterdag 16 april 2011

A development sector – Romanian agriculture and investments in Romania

Romania has the largest agricultural surface of Europe

The surface of 15 million hectares held by Romania is the largest useful agricultural surface in Europe. Around 41% of employees work in agriculture - in Western countries the average is 3-5%. Productivity is poor: current earnings per hectare are the weakest in Eastern Europe. This is due to a bad surface distribution: some landowners have the largest surfaces; most farmers have only small surfaces. As before, subsidies go to unprofitable state enterprises. The percentage of livestock breeding has been reduced - as in most of Central and Eastern European countries - to 7%. Romania is one of the great European farmers. Baragan is distinguished by major cereal crops. Productions of milk, pork, poultry and apples are concentrated in western regions. Beef production is concentrated in the centre of the country, while productions of fruits, vegetables and wines include the central area, extending to the south of Romania. Romania is a large producer of many agricultural products and is currently expanding its forestry and fishery industry. The implementation of the reforms and the Uruguay Round of the GATT have resulted in reforms in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Romania ranks 11th in the world among farmers and 6th among agricultural exporters. However, 75% of its exports are intended for other EU countries. Cereals, beef, pork, poultry and dairy products - they are the main export products. U.S. agricultural exports to Romania, amounting around $ 200 million annually, consist mainly of soybeans, feed and edible marine species and products at the desire of the consumer, especially foods like snacks and nuts. Romanian exports to the U.S. consist mainly of cheese, processed products and wine. They are over $ 150 million annually.

Romanian agricultural sector depends a lot on European Commission aids, which say $ 1bn. Specific government policy such as the infamous reclassification of French wines as a "health food" to avoid VAT, also goes a long way to create a thriving domestic sector.

Romania is one of the world's largest exporters of agricultural products, particularly wheat and other cereals. Romania is a major exporter of agricultural products in the U.S., but also in Europe and East Asia. As happened with other people, the percentage of population and GDP employed in agriculture has been on the rise dramatically in the 20th century.

Almost half of Romania, around 20 million people live at the country, and one third of the manpower obtains earnings in agriculture. For comparison: in Germany the figure is 3%. According to official data, unemployment in Romania is situated at the figure of 6%. It is to be taken into account the fact that hidden unemployment is much higher, because many workers at the country are not registered and individual insurance is high.

Large structural differences

The structure of enterprises presents a great diversity; there are both very small and large agricultural enterprises. Over half of the useful agricultural surface is operated by families for their own maintenance, by hand, horse and obsolete machines. As size, a family enterprise, located mostly in the mountainous central and northern area of Romania, occupies around 1.8 ha. Large enterprises are located mainly in the south and have an average surface of 270 ha each. There are some who own more than several thousand hectares. An important development is that, due to low prices of around 600 to 1800 EUR per hectare, according to the region, more and more areas have been bought by foreign contractors. In particular, Italian, British and Austrian investors have discovered the lands. On these surfaces is the most modern west-European machinery, contrary to traditional agriculture of small farmers, made with the plough and horse.

Land restitution is not over until today and there was no land reform or reorganization of the cadastre yet.

Organic farming - more than intensive exploitation

In terms of poverty in Romania, in foreign countries the opinion that small farmers in Romania have no money for fertilizer and everything is already organic prevails. Wolfgang Raddatz, who came six years ago in Romania to teach young people about organic farming in experimental groups, was opposed always to this impression. "Many people think that extensive enterprises of small farmers work per se. These said apply of course to mountain regions", says the agricultural engineer from Germany, who feels at home in the meantime in Boiu village near Sighisoara / Schässburg. "However, biological economy is different from what farmers practice here. Specialty knowledge in terms of plant and livestock production is lacking, to work really sustainable." There are very little widespread e.g. crop rotation, as required in organic farming, regular spreading of manure on the field or cultivation of plants for the land base formation. It is very difficult to find light and airy sheds – most of them are like dark basements, often animal dung and urine leak in the street, and from here in the streams. Meanwhile, skeptical neighbors of experimental groups have observed that plants grow well on land, cows give more milk and organic farming can increase the quality and quantity of agricultural products - and that without synthetic fertilizers or other expensive products of protection of the plants. Organic farming exists in Romania since 1989. In 2005, according to the Ministry of Agriculture data 110,400 ha were planted according to organic guidelines (see fig. 1), which corresponds to 0.75% of total agricultural surface of the country. Around 25% of the total organic surface is used for growing cereals, oilseeds. Around 45% of the organic land is pasture. In the breeding of organic livestock, the production of cow and sheep milk for the production of cheese, bee-keeping and poultry breeding for eggs are significant. Important is also the certified organic harvest of berries, aromatic and medicinal herbs. Certification and control are made - besides many other foreign control bodies - by two bodies located in Romania: SC Ecoinspect SRL (Cluj) and Biocert (Bucharest).

woensdag 13 april 2011

agricultural land romania - invest in agriculture in romania

PARADINFO April 2011 special edition on agriculture

1. Investments in agri land in Romania
2. 3% Taxes on a micro company from 1 january 2011
3. Business centre in Buzau
4. Toppers real estate
5. Employ Romanian workers in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany or any EU country and make substantial savings per month per worker
6. Subvention survey - free intake offer in Gent, Belgium or Bucharest, Romania
7. Important investment funds buys Romanian Companies - PBS holds exclusivity
8. Free subscription and new websites on subventions, financing and financial planning
9. Selection of some offers for February 2011

1. Investments in agri land in Romania

Romania has 9,7 million hectares and only 30% are used at this moment. Romania is currently supporting the restructuring of its agricultural industry towards a market economy. Only small changes in land use are expected. Self-sufficiency in cereals is expected to increase, consolidating their net export position. In the livestock sector, poultry and pig numbers are expected to recover somewhat, production being boosted by an increasing domestic demand and the availability of cereals on the domestic market. Overall agricultural self-sufficiency will slightly increase and the agriculture and food trade balance will turn positive.
How can we invest in agriculture in Romania and what wil be our profit ?

The prices of wheat keeps growing on a global scale in a global market.
The cost for operations keeps growing in agriculture in the Benelux and Germany.
So if we can produce at a low cost by delocalization to Romania we will gain a lot of money and substantially increase our profit margin.

If we can combine the investment with an investment in agricultural land in Romania that will double or triple in price we have a good investment with a high yield.

In western Europe, acquiring any surface of farmland can be an administrative hassle (to say the least), more expensive, and large surfaces can be difficult to find. Romanian agricultural legislation is more flexible. European subventions are another reason: 50%-70% of the investments made on equipment, buildings, or modernisation of an agricultural operation is paid by European funds and a subvention of more then 100€ per hectare per year (for cereals, different amounts for different types of crops). The risk is the management of the operations not the investment idea and the land behind it.

The price for 1 hectare of Agricultural land in Romania is between 1000 and 2000 Euro per individual hectare at this moment. The prices will triple in the next years until 6000 Euro /hectare in some specific regions in Romania. The information comes from the EVD, agency of foreign affairs in Holland.

"We have Agricultural land for sale at 1000 Euro/hectare (prices VAT not included)"

How to buy Agricultural land in Romania.

Have you tried but failed to find large surfaces of farmland for sale at a reasonable price in Romania? Please read on in any case... most proposals are fake and behind them you will find a lot of hidden problems. We have 9 years experience in the market and we act by doing it and we are leading by example in Romania and Romanian agricultural investments. It is very difficult to find large parcels of farmland for sale in Romania with a good price and the legal paperwork in a condition that you can buy without risks. We have selected a lot of plots over the last years.

According to tradition, Romanian owners have been dividing their property into equal shares between their heirs. Today, a multitude of small surfaces ranging between 0.1 ha and 10 ha result from so many divisions, generation after generation. Larger surfaces are quite rare. We are specialized in compacting procedures and administration. We acquire larger plots for you by compacting surfaces.

How to acquire large surfaces of agricultural land in Romania:
1/ Through a process called "comasare" in Romanian. It signifies the re- groupement (or consolidation) of many small plots of land into one larger surfaces.
2/ By purchase of land already consolidated. Real offers are rare, and more expensive when they exist. On the other hand, these properties can be purchased within a very short time frame (if and when real offers exist).

To consolidate a surface of 1000 hectares for example, you may have to purchase the properties of 500 to 900 separate owners. The procedure can last a few months, depending on the number of sellers involved and their availability to go sign the documents at the notary's office. The buyer, or an agent of the buyer, must remain available to make payment each time a plot is purchased.

We have identified consolidation zones and we have found clients that already own the land in volumes of 1-500 hectares and more. So we gain 1 year of hard work offering the desired surface potential and other buyer-defined criteria.

We start the operations and transfer of the property rights in collaboration with the local authorities, cadastral specialists and experts and start registering the plots for your company. Efforts to regroup the purchased plots into larger surfaces are carried out on a continual basis right from the beginning and we start with plots that are already bought to gain time and money (30% savings on operations !).

When the agricultural land in Romania is consolidated, the value of your farmland will have instantly increased by at 50%.

If you wish, you may opt to sell part of the land to reimburse your acquisition cost.
We are at disposal for further information on agricultural land and farming in Romania.

2. 3% Taxes on a micro company from 1 january 2011

Starting 2011, the microenterprise tax regime is reinforced. Thus, the entities which meet certain criteria (among which, it should have between 1-9 employees and should record a turnover less than EUR 100,000) may choose to pay a tax of 3% of the revenues instead of 16% corporate income tax. The entities which obtain revenues from banking, insurance and reinsurance, gambling, consultancy and management activities cannot apply this tax regime and will continue to be subject to 16% corporate income tax. You pay 3000 Euro taxes on 100.000 Euro ! cal us we have several companies for sale or create a new one for you .

Read more:

3. Business centre in Buzau NEW !

We have taken some initiative and we are preparing a business centre 5 km from the city centre of Buzau. The business centre is a reaction on the law from 1 august 2010 were owners have to register the rental contract for a company creation with ANAF. Most owners refuse companies. In the next month we will announce the service and the prices via our websites.

A sneak preview can be taken at:

4. Toppers real estate:

1. Agri land at 1000 Euro/hectare ex VAT in a top region

2. Dolj 50 hectare agri land - 100% compact in 1 bloc - 2300 Euro/hectare
have a look: 538/offer 538.pdf

3. Mehedinti near Danube 110 hectare compact cu cf - 2300 Euro/hectare - unique !
have a look: 539/offer 539.pdf

4. New Craiova: 20 hectare for development residentiual top location (528)

5. Mehedinti - 32 hectare agri land - 2300 Euro/hectare 1 bloc with cf (543)

6. Olt 40 + 90 hectare in 1 bloc 2300 Euro/hectare (540) with cf !

7. Olt 50 hectare agriculture land - 100% compact - 1 bloc with CF - 2300 Euro/hectare (546)

8. Medhedinti - 80 hectare agricultural land - with cf - 100% compact - 2200 Euro/hectare (545)

9. Residential land in Cluj, 1 km from Nokia - 15 hectare all utilities at national road- 15 minutes from the airport - 4 hectares are possible at 12 Euro/sqm - wide opening at the national road 275 meters - TOP LOCATION - ask for the presentation The rest should be discussed. TOP DEAL - ideal for some houses a motel and a restaurant on 1-2 hectare or an industrial/logistics project on 15 hectare.

10. Cluj, 25,1 hectare in front of Nokia village (Nokia plant in Cluj-Napoca) - only 39 Euro/sqm - we have a detailed presentation and some designs of "Panoramic residence" for serious investors - the land is ready for construction....There will be an extinction of 35 hectare in 2009 on the same industrial parc. So thousands of potential buyers will work in these factories. TOP DEAL with PUG residential (urbanistic plan) - project PANORAMIC

11. 10.000 sqm at the Ford factory, Craiova - 33 euro/sqm - negotiable - all utilities -D=40m

12. 5000 sqm at the Ford factory, Craiova - 33 Euro/sqm - negotiable - all utilities -D=40m

13. Industrial land 10 km from the NOKIA plant in JUCU all utilities 3.7 hectare - top deal - price 290.000 Euro/plot and 3 plots available all at with an opening at the national raod- for a factory or warehouse - all utilities - Belgian owner - opening 136 meters on the national road ! Easy access. In front of the radiator factory in Iclod.

Have a look: 537/offer 537.pdf

14. 13.6 hectare in constanta square acces national for logistic, retail, industrial + commercial - 50 Euro/sqm - Top Plot for a logistic or industrial parc.

15. Land industrial parc Sibiu - all facilities - right across the airport - 4 hectare at 2.600.000 Euro - intravilan for construction

16. Timis - 15.8 hectare for industrial project at 25 Euro/sqm - gas available - Hot for logistic, retail, industrial or industrial + commercial development - at real market prices

17. Close to Craiova ,Dolj all utilities available at national 20 Euro/sqm for industrial or logistic development - Ford Factory at Craiova at 35 minutes and Renault factory, Pitetsti at 1u20 minutes - gas available until 700 Nm3/hour and electricity until 4 MegaW- at concrete road alongside national road 10-40 hectare possible - contact - VERY HOT

18. Exceptional offer for residential projects in Timis at national road plot 15000 sqm and plot of 60000 sqm close to developing projects so fast development with urbanism plans ok - 50 Euro /sqm negotiable

19. Exceptional offer for residential at future ring road and national Timisoara city - 220.000 sqm at 20 Euro/sqm negotiable - TOP OFFER

20. New building Sibiu - Production facilities with hall and offices - the land 10.000 sqm and 9.900sqm is land for construction with a building of 5.856 sqm and total surface with offices is 6.616,96 MP. The production facilities + offices are build by foreign construction company. 6.500.000 Euro to be discussed.

21. For Sale: Holiday house and land in the Romanian Danube plain nearby Moldova - 60.000 Euro - close to the black sea - Surface +/- 9500m2 with a small vineyard who produce a good wine. There are 3 small houses and a few stabling. One house is renovated.The roof with traditional thatch was replaced in august 2010. Inside and outside fully restored. The outside walls are finished with y-tong blocks covered with cement and painted. The windows in pvs with termopane and the income door firwood. Inside 3 rooms.

Have a look: 529/offer 529.pdf

22. Land for industrial development - 13.500 sqm - in parcels ! for 18-22 houses in development zone - proven track record available 16 Euro/sqm.

Have a look: 534/offer 534.pdf

23. Pension in Buzau with swimming pool, terras and restaurant on touristic area all assets included 160.000 Euro (ex VAT). Complete file and documentation on demand.

Have a look: 530/offer 530.pdf

24. Not far from Craiova exceptional possibility for groupage: prices from 2-4 euro/hectare to be converted to intravilan. Exceptional opportunity for an industrialproject (FJ


For Sale: House and land in the Danube plain nearby Republica Moldova
Surface +/- 9500m2 with a small vineyard who produce a good wine.

There are 3 small houses and a few stabling. One house is renovated.The roof with traditional thatch was replaced in august 2010. Inside and outside fully restored. The outside walls are finished with y-tong blocks covered with cement and painted. The windows in pvs with termopane and the income door firwood. Inside 3 rooms.

The bedroom with a doubble bed, flatscreen tv, shower place, wc, a technical room with the electricity panel, washingmachine and boiler 50 liter. The livingroom with a table, chairs, cupboard and a wood stove. The income kitchen with refrigerator, boiler 10liter,working space and layers.
A second house is under construction.Walls in y-tong blocks, concrete fundations, concrete columns,and a concrete belt on top. Superficy of this house is 90 m2 and projected for only a base level. The thatch and the beams for the roof are on stock on the place.The third loam house with thatch roof must be renovated A few stabling and store places are around.

Price including furniture, tv, refriferator, eventually the car and trailer is 60.000 euro cash.

Situation: (google earth tap Romania,Sulina,Letea - there you can find the exact position with a few pictures from the surroundings). The nearest towmn is Sulina the most eastern town of Romania and Europe, on the mouth of the danube. Sulina is a small town on the black sea where in development where You find a small port, a pretty beach and shops, hotels and restaurants. The seawater is pretty sweet because of the danube river.

Letea is part of the municipiality C.A Rosetti together with Cardon, Sfistofca en Periprava (the last one is situated on the uper arm of the danube who borders with Ucraina.) Letea is situated between Periprava and Sulina on 20 km from this last. You can cross the danube in Sulina with a small boat.You reach Sulina with a fastboat from Tulcea (70km from Sulina 1 ½ uur). You reach Letea with your car by a road in winter and in summer you can go through the sandroads in full nature.
The is the ideal place to antistress yourself far from civilisation and noise. The land is situated 300 meter from a canal who join Letea with the lakes and the old danube. Also it lays nearby the only rested primitive forest of Europe. There are a lot of wild horses, deer, wild boar and other animals.To enter the forest you need an authorisation from the forester. More and more tourists come in the area to enjoy the nature and the silence. This is the place to be when you like to watch birds, small and big on the lakes in the area.

5. Employ Romanian workers in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany or any EU country and make substantial savings per month per worker

Romania has joined the European Union. Since January 2007 the Romanian state improved the mobility of Romanian workers throughout Europe. Per year more than 4 million workers are performing works in foreign countries. The quality of being a member state within EU entitles the citizens of these states to benefit from the four fundamental liberties, for instance, free movement of citizens (persons) which implies also free movement of workers. However the workers still need a E101 form issued by Romanian government if the workers want to work in a European country and get paid by a Romanian company. This creates an advantage and you are able to make savings on your budget. In a period of crisis these considerable savings are more then welcome.

6. Subvention survey - if you want some subventions in Romania (from 100.000 Euro to >5 million Euro non - refundable) take the free intake session in Gent, Belgium or Bucharest, Romania

Now is the time to start with the subvention survey if you want subventions in Romania. We give 100% results on the first stage. Call Freddy Jacobs 0032-478-331-799 or 0040-766-622-873.

We have to start asap to prepare you and your organization. Call for a free intake session in Gent or Bucharest. Intakes are done from oktober till the end of January for the major subvention programmes.

7. An important investment fund buys companies in Romania

If you want to sell your company send a "company presentation" and "bilant, balanta, profit si pierdere for 2006-2007-2008" and a copy of the "certificat constatator" not older then 14 days to PBS. e-mail can handle 4 Mb per mail. So send in different mails please.

PBS works in exclusivity and only starts negotiation after receival of the above data & documents in pdf format.

8. Free subscription:

You can subscribe to some "RSS feeds" about Romania and get the latest and instant information on your desktop regarding structural funds: - NEW SITE - overview on funding in Romania - follow the upcoming events ! - only top deals and top locations - blog on structural funds -> the Blog of PBS: from idea to funding, subventions and project execution - this blog contains a financial planning section with returns of 14-20-30-40% depending on teh risc profile.

There is now a "camera imobiliara belgia romania" visit the chamber at: subscribe to the newsletter please at

9. Selection of some offers for April 2011

Next 547

413. In county Bihor, Paleu - 25 Plots at 27 Euro/sqm between 600 and 1200 sqm ideal for
residential construction; PRGR
414. . In county Bihor, Paleu - land (4000 sqm) with a pond (8000 sqm) close to the lake at 33
Euro/sqm ideal for an hotel; PRGR
415. In county Bihor, Gepiu - land for industrial purposes (7Ha) at 16 Euro/sqm: 350m alongside
European road E671 PRGR
416. In county Bihor, Gepiu - land for industrial purposes (20 Ha) at 13 Euro/sqm: 800 m from
European road E671 PRGR
417. In county Bihor, Gepiu - land for industrial purposes (1,1 Ha) at 16 Euro/sqm: 25m
alongside European road E671 PRGR

370. In judetul Bistrita este o padure de 379,6 ha din care 191 ha molid, 148 ha fag, 38 ha brad, 3 ha paltin, la pretul de 4000 Euro/ha. (OWFMG)

492. Several plots with agricultural land - 350 hectare, 700 hectare PRESENTATION ON DEMAND
506. 3000 hectare Braila
507. 2000 hectare Braila


BUCURESTI on demand

404. Land for industrial parc - with EU funding possibilities 15-40 hectare various locations - TOP OFFER FOR A VERY GOOD PROJECT - CALL TODAY WE GIVE ASSITANCE
408. Buzau lake with 77 hectare of water in several reservoirs - ideal for tourism, watersport, cultivation of fish, etc.... call for more info
411. Call for investors in order to develop an industrial parc in Buzau with EU funds (50%)"
412. Newly Build Penthouse Apartments : 95 sqm, 2 levels, interior steers, 2 bathrooms,jacuzi, 2 badrooms, 1 kitchen,1 living room, 1 dressing room at 100.000 Euro.
534. Land for industrial development - 13.500 sqm - in parcels ! for 18-22 houses in development zone - proven track record available 16 Euro/sqm. 534/offer 534.pdf

404. Residential various offers 1 - 1,8 hectare at 70-120 Euro/sqm (RTCFJ)
405. Industrial land - 38 Euro/sqm (RTFJ)
406. Industrial 4+4 hectare - top locations - 25 Euro/hectare
407. Residential in the next booming zone - 30-200 Euro/sqm


493. Agri land several plots 800 hectare - 1000 hectare
509. Constanta 10.000 hectare at 3500 Euro/hectare
520. Project with 1000-3000 hectare agri land - 1800 euro/hectare - top price


524. 1 hectare at the Ford factory - 33 euro/sqm negotiable - all utilities -D=40m
525. Industrial complex at the Ford factory - modern light steel + residential development for hotel/restaurant + office project 2.000.000 Euro - info on demand
526. 4 hectare for showroom near ford plant and airport - 70 Euro/sqm info on demand large opening at the street
527. 5000 sqm near Ford factory - D= 60m - 33 Euro/sqm - negotiable
528. Land for residential development in Criaova on demand - 20 hectares available
531. Craiova 10 hectare agricultural land 1600 Euro/sqm - compact
532. Craiova 40 hectare agricultural land 1800 Euro/sqm - compact
533. Craiova 146 hectare agriculturalland 2000 Euro/sqm - comapct

529. For Sale: Holiday house and land in the Romanian Danube plain nearby Moldova - 60.000 Euro - close to the black sea - Surface +/- 9500m2 with a small vineyard who produce a good wine.
There are 3 small houses and a few stabling. One house is renovated.The roof with traditional thatch was replaced in august 2010. Inside and outside fully restored. The outside walls are finished with y-tong blocks covered with cement and painted. The windows in pvs with termopane and the income door firwood. Inside 3 rooms.

have a look: 529/offer 529.pdf

487. Exceptional offer at Titu Near Renault Research Center 357.000 sqm - for project - at only 22 Euro/sqm negotiable

414. On very good location close to the city and at the main road 15,5 hectare with all utilities - 30 Euro/sqm. It is possible to take 1-2 hectare or more. D= 500 meter at the road and 270 meters deep (FJ)
415. Not far from Craiova exceptional possibility for groupage: prices from 2-4 euro/hectare to be converted to intravilan. Exceptional opportunity for an industrialproject (FJ)
481. Landbouwgrond 90 hectare Dolj, Vela - 1500 Euro/hectare possibility to buy more in the near future
482. Location for industrial factory or logistic project. Special conditions for serious investors. We can obtain the land at 3-5 Euro/sqm and it is at a national road. Possibility for 20-40 hectare. Contact for this one.
494. Agri land - plot with 90 hectare in Vela - exceptional price of 1000 Euro/hectare ex VAT (1785 Euro/hectare) till the end of the year - Belgian owner
510. 126 hectare 100% comasat - one block with CF at 4000 Euro/hectare, cernozium
538. Dolj 50 hectare agri land - 100% compact in 1 bloc - 2300 Euro/hectare

have a look: 538/offer 538.pdf

521. Agriculture 420 hectare at 3000 Euro/hectre with irrigation
546. Judetul Ialomita, teren agricol extravilan, irigabil, 1600 ha, compact100%, acte in curs, 1300e/ha, urgent.
403. Top location for industrial project all utilities 8,95 hectare D = 178 meter - price on demand (CNC)

491. 1800 hectare with CF in plots on same location
508. 15.000 Hectare Galati

416. Groupage project for industrial project. Exceptional location with prices from 1-3 Euro/hectare at main road with all utilities present. Surface 10-80 hectare in one block (FJ).


539. Mehedinti near Danube 110 hectare compact cu cf - 2300 Euro/hectare - unique !

have a look: 539/offer 539.pdf

543. Mehedinti - 32 hectare - 2300 Euro/hectare 1 bloc with cf

545. Medhedinti - 80 hectare agricultural land - with cf - 100% compact - 2200 Euro/hectare (545)

406. Several plots for industrial projects from 1-10 hectares prices from 6-40 Euro/sqm

520. Agri land - 1300 hectare - 370 hectare are already with CF and 200 will follow soon - 2200 Euro/hectare

540. Olt 40 + 90 hectare in 1 bloc 2300 Euro/hectare (540) with cf !

541. Olt 240 hectare compact 2800 Euro/hectare with cf !

546. Olt 50 hectare agriculture land - 100% compact - 1 bloc with CF - 2300 Euro/hectare (546)

SACELE near Brasov
For rent 1300 sqm with gas, water, electricity, 5 ton crane and with lightening and heating. The hal is refurbished. 4,5 euro/sqm/month. 1000 kVA available (FJ)

516. New building Sibiu - Production facilities with hall and offices - the land 10.000 sqm and 9.900 sqm is land for construction with a building of 5.856 sqm and total surface with offices is 6.616,96 MP. The production facilities + offices are build by foreign construction company. 6.500.000 Euro to be discussed.
517. Land industrial parc Sibiu - all facilities - 10 minutes from airport - 4 hectare at 2.600.000 Euro - intravilan for constuction

518. Concesssion 3000 hectare agriculture - asset deal 3.000.000 Euro
519. 2000 hectare and a farm - asset deal at 3.000.000 Euro with irrigation

485. Timis: 300 - 400 -500 hectare met CF price 4500 - 5700 Euro/hectare very recent - HOT
486. For industrial projects we have a land of 25 Euro/sqm negotiable with gas. 14.7 hectares with frontal access on National Road not far from (10-15 km) Timis city - very recent - HOT
488. Residential Timis developing area 20-80 Euro/sqm - different sizes different plots available
489. Exceptional offer for residential projects in Tims at national road plot 15000 sqm and plot of 60000 sqm close to developing projects so fast development with urbanism plans ok - 50 Euro /sqm negotiable
490. Exceptional offer for residential at future ring road and national timis city - 220.000 sqm at 20 Euro/sqm negotiable - TOP OFFER
491. 500 hectare in timis at 5700 Euro/hectare
512. Land A: land intravilan + multi functional building - Sinandrei - 6222 sqm D=58 sqm, gas, water, electricity, canalization under construction - price: 325.000 Euro
513. Land B: Calea Aradului 35 Euro/sqm (estimate after 1 year 50, 2 years 70 Euro/sqm) ask for documentation by sending a mail at - on new ring north, asfaltat (bitumen road) - D= 580 sqm - for residentyial or commercial

Have a look: 513/offer 513.pdf

514. Land C: At Metro I - 11.5 hectare - industrial - D=500 m at concrete road 10 Euro/sqm (after 1 year 18 after 2 years 20-25 Euro/sqm) ask for documentation by sending a mail at
515: Land D: 9.8 hectare Mehala, D= 400m - construction industrial and commercial - 30 Euro/sqm (after 1 year 45 Euro/sqm and after 2 years 60 Euro/sqm) - ask for documentation by sending a mail at


525. Sales hotel/pension (20 rooms, restaurant and apartment 150 sqm for private use) in (Valcea/Romania). The hotel is connected to thermal springs (temp. about 96 degrees), it can be used for heating and for swimming pool. The place for-in house- swimming pool is foreseen and we have construction approval. The hotel has 4* and is considered being the best in the region. All rooms are foreseen with furniture from full wood and made on own request/design, TV (cable), internet. The hotel has an own street (only used by customers of the hotel) and has on the back side a private parking place. Total of land is about 3000sqm. The basement is foreseen with seven rooms, each of them with a specific destination, room for the staff, preparation for the kitchen, laundry, stock etc... Each of the hotel floors has 7 rooms; the garden is fully organised for the customers, barbecue etc.. Connected to the hotel is a house of which the grand floor is used as kitchen/restaurant and the 1st and 2nd floor are organized as private apartment for the owners. The volume is about 6000m3 The construction started in 2004 and the hotel is operationel since August 2006. Construction and finishing price is 2,7 mio Euro. 525/offer 525.pdf


401. Land for industrial projects various plots from 20-30 Euro/sqm all utilities and top locations (FJ)
409. 12 hectare can be split 28 Euro/sqm near the city of Zalau (FJ)
410. 4 + 15 hectare near the city of Zalau - ideal for industrial project - 20 Euro/sqm (FJ)

ir. Freddy M.E. Jacobs
PBS Worldwide