donderdag 25 september 2014

PPA Package For Subventions Structural Funds And Instruments In Romania For Teh Period 2014 2020

Structural funds and instruments romania 2014 2020
Pre-project-assistance package  (PPA)
In order to prepare for investments with funds from Europe in Romania during 2014-2020 we have prepared  a package to assist you in the pre- project phase:
This is what you get:
  1. We make the project description with you
  2. We follow the developments and publications for you on a tailor made project description
  3. We spot developments in the guides and the operational programs that will be launched from October 2014
  4. Based on our experience in the period 2007 -2013 and our contacts at the ministries we will draft a timeline when the data are available – you will be the first to have the news on the launch of the new programs related to your investment project
  5. We will help you with some advise on preliminary conditions in order to qualify for the subvention programs in time
  6. We will send the guides for subventions when available with some comments

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