dinsdag 28 december 2010

The prices for agricultural land in Romania will double or triple in the next years.

The prices for agricultural land in Romania will double or triple in the next years.

Nr. 20101228

Keywords: Investieren in Rumanian,investeren in Roemenie,investin Romania,investitii in Romania, teren arabil,terenurilor arabil,agrarland rumanien,landbouwgronden roemenie, agricultural land romania

Romania has 9,7 million hectares and only 30% are used at this moment. Romania is currently supporting the restructuring of its agricultural industry towards a market economy. Only small changes in land use are expected. Self-sufficiency in cereals is expected to increase, consolidating their net export position. In the livestock sector, poultry and pig numbers are expected to recover somewhat, production being boosted by an increasing domestic demand and the availability of cereals on the domestic market. Overall agricultural self-sufficiency will slightly increase and the agriculture and food trade balance will turn positive.

How can we invest in agriculture in Romania and what wil be our profit ?

The prices of wheat keeps growing on a global scale in a global market.
The cost for operations keeps growing in agriculture in the Benelux and Germany.
So if we can produce at a low cost by delocalization to Romania we will gain a lot of money and substantially increase our profit margin.

If we can combine the investment with an investment in agricultural land in Romania that will double or triple in price we have a good investment with a high yield.

In western Europe, acquiring any surface of farmland can be an administrative hassle (to say the least), more expensive, and large surfaces can be difficult to find. Romanian agricultural legislation is more flexible.

European subventions are another reason: 50%-70% of the investments made on equipement, buldings, or modernisation of an agricultural operation is paid by European funds and a subvention of more then 100€ per hectare per year (for cereals, different amounts for different types of crops).

The risk is the management of the operations not the investment idea and the land behind it.

The price for 1 hectare of Agricultural land in Romania is between 1000 and 2000 Euro per individual hectare at this moment.

The prices will triple in the next years until 6000 Euro /hectare in some specific regions in Romania.

The information comes from the EVD, agency of foreign affairs in Holland.

“We have Agricultural land for sale at 1000 Euro/hectare (prices VAT not included)”

How to buy Agricultural land in Romania.

Have you tried but failed to find large surfaces of farmland for sale at a reasonable price in Romania? Please read on in any case... most proposals are fake and behind them you will find a lot of hidden problems. We have 9 years experience in the market and we act by doing it and we are leading by example in Romania and Romanian agricultural investments.

It is virtually impossible to find large parcels of farmland for sale in Romania with a good price and the legal paperwork in a condition that you can buy without risks.

According to tradition, Romanian owners have been dividing their property into equal shares between their heirs. Today, a multitude of small surfaces ranging between 0.1 ha and 10 ha result from so many divisions, generation after generation. Larger surfaces are quite rare.

How to acquire large surfaces of agrocultural land in Romania:

1/ Through a process called "comasare" in Romanian. It signifies the re- groupement (or consolidation) of many small plots of land into one larger surfaces.

2/ By purchase of land already consolidated. Real offers are rare, and more expensive when they exist. On the other hand, these properties can be purchased within a very short time frame (if and when real offers exist).

To consolidate a surface of 1000 hectares for example, you may have to purchase the properties of 500 to 900 separate owners. The procedure can last a few months, depending on the number of sellers involved and their availability to go sign the documents at the notary's office. The buyer, or an agent of the buyer, must remain available to make payment each time a plot is purchased.
We have identified consolidation zones and we have found clients that already own the land in volumes of 1-500 hectares and more.

So we gain 1 year of hard work offering the desired surface potential and other buyer-defined criteria.

We start the operations and transfer of the property rights in collaboration with the local authorities, cadastral specialists and experts and start registering the plots for your company.

Efforts to regroup the purchased plots into larger surfaces are carried out on a continual basis right from the beginning and we start with plots that are already bought to gain time and money (30% savings on operations !).
When the agricultural land in Romania is consolidated, the value of your farmland will have instantly increased by at 50%.
If you wish, you may opt to sell part of the land to reimburse your acquisition cost.
We are at disposal for further information on agricultural land and farming in Romania.

Freddy Jacobs
Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania

Source: Agrimedia
Source: www.pbsworldwide.com and www.investromania.be

zondag 12 december 2010

Rural development projects attract 31.6 pct of EU funds

Romanian Economic Highlights, September 6, 2010. More than 13,500 contracts worth over 3.16 billion euros were concluded by Aug. 18 and the incurred payments amount to 613.72 million euros. Other 826 million euros represent payments made for the support measures on eligible surfaces implemented by the Agency for Payment and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA), given that the National Rural Development Programme has 10 billion euros for the 2007-2013 time span, out of which 1.43 billion euros are payments incurred. By now, the Payment Agency for Rural Development and Fisheries (APDRP) received 5,220 financing claims to modernise the agricultural holdings, and contracts were signed for 1,514 of these, with a non-reimbursable value of 526.9 million euros. At the same time, payments of over 182 million euros were made. The maximum non-reimbursable amount may be up to two million euros per one project. As for the Adding Value to Agricultural and Forestry Products Measure, out of 913 claims submitted financing agreements were signed for 376. The projects' public value is over 365 million euros, and the payments made exceed 48 million euros. The maximum non-reimbursable amount may be up to two million euros per one project. The projects under the Village Renewal and Development Measure receive 100 percent non-reimbursable European funds for investments, which are carried out in the rural areas, represented by communes, as territorial-administrative units, together with their villages. Over 3,039 financing claims were submitted and the amount of 1.57 billion euros allotted for this measure, by 2013, has been exceeded five times by now. So far, 585 projects worth 1.51 billion euros were contracted, the contracting stage still being under way. The payments made total around 74 million euros. The maximum non-reimbursable amount may be up to 6 million euros. Within the support measure for micro-enterprises setting up and development, launched in September 2008, 3,980 financing claims were submitted. By Aug. 18, around 1,261 projects were contracted, worth almost 183 million euros, but the contracting process is under way. The maximum non-reimbursable amount may be up to 200,000 euros. The activities related to tourism are encouraged by the Measure launched in September 2008. Around 1,401 financing applications were submitted, and 595 projects were contracted, amounting to 105.12 million euros. Most of the beneficiaries were interested in the accommodation structures financial component. Thus, 500 beneficiaries requested support of maximum 200,000 euros to build or update lodging houses, huts and so on. The measure on setting up young farmers was received with great interest. Around 5,261 financing claims were submitted, and 2,671 projects were contracted worth over 56 million euros.

Renewable heating projects worth 11.388 ml lei approved

Romanian Economic Highlights, September 13, 2010. According to data provided by the Environment Fund Administration (AFM), under the program for the installation of heating systems using renewable energy, including the replacement or completion of classic heating systems - "Casa Verde", 1,883 files for financing natural persons were approved. Their total value is of 11.388 million lei. A total number of 2,270 files were checked until the end of August 2010. The projects' application began in July 2010 and the total budget rose to 110 million lei. Most of the files applied for the projects for the increase of energy production from renewable sources, and amount to 726 million euros. AFM has a total budget of 3.797 billion lei representing commitment appropriations and the sum available until the end of the year rises to 1.3 billion lei. The program to boost renewable energy sources has a budget of 440 million lei allocated; 170 million lei are assigned for the national program for improving environmental quality by creating green spaces in localities; the program of improving environmental quality by the afforestation of degraded agricultural plots has 100 million lei earmarked. As much as 300 million lei were allocated for the program for the protection of water resources, integrated water supply systems, treatment plants, sewage and purification plants; the program for the closing of settlement ponds in the mining areas will have a 100 million lei budget, the program on the installation of heating systems using renewable energy will be allocated 80 million lei, the program for the construction of bicycle tracks will dispose of a 54 million lei budget. The program for the public's education and awareness regarding the protection of the environment has a 20 million lei budget.

Source: Agerpres

An additional 100 million euros assigned to SME National Guarantee Fund

Agerpres, ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, October 18, 2010. The government decided on Oct. 13 to allot extra money to the National Guarantee and Counter-guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME), i.e. 100 million euros more for 2010, to ease the absorption of European funds by these companies. According to Executive spokeswoman Ioana Muntean, the government adopted an Emergency Ordinance in its Oct. 13 session to improve the absorption of European funds. Under the new law, private investors will be supported in co-financing projects funded with European grants by receiving government guarantees, Muntean explained. "This measure has a dual purpose, i.e. to support private companies on one hand and to improve the absorption of European funds on the other. This law extended the number of beneficiaries of the support programme to those running projects for the Romanian economy financed from European funds. It is about government guarantees awarded through the SME National Guarantee Fund for the loans taken by the beneficiaries of this programme to finance the projects' investment component," added Muntean. Administrative units that are implementing projects financed through the Instrument for Structural Policies for the Pre-Accession programme and those that have ongoing tourism infrastructure projects can access the support funding

zondag 31 oktober 2010

wind energy romania - investment on network

The Transelectrica Company includes in the next five-six year investment plans the construction of eight power transformation plants and the corresponding transmission lines in the Dobrogea area, a high potential area in the wind energy production, Capital publication reads. The estimated amount for these investments raises up to approximately 250 million euros, necessary for the connection of the wind turbines to the national grid, a connection for which agreements totalling 3,600 MW have already been signed. After the investment is complete, the energy takeover capacity will be of 4,000 MW.

“These investments will be correlated with the investors’ plans for the wind turbines,” Transelectrica head of Corporate Strategy Directorate Razvan Purdila said, cited by Capital.

At the end of 2009, Romania ranked 23rd out of 27 among the European Union states on the capacity of wind energy production, with a total 14 MW, up by 3 MW from the previous year, shows a study made by the European Wind Energy Association.
Transelectrica is a public company, with monopoly activities in the electric power distribution, having an up-to-date capitalization of almost 1.3 billion lei (approximately 305 million euros).

According to the data of the electric power operator for the Romanian market controlled by Transelectrica (OPCOM), the average price of electric power in January-August on the market was 149.6 lei per MW/h, growing by 10 percent, from 135.8 lei per MW/h in the last year's similar period. The transaction rate of internal consumption grew up to 16.12 percent from 13.4 percent in the same period of last year. The main shareholder is the Ministry of Economy, which owns 73.68 percent of the share capital and the Fondul Proprietatea controls 13.5 percent.

Invest in wind and solar energy in Romania

Invest in wind and solar energy in Romania

Nr. 20101031

Romania has a wide range of renewable resources: hydro-energy, biomass, solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy sources. However, they are currently virtually unexploited, except fro hydro-energy which is converted into power both in small and large hydropower plants.


Since wind energy is traditionally established in Romania and some research units
have built new and efficient plants, the wind energy option is interesting not only
regarding to the production of cheap and clean energy, but it can also contribute to
the development of a “new industrial branch” in Romania.

Advantages: small scale; decentral, supplemental power in windy areas; alternative
for individual homeowner and small villages;

Disadvantages: Highly variable source; relatively low efficiency (30%); more power
than needed is produced when the wind blows; feeding into the grid or efficient
energy storage is thus required;

Romania has adopted the “green certificates” mechanism for encouraging production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources and, currently, there is a functioning market on which “green certificates” are purchased and sold. The following compulsory quotas have been established, as % of annual gross consumption of electrical energy: 2.2% for year 2006, 3.74% for 2007, 5.26% for 2008, 6.78% for 2009 and 8.4% starting with year 2010.Romania has adopted the “green certificates” mechanism for encouraging production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources and, currently, there is a functioning market on which “green certificates” are purchased and sold. The following compulsory quotas have been established, as % of annual gross consumption of electrical energy: 2.2% for year 2006, 3.74% for 2007, 5.26% for 2008, 6.78% for 2009 and 8.4% starting with year 2010.
Romania will promote usage of renewable energy sources by implementing mechanisms for supporting production of energy using these sources (including production of thermal energy and hot water for household consumption), by continuously developing the green certificates market and by attracting private capital investment in this sector.

It has been estimated that the needed investments for usage of renewable energy sources in years 2006-2009 are approximately 500 million EUR.

Romania's wind power projects threefold the capacity of a nuclear reactor

Applications for the connection to the national power grid filed with Transelectrica are threefold the capacity of a Cernavoda nuclear reactor, reports financiarul.com. However, many of these projects will just stay on paper. The most advanced investment is that of CEZ (Czech Republic),the biggest onshore wind farm in Europe, due for completion this year. Grid connection applications by companies that plan to invest in wind power generation total 22,800 MW, eight times the capacity national electricity operator Transelectrica can install. "This significant demand for installed wind power capacity exceeds by far the current adjustment possibilities of the national electricity system. The maximum wind power capacity that can be installed is 2,660 MW," reads a Transelectrica document posted on the website of the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). According to Dan Preotescu, Transelectica network planning director, grid connection contracts signed so far amount to 1,500 MW and 1,160 MW are still available. "We accept applications by the criterion first-come, first served," says Preotescu. The most advanced wind power investment in Romania is that of CEZ - Czech Republic. The 600 MW wind farm is sited in Dobrogea, at Fantanele and Cogealan, and its capacity is almost equal to that of a nuclear reactor of the Cernavoda plant, which can produce 700 MW. CEZ officials say that 350 MW will be available mid-2010 and the complete 600 MW of clean electricity will be in place at the end of 2010. This will be Europe 's largest onshore wind farm and the total investment amounts to 1.1 billion euros. "It's still unclear what Romania’s wind power capacity will be at the end of the year.

Apart from CEZ, other companies also announced projects due for completion, yet of lesser capacity," said Preotescu. "The other projects totaling 18,900 MW have the studies for the connection to the public network finalized and a considerable part thereof have the documentation submitted for the technical connection approval," shows the Transelectrica release. Dan Preotescu says the biggest issue for investors in renewable energy is not the connection to the power system, but the market, that is where to sell the electricity. In late 2008, Romania’s total capacity of wind turbines was of just 10 MW, below that of neighboring countries. The new wind turbines installed by CEZ will sap the costly technology of local producers in the country, especially power stations. "This investment might hasten the closure of cost-intensive plants like Doicesti, Borzesti, Galati and Braila. On average, a wind farm effectively operates at 30% of the installed capacity. But the aforementioned plants use even less of their capacity. They are kept alive artificially," says energy analyst Jean Constantinescu. The benefits of wind farms are connected to the green certificates award system for the produced energy according to which for 1 MWh of electricity fed into the power grid, the producer gets a double price, allowing him to charge more advantageous fees. In addition, clean electricity is the first fed into the transport networks, which gives the producer an edge over coal or gas fired power plants. The downside is that wind farm Electricity supplies are not continuous, like those of a thermal power plant, because of the variable direction of the wind. Dobrogea is the main target for investors in wind energy facilities. Deputy Gheorghe Dragomir, member of the Budget-finance Committee, estimated that total investments in such farms amount to four billion euros. The main investors in the sector are the Czech CEZ, Italy’s Enel, Iberdrola, Energia de Portugal


With a solar radiation of 1000 –1500 kWh/m² Romania has a valuable potential for solar energy application. Romania’s geographical distribution of solar energy potential reveals the fact that more than 50% of Romania’s territory benefits from an annual energy flow ranging between 1,000 – 1,500 kWh/m2 per annum. Solar energy potential is given by the average solar energy quantity received in horizontal plane which is estimated at approximately 1,100 kWh/m2 per annum in Romania.

Moreover the country has made efforts to develop the solar energy equipment . Hot water systems as well as systems for drying and industrial application have been installed. Because of the poor quality of the equipment only a small part of these collectors are still in use. Nonetheless Romania has know-how about the installation and the use of solar energy collectors for various purposes.

Given Romania’s meteo-solar climate, a solar - thermal panel can function, within normal safety parameters, from March until October, at conversion levels ranging between 40% and 90%. Moreover, solar panels can also function efficiently in a hybrid regime with both conventional and unconventional thermal systems. In Romania, solar – thermal systems are most frequently used in individual dwellings for water heating processes.

Passive solar systems are usually incorporated in the building’s envelope, most of the construction materials being conventional. In a thermal rehabilitation work and under normal conditions, the average additional cost for the embedded materials in the new building increases by maximum 20% (for renovated buildings).

Solar energy is converted into electrical energy using photovoltaic installations consisting of solar modules of different configurations and dimensions. Romania’s exploitable potential for electrical energy generation by photovoltaic systems is approximately 1,200 GWh per annum.

The investment cost for photovoltaic systems has decreased gradually over the past few decades, the price of a solar module currently reaching approximately 6 $ / 1 installed Watt. The price for electrical energy generated by photovoltaic systems ranges between 25-50 cents/kWh. Therefore, photovoltaic systems are an attractive alternative for isolated consumers and for low consumption levels, considering the high price of connecting to the National Electrical Grid.

Romania will promote usage of renewable energy sources by implementing mechanisms for supporting production of energy using these sources (including production of thermal energy and hot water for household consumption), by continuously developing the green certificates market and by attracting private capital investment in this sector.

In Romania, several projects based on photovoltaic systems of different power and functioning regime were initiated, as part of research – development - demonstration programs. Some of them include:

• Autonomous systems – for supplying isolated consumers (individual households, socio-cultural centers in Apuseni Mountains, Black Sea shore or the Danube Delta), radio - telecom stations, water pumping systems, public lighting, traffic signaling, in line with the objectives of the rural electrifying program.
• Systems connected to the electrical grid (photovoltaic pilot stations with mobile panels, building integrated systems etc.)

Advantages: always there; no pollution;interesting as a stand alone solar parc on a land o nor a building;

Disadvantages: low efficiency (5-15%); very high initial costs; lack of adequate
storage materials (batteries); high cost to the consumer;

Some projects in solar energy in Romania

Solar power in Romania had in 2007 an installed capacity of 0.81 MWp. Romania is located in an area with a good solar potential of 210 sunny days per year and with an annual solar energy flux between 1,000 kWh/ m2/year and 1,300 kWh/ m2/year. From this total amount around 600 to 800 kWh/ m2/year is technical feasible.[2] The most important solar regions of Romania are the Black Sea coast, Dobrogea and Oltenia with an average of 1,600 kWh/ m2/year.

Romania was a major player in the solar power industry, installing in the 1970's and 80's around 800,000 square metres (8,600,000 sq ft) of low quality solar collectors that placed the country third worldwide in the total surface of PV cells. One of the most important solar project was the installing of a 30 kW solar panel on the roof of the Politehnica University of Bucharest that is capacble of producing 60 MWh of electricity per year.

Rominterm, a Romanian company, will install until 2010 a total of 600 solar panels in Mangalia, Constanţa County that will make the city self sufficient in terms of heated water during the summer months and provide around 70% of heated water in the winter months and another 1,150 solar panels used for the generation of electricity spread over an area of 1,400 square metres (15,000 sq ft). Another Romanian city, Alba Iulia, installed a total of 1,700 PV cells on several public buildings that produce 257 kWh of electricity per year. Other cities include Giurgiu with 174 solar panels and 391.5 kW installed capacity and Saturn, Romania with 50 panels and 112 kW installed capacity.

The Covaci Solar Park will be Romania's largest solar power plant at completion having a total of 480,000 solar pannels with a combined capacity of 35 megawatts and will be located in Timiş County. Another important site is the Gura Ialomiţei Solar Park in Ialomiţa County which will have a capacity of 10 megawatts. Other solar parks include the Satu Mare Solar Park located in Satu Mare County which will have a capacity of 5 to 8 megawatts and the Sfântu Gheorghe Solar Park located in Covasna County that will have a capacity of 2.4 megawatts.
Source: wikipedia
Source: EVD, market survey Romania
Source: Agerpres.
Source: www.investromania.be

Freddy Jacobs
30 October 2010

zaterdag 16 oktober 2010

Biomass energy in Romania

Biogas situation in a larger context

Two main aspects need special attention:
a) energy- renewable energies
b) environment – Kyoto protocol

In 2003 from the total gas need of the EU 49% was based on internal production and 51 % was coming from abroad (manly Russia).
In 2030 the net import of gas will reach as much as 80 % of the total need. This is in fact the basis for the development of the a common energy policy at European

Romania has transposed many of the European directives including those on efficient energy use and promotion of renewable energies (GO 63/1998, Electricity
Law no. 318/2003, Energy Efficiency Law no. 199/2000).

The Romanian potential in the field of renewable energy is important. Five areas are important: hydro-electric power, biomass, solar and wind energy and
geothermal energy.

Romania is covered by 40% of agricultural l a n d a n d 2 7 % o f f o r e s t .
The share of biomass in the total energy of the country is almost 10%. Currently,biomass is used only for heating purposes,direct burning for cooking and hot water
preparation consuming the largest share.About 95% of the biomass currently used is firewood and agricultural waste, the rest is wood waste from industrial processes

No major investment in the sector after 1990. The energy produced from biogas decreased already to the level of 0,06 TWh*year by the year 1994.No maintenance work done on the existing facilities. Very few research projects done after 1990 on this field. Very few reports on the still functioning capacities.
Despite this they are studies that estimates that by 2010 biogas may supply 2,2 TWh*year.

So here is an improtant domain for investment.

And you can obtain subventions.

Wind energy Romania

Romania's wind power projects threefold the capacity of a nuclear reactor

Applications for the connection to the national power grid filed with Transelectrica are threefold the capacity of a Cernavoda nuclear reactor, reports financiarul.com. However, many of these projects will just stay on paper. The most advanced investment is that of CEZ (Czech Republic), the biggest onshore wind farm in Europe, due for completion this year. Grid connection applications by companies that plan to invest in wind power generation total 22,800 MW, eight times the capacity national electricity operator Transelectrica can install. "This significant demand for installed wind power capacity exceeds by far the current adjustment possibilities of the national electricity system. The maximum wind power capacity that can be installed is 2,660 MW," reads a Transelectrica document posted on the website of the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). According to Dan Preotescu, Transelectica network planning director, grid connection contracts signed so far amount to 1,500 MW and 1,160 MW are still available. "We accept applications by the criterion first-come, first served," says Preotescu. The most advanced wind power investment in Romania is that of CEZ - Czech Republic. The 600 MW wind farm is sited in Dobrogea, at Fantanele and Cogealan, and its capacity is almost equal to that of a nuclear reactor of the Cernavoda plant, which can produce 700 MW. CEZ officials say that 350 MW will be available mid-2010 and the complete 600 MW of clean electricity will be in place at the end of 2010. This will be Europe 's largest onshore wind farm and the total investment amounts to 1.1 billion euros. "It's still unclear what Romania’s wind power capacity will be at the end of the year. Apart from CEZ, other companies also announced projects due for completion, yet of lesser capacity," said Preotescu. "The other projects totaling 18,900 MW have the studies for the connection to the public network finalized and a considerable part thereof have the documentation submitted for the technical connection approval," shows the Transelectrica release. Dan Preotescu says the biggest issue for investors in renewable energy is not the connection to the power system, but the market, that is where to sell the electricity. In late 2008, Romania’s total capacity of wind turbines was of just 10 MW, below that of neighboring countries. The new wind turbines installed by CEZ will sap the costly technology of local producers in the country, especially power stations. "This investment might hasten the closure of cost-intensive plants like Doicesti, Borzesti, Galati and Braila. On average, a wind farm effectively operates at 30% of the installed capacity. But the aforementioned plants use even less of their capacity. They are kept alive artificially," says energy analyst Jean Constantinescu. The benefits of wind farms are connected to the green certificates award system for the produced energy according to which for 1 MWh of electricity fed into the power grid, the producer gets a double price, allowing him to charge more advantageous fees. In addition, clean electricity is the first fed into the transport networks, which gives the producer an edge over coal or gas fired power plants. The downside is that wind farm electricity supplies are not continuous, like those of a thermal power plant, because of the variable direction of the wind. Dobrogea is the main target for investors in wind energy facilities. Deputy Gheorghe Dragomir, member of the Budget-finance Committee, estimated that total investments in such farms amount to four billion euros. The main investors in the sector are the Czech CEZ, Italy’s Enel, Iberdrola, Energia de Portugal.

Renewable energy sources in Romania - wind energy

Romania has a wide range of renewable resources: hydro-energy, biomass, solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy sources. However, they are currently virtually unexploited, except fro hydro-energy which is converted into power both in small and large hydropower plants.

Romania’s hydropower economic potential in the short run is 23 - 25 TWh, with an installed power of 8,000 MW. In 2005, the utilization degree of the economic hydro-energy potential reached 80%, while there are underway hydro-energy construction works summing up an installed power of 600 MW with a production potential of 1,870 GWh per annum.

As regards biomass, there is an energy potential of 7,594 thou toe/year, broken down as follows: 15.5% forest exploitation waste and fire wood, 6.4% sawdust and other wood waste, 63.2% agricultural waste, 7.2% household waste and 7.7% biogas.
The solar energy potential of Romania is estimated at 1,100 kWh/m2 per annum (average solar energy quantity received in horizontal plane per annum). Solar – thermal systems’ potential in Romania is estimated at approximately 1,434 thou toe per annum while photovoltaic systems’ potential is estimated at 1,200 GWh per annum.

The wind energy potential is currently estimated 23,000 GWh per annum, while the geothermal potential of Romania is of 167 thou toe/year (low enthalpy resources), of which only 30 thou toe/year are currently utilized.

Romania has adopted the “green certificates” mechanism for encouraging production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources and, currently, there is a functioning market on which “green certificates” are purchased and sold. The following compulsory quotas have been established, as % of annual gross consumption of electrical energy: 2.2% for year 2006, 3.74% for 2007, 5.26% for 2008, 6.78% for 2009 and 8.4% starting with year 2010.Romania has adopted the “green certificates” mechanism for encouraging production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources and, currently, there is a functioning market on which “green certificates” are purchased and sold. The following compulsory quotas have been established, as % of annual gross consumption of electrical energy: 2.2% for year 2006, 3.74% for 2007, 5.26% for 2008, 6.78% for 2009 and 8.4% starting with year 2010.

Romania will promote usage of renewable energy sources by implementing mechanisms for supporting production of energy using these sources (including production of thermal energy and hot water for household consumption), by continuously developing the green certificates market and by attracting private capital investment in this sector.

It has been estimated that the needed investments for usage of renewable energy sources in years 2006-2009 are approximately 500 million EUR.

Another important measure is promoting biofuels instead of classic fuels for transport, since, by 2007, Romania must reach a minimum 2% usage share of biofuels and other renewable fuels out of the overall volume of gasoline and diesel fuels used for transport. Moreover, by 2010 a 5.75% usage share of biofuels and other renewable fuels must be reached.

So far, many foreign and locally owned private companies have expressed their interest in building refineries for biofuel production, which are estimated to generate over 700,000 tonnes of biodiesel and bioethanol per annum.

Although wind energy technologies have already reached maturity worldwide, the weight of electrical power generated from wind energy out of the total energy balance in Romania is still way below the country’s real potential. Romania has a temperate continental climate, with a high wind energy potential in areas such as the Black Sea shore, the Moldova and Dobrogea plateaus (mild climate) or the mountain areas (rough climate). 5 wind energy potential areas have been identified on Romania’s territory, based on the energy potential and on the environmental and topographical conditions. The wind potential map was drawn up considering the energy potential of wind sources at a 50 meters altitude and based on meteo-geographical data and information collected from year 1990 to the present.

Considering the analysis of all gathered data, wind systems / installations that could be set up on Romania’s territory would total up an installed power of maximum 14,000 MW, bringing a contribution of approximately 23,000 GWh / year of electrical energy. The seashore and offshore areas have an exploitable wind energy potential of approximately 2,000 MW, with and an electrical energy production of 4,500 GWh per annum.

However, in order to efficiently benefit from the wind energy potential, adequate technologies and equipment are required (wind turbines with a nominal power from 750kW to 2,000 kW).

Solar energy potential in Romania

Solar energy potential is given by the average solar energy quantity received in horizontal plane which is estimated at approximately 1,100 kWh/m2 per annum in Romania.

Romania’s solar radiation map was drawn up considering the average, multi-annual data registered by the Romanian National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, processed and correlated with physical field observations and measurements conducted by specialized institutes. Considering the level of the registered solar energy flow, 5 geographical areas have been identified in Romania.

The area with the highest exploitation potential of solar energy is the Black Sea shore, where solar radiation intensity exceeds 1,250 kWh/m2 per annum. However, areas with a lower intensity of solar radiation may also benefit from solar energy, since passive solar systems can function efficiently in such low intensity areas too (for example the Northern Transylvania or Moldavia areas).
Solar – thermal systems’ potential contribution to necessary household heat and hot water supply in Romania is estimated at approximately 1,434 thou toe per annum (60x106 GJ /year), which could cover 50% of the overall household hot water volume or 15% of the needed thermal energy for household heating purposes.
Given Romania’s meteo-solar climate, a solar - thermal panel can function, within normal safety parameters, from March until October, at conversion levels ranging between 40% and 90%. Moreover, solar panels can also function efficiently in a hybrid regime with both conventional and unconventional thermal systems. In Romania, solar – thermal systems are most frequently used in individual dwellings for water heating processes.

Passive solar systems are usually incorporated in the building’s envelope, most of the construction materials being conventional. In a thermal rehabilitation work and under normal conditions, the average additional cost for the embedded materials in the new building increases by maximum 20% (for renovated buildings).
Solar energy is converted into electrical energy using photovoltaic installations consisting of solar modules of different configurations and dimensions. Romania’s exploitable potential for electrical energy generation by photovoltaic systems is approximately 1,200 GWh per annum.

The investment cost for photovoltaic systems has decreased gradually over the past few decades, the price of a solar module currently reaching approximately 6 $ / 1 installed Watt. The price for electrical energy generated by photovoltaic systems ranges between 25-50 cents/kWh. Therefore, photovoltaic systems are an attractive alternative for isolated consumers and for low consumption levels, considering the high price of connecting to the National Electrical Grid.

Potential of biomass energy in Romania

Considering Romania’s topo-geographic conditions, it is estimated that Romania has a high biomass energy potential of approximately 7,594 thou toe / year (318x109 MJ/an), broken down by fuel type as follows:

•1,175 thou toe (49.8x109 MJ/year) from firewood and forest exploitation waste.
• 487 thou toe (20.4x109 MJ/year) from wood waste – sawdust and other wood waste.
• 4,799 thou toe (200.9x109 MJ/year) from agricultural waste (cereal waste, vine waste, etc.).
• 588 thou toe (24.6x109 MJ/an) from biogas.
• 545 thou toe (22.8x109MJ/an) from household waste in urban areas.
Our map outlines Romania’s biomass potential, actual biomass consumption and number of inhabitants, by county.

Approximately 54% of biomass based thermal energy production in Romania is generated by forest exploitation waste burning, whereas 89% of thermal energy used for heating and food preparation in rural areas results from consumption of vegetal waste.

The current biomass consumption includes several types of fuels with the following destinations:

•Around 550 industrial steam and hot water boilers for industrial heating (wood based fuel).
•Approximately 10 hot water boilers of 0.7 MW and 7.0 MW installed power (comprising an overall 45MW installed power) for urban heating (wood waste based fuel).
•Approximately 14 million stoves or wood / agricultural waste ovens for heating individual dwellings or preparation of food.
Several projects have been implemented, in order to encourage using biomass instead of conventional fuels, such as:

• “Support for the implementation of renewable energy sources” project developed between years 1998 and 1999 and financed through Phare - EU program. The objective of the project was to underline the replacement value of fossil fuels with biomass in thermal energy production.
• The “Sawdust 2000” program, which was based on the agreement between The Romanian Ministry of Waters and Environment Protection and the Denmark Kingdom’s Ministry of the Environment. The objective of the project was reducing the level of uncontrolled sawdust deposits and other wood waste, thus diminishing the impact of wood processing on the environment. The project was financed by the local authorities of the 5 cities where the project was implemented, through the PHARE program (The European Community Fund for Economic and Social Cohesion), through The Special Fund for Energy Development and through the Danish Government.
Generally speaking, projects for biomass exploitation are very attractive due to the lower price of thermal energy obtained this way as compared to that of energy obtained from fossil fuels. However, Romania’s biomass consumption has decreased over the past 10 years, due to the extension of natural gas and LPG distribution networks and consumption.

zaterdag 9 oktober 2010

Legea Parteneriatului public-privat (PPP) elimina complet licitatiile

Parlamentul a votat o forma finala a legii Parteneriatului public-privat (PPP) care elimina complet licitatia ca procedura de lucru, inlocuind-o cu negocierea. Parlamentarii au ignorat cererile presedintelui Basescu, care trimisese legea spre reexaminare tocmai pentru ca actul legislativ impune arbitrariul negocierilor in relatia dintre autoritatile publice si partenerii privati.

Legea a fost deja publicata in Monitorul Oficial (marti, 5 octombrie), astfel incit de-acum ne putem astepta ca lucrarile publice (infrastructura de transport, infrastructura informatica, infrastructura energetica, centrale etc.) sa se desfasoare dupa un scenariu care, eliminind licitatia transparenta, lasa loc abuzurilor.

"Erevoltator. Legea scuteste procedurile de achizitii publice si concesiuni de orice forma de procedura concurentiala daca esti destul de destept sa o incadrezi drept Parteneriat Public-Privat (PPP). Practic, iti selectezi "partenerul", negociezi putin si semnezi contractul", spunea Sorin Ionita, directorul SAR, in iunie 2010, cind legea plecase spre promulgare la Presedintie. Atunci, HotNews.ro a fost printre putinele institutii de presa care au scris despre legea care a intrunit cvasi-unanimitatea Parlamentului.

Intre timp, presedintele a retrimis legea catre Parlament, cerind eliminarea citorva articole-cheie. Parlamentul a votat insa o versiune finala care pastreaza caracterul arbitrar al selectarii partenerilor privati.

Care sint marile brese create de lege:

1. Eliminarea licitatiilor si inlocuirea lor cu negocierea. Este consfintita de Art. 14 din lege, care arata ca negocierea este modalitatea de desemnare a partenerului privat.

2. Categoriile de lucrari carora li se poate aplica Legea PPP. Legea este foarte vaga si arata doar citeva exceptii, fara a institui o regula clara de aplicabilitate. (Vezi art. 44, care spune ca in anumite conditii prevederile Legii PPP se pot aplica si la "activitatile relevante definite prin Ordonanta de Urgenta 34/2006", adica OUG-ul care reglementa pina acum achizitiile publice).

cibr morning memo update on romanian logistics and retail special

Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania nr. 10 /2010 – contact us at www.cibr.be


1. Employ Romanian workers in Belgium, The
Netherlands, Germany or any EU country and save 1000
to 2500 Euro per month per worker
2. Investments in Logistics in Romania and industrial investments in Romania
3. Crisis and retailer expansion
4. Lead generating by the chamber might be something for you ?
5. Venture capitalist buys Romanian companies
6. Top locations for industrial investment, retail/commercial, tourism and residential
7. Cibr linking partners

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Avem de vanzare mai multe companii care indeplinesc conditiile pentru a solicita fonduri structurale - deci, se poate castiga 1 an sau mai mult prin cumpararea actiunilor - companiile sunt in regula (curate) - vom face toate operatiunile pentru dumneavoastra si va vom apara interesele in calitate de client.

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zaterdag 28 augustus 2010

Cum sa infiintezi mai repede o firma dupa ce vor fi puse in practica noile reglementari?

Procedurile de inregistrare a unei firme vor dura de doua ori mai mult, din cauza modificarii prevederilor legale. Solutia temporara: stabilirea sediului social la cabinetele de avocatura
Din cauza crizei, dar si a noilor reglementari legale in domeniu, numarul firmelor care se vor infiinta in acest an va scadea cu cel putin 20% fata de 2009, considera avocatii specializati in drept comercial.
Din cauza faptului ca legislatia prevede obligativitatea obtinerii de la administratia financiara a unui certificat care sa ateste cate sedii de firma mai sunt inregistrate intr-un apartament, procedurile de intocmire a dosarului de infiintare a unei societati comerciale vor dura mai mult. “Teoretic, procedurile ar trebui sa dureze acum zece zile lucratoare in loc de cinci. Practic, va dura mai mult, deoarece certificatul respectiv nu este intotdeauna eliberat in termenul prevazut de lege”, a declarat pentru Gandul Adriana Georgescu, avocat in cadrul Scarlatescu Law Office.

Sursa: www.gandul.info

Cum sa infiintezi mai repede o firma dupa ce vor fi puse in practica noile reglementari?

Procedurile de inregistrare a unei firme vor dura de doua ori mai mult, din cauza modificarii prevederilor legale. Solutia temporara: stabilirea sediului social la cabinetele de avocatura
Din cauza crizei, dar si a noilor reglementari legale in domeniu, numarul firmelor care se vor infiinta in acest an va scadea cu cel putin 20% fata de 2009, considera avocatii specializati in drept comercial.
Din cauza faptului ca legislatia prevede obligativitatea obtinerii de la administratia financiara a unui certificat care sa ateste cate sedii de firma mai sunt inregistrate intr-un apartament, procedurile de intocmire a dosarului de infiintare a unei societati comerciale vor dura mai mult. “Teoretic, procedurile ar trebui sa dureze acum zece zile lucratoare in loc de cinci. Practic, va dura mai mult, deoarece certificatul respectiv nu este intotdeauna eliberat in termenul prevazut de lege”, a declarat pentru Gandul Adriana Georgescu, avocat in cadrul Scarlatescu Law Office.

Sursa: www.gandul.info

Actele pentru sediul social in apartamentele de bloc vor fi mai greu de obtinut

Firmele vor obtine mai greu actele pentru sediul social in apartamente de bloc si vor putea coabita in acelasi spatiu doar daca suprafata acestuia le va permite, potrivit noilor proceduri de infiintare a societatilor comerciale, recent intrate in vigoare.
Sediul social in apartament de bloc si inregistrarea mai multor firme in acelasi spatiu sunt, din punctul de vedere al Fiscului, metode susceptibile de evaziune fiscala, dupa cum arata recentele modificari aduse legii societatilor comerciale prin Ordonanta de urgenta nr. 54/2010, detaliate prin Ordinul nr. 2.112/2010 al Agentiei Nationale de Administrare Fiscala (ANAF). Aceste prevederi obliga firmele noi si pe cele care vor sa-si schimbe sediul social sa inregistreze la administratia financiara actele de spatiu (proprietate, inchiriere, comodat etc). In baza acestora, urmeaza sa primeasca un certificat si o adeverinta pe care trebuie sa le prezinte la inmatricularea societatii la Registrul Comertului.

Persoanele care trebuie sa prezinte certificatul de cazier judiciar pentru inscrierea in ROI

Pentru a urgenta solicitarile operatorilor intracomunitari de inscriere in Registrul operatorilor intracomunitari, care intra in vigoare la data de 1 august 2010, Ministerul Finantelor Publice atrage atentia asupra continutului normelor metodologice, care aduc precizari cu privire la persoanele care trebuie sa prezinte certificatul de cazier judiciar.

(1) In cazul persoanelor impozabile care au sediul activitatii economice in Romania, prin asociati si administratori se intelege numai asociatii si administratorii societatilor comerciale reglementate de Legea nr. 31/1990 privind societatile comerciale, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare.

(2) In cazul societatilor pe actiuni, inclusiv a celor in comandita pe actiuni, care au sediul activitatii economice in Romania, in vederea inscrierii in Registrul operatorilor intracomunitari, se va prezenta cazierul judiciar al administratorilor, nu si al asociatilor.

(3) Institutiile publice, astfel cum sunt prevazute de Legea nr. 500/2002 privind finantele publice, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, precum si orice alte persoane impozabile stabilite sau nestabilite in Romania, care nu sunt constituite in baza Legii nr. 31/1990 privind societatile comerciale, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, nu au obligatia prezentarii cazierului judiciar, in vederea inscrierii in Registrul operatorilor intracomunitari.

Normele metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 571/2003 privind Codul fiscal, aprobate prin Hotararea Guvernului nr. 44/2004, in materia TVA si accize, au fost aprobate in sedinta de guvern din data de 23 iulie 2010.

Sursa: mfinante.ro

zondag 22 augustus 2010

Ajutor de stat pentru asigurarea dezvoltarii

Schema de stat instituita prin HG 1680/2008 isi propune, in general, acordarea de finantare nerambursabila proiectelor care au un efect stimulativ,indeplinind unul sau mai multe dintre urmatoarele criterii:
a) o crestere substantiala a dimensiunii proiectului/activitatii ca urmare a acordarii ajutorului;
b) o crestere substantiala a domeniului de aplicare a proiectului/activitatii ca urmare a acordarii ajutorului;
c) o crestere substantiala a valorii totale a costurilor suportate de beneficiar pentru proiect/activitate ca urmare a acordarii ajutorului;
d) o crestere substantiala a ritmului de finalizare a proiectului/activitatii in cauza;
e) proiectul nu ar fi fost realizat in regiunea asistata in cauza in absenta acordarii ajutorului.

Principalul avantaj al acestei scheme de ajutor de stat este faptul ca se adreseaza unei arii extinse de domenii de activitate, cu exceptia urmatoarelor:
agricultura, silvicultura si exploatare forestiera, pescuit si acvacultura, extractia carbunelui, fabricarea bauturilor, a produselor din tutun, fabricarea produselor textile si imbracamintei, prelucrarea lemnului si fabricarea produselor din lemn, fabricarea hartiei si a produselor din hartie,tiparirea si reproducerea pe suporti a inregistrarilor fabricarea substantelor si a produselor chimice, industria metalurgica, fabricarea de mobila, repararea, intretinerea si instalarea masinilor si echipamentelor fabricarea altor mijloace de transport (inclusiv constructia de nave maritime) Ministerul Finantelor Publie a modificat in sedinsa de guvern din 23 iunie 2010 criteriile de eligibilitate referitoare la valoarea minima a investitiei si numarul minim de noi locuri de munca in sensul scaderii pragurilor initiale (mimim 30 milioane euro si minim 300 locuri de munca).

Asadar, in prezent se au in vedere trei categorii de proiecte eligibile:

a) investitii intre 10 - 20 milioane euro,inclusiv, si minim 100 de noi locuri de munca;

b) investitii intre 20 - 30 milioane euro, inclusiv si minim 200 de noi locuri de munca;

c) investitii care depasesc 30 milioane euro si minim 300 de noi locuri de munca.

In cadrul acestei scheme de ajutor de stat, aportul beneficiarului destinat finantarii proiectului trebuie sa fie de cel putin 50% din costurile eligibile, sub o forma care sa nu faca obiectul niciunui alt ajutor public.

Nivelul maxim al ajutorului de stat de care poate beneficia un operator economic conform schemei H.G. nr 1680/2008 este echivalentul in lei a 28,125 milioane euro, daca realizeaza investitii si creeaza locuri de munca ca urmare a realizarii unei investitii initiale in orice regiune, mai putin regiunea de dezvoltare 8 ucuresti - Ilfov. Pentru investitiile si locurile de munca create in regiunea de dezvoltare 8 Bucuresti - Ilfov nivelul maxim al ajutorului de stat de care poate beneficia un operator economic este echivalentul in lei a 22,5 milioane euro.

Pentru intreprinderile din sectorul prelucrarii si comercializarii produselor agricole si care au mai putin de 750 de angajati si/sau o cifra de afaceri mai mica de 200 de milioane euro, intensitatea maxima este de 25% din costurile eligibile aferente investitiei initiale. Pentru investitiile ale caror costuri eligibile sunt mai mici de 50 milioane euro, intensitatea bruta a ajutorului de stat regional nu poate depasi 50% din costurile aferente investitiei initiale sau din costurile salariale pe o perioada de 2 ani cu personalul nou-angajat. Pentru investitiile sau locurile de munca realizate in Regiunea de dezvoltare 8 Bucuresti - Ilfov, intensitatea maxima a ajutorului de stat este de 40%. Pentru proiectele mari de investitii - ale caror costuri eligibile depasesc echivalentul in lei a 50 milioane euro - intensitatea bruta se calculeaza ajustandu-se plafonul regional, in functie de valoarea costurilor eligibile, dupa cum urmeaza:

- pentru costurile eligibile cu valoarea in lei sub echivalentul a 50 milioane euro, se aplica plafonul regional;

- pentru transe din costurile eligibile cu valoare cuprinsa intre echivalentul in lei a 50 milioane euro si echivalentul in lei a 100 milioane euro, se aplica 50% din plafonul regional;

- pentru transe din costurile eligibile a caror valoare depaseste echivalentul in lei a 100 milioane euro, se aplica 34% din plafonul regional.

Durata acestei schemei este de 5 ani, respectiv 2009-2013. Bugetul maxim al schemei de ajutor de stat este echivalentul in lei a 1 miliard euro, cu un buget mediu anual de 200 milioane euro, in limita plafoanelor bugetare anuale pe perioada celor 5 ani.

zaterdag 21 augustus 2010

zondag 25 juli 2010

implantation en Roumanie investir domiciliation - investissement

implantation en Roumanie investir domiciliation - investissement

Vous envisagez d’investir en Roumanie : CIBR vous conseille sur les opportunités de créer votre société ou votre entreprise, et sur aspects pratiques d’une implantation en Roumanie (implantation commerciale ou stratégique…). Investir, sous-traiter, vendre… CIBR est en Roumanie pour vous assister.

Création de sociétés et assistance à la reprise de structures existantes

Acquisition de sociétés existantes :
Identification et approche de structures existantes susceptibles d'être reprises
Evaluation des structures
Assistance à la négociation
Accompagnement juridique

Création de structure :
Assistance aux formalités juridiques, rédaction des statuts dans leur forme juridique, inscription au registre de commerce, obtention du code fiscal
Assistances aux formalités administratives, avises

Autorisations administratives :
Autorisations d'exploitation
Certificat d'investisseur privilégié

Roumanie ,fonds structurels, Investissez en Roumanie, investir en roumanie,subvention de l'UE pour la roumanie, s’installer en roumanie, ambassade de la France en roumanie bucharest, subventions pour l’industrie en roumanie, le plan operationnel sectoriel accroissement de la competitivite economique, le marche roumain, investissements en Roumanie, agriculure en roumania, immobilier en roumanie, le plan operationnel sectoriel en roumanie, financement bancaire en roumanie

zaterdag 10 juli 2010

Why invest romania ?

IR Advantage

Bilateral agreements between Romania and other countries on investments promotion and protection (click here to view);
Bilateral diplomatic relations with 177 out of the 191 UN member states, plus the Holy See, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Palestinian National Authority;
Member of the UN and other international organizations, like: OSCE, Council of Europe and International Organization of La Francophonie;
Free trade agreements with EU, EFTA countries, CEFTA countries;
WTO member since January 1995.

Economical Advantage

Sustainable economic growth;
Decreasing inflation;
Increasing interest on behalf of Foreign Investors – leader destination for FDI in the region (source: Ernst&Young, SEE Attractiveness Survey – SouthEast Europe: An Emergent FDI Destination in Europe, April 2008);
Sound fiscal policy (16% flat tax).

Market & Location Advantage

One of the largest markets in Central and Eastern Europe, still growing
Attractive location: allowing an easy access to Central and Eastern Europe and at the junction of three main prospective European transportation corridors, one of which will cross Ploiesti West Park
Excellent accessibility of Ploiesti West Park

Resource Advantage

Skilled and motivated labour force, with solid knowledge in technology, IT and engineering
Rich natural resources, including oil and gas

Political Advantage

Stable executive power
EU membership since January 2007

Improving Infrastructure Advantage

A highly developed industrial infrastructure, including oil and petrochemicals
Ongoing improvement of the highway infrastructure to EU standards Excellent maritime, air and railway infrastructure and transport available

Building Quality Advantage

New, state-of-the-art buildings with an attractive and modern architecture, benefitting from the latest alternative energy saving techniques

More info



logistic and industrial investment in romania


1. Is Romania still an interesting country when it comes to logistic and industrial investments? Why yes/or not?

Romania is still an interesting country when it comes to logistic and industrial investments.

For industrial production the salaries will stay low and the crisis will not end in 2011 in my opinion. Growth will be slower or slow down in the next years. In a global economy, language skills are a key workforce advantage. Born at the cross roads of different cultures and civilizations, where East meets West, Romanians are multilingual, open to new experiences, innovative and future oriented. This combination with relatively low salaries can be attractive to foreign investors. The geographical location is the second point were Belgians are keen on (close to Belgium and a central location in a wider area and the potential of an internal market).

The emerging region of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is the main macroeconomic driver impacting European supply chains. Simply developing a warehouse that fits building requirements is no longer sufficient. A prime location and availability of additional services in a “logistics park” become more important. For logistic investments the investors look at the country and the possibilities and the area around the country. The industrial investments and the retail investments are booming in Romania even in crisis. We still produce around 20 hot leads with all contact data per month for the chamber members. This is a surprise and it is an indication that Romania is moving on. It's a big country with an extremely young and dynamic population. With its geographical positioning, bordering onto the Black Sea, the Romanian port of Constanta is also the new logistics gateway to Europe, but from the East this time, aside from the western gateway Le Havre-Hamburg. Investors will migrate towards other interesting parts of the country, after having invested largely in the Bucuresti-Ilfov area in 2009.

2. How do the Belgian investors see Romania in a time of crisis?

The number of investors has decreased with the crisis but Belgians are still looking at Romania. The proof is that we had 147 subscribers for a seminar in Brussels on 10 June 2010 around infrastructure and construction. CIBR co-organized this seminar. Belgians look at Romania as being most probably one of the best choices in the CEE region.

A second view point is that Belgians look at the crisis as being a second opportunity to take a position in Romania. It is possible that this opportunity will not be reproduced.

3. What are the most important problems the Belgian companies meet in Romania?

I want to brief on this question. Belgian people are pretty direct and straight forward. They want to focus on their business. In the field they encounter the Romanian administrative system. Some find it time consuming others are quite negative about this item.
I noticed that there is a difference and a change of mentality in the 10 years that have passed but there is still a lot of work left for the next decade.

4. Do you happen to know how many Belgian logistic companies have invested until 2008, and how many after 2008 or with what percent the number of Belgian investors dropped?

WDP from Belgium made substantial investments in Romania They opted for Romania because of the outstanding growth potential. 200 million Euro investment: the project concerns the Promoter’s strategic investment programme for its logistics network extension in the Romanian market, with the construction of four industrial estates for logistic warehouses to be erected and operated in two sites close to Bucharest (Corbii Mari and Fundulea), one site close to Ploiesti (Aricestii), and one close to Pitesti (Oarja). In total WDP has around 10 plots of land in Romania. WDP is the market leader in Belgium as well as a European player. WDP Romania is a member of the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber. Feel free to contact us for more information on all WDP projects. “Warehouses with brains” from Belgium.

The Belgian Alinso Group has announced that it is allotting 15,000 sqm to start a new building for SMEs in Ploiesti West Park. The first building in Ploiesti West Park, a 30,000-sqm construction was rented to Unilever. The surface of the park, which required a total EUR 750 million investment, is 220 hectares. Alinso has a substantial real estate portfolio (residential, commercial, industrial and offices).

The Bucharest Industrial Park project was launched in 2000 and now consists of a plot of 102 hectares of land located in the Bolintin Deal commune, Giurgiu county, on the edge of Bucharest on the A1 Motorway. With the help of Belgian investors this park was brought to its current status 840.000 sqm and 420.000 sqm are constructible.

As a chamber we are actively looking for investors in logistics and industrial investments.
We monitor the market and help the investors with their entry on a tailor made basis. Our members come from different continents and countries all over the world.

5. What are the main errors the government/ state has done and what should they do so that they encourage the Belgian investors and not only to come to Romania?

It is not my mission to give advice to a government as I am here as a facilitator and observer. However I understand that Romania is a young economy going through a transition period.

On the other hand I would like to promote the Romania of the regions in order to remove the bottleneck that resides in Bucharest. In my opinion it is worthwhile to consider a decentralization in regions.

A second remark is that within the lines of the EU policy a new set of measures should be drafted and funds should be allocated to accelerate and facilitate absorption of funds and a higher amount of money is needed to ensure a sustainable development at a reasonable speed. Let’s look at agriculture: a lot of fields are not utilized. It might be the wish of the ministry of health to have new hospitals and medicaments but you cannot eat medicaments ...as an example. Complex matters and paradigm shifts that go way beyond my head. To be sincere: I would not like to give a solution to this complex matter. But one thing is sure somebody has to provide solutions.

6. What are the main qualities of the Romanian market that encourage logistic / industrial investments?

I have already answered part of this questions in the section above. But I would like to add some interesting facts.

Romania has highly skilled labour force at competitive prices (solid knowledge in foreign languages, technology, IT, engineering, etc). This labour force can be used in Romania and in Europe. For this reason we have a special department that takes care of detaching to the EU (gains importance in times of crisis). On the other hand the same department provides the members with project teams and white collar workers for the existing or new projects.

Especially for logistics I would like to conclude with the cliché that it is all about taking positions or not taking positions. Do not worry about your hesitation as an investor.Even in crisis somebody else is looking to take a prime position….

7. What about European funds. Do they attract the investors?

European funds attract European investors. More funds are needed after 2013 to ensure the continuity of what was initiated before the entry and realized in the period 2007-2013.
Bottlenecks should be removed and the adsorption speed can quadruple….or sky rocket as it was the case with the pre-adhesion funds a couple of years ago.

Freddy Jacobs
Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber

zondag 6 juni 2010

Wenn Sie rumänische Arbeiter in Belgien, Deutschland anstellen, haben Sie eine Sparung 1500 Eur 2000 Euro/monat

Wenn Sie rumänische Arbeiter in Belgien, Holland, Dutschland, Frankreich und Spanien anstellen, haben Sie eine Sparung ab 1000 bis 2500 EUR pro Arbeiter

Rumänien ist Mitglied der Europäischen Union. Seit Januar 2007, hat der rumänische Staat die Beweglichkeit der rumänischen Arbeiter überall in Europa erhöht. Jährlich, mehr als 4 Millionen Arbeiter arbeiten im Ausland. Die Eigenschaft von Mitlied der Europäischen Union berechtigt die Staatsangehöriger dieser Mitgliedstaaten ihren vier Grundfreiheiten zu verwenden, wie z.B. die freiwillige Bewegung der Staatsangehöriger, die bringt damit die freiwillige Bewegung der Arbeiter. Trotzdem, die rumänischen Arbeiter benötigen ein E101 Formular von Rumänische Regierung wenn sie im anderen europäischen Land arbeiten möchten, und die Zahlung muss durch eine rumänische Gesellschaft überwiesen werden. Das kann ein Vorteil darstellen, und Sie können damit sparen. Die Krisis ist still vorhanden, und diese groszügige Sparung ist willkommen.

„Das ist Ihrem Profit........ und die Möglichkeit: 1000-2500 EUR/Monat pro Arbeiter"

Wie kann eine Gesellschaft diese Maßnahmen in ihren Vorteil verwenden?

Statt Sie die rumänische Arbeiter direkt an Ihrer Gesellschaft anzustellen, könnten Sie einen Vertrag zur Durchführung der Arbeiten mit einer rumänischen Gesellschaft abschließen. Die rumänische Gesellschaft hat das Recht die rumänischen Arbeiter im Ausland zu verwenden, unter der Bedingung ein E101 Formular für diese Arbeiter zu erwerben.

Ein anderer Weg ist aus Rumänien, mit Ihrer eigenen rumänischen Gesellschaft zu arbeiten. Also, sollen Sie eine Gesellschaft in Rumänien begründen.

Im Bereich der Bauwesen, Stahlkonstruktionen, Transport, Logistik und anderen ähnlichen sind diese Maßnahmen sehr gut bekannt.

Wie kann eine Dienstleistungsfirma die gleiche Maßnahmen verwenden?

Eine Dienstleistungsfirma kann rumänische Gesellschaften zur Durchführung der Leistungen verwenden. Dass ist für Marketing, IT, Webdesign, technische Beihilfe, Architektur, Dienstleistungszentrum (100-400 Angestellte), Call-Center (50-250 Angestellte), Back-Office, usw.. geeignet.

Diese kann auch Ihre eigene Gesellschaft sein. Wenn Sie ein größeren Projekt haben, dann wäre es besser die Kontrolle in eigenen Händen haben, und die Arbeiten mit der eigene Firma durchzuführen.

Was tun wir für Ihr Gewinn und Profit?

Wir begründen eine Gesellschaft in Rumänien und führen die ursprüngliche Einstellung durch, es ist nicht notwendig für Sie nach Rumänien zu reisen. (so sparen Sie Geld und Zeit!)

1.Die ursprüngliche Einstellung stellt „wie soll man... und warum?" dar, und das haben Sie kostenfrei, wenn wir Ihre Gesellschaft begründen. Jetzt könnten Sie sehen, es gibt viele Gründe um Sie uns zu beauftragen Ihre Gesellschaft zu begründen.
2. In die ursprüngliche Einstellung, wir optimieren die Löhne jedes Arbeiters, sodass Sie die niedrigste Steuer zu bezahlen (so kommt das zweite Geldgewinn).
3.Wir begleiten Sie in der Gesellschaft, als niedrig belohnten Fachmann, und verleichtern Ihrer Anfang und erwerben alle notwendigen Zulassungen für Sie.
4.Wir suchen Arbeiter für Sie und schließen mit diesen die Arbeitsverträge für Sie - Sie sollen nur die Verträge unterschreiben.
5.Für die Gültigkeit der Arbeitsverträge, wir tragen die Arbeiter am Arbeitsamt in Rumänien ein.
6.Wir führen die ganze Einstellung gemäß der Definition der ursprüngliche Einstellung durch, die wir mit Ihren Mannschaft bevor Beginn der Arbeiten fertigen.
Was ist unser Belohnung?

Durchschnittlich, die ursprünglich Investitionssumme kann man nach 3-4 Monate rückgewinnen (oder früher - abhängig von Nummer der Arbeiter.) Eigentlich Sie haben eine kleine Investition, und das Gewinn kommt mit Sicherheit, denn wir verpflichten uns dass Ihre Gesellschaft (Organisation) in Betrieb zu setzen.



Die EU Subventionen in Rumänien fur Unternehmungen (EU-Strukturfonds)

Förder- und Finanzierungsinstrumente fur Rumänien.

Alle Beitrage lesen: www.belgianconnection.be in 6 Sprachen

Die EU Strukturpolitik 2007 - 2013

Die zukünftige Struktur- und Kohäsionspolitik der EU richtet sich an drei prioritären Zielen aus:

1. Konvergenz,
2. Regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung und
3. Europäische territoriale Zusammenarbeit.

Die Kohäsionspolitk der EU beruht auf der Annahme, dass eine Umverteilung zwischen reicheren und ärmeren EU Regionen erforderlich ist, um die wirtschaftliche Integration auszugleichen. Zwischen 2007 und 2013 stehen 307,6 Mrd. EUR (35,7% des EU Budgets) als Strukturfonds für regionale Wachstumsprogramme zur Verfügung.
83% davon, werden auf das Konvergenzziel konzentriert und sind für die Förderung der ärmsten Mitgliedsstaaten und Regionen geplant.


Die wichtigsten Kohäsionsinstrumente sind:
1. der Europäische Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)
2. der Europäische Sozialfonds (ESF)
3. der Europäische Kohäsionsfonds
Für die Landwirtschaft, gibt es einen speziellen Fonds, den Europäischen Landwirtschaftsfonds (ELER).

Budget EU-Strukturfonds

Im Zeitraum 2007 bis 2013 erhält Rumänien etwa 19,7 Mrd € an Fördermitteln aus den EU-Strukturfonds. Diese Mittel verteilen sich auf sieben Operationelle Programme (OP) im Rahmen der Konvergenz-Förderung. Die umfangreichsten Programme fördern die Verkehrs- und die umweltinfrastruktur mit jeweils 23% der gesamten Fördermittel. Knapp 20% sind jeweils für die Regionalentwicklung und die Qualifizierung der Arbeitskräfte reserviert. Für die Wirtschaftsförderung stehen etwa 13% der Mittel zur Verfügung, die auf Grundlage des sektoralen Operationellen Programms „Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Wirtschaft" (SOP IEC) vergeben

Subventionen für produktive Investitionen rumänischer Unternehmen

Das SOP IEC enthält die wichtigsten Fördermaßnahmen aus den EUStrukturfonds für Unternehmensinvestitionen in Rumänien (Priorität 1). Diese umfassen Subventionen für produktive Investitionen rumänischer Unternehmen (insbesondere kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen), die Verbesserung des Zugangs zu Krediten und Finanzierungsinstrumenten sowie die Entwicklung des Unternehmertums. Bis zum Jahr 2015 sollen 1.000 kleine und mittlere Unternehmen bei direkten Investitionen mit Fördermitteln aus dem Programm unterstützt werden. Dazu stehen 1,1 Mrd € bereit.

In der Fördermaßnahme 1.1 des SOP IEC „Produktive Investitionen" hat das Ministerium für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im Mai 2009 Ausschreibungen für Investitionskostenzuschüsse veröffentlicht. Weitere Fördermaßnahmen betreffen die Internationalisierung und die Verbesserung der Managementfähigkeiten in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Die anderen Prioritäten des SOP IEC widmen sich der Forschung und Entwicklung, den Informations- und ommunikationstechnologien, der Energieeffizienz und dem Standortmarketing in Rumänien.

Für Investitionen zwischen 250.000 € und 1,5 Mio € können Förderanträge gestellt werden.

In Rumänien ansässige kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU nach EUDefinition EUDefinition), die zwischen 1.075.000 Lei (ca. 250.000 €) und 6.450.000 Lei (ca. 1,5 Mio €) in ihre Betriebe investieren, können beim rumänischen Ministerium für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen einen Antrag aufZuschüsse stellen. Die Gründung, Erweiterung oder Modernisierung einer Produktionsstätte, die Erneuerung des Maschinenparks, Investitionen in Umwelttechnik, der Erwerb von Software, Patenten, Lizenzen oder Know-how sowie Beratungsleistungen sind förderfähig. Voraussetzung ist, dass das Unternehmen bereits seit mindestens einem Jahr in Rumänien registriert ist.

Die Mittelvergabe erfolgt im Wettbewerbsverfahren:Die Projektanträge mit den besten Bewertungen erhalten der Reihe nach Fördermittel, bis das Budget ausgeschöpft ist. Zuschüsse sind prinzipiell bis zur regionalen Förderhöchstgrenzen (50-70%) möglich, ihre tatsächliche Höhe hängt jedoch vom Projekt, dem genauen Standort und den verfügbaren Mitteln ab.

Investitionen bis 250.000 €

Für Investitionen bis zu 1.075.000 Lei (ca. 250.000 €) können KMU seit dem 09.06.2009 laufend Förderanträge stellen, bis das Budget von 430 Mio Lei (ca. 103 Mio €) für 2009 ausgeschöpft ist


Mikrounternehmen mit weniger als zehn Mitarbeitern können durch das Regionale Operationelle Programm (ROP) bei ihren Investitionen gefördert werden.

Förderung von Großinvestitionen - Große rumänischer Unternehmen

Mit dem Investitionsgesetz vom Oktober 2007 wurde die staatliche Beihilfe für Unternehmensinvestitionen in Rumänien den EU-Standards angepasst. Erstinvestitionen ab 30 Mio € und ab 300 neuen Arbeitsplätzen können direkte Zuschüsse aus öffentlichen Mitteln erhalten. Die Förderquote darf dabei die regionale Förderhöchstgrenze nicht überschreiten.

Die Gesamtsumme an Fördermitteln kann in Bukarest maximal 22,5 Mio € pro Projekt betragen, während in anderen Teilen Rumäniens höchstens 28,1 Mio € zulässig sind

Die Förderung muss vor Investitionsbeginn beim rumänischen Wirtschaftsministerium beantragt werden und wird im Nachhinein in Form einer Kostenrückerstattung ausgezahlt. Förderfähige Kosten sind der Erwerb von Grundstücken, Gebäuden, Maschinen, Anlagen und anderer Ausstattung
sowie von immateriellen Gütern. Mit Ausnahme von Unternehmensübernahmen und bei kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen müssen alle Anlagen neu sein, um gefördert werden zu können. Der Zuschuss kann auch anteilig zu den Arbeitskosten geleistet werden, wenn diese die Sachkosten der Investition übersteigen. In diesem Fall berechnet sich die Subvention auf Basis der Lohnkosten für alle neu geschaffenen Stellen in den ersten zwei Jahren ab Betriebsaufnahme. Die Investition muss generell über fünf Jahre hinweg aufrechterhalten werden. Bei kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen sind es drei Jahre.

Investitionsanreize in Industrieparks

In den etwa 45 staatlichen Industrieparks können Steuervergünstigungen bei den kommunalen Steuern für einen bestimmten Zeitraum gewährt werden. Darüber hinaus bieten Industrieparks relativ günstige Preise für Grundstücke und Infrastruktur. Um ein Grundstück in einem Industriepark zu erwerben, ist keine festgelegte Mindestinvestitionssumme notwendig, es sind jedoch meist größere Investoren, die sich in einem Industriepark ansiedeln

Förderart und -umfang


Direkte Zuschüsse für produktive Investitionen von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, teilweise auch Großunternehmen.

Nationale Förderinstrumente:

Staatliche Zuschüsse nur für Großinvestitionen ab 30 Mio € und 300 neuen Arbeitsplätzen. Steuererleichterungen bei den kommunalen Steuern und vergünstigte Preise für Grundstücke aus staatlichem oder kommunalem Besitz werden in den öffentlichen Industrieparks gewährt..


Die regionale Förderhöchstgrenze beträgt in Rumänien generell 50%, in der Region Bukarest 40% der förderbaren Kosten. Für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen erhöht sich die mögliche Förderquote um 10 beziehungsweise 20 Prozentpunkte, sodass kleine Unternehmen, die außerhalb von Bukarest investieren, mit bis zu 70% aus öffentlichen Mitteln gefördert werden können.

Mögliche Antragsteller


Verantwortlich für die Förderung von produktiven Investitionen aus dem SOP IEC ist das rumänische Ministerium für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Dieses führt die Ausschreibungen durch, nimmt
Förderanträge an und bewilligt die Projekte. Bei Großunternehmen ist das rumänische Wirtschaftsministerium zuständig.

Nationale Instrumente:

Die staatlichen Fördermaßnahmen für ausländische Investoren werden zentral von der rumänischen Agentur für Auslandsinvestitionen (ARIS) betreut. ARIS unterstützt ausländische Investoren bei der Auswahl eines geeigneten Standorts in Rumänien, informiert über staatliche Investitionsanreize und vermittelt Investoren an geeignete Stellen wie Behörden, Rechtsanwälte oder Steuerberater.

Ausschreibungen und Antragsfristen

Investitionen von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen mit einer Investitionssumme von bis zu 1.075.000 RON (ca. 250.000 €)

Förderfähige Investitionen: Grundstücke (bis zu 10% der Ausgaben), Baumaßnahmen, Maschinen, Anlagen, immaterielle Güter, Schulungen und Beratung
Förderart: Zuschüsse entsprechend der regionalen Förderhöchstgrenze

Investitionen von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (in Ausnahmefällen auch Großunternehmen mit einer Investitionssumme zwischen 1.075.000 Ron und 6.450.000 RON (ca. 250.000-1,5 Mio €)

Förderfähige Investitionen: Grundstücke (max. 10%), Baumaßnahmen, Maschinen, Anlagen, immaterielle Güter,Schulungen und teilweise Beratungsleistungen
Förderart: Zuschüsse entsprechend der regionalen Förderhöchstgrenze
Vergabeverfahren: Wettbewerbsverfahren, Ranking der eingereichten Projekte durch Gutachter, Fördermittelvergabe bis Budgetausschöpfung

Investitionen von Großunternehmen

Förderfähige Investitionen: Grundstücke (max. 10%), Baumaßnahmen, Maschinen, Anlagen, immaterielle Güter, Schulungen und teilweise Beratungsleistungen
Förderart: Zuschüsse entsprechend der regionalen Förderhöchstgrenze, maximal 5 Mio €
Für einzlene Maßnahmen können noch bis Ende 2009 Anträge beim rumänischen Wirtschaftministerium gestellt werden.

Freddy Jacobs





förderinstrumente rumänien,finanzierungsinstrumente rumänien,subventionen rumänien, EU Strukturfonds rumänien,sop iec rumänien, förderung von investitionen rumänien,investitionen rumänien,fordermittel rumänien, sop iec rumänie

Sparen mit hoher Rendite als eine Strategie für einen persönlichen Finanzplan

Bevor Sie sich entscheiden ist es wichtig zu wissen, ob Sie eher ein Sparer sind oder eher ein Investor. Wenn Sie eher zum Sparen neigen, scheuen Sie jedes Risiko. Und wenn Sie ein höheres Risiko für die Möglichkeit höherer Gewinne in Kauf nehmen, dann sind Sie ein Investor. Dann kommt es aber wieder darauf an, was für ein Typ an Investor Sie sind.

Jemand, der Geld auf ein Sparbuch tut, weiß genau, welches Kapital er in einigen Jahren Sparen besitzen wird. Von einer solchen Sicherheit kann ein Investor nur träumen.

Sparer-Investoren zeichnen sich durch eine Abneigung gegen hohe Risiken aus und haben nur wenig Erfahrungen mit Investment. Diese Menschen sind abhängig von der Bilanz und dem Guthaben und scheuen die Wertfluktuation. Der gesamte Sparer-Horizont ist voller Abneigung gegen Risiken, ob nun kurz- oder längerfristig. Meistens bezieht sich der Investment Horizont lediglich auf weniger als ein Jahr.

Wir haben ganz spezielle wertvolle Tipps für Sparer. Wir haben Produkte ausgewählt, die gerade auch in Zeiten einer Krise wie jetzt eine hervorragende defensive Performance aufweisen.

Es gibt keinen sichereren Weg, reich zu werden, als ein Sparbuch mit hoher Rendite. Skeptiker werden sofort erwidern, dass es auch kaum langsamer gehen kann. Das stimmt nicht ganz. Natürlich ist die Rendite bei Sparguthaben in vielen Fällen geringer als beim Investment - aber es gibt Ausnahmen von dieser Regel. Wir beraten Sie im Hinblick auf diese Ausnahmen und haben ein paar ganz spezielle Anlagemöglichkeiten mit hoher Rendite für Sie ausgesucht.
Banken und Versicherungsgesellschaften haben ganz verschiedene Produkte in Sachen Geldanlage entwickelt, mit den kreativsten Bezeichnungen. Es ist alles so kompliziert, dass Sie inzwischen manchmal den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht mehr sehen ...

Wir haben nach der Krise eine Europäische Studie veröffentlicht und können eine ganze Reihe an Produkten mit einer Rendite von zwischen 8 und 13% (jährlich) empfehlen.

Wir verkaufen keine Finanzprodukte - wir geben nur finanzielle Ratschläge. Sie behalten innerhalb des gesetzlichen Rahmens die volle Kontrolle über den Geldfluss. Rufen Sie uns noch heute an, um einen Termin auszumachen - bei Ihnen zu Hause oder in unseren Büros. Wir geben keine telefonische Beratung - aber in unseren Räumen beraten wir Sie kostenlos.

Freddy Jacobs

Finanzplanung, Investment mit hoher Rendite, Investment Rumnänien, persönliche Finanzplanung, Gedlmarkt mit hoher Rendite, Investment mit hoher Rendite, investieren in Rumnänien, die besten Geldanlagen mit hoher Rendite, Landwirtschaft Rumänien

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Bestes Investment mit hoher Rendite (das 2- bis X - Fache des ursprünglichen Kapitals)

Das Konzept

Die beste Möglichkeit, mit hoher Rendite in Rumänien zu investieren ist ein Investment in bisher ackerbaulich genutztes Land, um es in Bauland zu verwandeln.

Investments ganz früh in der Wertekette besitzen ein viel höheres Potenzial als bereits weiter gereifte Möglichkeiten. Natürlich überlegt man es sich intuitiv, dass solch ein früherer Einstieg auch das höhere Risiko bedeutet. Das stimmt aber nur teilweise.

In Immobilien zu investieren, wo die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten bereits gereift und weit fortgeschritten sind, ebenso wie in bereits weiter fortgeschrittenen Ländern und Gegenden ist ebenfalls mit einem enormen Risiko behaftet. Wenn wenig zu gewinnen ist, kann aber dennoch eine Menge zu verlieren sein, wie wir gleich sehen werden. Das gilt für Immobilien, aber auch für jedes bereits gereifte Investment, zum Beispiel die Finanzierung. Wir beschränken uns jetzt einmal auf Immobilien und betrachten die folgende Wertekette: Ackerland -> in Bauland verwandelte Gebiete -> einzelne Hausgrundstücke -> fertige Häuser..

Es ist klar dass zu beginn der Kette (große Gebiete Ackerland) ein Investment erheblich höhere Gewinne einbringen kann als ein Investment in fertige Häuser, sobald man berücksichtigt, dass das eigentliche Land zu einem Bruchteil des Preises erworben wird, den ein Grundstück erzielt, auf dem ein Haus steht.

Die meisten Menschen realisieren dies, es fehlt ihnen aber die Zeit, die erforderlich ist, wenn man in früheren Stadien der Kette investieren will. Es ist eine Menge an Recherchen erforderlich, wenn man Ackerland kaufen will, um es in Bauland zu verwandeln.

Es gibt da kein kompliziertes Konzept, das ein Investor erst einmal verstehen muss, wenn es um Land geht - es geht lediglich darum, dass der Bedarf an Bauprojekten ständig steigt, die Zahl der zum Verkauf stehenden Baugrundstücke jedoch begrenzt ist.

Der Wert des Landes erhöht sich auf zwei verschiedene Arten: einmal durch natürliche Inflation, und dann, indem man die Genehmigung erwirbt, auf dem Land zu bauen.

Zuerst einmal wird der Preis von Land infolge der natürlichen Geldentwertung ständig ansteigen. Zusätzlich gibt es da noch die Reaktion auf Angebot und Nachfrage, was einen verzerrenden Effekt auf den Preis haben kann. Werden die falschen Entscheidungen getroffen, kann dies zu enormen Verlusten führen, ansonsten zu ebenso enormen Gewinnen. Das derzeit rein ackerbaulich genutzte Land ist im Osten generell erheblich billiger zu haben als Ackerland im Westen. Von daher ist auf jeden Fall davon auszugehen, dass es im Laufe der nächsten Jahre im Wert steigen wird.

Zweitens erhöht sich der Wert des Landes durch eine Veränderung in seinem Status; vor allem mit der Genehmigung, auf diesem Land zu bauen. Eine Genehmigung, die theoretisch bei jedem Stück Land erworben werden kann, sofern bestimmte Kriterien erfüllt sind.

Die Bestimmung verändern

Ackerland in Bauland zu verwandeln, erfordert einen Verwaltungsakt, bei dem das Gebiet aus dem Landregister herausgenommen wird und im Bebauungsplan des nächsten Ortes eingefügt wird. Dieser Prozess wird geregelt durch diverse generelle (Master-)Pläne und Detailpläne.

Die Veränderung in der Bestimmung von Land wird durch die Landregister-Kommission reguliert, die regionale Abteilungen in allen großen Städten und lokale Abteilungen in den regionalen Städten und Dörfern hat.

Risiko, mögliche Gewinne und andere Überlegungen

Obwohl der Preis für Ackerland relativ gering ist, gibt es dennoch gewisse Risiken beim Investieren:

• es gibt keine absolute Garantie, dass die Umwandlung des Landes wirklich erreicht wird;
• es gibt keinen vorhersehbaren Zeitraum, innerhalb dessen der Prozess vollendet ist;
• es sind nicht alle tatsächlichen Kosten für die Umwandlung exakt vorhersehbar.

Kalkuliertes Risiko - wir investieren mit dem Investor

Deshalb ist, weil die Risiken sehr genau kalkulierbar sind, Ackerland ein großartiges Investment, sobald es in Bauland umgewandelt wurde und für die Bebauung vorgesehen ist. Der Preisunterschied liegt beim 2- bis 15-Fachen des ursprünglichen Preises.

Aber selbst wenn eine Bebauung nicht möglich sein sollte, wird der Welt des Ackerlandes bis zu 6.000 Euro/Hektar steigen, und zwar im Laufe der nächsten Jahre, etwa 1 - 4 Jahre. Heute können Sie Ackerland für einen Preis von 1.500 - 2.000 Euro/Hektar erwerben - komprimiert.

Die ursprünglichen Beträge sind deshalb so relativ gering - 20.0000 - 50.000 - 100.000 Euro, weil wir reines Ackerland kaufen.

Investment mit geringem Risiko als zweite Möglichkeit

Es gibt noch eine zweite Möglichkeit, mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 99%. Zonen, die bereits von kurzfristiger Städteplanung betroffen sind, große Investitionen, wichtige Bauprojekte und so weiter; all das können Sie ohne Risiko erwerben, und zwar für einen Preis von 1 - 12 Euro/qm. Der ursprüngliche Betrag wird sich bereits in einem Zeitraum von 1 - 3 Jahren verdoppelt oder verdreifacht haben.

Die ursprünglichen Beträge liegen höher und wir kaufen höchstens 0,5 bis 4 hektar, um das Risiko gleichmäßig zu verteilen.

Wir haben eine Anzahl an Städten ausgewählt und können dort Grund und Boden anbieten - und wir können das Risiko gewaltig minimieren, weil wir das Verfahren sehr genau kennen, ebenso wie die Akten und die Ziele der Städteplanung. Wir arbeiten eng mit Experten und örtlichen Behörden zusammen und sie kooperieren mit unseren Investoren.

Wir versprechen keine Wunder - aber wenn Sie bereit sind, das Risiko einzugehen, investieren wir alles, als Beweis unserer Fähigkeiten.

Wir werden Ihnen alle nötigen Informationen geben und das Prozedere im einzelnen während der ersten Besprechung in unseren Büros näher darstellen.

Freddy Jacobs

Finanzplanung, Investment mit hoher Rendite, Investment Rumnänien, persönliche Finanzplanung, Gedlmarkt mit hoher Rendite, Investment mit hoher Rendite, investieren in Rumnänien, die besten Geldanlagen mit hoher Rendite, Landwirtschaft Rumänien

Beihilfe und Subventionen in Rumänien

Hinsichtlich der Investitionen in Rumänien ist es notwendig die Informationen über die verfügbare Subventionen, über alle behördliche Einheiten zu kriegen, und die meist mögliche Subventionen für unseren Investition- Implementierungsprojekt in Rumänien. zu sammeln.

Jede Einheit hat ihren eigenen Forderungen betreffend die „Wählbarkeit" für eine bestimmte Subvention.

Es gibt Subventionen für Geschäftsreise nach Rumänien. Es gibt Subventionen für Eröffnung eines Büro in Rumänien.... für Teilnahme an Festtage, .. etc..etc.

Ein Arbeitsverfahren die auf die vorherige Analyse der Lebensfähigkeit hinsichtlich die öffentliche Finanzierung sich begründet, und eine kommerzielle Philosophie von „erfolgsreiches Kommission" gewährleisten die absolute Implizierung unserer Berater in die Projektsverwaltung und das gemeinsamen Ziel zur Erfindung der beste

Alternative der öffentliche Finanzierung für den Kunden, in Übereinstimmung mit seinem Profil, seiner Tätigkeit und das Projekt.

Aus die Subventionsbereich, richtet sich PBS Worldwide einer breiten Kundenkategorie (Privatgesellschaft, Institutionskunde - Berufsverbände, Stiftungen, etc- örtliche Verwaltungsbehörde, Regierungsfreie Organisationen, etc) an und bietet an:

INFORMATIONEN über die Möglichkeiten zur öffentliche Finanzierung, Hilfswege und Subventionen, die die verschiedene öffentliche Einheiten in kommunal, national und autonom Gebiet anbieten.

BERATUNG und Analyse der Lebensfähigkeit des Kunde und seiner Projekte betreffend die öffentliche Finanzierung .

TECHNISCHE BEIHILFE im Verwaltungs- und Vorbereitungsverfahren der Dokumente für Beihilfe- und Subventionsanträge die der Programmsorganisierende Einheiten vorgestellt müssen.

PBS Worldwide hat eine Mannschaft von Sachverständiger zugrunde, die ihre weltweite und bekannte Erfahrung im Bereich der Verwaltung der öffentlichen Programme in folgende Arbeitsbereiche bewiesen haben:

Tourismus und Landwirtschaft- Tourismus
Berufliche Ausbildung, Forschung, Qualität

Andere Informationen





Finanzplanung, Investment mit hoher Rendite, Investment Rumnänien, persönliche Finanzplanung, Gedlmarkt mit hoher Rendite, Investment mit hoher Rendite, investieren in Rumnänien, die besten Geldanlagen mit hoher Rendite, Landwirtschaft Rumänien

"Gmbh" in Rumanien - Societate cu raspundere limitata (SRL) in Romania

"Gmbh" in Rumanien - Societate cu raspundere limitata (SRL) in Romania

Sie brauchen nicht zu reizen !

Du kannst deine eigene Rumänischen SRL, ohne sich zu bewegen haben.

Wir schaffen es aus Belgien durch einen Bevollmächtigten, die Ihnen enorme spart Umzugskosten.

Wir machen den konstitutiven Akt (oder Satzung) nach Ihren Bedürfnissen - maßgeschneidert und wir stellen sicher, dass Sie bereit für die EU-Subventionen sind, da sie über 32 Milliarden Euro bis 2013 (nicht rückzahlbare Zuschüsse).

Sie werden nur in Rumänien ankommen, wenn Ihr s.r.l. ist betriebsbereit.

Wir werden Ihre einzigartige Firmennamen innerhalb von sieben Werktagen reservieren.

Wir organisieren eine zuverlässige Buchhalter zu ermäßigten Gebühren.

Der Notar ist zu Fuß von unserem Büro in Belgien.

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl und Einführung von Ihrer Bank und mit der Anordnung Ihrer Konten helfen.

Wir ordnen jedem Hosting, wie Sie wünschen (Briefkasten, Appartement, Villa, Büro etc ...). Diese werden gesondert in Rechnung gestellt werden, aber wir werden sehen, was Sie für einen Hosting in der SRL name.

Wir geben Ihnen praktische Unterstützung in Bezug auf die Aktivierung Ihres Unternehmens, dh ein Betriebssystem und ein aktives Konto USt-IdNr.

Sie werden auf die Reisekosten zu sparen und Sie werden kein Zeitverlust leiden.

Wir bieten den gleichen Service in ganz Rumänien zu einem festen Pauschalpreis.


- muss mindestens einen Gesellschafter haben. Maximal 50 Gesellschafter sind erlaubt.
- die Einmann-Gesellschaft ist erlaubt.


falls der Gesellschafter auch eine Gesellschaft (Muttergesellschaft) ist und auch nur einen einzigen Gesellschafter hat.
der Gesellschafter hat eine weitere rumänische Einmann-Gesellschaft (man darf nur in einereinzigen rumänischen Gesellschaft alleiniger Gesellschafter sein).
- Stammkapital: mindestens 200 RON (ca. 55€).
- das Stammkapital kann auch in ausländischer Währung eingezahlt werden.
- es können auch Sacheinlagen als Stammkapital eingebracht werden.
- das Stammkapital wird in gleichwertige Geschäftsanteile (mindestens 10 RON) unterteilt.
- die Geschäftsanteile können unbeschränkt an andere Gesellschafter übertragen werden.
- an Nicht-Gesellschafter dürfen die Anteile nur verkauft werden. Die Zustimmung der Gesellschaftsversammlung mit mindestens 75% ist dafür notwendig.
- jeder Geschäftsanteil ergibt eine Stimme in der Gesellschafterversammlung .
- die GmbH haftet für Ihre Verbindlichkeiten nur mit Ihrem Vermögen.
- die Beschlüsse der SRL werden durch die Gesellschaftsversammlung(GV) gefasst.
- die Beschlüsse bedürfen der absoluten Mehrheit der Gesellschafter und der Geschäftsanteile.

Es gibt die Möglichkeit im Gründungsdokument dieses zu umgehen indem man ausdrücklich fest schreibt, dass allein die Mehrheit der Geschäftsanteile genügt.

- die GV muss mindestens 1x im Jahr stattfinden, um den Jahresabschluss zu genehmigen.
- der Geschäftsführer der SRL wird durch das Gründungsdokument oder durch die GV bestellt.
- mehrere Geschäftsführer sind erlaubt.
- jeder Gesellschafter darf auch Geschäftsführer sein.

Sie brauchen nicht zu reizen !



vrijdag 4 juni 2010

Romania's 2007-2009 European fund absorption rate exceeds 10%

Romania has absorbed more than 10% of the European grants allocated to it in 2007-2009 that was used for projects worth 8.4 billion euros, the Department for European affairs of the Romanian Government reports, citing from a recent report of the European Commission. In its communication called 'Cohesion policy: Strategic report 2010 on the implementation of the programmes 2007-2013,' the European Commission says Romania has identified reduced administrative efficiency of both management authorities and beneficiaries and ongoing internal reorganisation of the public administration as the main reasons for the delays in accessing the European funds. According to the report, the member states of the European Union say their original commitments to invest in structural change are being realised. Projects are already selected amounting to more than 93 billion euros or 27% of the total financial volume for the period, after approximately 18 months of active implementation.

Source: Agerpres.