zondag 14 oktober 2012

Ambasadorul Belgiei, la inaugurarea primei investiţii străine la Mărăcineni , Buzau

Este vorba despre un centru de afaceri româno-belgian Ambasadorul Belgiei în România, Philippe Beke, a participat, ieri, la Buzău, la inaugurarea primului centru de afaceri româno-belgian din judeţ. La eveniment au luat parte şi reprezentanţi ai autorităţilor locale, centrul fiind dezvoltat de Filip Verschelde, cel care îl deţine de altfel, şi Freddy Jacobs, preşedintele Camerei Imobiliare Belgia – România.

"Din experienţa pe care o am, consider că este foarte important să începi alfabetul cu A, B şi C. În economie, asta înseamnă să ai grijă de ceea ce vei dori să faci în viitor şi care sunt intenţiile de urmat. Această iniţiativă de a avea un centru în comuna Mărăcineni reprezintă un beneficiu atât pentru partea belgiană cât şi pentru investitorii români. Un asemenea centru este ca un pom care poate să crească foarte mare, dar trebuie să fie îngrijit, ţinând cont de mediul în care creşte. Buzăul este o zonă în care poţi dezvolta un centru de afaceri, nu este cu nimic mai prejos decât Bucureştiul, şi are foarte multe avantaje competitive. Sprijinim autorităţile locale şi centrale în iniţiativele lor de dezvoltare a infrastructurii, tocmai în scopul de a ajuta aceste centre de afaceri în viitor. Iniţiativa domnului Freddy Jacobs de a înfiinţa această cameră la Buzău este binevenită şi de aceea am rugămintea ca primarul acestei comune şi preşedintele Consiliului Judeţean să dea o mână de ajutor la dezvoltarea centrului în perspectiva colaborărilor viitoare pe care investitorii belgieni le pot avea cu investitorii români. Sunt convins că în perioada următoare acest centru de afaceri se va dezvolta şi se va auzi de el”, a declarat Philippe Beke, ambasadorul Belgiei în România.

de afaceri nou inaugurat a fost construit în comuna Mărăcineni ca urmare a achiziţionării unei proprietăţi private, fondatorii acestuia intenţionând ca în perioada următoare să pună la punct toate detaliile pentru desfăşurarea activităţii investitorilor străini doritori.

„Noi, cetăţenii comunei Mărăcineni, ne bucurăm că avem o astfel de firmă. Poate aşa se va da startul şi pentru alte companii, să vină pe raza comunei noastre sau chiar în judeţ. Am să mă străduiesc să sprijin această societate cu tot ceea ce este necesar pentru dezvoltarea sa şi a localităţii noastre. Este o onoare că s-au gândit să facă acest centru de afaceri aici. Avem la nivelul comunei 292 de societăţi comerciale, dar toate româneşti, iar aceasta este prima care vine dintr-o ţară străină”, a precizat Constantin Dumitru, primarul comunei Mărăcineni. În prezent, în acest centru de afaceri urmează a-şi derula activitatea opt firme, printre care una olandeză, care se ocupă cu cultivarea cartofilor, şi o alta care are ca activitate transportul animalelor în Belgia. Centrul de afaceri va asigura în primul rând baza materială a investitorilor, care vor beneficia de tot sprijinul necesar în activitatea lor. Dezvoltatorii acestuia speră ca în anul următor numărul firmelor să crească, iar centrul să devină o oportunitate pentru investitorii români şi belgieni, o cale de legătură între aceştia.

„De profesie sunt veterinar, şi ţinând cont de aceasta, am călătorit prin mai multe ţări, astfel că am descoperit şi România. Mă bucur că am această şansă, şi că am renunţat la modelul de business pe care doream să îl dezvolt, în creşterea animalelor, şi am ajuns la ajutarea acestor firme mai mici. Nu am întâmpinat probleme în crearea centrului, pe partea financiară am fost ajutat de domnul Freddy Jacobs şi astfel sunt foarte mulţumit de România”, a declarat Filip Verschelde, patronul centrului de afaceri.

more info: frjacobs@telenet.be

: opinia Buzau 10 october 2012

vrijdag 28 september 2012

For sale solar project 6 (5.99) MWp in Prahova county Romania FJ009

Type Two solar photovoltaic parks for green energyPark n° 1 : "FV1" Park n° 2 : "FV2" Planned commissioning, completion 2012 Location Romania, Prahova County Total Land Size approx. 14 haInstalled capacity approx. 5.99 MWp Installed capacity at kW installed approx. 5991 KWp Solar Modulus - free choice: single panel power: 230 Wp - Silicon Productivity 7000 MWh / year Calculated annual yield 7000 MWh / year Compensation for power supply 6 Green Certificates + Energy Price Calculated investment costs pro MW ca./approx. in € 2.000.000 € / MWLeases Price of the land: 2.500 €/year/ha Project Price: 200.000 €/MWp Nr. FJ009 More info: frjacobs@telenet.be

For sale solar project 2.6 MWp in Dolj county Romania FJ017

Size/Radiation Size (system capacity): 3.26 MW Output: 2.605 MW Annual Irradiation (PVGIS): 1440 KWh/M2 Authorization & Connection Status Project Type: Ground based Solar Plant PV System Type: Poly Cristal (can be changed) Stage: Partially Permitted Completion Date: N/A Connection Date: Within 2-3 Month Permissions still to be obtained: BP Taxes still to be paid: € 49.500 Components Modules: (To be specified by investor) Inverters: (To be specified by investor) Note:[Ex.: type and brand of inverters can be changed at additional costs (re-permitting taxes)] Land Plot Size: 5,6 hectare Status of use: Intravilan (with BP) User rights: Long Term Rent (option for Purchase) Yearly costs: 400 EURO/ha Distance to Grid Connection: 200 Mtrs. Tariff Total tariff (Q1-2012): +/- €390/MWh Type of tariff: FIT+GC GC term: Green Certificates 15 Yrs. FIT Payments: According to ANRE average (€52/MWh) Green Certificates: 6 Green Certificate Price: €57.35 (Q1-2012) Deal Structure Buyer obtains 100% of the shares in the SPV] Revenues (forecast) Annual Production: 3.428.000 KWh Annual Revenues: € 1.336.920 Annual Costs: € 156.000 Investment (Project Acquisition) Net Investment per MWp: € [207.293]*** Net investment Total: € [540.000] more info mail me frjacobs@telenet.be Nr. FJ017

For sale solar project 5.7 MWp in Teleorman county Romania FJ015

Following permits and authorizations have been issued: • Urbanism Certificate • Environmental Terms • Grid Connection Terms • All necessary authorizations and positive opinions from authorities and local councils,municipal and regional, are valid in place. • Building Permit • Power Purchasing Agreement is concerned, the work for obtaining this has commenced. Tracking systems with double axis The 5,7 MWp project will be constructed with double axis tracking systems. The PV Park will utilize 285 double axis tracking systems with 20 kWp installed capacity each, placed is such way to avoid shadowing and maximize energy yield. Tooling Electrical Equipment including medium and low voltage equipment will be delivered by the ABB concern whereas the cabling will be imported from the EU having all necessary certifications and other regulatory norms. All the equipment will be TUV certified, assuring the proper quality needed for obtaining the desired energy output. Output Using the PVGIS interactive on-line tool to access the solar radiation and photovoltaic potential of the area, the park output is estimated at 6,950,000 kw with a fixed system, and 9,590,000 with a double axis tracking systems. Nr. FJ015 Price on demand: frjacobs@telenet.be

For sale solar project romania Gorj province 20MW FJ010

A solar project of 20 MW in the province of Gorj near Tirgu Jiu on a surface of 52 hectares of land. The grid feed in is 23.063 Mwh and the specific annual yield is 1.153 kwh/kWp. contact frjacobs@telenet.be project nr . FJ010

For Sale solar project Romania 3 MW project in Arges County FJ011

Location: Arges County The plot is located at the Southern entrance passage through the Carpathian Mountains, Romania, 800 m from the asphalt to the European road E574 to Brasov (70 km) or Pitesti (60 km). Land Size: 9.2 hectares (1.8 hectares of land registered within the built-up area, the difference is registered as meadow) Land Type: naturally and partially forested, road access with 0.2% slop. Photovoltaic Installation: 3 MW Ownership: Company Distance to the Grid: 800 m from the 20 kV National network Remarks: Urbanism Certificate - in process; PUZ/Plan for Urban Zoning - in process; No Geo-technical Hazard; Meteorological Institute info: 2075 hours of Insolation and 4380 hours day light per year. Nr. FJ011 more info frjacobs@telenet.be

For sale solar project in Romania 56MWp in Satu Mare county FJ012

Solar project in Satu Mare county on 143 hectares with 56 MWp and 59.125 MWh. Nr. FJ012 More info : frjacobs@telenet.be

Solar projects in romania in Dolj County 80MW - several projects all between 4.8 and 10 MW FJ013

General Area Information Average GHR radiation in sites is in the range of 1400 KWh/m² and 1480 KWh/m² , among the best areas in Romania for solar PV . The area is suitable for solar PV developments (the first projects to obtain the connection permit in the corresponding substations). Projects will be delivered at fully permitted stage. For the PPA, Installation license and Grid Connection Agreement to be obtained, the final shareholder structure must be officially presented, and also the investment breakdown must be known. Capacity Large pipeline of 10 projects totaling near 80 MWp on more than 170 Hectares ; Concentrating in 4 different 20/110KV substations owned by CEZ Oltenia; Installed capacity ranging between 4,8 – 10 MWp; Connection in MV with an average distance to the substation of 250 meters /MWp; Land for the projects is owned by the SPVs. Nr. FJ013 More info frjacobs@telenet.be

zondag 8 juli 2012

Romania to benefit from higher European funds in 2014-2020

Romania will be one of the countries to benefit from higher European funds from the European Union budget for the period between 2014 and 2020, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos told a press conference on Wednesday.

'Romania must prove they need these funds and are able to make good use of them. The agriculture will play a major role within the next budget with a 371.7 billion euros amount, to which 15.2 billion euros are added as financial availability related to the common agriculture policy,' Ciolos said.

According to the official, the European budget for 2014-2020 will represent 1.05 percent of the European Union GDP and focuses on certain European priorities.

'The European budget is not similar to the national budgets. The European budget is made over seven years and focuses on certain European priorities. The budget on 2014 to 2020 is 1.025 billion euros representing 1.05 percent of the European Union GDP. A budget 95 percent of which will return to the member states by funded projects,' Ciolos explained.

Romania should plan an agriculture strategy for at least 25 years - rural development romania 2014 -2020

Secretary of state with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Achim Irimescu, responsible with the technical directions within the European Union, says in an interview granted to Agerpres that Romania should have a strategy for agriculture to span at least 25 years from now on, where several major points should be set.

Achim Irimescu added that the Ministry of Agriculture will hold a tender offer by this autumn to appoint some consultancy companies to conduct analyses to find out the stage of agriculture in Romania at the moment, and which should recommend which should be the priorities for 2014-2020, considering the new National Rural Development Programme.

Among the major themes to be approached there are land amassing, creating branches to get rid of intermediaries and price gouging, an analysis of the Romanian and the EU markets, measures taken to support certain crops and certain guidelines in animal husbandry, to align to the demands of the international market, exports planning, large-scale development of honey and honey bee products, supporting the youth to resort to agriculture, collecting some measures which the ministry should present to the European Commission, amassing the agriculture-related agencies, the large-scale development of agri-tourism, the development and the update of the rural infrastructure, of the rural services, the rebirth of the traditional crafts (genuine crafted items, crack willow furniture, etc), the update and supporting financing through banks and other institutions of rural credit, the association and creation of farmers co-ops.

26 june 2012

dinsdag 12 juni 2012



Die ersten offiziellen Teilergebnisse der Kommunalwahlen am Sonntag zeigen, dass die meisten Stimmen für Kreisräte und Kreisratspräsidenten für die Union der Sozial-Liberalen (USL) abgegeben wurden (52%). Für die Demokrat-Liberalen (PDL) haben etwa 13% gestimmt, für die Volkspartei von Dan Diaconescu (PP-DD) 7%. Was die Lokalräte betrifft liegt USL mit 42,7% vorne, gefolgt von der PDL 15,78% und PSD (allein) mit 7,67%. Auch die meisten Bürgermeister stammen aus der USL (53,27%), PDL hat 15,8% und PSD alleine 9,93% der Stimmen erhalten. PSD erscheint auch alleine, da die Union (USL) nur in den Kreishauptstädten und in Bukarest gemeinsame Kandidaten aufgestellt hatte, in den anderen Ortschaften haben sich PSD, PNL und PC (die drei Parteien, die die Union bilden) alleine zur Wahl gestellt.



Ersten Hochrechnungen zufolge hat sich der Parteilose Kandidat Sorin Oprescu mit 56,67% der Stimmen ein zweites Mandat als Oberbürgermeister von Bukarest gesichert. Oprescu wird von der USL (Union der Sozial-Liberalen) unterstützt. Auf Platz 2 befindet sich Silviu Prigoana mit 15,67% der Stimmen, gefolgt von Nicusor Dan (parteilos) mit 9,17%.


Fünf der sechs Bezirksbürgermeister kommen aus der USL:

Im Bezirk 1 wurde Andrei Chiliman (PNL) mit 74,52% Stimmen wiedergewählt, im Bezirk 2 bleibt Bürgermeister Neculai Onţanu (Nationale Union für den Fortschritt Rumäniens - UNPR) im Amt (49,01% der Stimmen). Im Bezirk 3 gibt es einen Wechsel: der amtierende Bürgermeister Liviu Negoiţă von der Demokratisch-Liberalen Partei (PDL) wurde von seinem Bruder Robert Negoita (PSD) besiegt (58,51% der Stimmen). Bezirk 4 wird auch die nächsten 4 Jahre von Cristian Popescu Piedone (PC) geleitet, der 80,08% der Stimmen erhielt. Für den Bezirk 5 bleibt Marian Vanghelie von den Sozial-Demokraten (56,02%) im Amt. Bezirk 6 hat einen neuen Bürgermeister: Rares Manescu (PNL) erhielt 50,61% der Wahlstimmen.


Der Lokalrat wird von folgenden Parteien gebildet: USL 54,15%, PDL - 16,3%, PP-DD, 10,83%.

44,25% der Bukarester haben ihr Wahlrecht ausgeübt.



In Cluj findet ein Kopf an Kopf rennen statt zwischen Marius Nicoara (PNL) und Emil Bob (PDL). Laut Exit-Poll Antena 3 hat Nicoara 43,1% der Stimmen und Boc 40% erhalten. Realitatea TV schätzt 41% für beide Kandidaten. Der frühere Regierungschef Emil Boc hatte das Bürgermeisteramt bereits zwischen 2004 und 2008 inne.



Laut Hochrechnungen IRES(DIGI 24): hat Nicolae Robu (PNL) über 50% der Stimmen erhalten. Der amtierende Bürgermeister Gheorghe Ciuhandu (PNTCD – Bauernpartei) hat sich nicht mehr zur Wahl gestellt. Kreisratvorsitzender wird Titu Bojin (PSD).


Der amtierende Bürgermeister Gheorghe Falca (PDL + PER) hat ein drittes Mandat gewonnen mit 43,45% der abgegebenen Stimmen, laut Teilergebnissen.



Der amtierende Bürgermeister Klaus Johannis (Demokratisches Forum der Deutschen in Rumänien) wurde mit 77,9% der Stimmen wiedergewählt. Es ist dies sein viertes Mandat. Kreisratvorsitzender soll nach aller Wahrscheinlichkeit Ion Cindrea (PSD) werden, der laut Teilergebnissen 49,94% der Stimmen erhalten hat und somit Martin Bottesch besiegt.


Der Kandidat der PSD, Gheorghe Nichita, hat sich noch ein Mandat gesichert mit 65,8% der Stimmen laut CCSB (Antena3). Kreisratvorsitzender soll Cristian Adomnitei (PNL) werden.



Der amtierende Bürgermeister, Radu Mazare (PSD), ist bereits Sieger mit über 60% der Stimmen. Der Kreisrat wird ebenfalls von einem PSD-Mitglied geleitet, Nicusor Constantinescu.



Lia Olguta Vasilescu (USL) erhält 45,5% der Stimmen und wird somit neue Bürgermeisterin der Stadt.

Die Wahlbeteiligung landesweit lag bei 56,39%.

Source hotnews.ro 


zondag 10 juni 2012

Changes in several Ministry of Finance orders regarding VAT

An Order ("the Order") has been published amending some rules regarding the cases of application of VAT exemption provided by the Fiscal Code, as well as new rules for VAT registration for newly established companies. The Order amends previous orders related to VAT exemption and registration. The first amendment clarifies that the VAT exemption for supply of goods / services related to ship construction may be applicable in some specific situations provided by the law. Another amendment stipulates that in order to apply the VAT exemption for supply of goods and services performed in the benefit of NATO member forces, a letter must be obtained from the National Defence Ministry confirming that those forces are participating in a common defence activity in Romania. Finally, from 23 April 2012, in the event of registration for VAT purposes the clearance certificate is mandatory for all shareholders regardless of the shareholding percentage.

zaterdag 19 mei 2012

The Future of the Common Agricultural Policy in Romania 2014 - 2020

Between 2014 and 2020, over 386 million euros will be allocated for supporting agriculture in the European Union. As announced by the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Romania’s Dacian Ciolos, the Common Agricultural Policy remains the main beneficiary of the EU budget, valued at 1025 billion euros. The EU strategy for the 7-year period is mainly aimed at boosting the economy once again through the development of research and innovation, investment in green energy, the acquisition of organic products, guaranteeing food safety, as well as the creation of new jobs.

One new feature is that the budget bill addresses a series of key principles, the first and foremost being that the European Commission will focus on obtaining actual results, rather than absorbing as much money from community funds as possible. The second principle is that of conditionality, meaning that money will be allocated on the basis of commitments made by member states for obtaining stable results. The rules will be simpler, clearer and more transparent, resulting in reduced bureaucracy. Another principle is that of flexibility, meaning funds will be more easily transferable from one budget line to another, depending on priorities.

The EU’s budget bill will, for the first time, allocate funds for agricultural research, will finance consortia and collaborations between laboratories and research centers, agricultural producers and professional associations, as well as structures dealing with professional organization and consultancy. 3.5 billion euros in total, meaning an average of 500 million euros per year, will be allocated for crisis situations on the food market. These include scenarios like those caused by the bird flu, E-coli or dioxin contamination. The future CAP will bring Romanian farmers even bigger subsidies, Dacian Ciolos assures.

The European commissioner says that at community level, a harmonization of these subsidies is required, given the currently large discrepancies between sums allocated to different countries: “The Commission will propose increasing subsidies for farmers in Romania and other countries currently benefiting from amounts of money far below the community average. We are unlikely to see subsidies brought to the same level for all countries, as this would be hard to justify. Production conditions vary from one country to another and even from one region to another, so the system we are going to propose will even allow for differentiation of subsidies between different regions of the same member country.”

While long-standing members of the Eu are granted subventions following a historical criterion, receiving a fixed amount of money each year, new members are subject to new conditions, until they catch up with the more developed nations. There are currently two ways of allocating subsidies as part of the CAP. At present, the European average per land area unit is 260 euros.

Florin Marius Faur, head of the Agency for Payments and Interventions in Agriculture, told us more: “Romania still has limited experience in the area of European subsidies. Romanian farmers only began to benefit from payments per land area unit in 2007. Initially, 50 euros per unit were allocated for Romanian farmers, and that sum has so far grown to nearly 100 euros. Through the new CAP, between 2014 and 2020, the subsidy could be increased to over 200 euros per unit, bringing Romanian farmers much closer to those in older EU member countries. We have 900 million euros allocated for this year, and we’ll have 1.1 billion next year. This money comes from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and is made available exclusively for payments per land area unit.”

One issue in Romanian agriculture continues to be the widespread fragmentation of plots of land. Over one million Romanian farmers are currently benefiting from payments per land area unit, of which some 900 thousand own between 1 and 5 hectares of land. That is why, in order to merge plots of land, the Romanian authorities will grant between 30 and 100 euros per hectare annually to owners aged over 55 who lease their plots for periods of 5 to 15 years. Those who sell their plots under these conditions will receive 200 euros per hectare, according to the law. The authorities in Bucharest believe that merging plots will make agriculture more productive.

Dacian Ciolos: “For certain member states, including Romania, the sums received for investing in modernizing agriculture are, to my mind, just as important as the subsidies received. Because, if we were to heavily increase subsidies for Romanian farmers, and if we were to provide almost none of the 40-60% co-financing funds for purchasing equipment, building processing plants, or helping young farmers and so on, then I think that Romanian farmers would face tough competition against other parts of the EU where these investments have already been made.”

In the new CAP there is increasing talk about concepts like environmentally friendly agriculture, and according to specialists, Romanian farmers fall into this category. The European Commission is going to present the legislative package on the 2014-2020 Common Agricultural Policy on 12th October 2011, and it will then be discussed by the European Council and the European Parliament. The new CAP should enter into force on the 01 January 2014.


Fermierii vor primi mai mulţi bani drept subvenţii pentru culturile vegetale, iar pentru crescătorii dce animale se anunţă noi programe de finanţare. Ministrul Agriculturii, Valeriu Tabără, spune că din octombrie se vor da bani şi în avans.

În sectorul vegetal, subvenţia pe suprafaţă va creşte de la 131 de euro/hectar la 190 de euro/hectar, iar de această creştere vor beneficia 1,2 milioane de fermieri, a declarat ministrul Agriculturii, Valeriu Tabără, într-o conferinţă în care şi-a prezentat activitatea la împlinirea unui an de mandat. „Din 16 octombrie până în primele zile ale lunii decembrie se va acorda un avans la subvenţie, în valoare de 43 de euro/hectar, şi sperăm ca până la 15 martie 2012 toate plăţile să fie încheiate“, a arătat ministrul. Cât priveşte subvenţiile pentru motorină, Tabără a arătat că a fost sprijinită astfel achiziţia a 247 milioane de litri, de cdare au beneficiat 9.000 de fermieri.

Toţi banii sunt pregătiţi În sectorul zootehnic, se dau subvenţii de 40 de lei/cdap pentru oi şi capre şi de 410 lei/cap pentru bovine. „Pentru fiecare tip de subvenţie sunt pregătiţi banii necesari“, a precizat Tabără. El a mai anunţat că săptămâna viitoare va discuta, la Bruxelles, demararea unui „sistem special de creditare pentru agricultorii din sectorul privat, din fonduri ale Programului Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală, care va semăna cu ceea ce a fost programul «Fermierul»“.

Local elections set for June 10 this year in Romania

Romania will organize local elections on June 10 this year, according to Mediafax, quoting official sources. Last year, Emil Boc’s pre-protest Government, assumed responsibility in the Parliament for organizing joint local and Parliamentary elections. The country’s Constitutional Court however ruled that joint elections would be unlawful.

donderdag 26 april 2012

business center romania buzau - rent an office in Buzau

  Buzau a central location. The city of Buzău (Romanian pronunciation: [buˈzəw]) is the county seat of Buzău County, Romania, in the historical region of Wallachia. It lies near the right bank of the Buzău River, between the south-eastern curvature of the Carpathian Mountains and the lowlands of Bărăgan Plain. It is close to the capital Bucharest (120 km) and close to the Black Sea and Brasov, Pitesti and Ploiesti. Buzău is an important modern city in south-eastern Romania.

  The province of Buzau, Romania and East Flanders, Belgium are "twins". Since 1995 there is a cooperation agreement between East- Flanders and the province of Buzau. The cooperation has been initiated by the Belgian Governor Herman Balthazar and later by governor André Denys and from the Romanian side prefect Ion Vasile and the president of the county counsel Victor Mocanu.

  There was an important collaboration with the hospital of Buzau and financial aid from the province of East- Flanders (http://www.spitalulbuzau.ro/colaborari_en.php).

  For this reason the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber has an office in Buzau and not in Bucharest since 2006.

For this reason we have created the Belgian Romanian Business Center in Buzau in 2011 in Maracineni 5 km from the city center in Buzau. The center is a business center and incubation center for Belgian companies that want to develop activities in Romania. We thank the Romanian side for the support on this project. This project is very important in the framework of collaboration between the provinces. At this moment there are 4 companies present and two more will be registered before the summer of 2012. 

  We would like to thank the local authorities for the support that they give and will give to Belgian investors in order to have a fast company creation, registration of the office at anaf and for the support in obtaining the vat number and ROI certificates and registration of employees at the start-up of the company.

  Freddy Jacobs

Data: 25 April 2012 


President Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber 

  We represent the Belgian owner of the business center in Buzau with full powers

zondag 15 april 2012

Report on the waste sector in Romania 2012

For the implementation in 8 development regions of the National Waste Management
Plan, Regional Waste Management Plans (RWMP) have been issued, with a view to
develop and implement an integrated waste management system, economically and ecologically efficient. Targets to comply with National and EU objectives and including projections for the necessary investment in equipment and facilities have been set up in the RWMP. The waste management legislation in Romania is in line with the acquis communautaire. In the process of negotiating the access to EU, Romania obtained transition periods until 2017 for certain waste types, in order to comply with EU Directives as follows: municipal landfills - transition period until 2017, temporary storage of hazardous industrial waste - 2009; industrial waste landfills – transition periods until 2013.

Between 2011 and 2013, 75 non - compliant landfills are still to be closed. In accordance with the Accession Treaty, Romania needs to ensure the gradual reduction of waste stored in the 101 municipal landfills which do not comply,by capping the maximum quantities stored annually as follows:

• by end 2010: max. 2 900 000 t;
• by end 2011: max. 2 740 000 t;
• by end 2012: max. 2 460 000 t;
• by end 2013: max. 2 200 000 t.

According to Directive 1999 / 31 / EC and Government Decision 162 / 2002, Romania must reduce the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste deposited annually, as compared with 2001 (in weight), to 50% till 2010 and to 35% till 2017. Other periods of transition have been obtained for some targets in the field of packaging waste by 2013, aimed at significantly reducing the amount of waste to be stored.


•2013 – closure of 238 existing municipal landfills which are not in compliance with EU
•Construction of 65 municipal landfills which are in compliance with EU regulations (min.
capacity of 100,000 t/year – regional) – transfer stations;
•2016 – reduction of the quantity of solid waste disposed in 101 municipal non-hazardous waste
which are not in compliance with EU regulations;
•2013 – reduction of the quantity of liquid waste disposed in 23 plants which are not in
compliance with EU regulations;
•2006 – 2011 – reduction of the quantity of liquid waste disposed in five sedimentation ponds
which are not in compliance with EU regulations.

Biodegradable waste management

The Strategy provides to reduce the removal by landfills of biodegradable waste:

•by 25% up to 2011;
•by 50% up to 2015;
•by 65% up to 2016,

compared with the quantities generated in 1995.

Selective collecting of packaging waste – M.O. No. 1281/2005

Containers – inscriptions and colours:

•Non - recyclable waste – black/grey;
•Biodegradable waste – brown;
•Paper/cardboard – blue;
•Glass white/coloured – white/green;
•Ferrous and plastic – yellow;
•Hazardous waste – red.

Packaging and packaging waste (directive 94/62/ce)

•2013 – recycling target level - 55%
•2013 – revaluation target level – 62%

WEEE (Directive 2002/96/CE)

31.12.2008 – 4 kg WEEE/inhabitant/year
31.12.2008 – recovery and recycling …

Incineration of waste

Transition period until 2009 for the close-up of 335 crematoria located in the hospital and construction of 8 regional incineration plants for medical hazardous waste and one national incineration plant for industrial hazardous waste.

Different programs, absolutely necessary to fulfill the legislation requirements, will be implemented in Romania in the period 2008 - 2016:

- construction of 65 new landfills in compliance with UE and Romanian legislation; except the existing 20 should be constructed other 45 new landfills;
- transfer station at the level of each county for small localities;
- regional sorting plants;
- recycling plants;
- composting plants;
- construction of 8 incinerators for medical waste (one for each region);
- construction of an industrial hazardous waste incinerator, estimated capacity 62,000 tons/year;
- co incineration of some municipal waste categories in the cement kilns;
- construction of municipal incineration plants with minimum capacity of 150,000 tons/year (each);
locations in Region 1, Region 6 and Region 8.

The tendency is to build, as much as possible under technical and economical point of view, regional waste treatment platforms for treatment- recycling and final disposal of municipal waste. For the moment the existing projects are connected with the construction of new landfills with the obligation the close-up the existing landfill, but the Romanian investors analyse the extension of the existing projects with sorting and recycling stations for municipal waste, WEEE, used oils, aso.

In order to be economically feasible, the locations of the regional waste treatment platforms will be located near the big cities.

Type of EU financed projects

The EU financing scheme for this domain offers subsidies for projects which usually
cover extended regional areas, either urban or rural. The main purpose of the financial scheme is to implement or complete the infrastructure for the integrated waste management system, starting from collection and transport to final disposal and / or recycling solution. There will be funded major projects, with values exceeding EUR 25 million. Maximum funding of total eligible costs of a project is 98% (of which 80% are provided by FEDR and 18% are provided by the national budget). Project beneficiaries which usually are the local authorities through the District Councils must provide the remaining 2% and have to cover the expenditure for the non - eligible costs.

According to SOP - Environment, the main objectives of the Priority Axis 2 - Area of
intervention “Development of integrated waste management and waste
management infrastructure expansion”, are as follows:

• Increase coverage of the population receiving municipal waste collection and
management services of appropriate quality and affordable tariffs
• Reduce the amount of waste deposited
• Increase the amount of waste recycled and recovered
• Establishment of efficient waste management structures

The operations to be developed under this key area of intervention will finance the
following indicative activities:

• Acquisition and installation of selective collection systems
• Construction of sorting, recycling and composting facilities
• Acquisition of waste transport vehicles
• Construction of municipal waste disposal facilities and transfer stations
• Recovery of gas from landfills, where appropriate
• Construction of adequate facilities for municipal hazardous waste (medical waste, electric and electronics waste, etc.) and other specific municipal waste streams (construction and demolition waste, etc.)
• Closure of non - compliant landfills
• Technical assistance for project preparation, management and supervision, publicity and awareness campaigns (on selective collection, sorting, recycling, composting), institutional governance improvement, tendering and selection of waste services operators.

More info frjacobs@telenet.be

Source: EVD, case study region 8 bucharest Ilfov, internet research and some interviews

maandag 9 april 2012

Report on the waste sector in Romania 2012

For the implementation in 8 development regions of the National Waste Management
Plan, Regional Waste Management Plans (RWMP) have been issued, with a view to
develop and implement an integrated waste management system, economically and ecologically efficient. Targets to comply with National and EU objectives and including projections for the necessary investment in equipment and facilities have been set up in the RWMP. The waste management legislation in Romania is in line with the acquis communautaire. In the process of negotiating the access to EU, Romania obtained transition periods until 2017 for certain waste types, in order to comply with EU Directives as follows: municipal landfills - transition period until 2017, temporary storage of hazardous industrial waste - 2009; industrial waste landfills – transition periods until 2013.

Between 2011 and 2013, 75 non - compliant landfills are still to be closed. In accordance with the Accession Treaty, Romania needs to ensure the gradual reduction of waste stored in the 101 municipal landfills which do not comply,by capping the maximum quantities stored annually as follows:

• by end 2010: max. 2 900 000 t;
• by end 2011: max. 2 740 000 t;
• by end 2012: max. 2 460 000 t;
• by end 2013: max. 2 200 000 t.

According to Directive 1999 / 31 / EC and Government Decision 162 / 2002, Romania must reduce the quantity of biodegradable municipal waste deposited annually, as compared with 2001 (in weight), to 50% till 2010 and to 35% till 2017. Other periods of transition have been obtained for some targets in the field of packaging waste by 2013, aimed at significantly reducing the amount of waste to be stored.


•2013 – closure of 238 existing municipal landfills which are not in compliance with EU
•Construction of 65 municipal landfills which are in compliance with EU regulations (min.
capacity of 100,000 t/year – regional) – transfer stations;
•2016 – reduction of the quantity of solid waste disposed in 101 municipal non-hazardous waste
which are not in compliance with EU regulations;
•2013 – reduction of the quantity of liquid waste disposed in 23 plants which are not in
compliance with EU regulations;
•2006 – 2011 – reduction of the quantity of liquid waste disposed in five sedimentation ponds
which are not in compliance with EU regulations.

Biodegradable waste management

The Strategy provides to reduce the removal by landfills of biodegradable waste:

•by 25% up to 2011;
•by 50% up to 2015;
•by 65% up to 2016,

compared with the quantities generated in 1995.

Selective collecting of packaging waste – M.O. No. 1281/2005

Containers – inscriptions and colours:

•Non - recyclable waste – black/grey;
•Biodegradable waste – brown;
•Paper/cardboard – blue;
•Glass white/coloured – white/green;
•Ferrous and plastic – yellow;
•Hazardous waste – red.

Packaging and packaging waste (directive 94/62/ce)

•2013 – recycling target level - 55%
•2013 – revaluation target level – 62%

WEEE (Directive 2002/96/CE)

31.12.2008 – 4 kg WEEE/inhabitant/year
31.12.2008 – recovery and recycling …

Incineration of waste

Transition period until 2009 for the close-up of 335 crematoria located in the hospital and construction of 8 regional incineration plants for medical hazardous waste and one national incineration plant for industrial hazardous waste.

Different programs, absolutely necessary to fulfill the legislation requirements, will be implemented in Romania in the period 2008 - 2016:

- construction of 65 new landfills in compliance with UE and Romanian legislation; except the existing 20 should be constructed other 45 new landfills;
- transfer station at the level of each county for small localities;
- regional sorting plants;
- recycling plants;
- composting plants;
- construction of 8 incinerators for medical waste (one for each region);
- construction of an industrial hazardous waste incinerator, estimated capacity 62,000 tons/year;
- co incineration of some municipal waste categories in the cement kilns;
- construction of municipal incineration plants with minimum capacity of 150,000 tons/year (each);
locations in Region 1, Region 6 and Region 8.

The tendency is to build, as much as possible under technical and economical point of view, regional waste treatment platforms for treatment- recycling and final disposal of municipal waste. For the moment the existing projects are connected with the construction of new landfills with the obligation the close-up the existing landfill, but the Romanian investors analyse the extension of the existing projects with sorting and recycling stations for municipal waste, WEEE, used oils, aso.

In order to be economically feasible, the locations of the regional waste treatment platforms will be located near the big cities.

Type of EU financed projects

The EU financing scheme for this domain offers subsidies for projects which usually
cover extended regional areas, either urban or rural. The main purpose of the financial scheme is to implement or complete the infrastructure for the integrated waste management system, starting from collection and transport to final disposal and / or recycling solution. There will be funded major projects, with values exceeding EUR 25 million. Maximum funding of total eligible costs of a project is 98% (of which 80% are provided by FEDR and 18% are provided by the national budget). Project beneficiaries which usually are the local authorities through the District Councils must provide the remaining 2% and have to cover the expenditure for the non - eligible costs.

According to SOP - Environment, the main objectives of the Priority Axis 2 - Area of
intervention “Development of integrated waste management and waste
management infrastructure expansion”, are as follows:

• Increase coverage of the population receiving municipal waste collection and
management services of appropriate quality and affordable tariffs
• Reduce the amount of waste deposited
• Increase the amount of waste recycled and recovered
• Establishment of efficient waste management structures

The operations to be developed under this key area of intervention will finance the
following indicative activities:

• Acquisition and installation of selective collection systems
• Construction of sorting, recycling and composting facilities
• Acquisition of waste transport vehicles
• Construction of municipal waste disposal facilities and transfer stations
• Recovery of gas from landfills, where appropriate
• Construction of adequate facilities for municipal hazardous waste (medical waste, electric and electronics waste, etc.) and other specific municipal waste streams (construction and demolition waste, etc.)
• Closure of non - compliant landfills
• Technical assistance for project preparation, management and supervision, publicity and awareness campaigns (on selective collection, sorting, recycling, composting), institutional governance improvement, tendering and selection of waste services operators.

More info frjacobs@telenet.be

Source: EVD, case study region 8 bucharest Ilfov, internet research and some interviews

zaterdag 7 april 2012

Taxes on the renumeration of administrators in Romania in 2012 - a tax friendly system

Romania offers a tax friendly renumeration system for administrators. They can be Romanian citizens , European citizens or any other nationality. The law changed in 2011 and we present a calculation model for 2012.

Tax regime after G.E.O. no. 125/2011

According to the provisions of Fiscal code in force, after the issue of G.E.O. no. 125/2011, the indemnity of designated administrators still represents an income assimilated to salaries. Tax treatment from a tax income point of view is the same, and legal basis, on these lines, remained the same [art. 55 paragraph (2) letter j) Fiscal code].

Regarding mandatory social contributions for these incomes, administrators' indemnity is still part of the computation basis of individual social contributions [art. 2964 paragraph 1letter e) Fiscal code] and of the computation basis of contributions due by the income payer (art. 2965 Fiscal code).

However, exemptions from payment of contributions provided by art. 29616 Fiscal code were modified. Indemnities paid to administrators are exempted from payment of:

- individual contribution to unemployment insurance budget and contribution due by the income payer to unemployment insurance budget [letter c1) Fiscal code];

- contribution for work accidents and professional disease insurance due by the income payer to state social security budget [letter d1) Fiscal code];

- contribution for salary claims payment to the Indemnification fund [letter f) Fiscal code];

In other words, after the issue of G.E.O. no. 125/2011, for these incomes, is due the following:

- individual social health insurance contribution;

- contribution due by the income payer to the Unique social health insurance fund budget;

- contribution for leave and social health insurance indemnities due by the income payer to the Unique social health insurance fund budget;

- individual social security contribution;

- contribution due by the income payer to state social security budget;

- tax income.

Regarding social security contribution, this is now also due for trading company administrators' remuneration. Computation basis of contribution to social security is limited, both for individual contribution (to the amount of 5 times the average gross earnings) and for contribution due by the income payer (to the amount of product between the number of insured persons for whom differential contribution is due by the employer according to work conditions, starting with the month when this contribution due to state social insurance budget is calculated and the amount corresponding to 5 times the average gross earnings).


Indemnities paid to trading company administrators are not subject to exemptions from payment of individual social contributions and social contributions due by the income payers. Administrators' remuneration is now subject to CAS, and the impact of these modifications will be felt both by trading company administrators, who are remunerated like this, and companies which pay these incomes.

Even if the computation basis of these contributions is limited according to the amount of the average gross earnings, the impact is a significant one, from a financial point of view.

Thus, we take as example an administrator who obtains monthly earnings of 12.000 lei.

Trading company administrators' remuneration

After G.E.O. no. 125/2011

Gross income


Individual contributions

CAS - 10,5%


CASS - 5,5%




Income payer contributions

CAS - 20,8%


CASS - 5,2%




FAMBP - 0,15%-0,85%


CCI - 0,85%


Indemnification fund - 0,25%




Tax income - 16%


Net income


Employer additional cost


Total cost


Limitation CCI basis


Limitation CAS basis


The calculation is for reference only, since, at least from a contribution due by the income payer point of view, the limitation of the computation basis takes into consideration incomes realized by all employees of the company. The impact is reflected in the fact that net income has decreased by 581 lei (approximately 6%), and employer (income payer) cost increased by 2.205 lei (almost 4 times).

Implications are more unfavorable in case the company pays remuneration equal to 5 times more than the average gross earnings to the administrator, but at the same time, it also has other employees with salaries under the amount of 5 times the average gross earnings. In that event, employer's contribution increases, because the incomes of the other employees, which are situated under that ceiling, are compensated with the income of the administrator which exceeds that ceiling.

Modifications of application norms of the Fiscal code brought by G.D. no. 52/2012 also confirm arguments presented above.

More info frjacobs@telenet.be

Source: Courierul fiscal februarie 2012

donderdag 29 maart 2012

Agriculture land romania 1000 hectare, 2000 hectare - 4600 hectare in Calarasi, 7427 hectare in Olt and 2959 hectare in Tulcea

Concessions with agricultural land for sale in Romania up to 49 years


625. some 4600 hectare compact 100%, cernozium class 1, irrigation - looking for a joint venture in the field of rebewable energy or any other proposition

Have a look: http://www.structural-funds-romania.ro/offer%20625/offer%20625.pdf


624. some 7427 hectare 100% consolidated - consession for 20 years
extendable for 10 eyars - compact 100%

Have a look: http://www.structural-funds-romania.ro/offer%20624/offer%20624.pdf


626. Some 2.959 hectare around 1700 Euro/hectare

Have a look: http://www.structural-funds-romania.ro/offer%20626/offer%20626.pdf

More info mail us cibr@telenet.be

zaterdag 24 maart 2012

Report on the romanian construction sector 2012

1. Romania construction sector Q2 report 2012

2. Presentation of the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber

3. Market intelligence - news on logistics and retail constrcution

4. How to employ Romanian workers & drivers and earn 1000 Euro/per worker/per month with outsourcing

5. How to create a Romanian Company

6. Available plots for logistic investments in Romania

7. Logistic and business center for sale in Bucharest , Romania

8. Facility for fast starters at 15 km from the airport in Bucharest - ready to start your business

9. New business center in Buzau (central location in Romania)

10. Linking partners & events


Establishing a Romanian road transport company

“We help investors to create their company, register their trucks, we file for the transport licence and select the personal for the trucks. We keep close contact with the transport ministry and the transport federations In Romania.”

Contact us at cibr@telenet.be

To establish a Romanian road transport company we identify and execute several steps to be followed. These are:

1. Incorporating the company with the National Trade Register Office,
2. Registering the vehicles in Romania,
3. Getting approval from the Romanian Road Transport Authority, and the transport licence and the certified true copies of it corresponding to the number of vehicles used.


According to the Romanian law, both Romanian or foreign investors (and ventures) are equally treated, benefiting from the same opportunities for setting up business operations in Romania by founding separate legal bodies. These entities operate as independent bodies and are distinct from the legal units of their shareholders or partners. Businesses have their own possessions, headquarters, patrimony, appellation, registered capital, administration and bank accounts.


The company should have at least one shareholder (SRL). One person cannot have more than one company in which holds 100% of the shares. Furthermore, one company owned 100% by one person cannot have together with its sole shareholder 100% in other company. The shareholders can be all non-Romanians. The shareholders can be individuals or companies.


It is the customer’s decision regarding the name of the company, form of organization (SRL) and main field of activity in order to reserve the name with the Trade Register Office. It is also important to know that the name reservation is done in the Trade Register Office and is usually executed within one working day. The appellation must not include certain words or geographical suggestions. Some words are also subject to approval from the Government or local councils. For using the word “Romania” within the business’ title the Government’s approval is required and the procedure lasts about 30 days. The main condition to obtain such name is the following: the major shareholder of the Romanian company has to be a company with the same name as the Romanian company. Although, the company name with “Romanian” in it can be used only together with the entitled shareholder. Obtaining the corporation’s name is the start on which the subsequent documents will be issued.


All Romanian businesses need a registered address that must be the official postal address of the company and the place where the authorities can send official letters and claims, as well as where control of the tax forms is executed. All financial and fiscal documents, registers, company papers etc. must be archived at the registered office of the business. The registered address must be an existing address; no P.O. BOX address is permitted. The registered address is proven with a renting contract, property or a free-lease contract. To the contract there shall be added the copy of the property title of the landlord (contract, court decision or other ownership title). If the property is situated in a block of flats, duplex, etc. and the approval of all owners or owner’s association is required.


The inscription steps for limited liability companies (SRL): To start, the incorporation contract and/or company By-laws, as applicable, or a sole document containing all mentions required by the law, called articles of incorporation must be prepared, agreed and signed by the shareholders- Furthermore the subscribed capital must be paid upon registration of the company.

The initial capital must be subscribed and paid in cash. The law allows in-kind contribution, but cash contribution is compulsory for any type of business organization. The minimum share capital is RON 200. The share capital is divided into shares of equal value. One share cannot be less than 10 RON. Consequently, a 200 RON (around 50 euro) company can have only 20 shares, meaning that 1 share equals 5% of the share capital.


In the end, the corporation is matriculated with the Trade Register by issuance of a Registration Certificate. This provides registration Code valid for both the Trade Register and the tax authorities. The Registration Certificate also contains a license of acknowledgement mentioning that all requirements for commercial activities are accomplished. The corporation starts its existence and has the right to carry on its actions from the date of its incorporation with the Trade Register.


In order to register a road transport vehicle, either for transport
of passengers or goods, in Romania there are three steps to be

A. Getting the individual approval for the vehicle from the Romanian Automotive Register (RAR),
B. Registering the vehicle with the Department for Driving Licenses and Vehicles Registration (DRPCIV),
C. Paying the first pollution tax, if the vehicle is registered for the first time in Romania, with the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF)

A. Getting the individual approval for the vehicle from the Romanian Automotive Register (RAR)

The individual approval is granted to a vehicle holding a valid identification number, fulfils the construction requirements foreseen by RNTR-7 (Rules on individual approval, issuance
of identity cards and the certification of the road vehicles authenticity), and that has passed the roadworthiness check carried out according to the operation plan foreseen by RNTR-1
(Technical rules on registered vehicles conformity with road safety, environment protection and technical periodical inspection).

The individual approval is carried out on:
a) new road vehicles produced, imported or introduced in Romania in a quantity of not more than 10 pieces of the same type, by the same legal or natural person, and which comply
with EURO 5 norm,
b) used road vehicles that are registered for the first time in Romania and comply with EURO 3 norm,
c) road vehicles registered in Romania but of which construction features are different of those mentioned in the vehicle certificate of title.

The individual approval is not required for:
a) new road vehicles for which the original copy of the EC conformity certificate issued by the producer can be produced,
b) used road vehicles that were previously registered in a European Union Member State and of which configuration is the same as in the registration document,
To a vehicle that obtained the individual approval, the RAR issues the certificate of title.

B. Registering the vehicle with the Department for Driving Licenses and Vehicles
Registration (DRPCIV)

a) the registration is carried out only for vehicles that are approved by the RAR;
b) in case of vehicles from outside the EU it is also needed the import document from the National
Customs Authority (ANV);
c) the registration forms have to be obtained and filled in;
d) a registration form initialled by the tax body of the local administration has to be presented too
– it proves that the vehicle was recorded with the public finances for the payment of vehicle tax.

C. Paying the pollution tax, if the vehicle is registered for the first time in Romania,with the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF)

In order to put into circulation a vehicle a pollution tax has to be paid.
The tax is calculated by the fiscal body under the authority of ANAF based on the certificate of title and on a
technical assessment done by RAR.


In order a company to be authorized by the Romanian Road Transport Authority to carry out transport of goods and passengers, the incorporated company has to fulfil the four
prerequisites for the access to the occupation of road transport operator. These prerequisites are:

A. have an effective and stable establishment in Romania;
B. be of good repute;
C. have appropriate financial standing; and
D. have the requisite professional competence.

These conditions are considered to be accomplished in the following cases:


(a1) have an establishment situated in Romania with premises in which it keeps its core business documents, in particular its accounting documents, personnel management documents, documents containing data relating to driving time and rest and any other document to which the competent authority must have access in order to verify compliance with the conditions laid down in the legislation on access to the market;
(a2) once an authorization is granted, have at its disposal one or more vehicles which are registered or otherwise put into circulation in conformity with the Romanian legislation,
whether those vehicles are wholly owned or, for example, held under a hire-purchase agreement or a hire or leasingcontract;
(a3) conduct effectively and continuously with the necessary administrative equipment its operations concerning the vehicles mentioned in point (b) and with the appropriate
technical equipment and facilities at an operating centre situated in Romania.


(b1) In establishing the good repute, the authority will consider the conduct of the undertaking, its transport managers and any other relevant person. The convictions, penalties or infringements shall include convictions, penalties or infringements of the undertaking itself or its transport managers;
(b2) In assessing the good repute, the authority shall be convinced that there are no compelling grounds for doubting the good repute of the transport manager or the transport undertaking, such as convictions or penalties for any serious infringement of national rules in force in the fields of:
(i) commercial law;
(ii) insolvency law;
(iii) pay and employment conditions in the profession;
(iv) road traffic;
(v) professional liability;
(vi) trafficking in human beings or drugs; and
(b3) the authority shall be convinced that the transport manager or the transport undertaking have not inone or more Member States been convicted of a serious criminal offence or incurred a penalty for a serious infringement of Community rules relating in particular to:
(ii) the driving time and rest periods of drivers, working time and the installation and use of
recording equipment;
(iii) the maximum weights and dimensions of commercial vehicles used in international traffic;
(iv) the initial qualification and continuous training of drivers;
(v) the roadworthiness of commercial vehicles, including the compulsory technical inspection
of motor vehicles;
(vi) access to the market in international road haulage or, as appropriate, access to the market in
road passenger transport;
(vii) safety in the carriage of dangerous goods by road;
(viii) the installation and use of speed-limiting devices in certain categories of vehicle;
(ix) driving licenses;
(x) admission to the occupation;
(xi) animal transport.


An undertaking shall at all times be able to meet its financial obligations in the course of the annual accounting year. To this end, the undertaking shall demonstrate it has at its disposal capital and reserves totalling at least EUR 9 000 when only one vehicle is used and EUR 5 000 for each additional vehicle used,either:
(ii) on the basis of annual accounts certified by an auditor or a duly accredited person, that,
every year,
(iii) or by means of a certificate such as a bank guarantee or an insurance, including a professionalliability insurance from one or more banks or other financial institutions, including insurance companies, providing a joint and several guarantee for the undertaking in respect of the amounts specified


It is proven if the transport manager posses a certificate of professional competence issued either by the Romanian Road Transport Authority or by a competent authority of another member state if that person is a resident of that another member state.

You can contact us for more information cibr@telenet.be

vrijdag 16 maart 2012

Een Roemeense transportfirma oprichten

“De transportafdeling is bijzonder zwaar. We hebben nu 80 chauffeurs in dienst en ik heb gezworen dat we alleen met Belgen zouden werken. Helaas is dat niet langer houdbaar. Ik ga nu voor het eerst een Roemeens bedrijf oprichten. Dat was een bittere pil voor onze truckers. Maar ik heb geen andere keuze. Bovendien: Roemenen zijn flexibel en hebben motivatie te koop. Ze willen nog op zondag vertrekken, rijden vier weken aan een stuk, maakt niet uit naar welke bestemming of met welke truck en nemen dan twee weken vrij. Daar zijn onze chauffeurs niet meer toe te bewegen." (Transport en logistiek 19 jan 2011).

Het loonsverschil maar ook de werkattitude zijn de belangrijke factoren die de bedrijfsleiders ertoe aan zetten van de Roemeense chauffeurs in dienst te nemen. In dit artikel geven we een overzicht van enkele punten die van belang zijn bij het oprichten van uw Roemeense vennootschap gaat oprichten.


Net zoals in Belgie en Nederland is er een transportverguning nodig. Deze evrgunning is een administratief dossier dat de aanvrager dient samen te stellen. De bevoegdheid over dit dossier zit bij het ministerie van transport.


Net zoals in Belgie en Nederland moet er een mandaat getekend worden met een houder van een natiuonale en/of internationale vakbekwaamheid. Het is mogelijk mits een speciale procedure van bvb de Belgische vakbekwaamheid te gebruiken in Roemenie.

Roemeense firma oprichten : de besloten vennootschap met beperkte verantwoordelijkheid (societate cu raspundere limitata)

Dit is de rechtsvorm die meestal gekozen wordt door buitenlanders die een onderneming oprichten in Roemenië. Buitenlandse ondernemers mogen voor 100 % eigenaar zijn van een besloten vennootschap en ook de bestuurder van een besloten vennootschap mag van buitenlandse origine zijn. Het aantal vennoten in deze rechtsvorm is minimum 1 en maximum 50. De Roemeense vennootschapswetgeving staat de oprichting van een besloten vennootschap met slechts 1 aandeelhouder toe maar de wet zegt wel dat een natuurlijk of rechtspersoon slechts 1 besloten vennootschap voor 100 % mag bezitten. Dit impliceert dat een rechtspersoon, besloten vennootschap met 1 aandeelhouder niet de enige vennoot mag zijn in een andere besloten vennootschap.

De vennoten van een besloten vennootschap zijn slechts beperkt aansprakelijk, er kan dus geen aanspraak gedaan worden op hun privévermogen. Elke vennoot is slechts aansprakelijk voor de schulden van de vennootschap ten belope van zijn deelname in het kapitaal. De Roemeense vennootschapswetgeving legt de besloten vennootschap de verplichting op om een register van aandeelhouders bij te houden. In dit register van aandeelhouders moeten de volgende punten te vinden zijn:

Natuurlijke personen:
o Naam, geboorteplaats en -datum, domicilie en staatsburgerschap, naam van de vader, naam van de moeder en de burgerlijke staat van de aandeelhouder.
o Notariële verklaring van de aandeelhouder dat hij in staat is om deelnemer te zijn in een Roemeense onderneming, dat hij hiervan de administratie kan voeren en dat hij geen financiële verplichtingen ten opzichte van de Roemeense overheid heeft.
o Fiscaal attest van elke Roemeense vennoot.
o Kopie van het paspoort en/of de identiteitskaart.

Authentieke aktes van de incorporatie van elke aandeelhouder (registratiecertificaat).
Beslissing van het bestuur van elke rechtspersoon die de oprichting van de nieuwe vennootschap goedkeurt en een bekendmaking van de naam, het hoofdkantoor, de activiteiten, het maatschappelijk kapitaal en de bestuurders van elke rechtspersoon die aandeelhouder is in de nieuwe vennootschap.
o Een attest van de bank van elke rechtspersoon waarin verzekerd wordt dat het gaat om een klant zonder financiële problemen.

Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een Roemeense besloten vennootschap moet minimum 200 nieuwe lei (ongeveer 50 €) in contanten bedragen. Indien het maatschappelijk kapitaal groter is dan 200 nieuwe lei mag het deel boven dit minimumbedrag van 200 nieuwe lei ook in natura ingebracht worden. Dit kapitaal wordt verdeeld in aandelen met een nominale waarde van tenminste 10 nieuwe lei.

De aandelen zijn niet vrij verhandelbaar maar kunnen wel zonder problemen aan een andere aandeelhouder overgedragen worden. Voor de overdracht van aandelen aan derden (niet-vennoten) is de toestemming nodig van op zijn minst 3 kwart van de aandeelhouders. Indien men overgaat tot de verkoop van aandelen aan derden moet dit ook geregistreerd worden bij het RTRO (Romanian Trade Registry Office) en er moet ook een wijziging van de statuten van de onderneming plaatsvinden.

Het bestuur van de besloten vennootschap is in handen van de Algemene Vergadering en de administratieve verplichtingen en de vertegenwoordiging van de onderneming worden uitgevoerd door minimum 1 bestuurder die door de Algemene Vergadering is aangeduid en wiens bevoegdheden onbeperkt zijn. De bestuurders van de onderneming kunnen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. Beslissingen die een wijziging van de statuten tot gevolg hebben moeten wel altijd door minimum 3/4e van de aandeelhouders goedgekeurd worden.

Van de bestuurders van de vennootschap is dezelfde informatie vereist als van de aandeelhouders en daarbovenop is er ook een notarieel gelegaliseerd staal van de handtekening van de bestuurders vereist. Indien de bestuurder een rechtspersoon is moet er ook een geschreven managementcontract opgemaakt worden tussen de bestuurder, de rechtspersoon en de onderneming.

Tenminste eenmaal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering samengeroepen worden. Aandeelhouders die ten minste een kwart van de aandelen bezitten hebben ook het recht om een Algemene Vergadering bijeen te roepen.

De aanstelling van een auditor is slechts bij wet verplicht indien er sprake is van meer dan 15 vennoten maar besloten vennootschappen met minder aandeelhouders hebben de vrije keuze om toch een auditor aan te stellen. Indien men deze beslissing neemt moet dit in de statuten vermeld worden.
Sociale lasten
Chauffeurs die 25% van hun tijd werken op Roemeens grondgebied blijven onderhavig aan de Roemeense sociale wetgeving conform de EU directieven van 2010. Dit heeft een belangrijke impact op de operationele bedrijfsvoering.
Een Roemeense truck mag dus nu een binnenlandse rit rijden in een ander EU-land. Tot op heden was dit nog verboden om mogelijke concurrentievervalsing te voorkomen. Een en ander was zo afgesproken tijdens de toetreding van beide landen tot de EU in 2010. Vervoerders uit Roemenië hebben sinds 1 januari het recht om aansluitend op een grensoverschrijdende rit (met lading) maximaal drie binnenlandse vervoersopdrachten in andere lidstaten uit te voeren. Dit binnen een periode van zeven dagen die start op de dag na de eerste internationale rit. De opmars van Roemeense chauffeurs is niet meer terug te draaien.

Voor meer info mail cibr@telenet.be

woensdag 14 maart 2012

Beleggers storten zich op landbouw gronden in roemenie

De wereldwijde stijging van voedselprijzen drijft de vraag naar landbouwgrond omhoog. Dit maakt landbouwgrond een interessant beleggingsobject. Maar ook de kredietcrisis heeft bijgedragen aan een grotere belangstelling van beleggers voor landbouwgrond. Door de kredietcrisis is het vertrouwen van beleggers in complexe financiële producten afgenomen en is de behoefte aan solide producten zoals goud, olie en grond toegenomen.

Vooral de recente voedselcrisis heeft de toegenomen belangstelling voor het beleggen
in landbouwgrond aangewakkerd. De voedselprijzen op de wereldmarkt zijn vanaf begin 2007 flink gestegen, soms met tientallen procenten. Met name rijst, maïs en graan zijn scherp in prijs gestegen. Er worden verschillende oorzaken genoemd voor het ontstaan van de voedselcrisis, zoals de gestegen vraag naar voedsel uit opkomende economieën als China en India, de gestegen prijs van brandstof en kunstmest en tegenvallende oogsten als gevolg van de klimaatverandering. Ook het gebruik van biobrandstof wordt genoemd.

Landbouwgrond wordt namelijk ook ingezet bij de vervaardiging van biobrandstof. Daarnaast hebben zwaar gesubsidieerde voedselproducten uit westerse landen de ontwikkelingslanden overspoeld en de lokale voedselproductie ondermijnd.
De hoeveelheid grond is nu eenmaal beperkt. Met name de hoeveelheid vruchtbare landbouwgrond in een gunstig klimaat is schaars. Door de groei van de wereldbevolking en de welvaart en door een grotere vraag naar bio-energie zal de vraag naar landbouwgrond alleen maar gaan toenemen.

De aarde wordt daarom vakkundig afgekamd op zoek naar potentiële landbouwgronden. Vooral Oost-Europa heeft het potentieel om zich te ontwikkelen tot de graanschuur van Europa. Daarnaast kan de opbrengst van de landbouwgronden nog worden verhoogd door efficiëntere landbouwtechnieken, door slimmer bodemgebruik en door een verbetering van de logistiek en opslagplaatsen. Grotere oogsten hebben vervolgens tot gevolg dat de grondprijs in waarde zal stijgen. Het is daarbij van belang dat de beleggingen duurzaam zijn en dat het ontginnen van nieuwe landbouwgronden geen negatieve effecten heeft op het klimaat.

Schaarste biedt voor de belegger veelal mogelijkheden om rendement te maken. Het beleggen in schaarse landbouwgrond is dan ook een interessant beleggingsobject geworden. Grond is een stabiel beleggingsproduct en minder onderhevig aan conjuncturele schommelingen dan financiële of commerciële producten. Investeringsmaatschappijen hebben wereldwijd inmiddels al diverse landbouwfondsen opgericht. De investeringsmaatschappijen hopen met deze fondsen een grote som geld aan te trekken om vervolgens landbouwgrond aan te kopen in diverse delen van de wereld.

Landbouwgrond kan in 40 jaar de grootste belegging worden ter wereld. Binnen 10 jaar vormt landbouwgrond 15 tot 20 procent van de totale waarde aan beleggingen wereldwijd. Nu is dat 7 tot 10 procent.

Freddy M.E. Jacobs, president Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania
cibr@telenet.be - www.cibr.be - www.investromania.be

vrijdag 9 maart 2012

logiplan report on logistics and retail in romania - romania logistic operators 2012

1. Cabotage for Romanian truckers from 1 january 2012
2. Romania retail report Q2 2012
3. Presentation of the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber
4. Market intelligence – news on logistics and retail
5. How to employ Romanian workers & drivers and earn 1000 Euro/per worker/per month
6. How to create a Romanian Company
7. Available plots for logistic investments in Romania
8. Logistic and business center for sale in Bucharest , Romania
9. Facility for fast starters at 15 km from the airport in Bucharest – ready to start your business
10. New business center in Buzau (central location in Romania)
11. Linking partners & events


zondag 4 maart 2012

Bio landbouw in Roemenie een opportuniteit

Gelegen aan de Zwarte Zee en met ruim 22 miljoen inwoners en bijna 8 keer zo groot als Belgie en 6 keerNederland is Roemenië vanouds een belangrijke landbouwproducent. Een kleine 15 miljoen hectare is in principe geschikt voor de landbouw. Sinds het verdwijnen van Ceausescu wordt verwoed gepoogd de agrarische sector ingrijpend te hervormen.

Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat inmiddels ongeveer 85% van de landbouwgrond in private handen is. Vrijwel alle grond van de voormalige coöperaties is teruggeven aan de voormalige eigenaren: meer dan 5 miljoen Roemenen. De republiek Roemenië ligt in het zuidoosten van Europa aan de Zwarte Zee. In het zuiden vormt de Donau de grens met Joegoslavië en Bulgarije. De Donau is , na de Wolga , de langste rivier van Europa. In het noorden grenst Roemenië aan de Sovjet-Unie, in het westen aan Hongarije. Roemenië bestaat uit een zestal grote landstreken. In het zuiden van het land ligt in het stroomgebied van de Donau het laag gelegen grote landstreek Walachije. De Donau heeft vele zijrivieren. De bodem is daar erg vruchtbaar. In deze streek is veel akkerbouw. De belangrijkste producten zijn maïs en tarwe.

Meer bepaald Dolj was vroeger een to provincie v.w.b. graanteelt en groenteteelt (bron instituut statistiek - studie PBS Worldwide bvba). Als men gaat investeren in Roemenie dan moet men deze streek zeker bekijken. Investeringen in landbouw en landbouwgronden in Roemenie lonen zeker de moeite.

De biologische landbouw in Roemenië staat aan het begin van haar ontwikkeling. In april 2000 heeft de Roemeense overheid biologische landbouw door middel van wetgeving geïnstitutionaliseerd, maar er bestaat nog geen officieel erkende controle-organisatie voor biologische producten. De controles worden nu nog uitgevoerd door internationaal erkende organisaties uit West-Europa. Op dit moment zijn er naar schatting enkele tientallen biologisch werkende akkerbouw- en groenteteeltbedrijven. De grotere akkerbouwbedrijven hiervan beslaan gemiddeld wel 500 hectare. De drijfveer om biologisch te gaan werken komt deels voort uit het bewustzijn dat niet dezelfde negatieve ffecten van te intensieve landbouw, zoals in West Europa, herhaald moeten worden. Echter, ook uit het ontbreken van koopkracht van de boeren is een stimulans. Het ontbreekt hen eenvoudig aan de middelen die nodig zijn voor het gebruik van dure kunstmest en bestrijdingsmiddelen. Een derde motief om biologisch te gaan werken is de exportmarkt. Het gemiddelde maandloon in Roemenië bedraagt 200 dollar. Dit maakt dat de kostprijs van landbouwproducten veel lager is dan in West-Europa. Het land beschikt bovendien over zeehavens, waardoor landbouwproducten goedkoop via coasters naar West Europa getransporteerd kunnen worden, of, via de Donau en andere rivieren, met binnenvaartschepen tot in Rotterdam of Antwerpen.

Dikwijls wordt verondersteld dat de controle op biologische producten uit het voormalige Oostblok te wensen over laat, maar in de praktijk gelden echter dezelfde voorwaarden als voor bedrijven in de EU. Dit betekent twee keer per jaar een inspectie op het Roemeense bedrijf door een internationaal werkende controleur.

Een randbemerking

Vooral de recente voedselcrisis heeft de toegenomen belangstelling voor het beleggen in landbouwgrond aangewakkerd. De voedselprijzen op de wereldmarkt zijn vanaf begin 2007 flink gestegen, soms met tientallen procenten. Met name rijst, maïs en graan zijn scherp in prijs gestegen. Er worden verschillende oorzaken genoemd voor het ontstaan van de voedselcrisis, zoals de gestegen vraag naar voedsel uit opkomende economieën als China en India, de gestegen prijs van brandstof en kunstmest en tegenvallende oogsten als gevolg van de klimaatverandering. Ook het gebruik van biobrandstof wordt genoemd. Landbouwgrond wordt namelijk ook ingezet bij de vervaardiging van biobrandstof. Daarnaast hebben zwaar gesubsidieerde voedselproducten uit westerse landen de ontwikkelingslanden overspoeld en de lokale voedselproductie ondermijnd. De hoeveelheid grond is nu eenmaal beperkt. Met name de hoeveelheid vruchtbare landbouwgrond in een gunstig klimaat is schaars. Door de groei van de wereldbevolking en de welvaart en door een grotere vraag naar bio-energie zal de vraag naar landbouwgrond alleen maar gaan toenemen. Twee vliegen in klap als U landbouw gaat bedrijven in Roemenië

zaterdag 3 maart 2012

BeRoBa ( Belgian Romanian Business Association )

Beginning 2012, the Belgian Romanian Business Association will be active in Romania, shortly named BeRoBa.
BeRoBa’s mission is to promote the Belgium-Romanian trade and investment by supporting and defending,the interests of the members, to provide information about doing business in Romania for Belgian companies and with possible Belgian companies, to create visibility of the quality of the Belgium business community in Romania and to put Belgium as a trustworthy partner in the Romanian business community.
Founding members are some of the captains of the Belgium business environment, like Mr. Jan De Clerck (President Domo Investment Group), Mr. Robert Colligent (CEO Carmeuse), Mr. Philippe Lejeune (MD Cora), Mr. Emile Maes (CEO Eursosense), Mr. Guido Pauwels (CEO GDM Electronics), Mr. Erik Demaerel (CEO Overseas Group), Mr. Teodor Apostel (CEO Shipyard ATG), Mr. Noel Essers (President H.Essers), Mr. Johann Rogiers (CEO Liebrecht & Wood), Mr. Tony De Pauw ( CEO WDP), Mr. Philippe Vlerick (CEO Vlerick Group).
H.Essers Romania, as one of the main transport and logistics companies in Romania will be registered as Honorary Member, and will be represented by Marc Paulissen (Country Manager H.Essers Romania) in his function as Vice-President of BeRoba.
On Governmental and political level, BeRoBa will be supported by The Belgium Embassy in Bucharest, Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT) in Bucharest, Agence Wallone a l’Exportation et aux Investissements Etrangers (Awex) in Bucharest and the Romanian Embassy in Brussels.

The offical luanch will be on 19 April in Bucharest.


Freddy Jacobs

President, Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber

Temporary provisions concerning Romanian workers in Belgium prolonged

On 16 December 2011, the Council of Ministers prolonged the temporary provisions concerning restrictions of free access to the labour market for Bulgarian and Romanian workers till 31 December 2013
The new Minister for Labour, Ms Monica De Coninck took the initiative for the new prolongation, which limits the access for Bulgarian and Romanian citizens to the Belgian labour market to entrepreneurs and holders of work cards B for specific bottleneck jobs. The limitations will end on 31 December 2013. However, it is not possible to renew the measure beyond that date.

Like the Integration Centre ‘Foyer’ in reference to a recent UNIZO-study reports, increased the number of not-Belgian entrepreneurs in Belgium during the last 10 years by about 70%. The number of entrepreneurs of Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian citizenship rose in the same time even by 240%. The number of Bulgarian entrepreneurs increased from 827 in 2006 to 4.279 in 2010, whereas the number of Romanian entrepreneurs rose in the same period from 2.363 to 9.321. However, these data does not stand automatically for an economic empowerment of this particular group of EU-citizens in Belgium: 42% of the Bulgarian and Romanian entrepreneurs has no income whatsoever originated from their official activities while registered as entrepreneurs for 3 years. Therefore, it can be assumed that a high percentage of this group uses the status of entrepreneurs as cover for irregular work and/or for an application for a residence permit.

The only legal option is A1 procedure and limosa enregistration.

vrijdag 2 maart 2012

Ministry of Economy has invested 670 million euros in energy projects, in 2011

Agerpres - ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, January 3, 2012, No. 1. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment (MECMA) has invested in 2011 the amount of 670 million euros in energy sector projects, MECMA announced in a release. In February 2011, Lotru Ciunget Hydro Power Station re-started its operations at the end of equipment refurbishment works taking place during 2007-2011. The contract, worth 88 million euros, was financed by the World Bank through a loan that covered about 75 percent of the works value, the difference being borne by Hidroelectrica from own sources. Lotru-Ciunget Hydro Power Station has an installed capacity of 510 MWh. In March, installations of fluid density at Isalnita and Craiova Power Plants started operations, based on an investment of 60 million euros, the money coming from own sources - 28 million euros and from a bank loan granted by CEC, Alpha Bank and BCR, worth 32 million euros. In August 2011, a contract was signed and work began at the desulphurization installation at Isalnita Power Plant, groups 7 and 8. The investment is worth 78 million euros, financial resources being provided in proportion of 80 percent by a bank loan granted by BCR and BRD, guaranteed by the Eximbank, and 20 percent from its own sources by Craiova Energy Complex. The works will be completed in November 2013. After completion of this investment, Isalnita Power Plant is to also complete the compliance program with the environmental permitting regulations. In September 2011, installations for desulphurization of the blocks 3, 4 and 5 of Turceni Energy Complex were started, following that, in January 2012, works to be completed at block 6 desulphurization installation, the last to require such work . The overall investment, launched in 2008, was in amount of 220 million euros, fully covered by a credit from the International Cooperation Bank of Japan. Also, an investment of 100 million euros is under way, completed in a proportion of 80 percent, at the dense fluid installation. The works will be completed in October 2012. In September desulphurization installations started operations at blocks 3 and 6 of Rovinari Energy Complex. The overall investment, started in 2009, was of 97.5 million euros and the amounts were provided via a loan from Unicredit, worth 77.5 million euros, and from own sources. In November, a contract was signed and work began at the desulphurization installation of Craiova 2 Power Plant, groups 1 and 2. The investment is worth 53.4 million euros, financial resources being provided from the European funds - 21.2 million euros and the remainder from bank loans. After completion of this investment, Craiova 2 Power Plant will also conclude the authorization procedure for environmental compliance. In December 2011, a new hydroelectric power plant was inaugurated on the Olt, at Robesti, Valcea. Hidroelectrica invested in Robesti, from own sources, 75 million euros. ,,Works were started in 1989 and, due to the policy that we introduced in the field of investments, to prioritize objectives and to provide funding sources for those near completion, we have concluded the construction this year. The Station in Robesti has an installed capacity of 27.1 MW and will produce 74 GWh / year. The Power Station is part of the hydro energy system on the River Olt, on Cornetu-Avrig segment, development comprising five capabilities of production: Cornetu, Robesti, Caineni, Racovita, Avrig ", stressed Ion Ariton, Minister of Economy, in the activity report on 2011.

zondag 26 februari 2012

Cora Romania gets EUR 210 million from EBRD to open new hypermarkets

Romania Hypermarche, the company that operates the local Cora hypermarket chain has obtained a EUR 210 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The funds will be used to “finance new stores of the Cora hypermarket chain in Romania, most of which will be carried out in regional cities,” announced EBRD on its site. Overall, Cora will invest EUR 397 million in expanding its local network.

Over the coming years the French retailer has plans to considerably speed up its expansion pace. Between 20 and 25 new units will be opened in the next three to four years, Philippe Lejeune, general director of Cora Romania has previously announced. For 2012, three new hypermarket openings have been announced so far, in Bucharest, Slobozia and Bacau.

At the beginning of 2011, the company has also announced plans to enter a new market and open its own shopping mall in Constanta under the name of Corall, following an investment of EUR 100 million. Lejeune said that works on Corall are on schedule.

The shopping mall should open in the second half of 2012. It will have a total constructed area of 150,000 sqm. The facility will be anchored by an 8,500-sqm Cora hypermarket and will feature another 150 stores as well as an entertainment area.

Presently Cora operates 8 hypermarkets in Romania, 3 of which have been opened this year. The first Cora hypermarket was opened in 2003 and two more units followed in 2005 and 2006.

zondag 22 januari 2012

Romanian workers in Belgium

Belgium has refused to open its labour market to workers from Romania and Bulgaria on the grounds that many nationals of those countries already working there cheat the social benefits system, The market stays closed until 2015.

Despite earlier indications to the contrary, one of the first decisions of the newly appointed Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo has been to extend until the end of 2013 the restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian workers in Belgium.

The announcement, made by Belgian Employment Minister Monica De Coninck, is seen as a setback for Bulgaria and Romania, which had campaigned for lifting all remaining restrictions applying to their nationals in EU countries (see background).

Romanian workers can only come legally to Belgium with the A1 form (detachment ) when a Belgian company signs a contract for subcontracting with a Romanian company. The Romanian company has to apply to Limosa and announce the workers in this system.
So it is time that a lot of Belgian companies start to take measures for regularization in order to avoid problems with the labour inspection in Belgium.
It is better to work under legal provisions.
Employees who are temporarily staying in Belgium for a service, are not tourists. They must register in the municipality where they temporarily reside.
There is a different procedure depending on the expected length of service or not exceeding 3 months.
Documents required for a period longer than three months:

• Contract of service
• identity card or passport
• employment
• any work permit from the country where the employee normally works
• A1
• Belgian residence address
• Copy of birth certificate
• Copy of marriage certificate

European truckers hit out over cabotage expansion for Romania

5th January 2012 – France’s leading haulage federation, the FNTR, says the competitiveness of its members is under even greater pressure now Bulgarian and Romanian operators can access the domestic market within the framework of cabotage enlargement in the EU.
Cabotage has been one of the FNTR’s major preoccupations for some time. It says France alone accounts for one-third of all cabotage operations in the EU and that more than 40% of trucks on the country’s roads are now foreign-registered.
Since 1 January – marking the next stage in the liberalisation of the European road haulage sector – hauliers from Bulgaria and Romania have joined those from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and the three Baltic states, who, since May 2009, have had the right to carry out up to three domestic transport operations in fellow member states over a seven-day period, following an international operation.
“The arrival of Bulgarian and Romanian hauliers will generate new tensions on the French domestic market, as a result of very different labour and fiscal costs,” the FNTR warned.
“Not only are we are at a considerable competitive disadvantage with counterparts in eastern and central Europe, but also with haulage firms in Germany, Belgium and Spain, who, for the moment at least, are the most active in the cabotage market in France, an FNTR spokesman told IFW.
Our message to the French government is ‘at least allow us to compete on equal terms with our near European neighbours by relieving the rigidity of work and labour legislation in force in France’.”
The French government is planning across-industry legislation before the presidential election this spring to reduce the amount companies contribute to the state-run health-care and pension systems being reduced, the effect of which would be to trim the business costs of FNTR’s members.
“More substantial measures will have to wait until after the election,” the spokesman admitted.
He went on to paint a depressing picture of the road haulage sector in France, revealing that a Banque de France rating system on the financial health of firms showed that French hauliers, representing one-third of the staff employed in the sector, were in a vulnerable position.