1. Presentation of the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber
2. Market intelligence - news on logistics and retail
3. Employ Romanian workers & drivers and earn 1000 Euro/per worker/per month
4. How to create a Romanian Company
5. Why is there a future for Constanta as a gateway ?
6. Available plots for logistic investments in Romania
7. Logistic and business center for sale in Bucharest , Romania
8. Facility for fast starters at 15 km from the airport in Bucharest - ready to start your business
9. New business center in Buzau (central location in Romania)
10. Linking partners & events
zaterdag 10 december 2011
zaterdag 22 oktober 2011
Schema de plata unica pe suprafata - SAPS 2012
Ce este SAPS? Schema de plata Unica pe Suprafata. Afla cum se fac platile, care este valoarea subventiei pe hectar in 2011 si calendarul.
SAPS (schema de plată unică pe suprafaţă) - constă in acordarea unei sume stabilite pe hectar, plătibilă o dată pe an, decuplată total de producţie (necondiţionat de obţinerea de producţie);
Conform OUG nr. 125/2006, completată şi aprobată prin Legea nr. 139/2007, beneficiarii plăţilor directe în cadrul schemei de plată unică pe suprafaţă pot fi persoanele fizice sau juridice care exploatează terenul agricol pentru care solicită plata, în calitate de proprietari, arendaşi, concesionari, asociaţi administratori în cadrul asociaţiilor în participaţiune, locatari sau alte asemenea.- Arendatorul, concedentul şi/sau locatorul nu beneficiază de plăţi directe pentru terenul arendat, concesionat şi/sau închiriat.
Pentru a beneficia de acordarea de plăţi în cadrul schemei de plată unică pe suprafaţă, solicitanţii trebuie să fie înscrişi în Registrul fermierilor, administrat de APIA, să depună o cerere unică de plată pe suprafaţă în termen şi să îndeplinească următoarele condiţii generale (art. 7, alin. 1 din OUG nr. 125/2006):
a. să exploateze un teren agricol cu o suprafaţă de cel puţin 1 ha, iar suprafaţa parcelei agricole să fie de cel puţin 0,3 ha. În cazul viilor, livezilor, culturilor de hamei, pepinierelor pomicole, pepinierelor viticole, arbuştilor fructiferi, suprafaţa minimă a parcelei trebuie să fie de cel puţin 0,1 ha;
Atenţie! În cazul în care un fermier exploatează 3 parcele agricole de 0,3 ha -teren arabil şi o parcelă de 0,1 ha, exploataţia este eligibilă numai dacă parcela agricolă de 0,1 este vie, livadă, pepinieră pomicolă/viticolă sau este cultivată cu arbuşti fructiferi/ hamei.
Atenţie! Pentru categoria de folosinţă Grădini familiale-G suprafaţa minimă eligibilă a parcelei este de 0,3 ha chiar dacă aceasta cuprinde vii, pomi fructiferi, culturi de hamei, pepiniere pomicole, pepiniere viticole, arbuşti fructiferi. Aceasta este singura categorie de folosinţă care permite declararea pe aceeaşi parcelă a unor culturi care în mod normal aparţin unor categorii de folosinţă diferite (din mai multe categorii de folosinţă: CP, TA, etc). Culturile înscrise de fermier în cerere cu această categorie de folosinţă vor beneficia de plata SAPS dacă parcela respectivă are suprafaţa minimă de 0,3 ha şi de plata PNDC dacă aceste culturi sunt cele care în mod normal aparţin TA (deci fără CP, PP şi VI).
b. să declare toate parcelele agricole pe care le utilizează;
c. să înscrie, sub sancţiunea legii penale, date reale, complete şi perfect valabile în formularul de cerere de plată directă pe suprafaţă şi în documentele anexate, inclusiv lista suprafeţelor;
d. să fie de acord ca datele din formularul de cerere de plată să fie introduse în baza de date IACS, procesate şi verificate în vederea calculării plăţii şi transmise autorităţilor responsabile în vederea elaborării de studii statistice şi de evaluări economice, în condiţiile Legii nr. 677/2001;
e. să respecte bunele condiţii agricole şi de mediu - GAEC, reglementate prin legislaţia naţională, pe toată suprafaţa agricolă a exploataţiei:
I. Standarde pentru evitarea eroziunii solului:
GAEC 1. Pe timpul iernii, terenul arabil trebuie să fie acoperit cu culturi de toamnă şi/sau să rămână nelucrat după recoltare pe cel puţin 20% din suprafaţa arabilă totală a fermei;
GAEC 2. Lucrările solului pe terenul arabil cu panta mai mare de 12%, cultivat cu plante prăşitoare, se efectuează de-a lungul curbelor de nivel;
GAEC 3. Se menţin terasele existente pe terenul agricol la data de 1 ianuarie 2007;
II. Standarde pentru menţinerea conţinutului de materie organică în sol, prin aplicarea unor practici agricole corespunzătoare:
GAEC 4. Floarea soarelui nu se cultivă pe aceeaşi parcelă mai mult de doi ani consecutiv;
GAEC 5. Arderea miriştilor şi a resturilor vegetale pe terenul arabil nu este permisă decât cu acordul autorităţii competente pentru protecţia mediului;
III. Standarde pentru menţinerea structurii solului:
GAEC 6. Lucrările solului pe terenul arabil cu panta mai mare de 12%, cultivat cu plante prăşitoare, se efectuează de-a lungul curbelor de nivel;
IV. Standarde pentru menţinerea unui nivel minim de întreţinere a terenurilor agricole:
GAEC 7. Menţinerea pajistilor permanente prin asigurarea unui nivel minim de păşunat sau prin cosirea lor cel puţin o dată pe an;
GAEC 8. Arderea pajiştilor permanente nu este permisă decât cu acordul autorităţii competente pentru protecţia mediului;
GAEC 9. Nu este permisă tăierea arborilor solitari şi/sau a grupurilor de arbori de pe terenurile agricole;
GAEC 10. Evitarea instalării vegetaţiei nedorite pe terenurile agricole, inclusiv pe terenurile care nu mai sunt exploatate pentru producţie;
V. Standarde pentru menţinerea suprafeţei existente de pajişti permanente:
GAEC 11. Menţinerea suprafeţei de pajişti permanente la nivel naţional, existente la data de 1 ianuarie 2007.
f. să prezinte documentele necesare care dovedesc dreptul de folosinţă şi să poată face dovada că utilizează terenul pentru care s-a depus cererea;
g. să furnizeze toate informaţiile solicitate de APIA, în termenele stabilite;
h. să permită efectuarea controalelor de către APIA sau de către alte organisme abilitate în acest sens;
i. să marcheze limitele parcelei utilizate, atunci când este cultivată cu aceeaşi cultură cu a parcelelor învecinate;
j. să comunice în scris, în termen de 10 zile, la APIA orice modificare a datelor declarate în cererea de plată survenită în perioada cuprinsă între data depunerii şi data acordării plăţii. Aceste modificări se referă la suprafaţa agricolă utilizată a exploataţiei, transferarea proprietăţii fermei către un alt utilizator agricol, aprobarea unei rente agricole viagere, alte schimbări ale informaţiilor din formularul de cerere.
SAPS 2011
Pe langa plata unica pe unitatea de suprafata (SAPS), care in anul 2010 va fi in cuantum estimat de 81 euro/ha, puteti sa primiti PNDC-uri = plăţi naţionale directe complementare în sectorul vegetal care constau in acordarea de sprijin financiar suplementar pentru anumite culturi in teren arabil, in cuantum estimat de 86 euro/ha, precum:
- cereale (grâu comun, grâu dur, secară, orz, ovăz, orzoaică, porumb, porumb zaharat, sorg, orez, triticale, mei, hrişcă),
- culturi proteice:(mazăre pentru boabe, fasole pentru boabe, lupin, bob şi linte, năut),
- plante industriale (floarea soarelui, rapiţă, soia, in şi cânepă pentru fibră, tutun, in pentru ulei, plante medicinale, alte plante industriale),
- rădăcinoase (cartofi, sfeclă furajeră, sfeclă de zahăr şi alte rădăcinoase),
- legume proaspete, pepeni, flori şi plante ornamentale, plante de nutreţ, loturi semincere, pajişti temporare, alte culturi pe teren arabil.
De asemenea, pentru pasuni, fanete, in afara de SAPS se mai acorda sume suplimentare pentru:
- Plati pentru zone defavorizate - au rolul de a compensa productivitatea agricola mai redusa a terenurilor agricole din cele 3 tipuri de zone defavorizate, insa solicitantul trebuie sa se angajeze ca va continua activitatile agricole pe o perioada de 5 ani de la prima plata.
Zona Montana Defavorizata - plata de 50 Euro/ha/an
- Zona Defavorizata de conditii Naturale Specifice - plata de 60 Euro/ha/an
- Zona Semnificativ Defavorizata - plata de 90 Euro/ha/an
- Plati pentru agromediu
Aceste plati compenseaza cheltuielile suplimentare si pierderile de venit ale fermierilor care isi asuma voluntar un set de cerinte specifice de agro-mediu pentru o perioada de 5 ani de la data semnarii angajamentului. De asemenea, fermierul se angajeaza sa tina o evidenta a activitatilor agricole correlate cu implementarea cerintelor de agro-mediu. Cuantumul pachetelor de agro-mediu care au fost accesate in Gorj este :
Pachetul 1: Pajişti cu Înaltă Valoare Naturală - 124 Euro/an/hectar (este aplicabil în 1038 unităţi administrativ teritoriale).
Pachetul 2: Practici agricole tradiţionale - 58 Euro/an/hectar (este aplicabil în aceleaşi unităţi administrativ teritoriale ca şi pachetul 1 si numai impreuna cu acesta).
Principala legislatie nationala si comunitara, dar nu exclusiva privind acordarea acestor plati:
-Ordonanţa de Urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 125/2006 pentru aprobarea schemelor de plăţi directe şi plăţi naţionale directe complementare, care se acordă în agricultură începând cu anul 2007, şi pentru modificarea art. 2 din Legea nr. 36/1991 privind societăţile agricole şi alte forme de asociere în agricultură, aprobată prin Legea nr. 139/2007, cu completările şi modificările ulterioare;
- Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală 2007 - 2013 (PNDR), versiunea consolidată decembrie 2009;
- Ordinul MADR nr. 246/2008, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, privind stabilirea modului de implementare, a condiţiilor specifice şi a criteriilor de eligibilitate pentru aplicarea schemelor de plăţi directe şi plăţi naţionale directe complementare în sectorul vegetal, pentru acordarea sprijinului aferent măsurilor de agromediu şi zone defavorizate;
- Legea nr. 381/2002 pentru acordarea despăgubirilor în caz de calamităţi naturale în agricultură, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare;
- Ordinul MAPDR nr. 75/24 martie 2010 privind aprobarea sistemului de sancţiuni pentru măsurile 214 "Plăţi de agro-mediu", 211 "Sprijin pentru zona montană defavorizată" şi 212 "Sprijin pentru zone defavorizate, altele decât zona montană" din Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală 2007-2013
- Ordinul nr. 30/147/2010 al ministrului agriculturii şi dezvoltării rurale şi al ministrului mediului şi padurilor pentru adoptarea bunelor condiţii agricole şi de mediu în România;
- Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1290/2005 cu privire la finanţarea politicii agricole comune, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
- Regulamentul (CE) nr. 73/2009 de stabilirea a unor norme comune pentru sistemele de ajutor direct pentru agricultori în cadrul politicii agricole comune şi de instituire a anumitor sisteme de ajutor pentru agricultori, de modificare a Regulamentelor CE nr. 1290/2005, CE nr. 247/2006, CE nr. 378/2007 şi de abrogare a Regulamentului CE nr. 1782/2003;
Pentru o documentaremai aprofundata a acestor aspecte, va invitam sa accesati rubricile respective din cadrul website-ului sau sa va adresati direct salariatului APIA care raspunde de localitatea dvs.
More info frjacobs@telenet.be
SAPS (schema de plată unică pe suprafaţă) - constă in acordarea unei sume stabilite pe hectar, plătibilă o dată pe an, decuplată total de producţie (necondiţionat de obţinerea de producţie);
Conform OUG nr. 125/2006, completată şi aprobată prin Legea nr. 139/2007, beneficiarii plăţilor directe în cadrul schemei de plată unică pe suprafaţă pot fi persoanele fizice sau juridice care exploatează terenul agricol pentru care solicită plata, în calitate de proprietari, arendaşi, concesionari, asociaţi administratori în cadrul asociaţiilor în participaţiune, locatari sau alte asemenea.- Arendatorul, concedentul şi/sau locatorul nu beneficiază de plăţi directe pentru terenul arendat, concesionat şi/sau închiriat.
Pentru a beneficia de acordarea de plăţi în cadrul schemei de plată unică pe suprafaţă, solicitanţii trebuie să fie înscrişi în Registrul fermierilor, administrat de APIA, să depună o cerere unică de plată pe suprafaţă în termen şi să îndeplinească următoarele condiţii generale (art. 7, alin. 1 din OUG nr. 125/2006):
a. să exploateze un teren agricol cu o suprafaţă de cel puţin 1 ha, iar suprafaţa parcelei agricole să fie de cel puţin 0,3 ha. În cazul viilor, livezilor, culturilor de hamei, pepinierelor pomicole, pepinierelor viticole, arbuştilor fructiferi, suprafaţa minimă a parcelei trebuie să fie de cel puţin 0,1 ha;
Atenţie! În cazul în care un fermier exploatează 3 parcele agricole de 0,3 ha -teren arabil şi o parcelă de 0,1 ha, exploataţia este eligibilă numai dacă parcela agricolă de 0,1 este vie, livadă, pepinieră pomicolă/viticolă sau este cultivată cu arbuşti fructiferi/ hamei.
Atenţie! Pentru categoria de folosinţă Grădini familiale-G suprafaţa minimă eligibilă a parcelei este de 0,3 ha chiar dacă aceasta cuprinde vii, pomi fructiferi, culturi de hamei, pepiniere pomicole, pepiniere viticole, arbuşti fructiferi. Aceasta este singura categorie de folosinţă care permite declararea pe aceeaşi parcelă a unor culturi care în mod normal aparţin unor categorii de folosinţă diferite (din mai multe categorii de folosinţă: CP, TA, etc). Culturile înscrise de fermier în cerere cu această categorie de folosinţă vor beneficia de plata SAPS dacă parcela respectivă are suprafaţa minimă de 0,3 ha şi de plata PNDC dacă aceste culturi sunt cele care în mod normal aparţin TA (deci fără CP, PP şi VI).
b. să declare toate parcelele agricole pe care le utilizează;
c. să înscrie, sub sancţiunea legii penale, date reale, complete şi perfect valabile în formularul de cerere de plată directă pe suprafaţă şi în documentele anexate, inclusiv lista suprafeţelor;
d. să fie de acord ca datele din formularul de cerere de plată să fie introduse în baza de date IACS, procesate şi verificate în vederea calculării plăţii şi transmise autorităţilor responsabile în vederea elaborării de studii statistice şi de evaluări economice, în condiţiile Legii nr. 677/2001;
e. să respecte bunele condiţii agricole şi de mediu - GAEC, reglementate prin legislaţia naţională, pe toată suprafaţa agricolă a exploataţiei:
I. Standarde pentru evitarea eroziunii solului:
GAEC 1. Pe timpul iernii, terenul arabil trebuie să fie acoperit cu culturi de toamnă şi/sau să rămână nelucrat după recoltare pe cel puţin 20% din suprafaţa arabilă totală a fermei;
GAEC 2. Lucrările solului pe terenul arabil cu panta mai mare de 12%, cultivat cu plante prăşitoare, se efectuează de-a lungul curbelor de nivel;
GAEC 3. Se menţin terasele existente pe terenul agricol la data de 1 ianuarie 2007;
II. Standarde pentru menţinerea conţinutului de materie organică în sol, prin aplicarea unor practici agricole corespunzătoare:
GAEC 4. Floarea soarelui nu se cultivă pe aceeaşi parcelă mai mult de doi ani consecutiv;
GAEC 5. Arderea miriştilor şi a resturilor vegetale pe terenul arabil nu este permisă decât cu acordul autorităţii competente pentru protecţia mediului;
III. Standarde pentru menţinerea structurii solului:
GAEC 6. Lucrările solului pe terenul arabil cu panta mai mare de 12%, cultivat cu plante prăşitoare, se efectuează de-a lungul curbelor de nivel;
IV. Standarde pentru menţinerea unui nivel minim de întreţinere a terenurilor agricole:
GAEC 7. Menţinerea pajistilor permanente prin asigurarea unui nivel minim de păşunat sau prin cosirea lor cel puţin o dată pe an;
GAEC 8. Arderea pajiştilor permanente nu este permisă decât cu acordul autorităţii competente pentru protecţia mediului;
GAEC 9. Nu este permisă tăierea arborilor solitari şi/sau a grupurilor de arbori de pe terenurile agricole;
GAEC 10. Evitarea instalării vegetaţiei nedorite pe terenurile agricole, inclusiv pe terenurile care nu mai sunt exploatate pentru producţie;
V. Standarde pentru menţinerea suprafeţei existente de pajişti permanente:
GAEC 11. Menţinerea suprafeţei de pajişti permanente la nivel naţional, existente la data de 1 ianuarie 2007.
f. să prezinte documentele necesare care dovedesc dreptul de folosinţă şi să poată face dovada că utilizează terenul pentru care s-a depus cererea;
g. să furnizeze toate informaţiile solicitate de APIA, în termenele stabilite;
h. să permită efectuarea controalelor de către APIA sau de către alte organisme abilitate în acest sens;
i. să marcheze limitele parcelei utilizate, atunci când este cultivată cu aceeaşi cultură cu a parcelelor învecinate;
j. să comunice în scris, în termen de 10 zile, la APIA orice modificare a datelor declarate în cererea de plată survenită în perioada cuprinsă între data depunerii şi data acordării plăţii. Aceste modificări se referă la suprafaţa agricolă utilizată a exploataţiei, transferarea proprietăţii fermei către un alt utilizator agricol, aprobarea unei rente agricole viagere, alte schimbări ale informaţiilor din formularul de cerere.
SAPS 2011
Pe langa plata unica pe unitatea de suprafata (SAPS), care in anul 2010 va fi in cuantum estimat de 81 euro/ha, puteti sa primiti PNDC-uri = plăţi naţionale directe complementare în sectorul vegetal care constau in acordarea de sprijin financiar suplementar pentru anumite culturi in teren arabil, in cuantum estimat de 86 euro/ha, precum:
- cereale (grâu comun, grâu dur, secară, orz, ovăz, orzoaică, porumb, porumb zaharat, sorg, orez, triticale, mei, hrişcă),
- culturi proteice:(mazăre pentru boabe, fasole pentru boabe, lupin, bob şi linte, năut),
- plante industriale (floarea soarelui, rapiţă, soia, in şi cânepă pentru fibră, tutun, in pentru ulei, plante medicinale, alte plante industriale),
- rădăcinoase (cartofi, sfeclă furajeră, sfeclă de zahăr şi alte rădăcinoase),
- legume proaspete, pepeni, flori şi plante ornamentale, plante de nutreţ, loturi semincere, pajişti temporare, alte culturi pe teren arabil.
De asemenea, pentru pasuni, fanete, in afara de SAPS se mai acorda sume suplimentare pentru:
- Plati pentru zone defavorizate - au rolul de a compensa productivitatea agricola mai redusa a terenurilor agricole din cele 3 tipuri de zone defavorizate, insa solicitantul trebuie sa se angajeze ca va continua activitatile agricole pe o perioada de 5 ani de la prima plata.
Zona Montana Defavorizata - plata de 50 Euro/ha/an
- Zona Defavorizata de conditii Naturale Specifice - plata de 60 Euro/ha/an
- Zona Semnificativ Defavorizata - plata de 90 Euro/ha/an
- Plati pentru agromediu
Aceste plati compenseaza cheltuielile suplimentare si pierderile de venit ale fermierilor care isi asuma voluntar un set de cerinte specifice de agro-mediu pentru o perioada de 5 ani de la data semnarii angajamentului. De asemenea, fermierul se angajeaza sa tina o evidenta a activitatilor agricole correlate cu implementarea cerintelor de agro-mediu. Cuantumul pachetelor de agro-mediu care au fost accesate in Gorj este :
Pachetul 1: Pajişti cu Înaltă Valoare Naturală - 124 Euro/an/hectar (este aplicabil în 1038 unităţi administrativ teritoriale).
Pachetul 2: Practici agricole tradiţionale - 58 Euro/an/hectar (este aplicabil în aceleaşi unităţi administrativ teritoriale ca şi pachetul 1 si numai impreuna cu acesta).
Principala legislatie nationala si comunitara, dar nu exclusiva privind acordarea acestor plati:
-Ordonanţa de Urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 125/2006 pentru aprobarea schemelor de plăţi directe şi plăţi naţionale directe complementare, care se acordă în agricultură începând cu anul 2007, şi pentru modificarea art. 2 din Legea nr. 36/1991 privind societăţile agricole şi alte forme de asociere în agricultură, aprobată prin Legea nr. 139/2007, cu completările şi modificările ulterioare;
- Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală 2007 - 2013 (PNDR), versiunea consolidată decembrie 2009;
- Ordinul MADR nr. 246/2008, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, privind stabilirea modului de implementare, a condiţiilor specifice şi a criteriilor de eligibilitate pentru aplicarea schemelor de plăţi directe şi plăţi naţionale directe complementare în sectorul vegetal, pentru acordarea sprijinului aferent măsurilor de agromediu şi zone defavorizate;
- Legea nr. 381/2002 pentru acordarea despăgubirilor în caz de calamităţi naturale în agricultură, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare;
- Ordinul MAPDR nr. 75/24 martie 2010 privind aprobarea sistemului de sancţiuni pentru măsurile 214 "Plăţi de agro-mediu", 211 "Sprijin pentru zona montană defavorizată" şi 212 "Sprijin pentru zone defavorizate, altele decât zona montană" din Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală 2007-2013
- Ordinul nr. 30/147/2010 al ministrului agriculturii şi dezvoltării rurale şi al ministrului mediului şi padurilor pentru adoptarea bunelor condiţii agricole şi de mediu în România;
- Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1290/2005 cu privire la finanţarea politicii agricole comune, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare;
- Regulamentul (CE) nr. 73/2009 de stabilirea a unor norme comune pentru sistemele de ajutor direct pentru agricultori în cadrul politicii agricole comune şi de instituire a anumitor sisteme de ajutor pentru agricultori, de modificare a Regulamentelor CE nr. 1290/2005, CE nr. 247/2006, CE nr. 378/2007 şi de abrogare a Regulamentului CE nr. 1782/2003;
Pentru o documentaremai aprofundata a acestor aspecte, va invitam sa accesati rubricile respective din cadrul website-ului sau sa va adresati direct salariatului APIA care raspunde de localitatea dvs.
More info frjacobs@telenet.be
More advantages of radiant heating
more and offers info frjacobs@telenet.be
Maintaining thermal comfort
Panel location can significantly affect the magnitude and distribution of room surface temperatures (MRT) and thereby affect required heater capacity necessary to achieve a given comfort level. When units are properly-sized and located, a higher MRT for the occupants is produced which then permits a lower air temperature for equal comfort conditions.
However, if the radiant heat is too concentrated such that the asymmetric temperature (difference between the plane radiant temperatures of the opposite sides of a small plane element is too much felt by the occupant then (local) discomfort occurs. Normally, discomfort should not be experienced by occupants in spaces heated by radiant systems if thermal comfort equations are satisfied and the asymmetric temperature is limited to 9°C .
Energy efficiency
Radiative transfer between the occupant and surrounding surfaces benefits from the difference in the fourth power of the temperatures as compared to the heat exchange by convection between the occupant and the adjacent air, which varies linearly with temperature difference. A study made by Kilkis (1992) showed that radiant heating can also increase the efficiency of a heat pump system. Zmeureanu et al. (1988) found out that the heat load and peak load of a radiant heating system was lower (77% and 80%, respectively) than conventional systems at the same level of thermal comfort. Since part of the sensible thermal load is handled by radiant ceiling panels, volume of supplied air can be reduced which in turn can reduce air transport energy (by 20%). This saving reflects a total energy consumption of 10% less than a conventional convective system. Further savings can be benefited with the use of radiant heaters by means of installing fast-acting surface
mounted-radiant panels. Watson et al. (1998) used a multi-sized ceiling-mounted radiant heater with higher watt density of 50 W/ft2 sized to the nearest 100 W of heated area and found significantly lower retrofit installed and maintenance costs compared to other types of heaters.
However, since radiant heating systems heat surfaces instead of the air in the room, higher surface temperatures (wall, floor, glass) occur and produce greater heat losses through the surfaces to the outside (transmission losses). This can be compensated by ensuring that the heated space is well-insulated.
Reduced air temperature gradient
Since radiant heating systems heat surfaces, there is very little air motion resulting in a more uniform room air temperature distribution. This can lead to a more uniform distribution of thermal comfort (in terms of PMV values) within the occupied zone and reduction of energy requirements.
Healthier air
Utilisation of thermal radiation to condition air reduces the dependency on air as the thermal transport mechanism while passing indoor air quality requirements. Thus, allergens (e.g. mold spores, dust, insects, pollens) and disease-causing microorganisms usually carried by the heated air medium can be reduced if not totally avoided. This advantage gives radiant heating systems an edge to wider range of applications, from residential and commercial buildings to buildings requiring higher indoor hygiene (e.g. hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.).
Convenient operation
Complications attributed to circulating high volumes of air (e.g. more wiring, pipes, ducts and other installations) are avoided with radiant heating systems.
Efficiency of space use
The space consumed by a radiant heating system, be it hydronic or electrical, is
less than that of a variable-air-volume (VAV) system.
Radiant heating panels can be installed in such a way as to provide zoning or conveniently placed in a location that needs radiant compensation (Simmonds, 1996).
Dudkiewicz, E. and Jezowiecki, J. 2009. Measured radiant thermal fields in industrial spaces served by high intensity IR. Energy and Buildings 41 (2009): 27-35.
Kilkis, B.I. 1992. Enhancement of heat pump performance using radiant floor heating systems. AES 28: 119-127.
Simmonds, P. 1996. Practical applications of radiant heating & cooling to maintain comfort conditions. T ASHRAE 102 (1): 659-666 .
Watson, R.D., Chapman, K.S., and DeGreef, J.M. 1998. Case study: seven-system analysis of thermal comfort and energy use for a fast-acting radiant heating system. T ASHRAE 104 (1): 1106-1111 .
Zmeureanu, R., Fazio, P.P., and Haghighat, F. 1988. Thermal Performance of Radiant Heating Panels. T ASHRAE 94(2): 13-27.
Maintaining thermal comfort
Panel location can significantly affect the magnitude and distribution of room surface temperatures (MRT) and thereby affect required heater capacity necessary to achieve a given comfort level. When units are properly-sized and located, a higher MRT for the occupants is produced which then permits a lower air temperature for equal comfort conditions.
However, if the radiant heat is too concentrated such that the asymmetric temperature (difference between the plane radiant temperatures of the opposite sides of a small plane element is too much felt by the occupant then (local) discomfort occurs. Normally, discomfort should not be experienced by occupants in spaces heated by radiant systems if thermal comfort equations are satisfied and the asymmetric temperature is limited to 9°C .
Energy efficiency
Radiative transfer between the occupant and surrounding surfaces benefits from the difference in the fourth power of the temperatures as compared to the heat exchange by convection between the occupant and the adjacent air, which varies linearly with temperature difference. A study made by Kilkis (1992) showed that radiant heating can also increase the efficiency of a heat pump system. Zmeureanu et al. (1988) found out that the heat load and peak load of a radiant heating system was lower (77% and 80%, respectively) than conventional systems at the same level of thermal comfort. Since part of the sensible thermal load is handled by radiant ceiling panels, volume of supplied air can be reduced which in turn can reduce air transport energy (by 20%). This saving reflects a total energy consumption of 10% less than a conventional convective system. Further savings can be benefited with the use of radiant heaters by means of installing fast-acting surface
mounted-radiant panels. Watson et al. (1998) used a multi-sized ceiling-mounted radiant heater with higher watt density of 50 W/ft2 sized to the nearest 100 W of heated area and found significantly lower retrofit installed and maintenance costs compared to other types of heaters.
However, since radiant heating systems heat surfaces instead of the air in the room, higher surface temperatures (wall, floor, glass) occur and produce greater heat losses through the surfaces to the outside (transmission losses). This can be compensated by ensuring that the heated space is well-insulated.
Reduced air temperature gradient
Since radiant heating systems heat surfaces, there is very little air motion resulting in a more uniform room air temperature distribution. This can lead to a more uniform distribution of thermal comfort (in terms of PMV values) within the occupied zone and reduction of energy requirements.
Healthier air
Utilisation of thermal radiation to condition air reduces the dependency on air as the thermal transport mechanism while passing indoor air quality requirements. Thus, allergens (e.g. mold spores, dust, insects, pollens) and disease-causing microorganisms usually carried by the heated air medium can be reduced if not totally avoided. This advantage gives radiant heating systems an edge to wider range of applications, from residential and commercial buildings to buildings requiring higher indoor hygiene (e.g. hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.).
Convenient operation
Complications attributed to circulating high volumes of air (e.g. more wiring, pipes, ducts and other installations) are avoided with radiant heating systems.
Efficiency of space use
The space consumed by a radiant heating system, be it hydronic or electrical, is
less than that of a variable-air-volume (VAV) system.
Radiant heating panels can be installed in such a way as to provide zoning or conveniently placed in a location that needs radiant compensation (Simmonds, 1996).
Dudkiewicz, E. and Jezowiecki, J. 2009. Measured radiant thermal fields in industrial spaces served by high intensity IR. Energy and Buildings 41 (2009): 27-35.
Kilkis, B.I. 1992. Enhancement of heat pump performance using radiant floor heating systems. AES 28: 119-127.
Simmonds, P. 1996. Practical applications of radiant heating & cooling to maintain comfort conditions. T ASHRAE 102 (1): 659-666 .
Watson, R.D., Chapman, K.S., and DeGreef, J.M. 1998. Case study: seven-system analysis of thermal comfort and energy use for a fast-acting radiant heating system. T ASHRAE 104 (1): 1106-1111 .
Zmeureanu, R., Fazio, P.P., and Haghighat, F. 1988. Thermal Performance of Radiant Heating Panels. T ASHRAE 94(2): 13-27.
Sisteme de incalzire prin panouri radiante - avantajele panourilor radiante
Panourile radiante creaza o egalizare a distributiei temperaturii pe inaltime, intre tavan si podea. Astfel, se evita formarea pernelor de aer supraincalzit care se localizeaza in zona tavanului atunci cand sunt utilizate alte sisteme de incalzire. Incalzirea camerelor cu tavane inalte cu ajutorul panourilor radiante da posibilitatea scaderii semnificative a consumului de energie.
Transmiterea caldurii se face fara pierdere de energie. Undele termice realizate electromagnetic transmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi de transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona de radiatie. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor din incapere.
Incalzirea obisnuita cu apa calda, cu gaz sau cu curent electric, degaja caldura in principal prin convectie-suprafete. Suprafetele fierbinti degaja energie termica prin conducte termice in aerul din incapere - si doar intr-o mica masura prin radiatie termica. Cota parte de radiatie termica este totusi decisiva pentru clima care se simte in incapere. Astfel, din punct de vedere fizic, confortul sobelor de teracota este determinat de o cota mare de radiatie termica - unda de caldura comparabila cu cea apanourilor radiante. Sistemele de incalzire infratherm ce folosesc panouri radiante reprezinta o adevarata revolutie in acest domeniu, acest lucru datorandu-se multiplelor avantaje pe care le prezinta incalzirea cu aceste panouri radiante comparativ cu celelalte sisteme existente la ora actuala.
Principiul panourilor radiante
Principiul dupa care functioneaza aceste panouri radiante este identic cu cel dupa care soarele incalzeste Pamantul prin intermediul radiatiei infrarosii. Prin urmare, cedarea de caldura a elementelor de incalzit se realizeaza prin unda in infrarosu si convectie. Acesta produce radiatie termica cu un randament ridicat, fara electrosmog. Panourile radiante cu radiatie infrarosie la distanta este un sistem inovator de inalta calitate recunoscut pe plan mondial ca fiind liderul in materie de eficienta a incalzirii. Cele mai importante avantaje ale sistemelor de incalzire cu panouri radiante sunt: economia energetica si costurile de intretinere aproape inexistente. Exista posibilitati de incalzire partiala, de alegere a temperaturilor potrivit zonei, de programare a orelor de functionare.
Transmiterea caldurii fara pierdere de energie la panouri radiante
Undele termice trannsmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi la transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor de instalatii din incapere . "Vinovatul pentru pierderi", in cazul sistemelor termice obisnuite - conductele, tevile de apa, camera cazanelor, camine, convectoare, puturi de aerisire - dispar in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si astfel, se poate economisi de trei ori, si anume la:
· Costurile pentru energie
· Costurile de instalatii
· Costurile pentru reparatii si pentru revizii
Datorita faptului ca aceste panouri radiante sunt prevazute cu termostat, temperatura se mentine constanta in incapere, la valoarea setata, raspandindu-se uniform, in toate colturile incaperii.
Clima individuala si amenajare decorativa a spatiului cu panouri radiante
Instalatia panourilor radiante este foarte simpla si poate fi aleasa optim pentru orice spatiu individual. Se preteaza in aceeasi masura pentru spatii private, cladiri publice - de la aeroporturi, spitale, banci, hoteluri, cabinete medicale si pana la muzee, pentru birouri sau spatii de productie - de la sere si pana la spatii sterile fara praf. Amplasarea panourilor radiante se poate face pur si simplu dupa principii practice, rationale sau se pot interpune si accente individuale, creative de decoruri.
Avantajele panourilor radiante:
- Reducerea costurilor cu incalzirea cu pana la 30-50%
- Instalare rapida, simpla (pe perete sau pe tavan), cu costuri reduse
- Nu necesita aprobari, intocmire proiect, racordare la reteaua de gaze
- Nu exista pierderi de caldura ca la sistemele clasice (conducte, centrale)
- Incalzire rapida, fara consum de oxigen
- Mentine o umiditate a aerului constanta si optima
- Elimina mirosurile neplacute (fumul de tigara)
- Purifica aerul (ionizeaza)
- Ocupa mai putin spatiu fata de alte sisteme;
- Nu necesita o incapere speciala, aerisita, sau incaperi de depozitare combustibil
- Peretii se mentin uscati, nu apare igrasie, mucegai
- Sunt sigure in exploatare
- Nu necesita intretinere (revizii periodice, piese de schimb, etc.)
- Randament crescut comparativ cu alte sisteme de incalzire
- Nepoluante, nu exista deseuri toxice, noxe, CO2.
Plasmele termice sunt ideale pentru incalzirea eficienta a oricarui tip de spatiu:
- apartamente in blocuri, case sau vile
- case, vile sau case de vacanta
- pensiuni, hoteluri, moteluri
- cladiri de birouri
- policlinici, spitale, scoli, gradinite
- spatii comerciale
- restaurante.
more and offers info frjacobs@telenet.be
Transmiterea caldurii se face fara pierdere de energie. Undele termice realizate electromagnetic transmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi de transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona de radiatie. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor din incapere.
Incalzirea obisnuita cu apa calda, cu gaz sau cu curent electric, degaja caldura in principal prin convectie-suprafete. Suprafetele fierbinti degaja energie termica prin conducte termice in aerul din incapere - si doar intr-o mica masura prin radiatie termica. Cota parte de radiatie termica este totusi decisiva pentru clima care se simte in incapere. Astfel, din punct de vedere fizic, confortul sobelor de teracota este determinat de o cota mare de radiatie termica - unda de caldura comparabila cu cea apanourilor radiante. Sistemele de incalzire infratherm ce folosesc panouri radiante reprezinta o adevarata revolutie in acest domeniu, acest lucru datorandu-se multiplelor avantaje pe care le prezinta incalzirea cu aceste panouri radiante comparativ cu celelalte sisteme existente la ora actuala.
Principiul panourilor radiante
Principiul dupa care functioneaza aceste panouri radiante este identic cu cel dupa care soarele incalzeste Pamantul prin intermediul radiatiei infrarosii. Prin urmare, cedarea de caldura a elementelor de incalzit se realizeaza prin unda in infrarosu si convectie. Acesta produce radiatie termica cu un randament ridicat, fara electrosmog. Panourile radiante cu radiatie infrarosie la distanta este un sistem inovator de inalta calitate recunoscut pe plan mondial ca fiind liderul in materie de eficienta a incalzirii. Cele mai importante avantaje ale sistemelor de incalzire cu panouri radiante sunt: economia energetica si costurile de intretinere aproape inexistente. Exista posibilitati de incalzire partiala, de alegere a temperaturilor potrivit zonei, de programare a orelor de functionare.
Transmiterea caldurii fara pierdere de energie la panouri radiante
Undele termice trannsmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi la transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor de instalatii din incapere . "Vinovatul pentru pierderi", in cazul sistemelor termice obisnuite - conductele, tevile de apa, camera cazanelor, camine, convectoare, puturi de aerisire - dispar in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si astfel, se poate economisi de trei ori, si anume la:
· Costurile pentru energie
· Costurile de instalatii
· Costurile pentru reparatii si pentru revizii
Datorita faptului ca aceste panouri radiante sunt prevazute cu termostat, temperatura se mentine constanta in incapere, la valoarea setata, raspandindu-se uniform, in toate colturile incaperii.
Clima individuala si amenajare decorativa a spatiului cu panouri radiante
Instalatia panourilor radiante este foarte simpla si poate fi aleasa optim pentru orice spatiu individual. Se preteaza in aceeasi masura pentru spatii private, cladiri publice - de la aeroporturi, spitale, banci, hoteluri, cabinete medicale si pana la muzee, pentru birouri sau spatii de productie - de la sere si pana la spatii sterile fara praf. Amplasarea panourilor radiante se poate face pur si simplu dupa principii practice, rationale sau se pot interpune si accente individuale, creative de decoruri.
Avantajele panourilor radiante:
- Reducerea costurilor cu incalzirea cu pana la 30-50%
- Instalare rapida, simpla (pe perete sau pe tavan), cu costuri reduse
- Nu necesita aprobari, intocmire proiect, racordare la reteaua de gaze
- Nu exista pierderi de caldura ca la sistemele clasice (conducte, centrale)
- Incalzire rapida, fara consum de oxigen
- Mentine o umiditate a aerului constanta si optima
- Elimina mirosurile neplacute (fumul de tigara)
- Purifica aerul (ionizeaza)
- Ocupa mai putin spatiu fata de alte sisteme;
- Nu necesita o incapere speciala, aerisita, sau incaperi de depozitare combustibil
- Peretii se mentin uscati, nu apare igrasie, mucegai
- Sunt sigure in exploatare
- Nu necesita intretinere (revizii periodice, piese de schimb, etc.)
- Randament crescut comparativ cu alte sisteme de incalzire
- Nepoluante, nu exista deseuri toxice, noxe, CO2.
Plasmele termice sunt ideale pentru incalzirea eficienta a oricarui tip de spatiu:
- apartamente in blocuri, case sau vile
- case, vile sau case de vacanta
- pensiuni, hoteluri, moteluri
- cladiri de birouri
- policlinici, spitale, scoli, gradinite
- spatii comerciale
- restaurante.
more and offers info frjacobs@telenet.be
donderdag 15 september 2011
Sisteme de incalzire prin panouri radiante - avantajele panourilor radiante
website caldura ieftin
Panourile radiante creaza o egalizare a distributiei temperaturii pe inaltime, intre tavan si podea. Astfel, se evita formarea pernelor de aer supraincalzit care se localizeaza in zona tavanului atunci cand sunt utilizate alte sisteme de incalzire. Incalzirea camerelor cu tavane inalte cu ajutorul panourilor radiante da posibilitatea scaderii semnificative a consumului de energie.
Transmiterea caldurii se face fara pierdere de energie. Undele termice realizate electromagnetic transmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi de transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona de radiatie. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor din incapere.
Incalzirea obisnuita cu apa calda, cu gaz sau cu curent electric, degaja caldura in principal prin convectie-suprafete. Suprafetele fierbinti degaja energie termica prin conducte termice in aerul din incapere – si doar intr-o mica masura prin radiatie termica. Cota parte de radiatie termica este totusi decisiva pentru clima care se simte in incapere. Astfel, din punct de vedere fizic, confortul sobelor de teracota este determinat de o cota mare de radiatie termica – unda de caldura comparabila cu cea apanourilor radiante. Sistemele de incalzire infratherm ce folosesc panouri radiante reprezinta o adevarata revolutie in acest domeniu, acest lucru datorandu-se multiplelor avantaje pe care le prezinta incalzirea cu aceste panouri radiante comparativ cu celelalte sisteme existente la ora actuala.
Principiul panourilor radiante
Principiul dupa care functioneaza aceste panouri radiante este identic cu cel dupa care soarele incalzeste Pamantul prin intermediul radiatiei infrarosii. Prin urmare, cedarea de caldura a elementelor de incalzit se realizeaza prin unda in infrarosu si convectie. Acesta produce radiatie termica cu un randament ridicat, fara electrosmog. Panourile radiante cu radiatie infrarosie la distanta este un sistem inovator de inalta calitate recunoscut pe plan mondial ca fiind liderul in materie de eficienta a incalzirii. Cele mai importante avantaje ale sistemelor de incalzire cu panouri radiante sunt: economia energetica si costurile de intretinere aproape inexistente. Exista posibilitati de incalzire partiala, de alegere a temperaturilor potrivit zonei, de programare a orelor de functionare.
Transmiterea caldurii fara pierdere de energie la panouri radiante
Undele termice trannsmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi la transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor de instalatii din incapere . “Vinovatul pentru pierderi”, in cazul sistemelor termice obisnuite - conductele, tevile de apa, camera cazanelor, camine, convectoare, puturi de aerisire - dispar in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si astfel, se poate economisi de trei ori, si anume la:
* Costurile pentru energie
* Costurile de instalatii
* Costurile pentru reparatii si pentru revizii
Datorita faptului ca aceste panouri radiante sunt prevazute cu termostat, temperatura se mentine constanta in incapere, la valoarea setata, raspandindu-se uniform, in toate colturile incaperii.
Clima individuala si amenajare decorativa a spatiului cu panouri radiante
Instalatia panourilor radiante este foarte simpla si poate fi aleasa optim pentru orice spatiu individual. Se preteaza in aceeasi masura pentru spatii private, cladiri publice – de la aeroporturi, spitale, banci, hoteluri, cabinete medicale si pana la muzee, pentru birouri sau spatii de productie – de la sere si pana la spatii sterile fara praf. Amplasarea panourilor radiante se poate face pur si simplu dupa principii practice, rationale sau se pot interpune si accente individuale, creative de decoruri.
Avantajele panourilor radiante:
1. Reducerea costurilor cu incalzirea cu pana la 30-50%
2. Instalare rapida, simpla (pe perete sau pe tavan), cu costuri reduse
3. Nu necesita aprobari, intocmire proiect, racordare la reteaua de gaze
4. Nu exista pierderi de caldura ca la sistemele clasice (conducte, centrale)
5. Incalzire rapida, fara consum de oxigen
6. Mentine o umiditate a aerului constanta si optima
7. Elimina mirosurile neplacute (fumul de tigara)
8. Purifica aerul (ionizeaza)
9. Ocupa mai putin spatiu fata de alte sisteme;
10. Nu necesita o incapere speciala, aerisita, sau incaperi de depozitare combustibil
11. Peretii se mentin uscati, nu apare igrasie, mucegai
12. Sunt sigure in exploatare
13. Nu necesita intretinere (revizii periodice, piese de schimb, etc.)
14. Randament crescut comparativ cu alte sisteme de incalzire
15. Nepoluante, nu exista deseuri toxice, noxe, CO2.
Plasmele termice sunt ideale pentru incalzirea eficienta a oricarui tip de spatiu:
* Apartamente in blocuri, case sau vile
* Case, vile sau case de vacanta
* Pensiuni, hoteluri, moteluri
* Cladiri de birouri
* Policlinici, spitale, scoli, gradinite
* Spatii comerciale
* Restaurante
website caldura ieftin
Panourile radiante creaza o egalizare a distributiei temperaturii pe inaltime, intre tavan si podea. Astfel, se evita formarea pernelor de aer supraincalzit care se localizeaza in zona tavanului atunci cand sunt utilizate alte sisteme de incalzire. Incalzirea camerelor cu tavane inalte cu ajutorul panourilor radiante da posibilitatea scaderii semnificative a consumului de energie.
Transmiterea caldurii se face fara pierdere de energie. Undele termice realizate electromagnetic transmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi de transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona de radiatie. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor din incapere.
Incalzirea obisnuita cu apa calda, cu gaz sau cu curent electric, degaja caldura in principal prin convectie-suprafete. Suprafetele fierbinti degaja energie termica prin conducte termice in aerul din incapere – si doar intr-o mica masura prin radiatie termica. Cota parte de radiatie termica este totusi decisiva pentru clima care se simte in incapere. Astfel, din punct de vedere fizic, confortul sobelor de teracota este determinat de o cota mare de radiatie termica – unda de caldura comparabila cu cea apanourilor radiante. Sistemele de incalzire infratherm ce folosesc panouri radiante reprezinta o adevarata revolutie in acest domeniu, acest lucru datorandu-se multiplelor avantaje pe care le prezinta incalzirea cu aceste panouri radiante comparativ cu celelalte sisteme existente la ora actuala.
Principiul panourilor radiante
Principiul dupa care functioneaza aceste panouri radiante este identic cu cel dupa care soarele incalzeste Pamantul prin intermediul radiatiei infrarosii. Prin urmare, cedarea de caldura a elementelor de incalzit se realizeaza prin unda in infrarosu si convectie. Acesta produce radiatie termica cu un randament ridicat, fara electrosmog. Panourile radiante cu radiatie infrarosie la distanta este un sistem inovator de inalta calitate recunoscut pe plan mondial ca fiind liderul in materie de eficienta a incalzirii. Cele mai importante avantaje ale sistemelor de incalzire cu panouri radiante sunt: economia energetica si costurile de intretinere aproape inexistente. Exista posibilitati de incalzire partiala, de alegere a temperaturilor potrivit zonei, de programare a orelor de functionare.
Transmiterea caldurii fara pierdere de energie la panouri radiante
Undele termice trannsmit energia termica direct (imediat) si fara pierderi la transport catre toate corpurile solide din zona. Temperatura optima a spatiului se obtine prin temperatura de suprafata a materialelor inconjuratoare si a obiectelor de instalatii din incapere . “Vinovatul pentru pierderi”, in cazul sistemelor termice obisnuite - conductele, tevile de apa, camera cazanelor, camine, convectoare, puturi de aerisire - dispar in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si astfel, se poate economisi de trei ori, si anume la:
* Costurile pentru energie
* Costurile de instalatii
* Costurile pentru reparatii si pentru revizii
Datorita faptului ca aceste panouri radiante sunt prevazute cu termostat, temperatura se mentine constanta in incapere, la valoarea setata, raspandindu-se uniform, in toate colturile incaperii.
Clima individuala si amenajare decorativa a spatiului cu panouri radiante
Instalatia panourilor radiante este foarte simpla si poate fi aleasa optim pentru orice spatiu individual. Se preteaza in aceeasi masura pentru spatii private, cladiri publice – de la aeroporturi, spitale, banci, hoteluri, cabinete medicale si pana la muzee, pentru birouri sau spatii de productie – de la sere si pana la spatii sterile fara praf. Amplasarea panourilor radiante se poate face pur si simplu dupa principii practice, rationale sau se pot interpune si accente individuale, creative de decoruri.
Avantajele panourilor radiante:
1. Reducerea costurilor cu incalzirea cu pana la 30-50%
2. Instalare rapida, simpla (pe perete sau pe tavan), cu costuri reduse
3. Nu necesita aprobari, intocmire proiect, racordare la reteaua de gaze
4. Nu exista pierderi de caldura ca la sistemele clasice (conducte, centrale)
5. Incalzire rapida, fara consum de oxigen
6. Mentine o umiditate a aerului constanta si optima
7. Elimina mirosurile neplacute (fumul de tigara)
8. Purifica aerul (ionizeaza)
9. Ocupa mai putin spatiu fata de alte sisteme;
10. Nu necesita o incapere speciala, aerisita, sau incaperi de depozitare combustibil
11. Peretii se mentin uscati, nu apare igrasie, mucegai
12. Sunt sigure in exploatare
13. Nu necesita intretinere (revizii periodice, piese de schimb, etc.)
14. Randament crescut comparativ cu alte sisteme de incalzire
15. Nepoluante, nu exista deseuri toxice, noxe, CO2.
Plasmele termice sunt ideale pentru incalzirea eficienta a oricarui tip de spatiu:
* Apartamente in blocuri, case sau vile
* Case, vile sau case de vacanta
* Pensiuni, hoteluri, moteluri
* Cladiri de birouri
* Policlinici, spitale, scoli, gradinite
* Spatii comerciale
* Restaurante
website caldura ieftin
Infra red heating: the savings of the future
CIBR – the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber has the exclusive importer contract with the Belgian leading supplier of IR- heated panels.
website caldura ieftin
A word about the technology provider
Energy Products Group SA (EPG) develops, manufactures, and distributes infrared heating appliances and solutions for use in domestic, commercial, and industrial environments. EPG believes infrared heating technologies have an enormous potential as an energy-saving, cost-efficient, and comfort-enhancing alternative to traditional heating systems.
EPG has built up a unique level of expertise in infrared heating since 1999. The company has also teamed up with several strategically important industrial and academic partners to develop its product lines.
EPG has its main headquarters in Belgium, with a worldwide distribution network covering Europe, North America, Russia, and South America. Cibr is the contact for Romania.
All that you need to know about infrared heating technology
For a lot of people this technology is unknown……Let’s try to inform the general public on this new technology.
At the heart of heating system is a far-infrared ray panel, which consists of heat-resistant glass fiber plates to which an incombustible carbon plate is attached. Its front surface makes it easy to spread radiant heat, while its back-side is heat-resistant, ensuring no damage to walls/ceilings to which it is attached.
Once electricity flows through the heating Panel, its temperature raises to between 85 and 105 degrees Celcius within four minutes, and 96.1% of the total energy is evenly radiated as far-infrared rays, providing gentle, effective warmth to the entire room.
In a room with a traditional air circulation or conduction heating system, the overall room temperature must be increased until the room's occupants feel warm.
The time taken to achieve this level of warmth increases costs and also carbon emissions.
However Radiant-Heating System radiates far-infrared rays from its Heating Panels directly the people and objects in the room, providing significant and effective heat to the room without drying the air, in a fraction of the time of conventional methods.
A safe and eco-friendly heating system is provided by cibr in Romania
* The panels produce no waste or residue, are CE certified and pose no fire hazard. Quiet and safe with no vibration, the panels remove unpleasant odors and destroy viruses, germs, mites & bacteria, improving the overall health of the surrounding environment
* The panels do not emit any harmful electronic waves
* The overall savings on maintenance are more then 70%
* The panels use the “plug and heat” technology
* Infrared is a specific kind of light, invisible to the human eye, but to which we are nevertheless highly sensitive. It is very efficiently absorbed by the body giving a deep warm feeling. On a bright sunny day, we can feel perfectly comfortable in just a T-shirt, even though the air temperature may be close to freezing. Think of the typical après-ski scene, or of a walk in the high mountains.
* Beneficial to your health. Infrared radiation stimulates the blood circulation and reduces humidity in buildings. Less air circulation means it is also anti-allergenic.
* Emission-free heating. Natural heating panels are emission-free, meaning they are safe to use. Completely eliminates the risk of toxic emissions. There is no risk of carbon monoxide emissions and the panels do not disturb the air or promote dust. There is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
* A more efficient way of heating Energy savings up to 50%. Infrared heating reduces energy consumption between 25 to 50% compared to conventional heating systems. Good for your budget. Comfortable surroundings are achieved at much lower room temperatures, as the heat is absorbed directly.
* Good for the environment. Saving energy means less greenhouse gas emissions. And when green electricity is used, the heating panels are CO2 neutral.
* Easy to install. All you need to do is fix the panels to the wall or to the ceiling, and provide an electrical connection. No pipes, no drilling, no chimneys.
* Maintenance-free. The heating panels require no maintenance, because there are no moving parts, no burners, no filters, no fuel lines, …
* Flexible re-use. The panels are easily moved, so you can take the panels with you when you change locations. This also makes it easier to re-arrange or re-decorate rooms.
* Optimal space efficiency. the heating panels can be mounted on walls or ceilings and their sleek design creates extra space to live and work in.
Source: Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania, July 2011
website caldura ieftin
website caldura ieftin
A word about the technology provider
Energy Products Group SA (EPG) develops, manufactures, and distributes infrared heating appliances and solutions for use in domestic, commercial, and industrial environments. EPG believes infrared heating technologies have an enormous potential as an energy-saving, cost-efficient, and comfort-enhancing alternative to traditional heating systems.
EPG has built up a unique level of expertise in infrared heating since 1999. The company has also teamed up with several strategically important industrial and academic partners to develop its product lines.
EPG has its main headquarters in Belgium, with a worldwide distribution network covering Europe, North America, Russia, and South America. Cibr is the contact for Romania.
All that you need to know about infrared heating technology
For a lot of people this technology is unknown……Let’s try to inform the general public on this new technology.
At the heart of heating system is a far-infrared ray panel, which consists of heat-resistant glass fiber plates to which an incombustible carbon plate is attached. Its front surface makes it easy to spread radiant heat, while its back-side is heat-resistant, ensuring no damage to walls/ceilings to which it is attached.
Once electricity flows through the heating Panel, its temperature raises to between 85 and 105 degrees Celcius within four minutes, and 96.1% of the total energy is evenly radiated as far-infrared rays, providing gentle, effective warmth to the entire room.
In a room with a traditional air circulation or conduction heating system, the overall room temperature must be increased until the room's occupants feel warm.
The time taken to achieve this level of warmth increases costs and also carbon emissions.
However Radiant-Heating System radiates far-infrared rays from its Heating Panels directly the people and objects in the room, providing significant and effective heat to the room without drying the air, in a fraction of the time of conventional methods.
A safe and eco-friendly heating system is provided by cibr in Romania
* The panels produce no waste or residue, are CE certified and pose no fire hazard. Quiet and safe with no vibration, the panels remove unpleasant odors and destroy viruses, germs, mites & bacteria, improving the overall health of the surrounding environment
* The panels do not emit any harmful electronic waves
* The overall savings on maintenance are more then 70%
* The panels use the “plug and heat” technology
* Infrared is a specific kind of light, invisible to the human eye, but to which we are nevertheless highly sensitive. It is very efficiently absorbed by the body giving a deep warm feeling. On a bright sunny day, we can feel perfectly comfortable in just a T-shirt, even though the air temperature may be close to freezing. Think of the typical après-ski scene, or of a walk in the high mountains.
* Beneficial to your health. Infrared radiation stimulates the blood circulation and reduces humidity in buildings. Less air circulation means it is also anti-allergenic.
* Emission-free heating. Natural heating panels are emission-free, meaning they are safe to use. Completely eliminates the risk of toxic emissions. There is no risk of carbon monoxide emissions and the panels do not disturb the air or promote dust. There is no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
* A more efficient way of heating Energy savings up to 50%. Infrared heating reduces energy consumption between 25 to 50% compared to conventional heating systems. Good for your budget. Comfortable surroundings are achieved at much lower room temperatures, as the heat is absorbed directly.
* Good for the environment. Saving energy means less greenhouse gas emissions. And when green electricity is used, the heating panels are CO2 neutral.
* Easy to install. All you need to do is fix the panels to the wall or to the ceiling, and provide an electrical connection. No pipes, no drilling, no chimneys.
* Maintenance-free. The heating panels require no maintenance, because there are no moving parts, no burners, no filters, no fuel lines, …
* Flexible re-use. The panels are easily moved, so you can take the panels with you when you change locations. This also makes it easier to re-arrange or re-decorate rooms.
* Optimal space efficiency. the heating panels can be mounted on walls or ceilings and their sleek design creates extra space to live and work in.
Source: Camera Imobiliara Belgia Romania, July 2011
website caldura ieftin
zondag 11 september 2011
Government Decision no. 1680/2008 state aid scheme Romania
Government Decision no. 1680/2008 state aid sheme Romania
The Community Acquis in the field of state aids allows granting regional state aids to enterprises, under the Community Guidelines on regional state aid 2007-2013 (the Official Journal of the European Union no. C54/2006), and the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (European Union Official Journal no. L 214/2008).
The aid scheme established by the Government Decision no. 1680/2008 on ensuring sustainable economic growth, with its subsequent modifications and additions, applies the provisions stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008.
The duration of the state aid scheme (established through the Government Decision no.1680/2008) is of 5 years that is for the period between 2007-2013, the final maximum budget for this program is the equivalent of 1 billion Euros, thus a medium annual budget of 200 million Euros, not exceeding the annual budgetary limits during these five years. The estimated total number of enterprises that will benefit from the scheme is around 150, which means that there will be around 30 beneficiary enterprises per year.
The maximum amount of the state aid that an economic operator can benefit from in accordance with this scheme is the equivalent in LEI of 28.125 million Euros. For the investments and jobs developed in the developing region no. 8 of Bucharest – Ilfov, the maximum level of state aid which can be obtained by an economic operator is the equivalent in LEI of 22.5 million Euros.
The state aid can be granted to businesses that will make initial investments, have submitted an application for the Grant Agreement and the authority responsible for the scheme administration have subsequently confirmed in writing that, after a thorough examination, the project meets in general the eligibility criteria established in the state aid scheme, before starting the works .
There are considered eligible the costs related to an initial investment made in the same area, concerning the following:
a) either the tangible and/or intangible assets related to the creation of a new business, the development of an existent one, the diversification of the production of a business for new markets, or a fundamental change in the production process of an existent business;
b) either the purchase of fixed assets directly related to a business, when that business had been closed or would have been closed without that purchase, and the assets are purchased by a independent investor. The mere acquisition of the shares of an enterprise shall not be considered an investment.
The state aid scheme is applied to enterprises from all sectors, save those stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation – E.C.O.J. series L no.214/2008), as follows:
a) aids favouring fisheries and aquaculture, as they are regulated by the (EC) Regulation no. 104/2000;
b) aids favouring the primary production of agricultural products, stipulated in the Annex I to the European Communities Foundation Treaty;
c) aids favouring processing and marketing agricultural products activities, in the following cases:
When the amount of the aid is established on the basis of the price or the quantity of such products purchased from primary producers or marketed by these enterprises;
When the grant of the aid is conditioned by the obligation to direct it, partially or totally, to the primary producers;
d) aids favouring activities in coal sector;
e) regional aids favouring activities in metallurgic sector;
f) regional aids favouring activities in naval constructions sector;
g) regional aids favouring activities in synthetic fibres sector.
This scheme does not apply to enterprises that are in one of the following cases:
a) those “undertakings in difficulty” in the sense of the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation);
b) there are undertakings which are subject to an outstanding recovery order, if this recovery order has not been already carried out, according to the legal provision in force.
The enterprises, under this scheme, cannot benefit from the following types of state aid:
a) aids favouring export-related activities, such as aids directly linked to quantities exported, establishment and operation of a distribution network, or other current expenses related to the export activity;
b) aid contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods;
c) aid to operation.
In order to ensure the complementarity of regional state aids schemes, the enterprises shall not benefit from state aids under this scheme if for the same eligible costs of the initial investment they have received state aid or de minimis aid from other state aid providers.
The provisions of this state aid scheme are applied to undertakings registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with the subsequent modifications and additions, which make investments in Romania, and fall into one of the following categories:
a) they make an initial investment, of 5 to 10 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 50 jobs;
b) they make an initial investment, of 10 to 20 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 100 jobs;
c) they make an initial investment, of 20 to 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 200 jobs;
d) they make an initial investment, exceeding 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and they create at least 50 jobs.
The enterprises that meet cumulatively, at the time of submitting the application, the following eligibility criteria, shall benefit from individual specific allocations under this scheme:
a) are registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with its subsequent modifications and additions, making investments in Romania;
b) intend to make an initial investment that falls into one of the categories provided at letters a) to d) of Article 2 of the Gov. Dec. no. 1680/2008.
c) does not have outstanding debts to constituent budgets of the general consolidated budget.
d) are subject to foreclosure, bankruptcy, judicial reorganization, dissolution, liquidation or other situations regulated by law;
e) do not fall into the category of “undertakings in difficulty” according to the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)
f) they are not subject to state aid recovery orders, or such orders have been already carried out, according to the legal provisions in force;
g) at the time when they apply for the state aid, they submit a viable investment plan (expenses shall be detailed: quantity, price, amount), and a technical-economic study
made by a specialized company, which should prove the economic efficiency of the investment, respecting the indicators provided in Chapter III of this guide;
h) do not make investments and do not create jobs for which they request state aid under this scheme, in activity sectors exempted by the Gov. Dec. 1680/2008.
More info
The Community Acquis in the field of state aids allows granting regional state aids to enterprises, under the Community Guidelines on regional state aid 2007-2013 (the Official Journal of the European Union no. C54/2006), and the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (European Union Official Journal no. L 214/2008).
The aid scheme established by the Government Decision no. 1680/2008 on ensuring sustainable economic growth, with its subsequent modifications and additions, applies the provisions stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008.
The duration of the state aid scheme (established through the Government Decision no.1680/2008) is of 5 years that is for the period between 2007-2013, the final maximum budget for this program is the equivalent of 1 billion Euros, thus a medium annual budget of 200 million Euros, not exceeding the annual budgetary limits during these five years. The estimated total number of enterprises that will benefit from the scheme is around 150, which means that there will be around 30 beneficiary enterprises per year.
The maximum amount of the state aid that an economic operator can benefit from in accordance with this scheme is the equivalent in LEI of 28.125 million Euros. For the investments and jobs developed in the developing region no. 8 of Bucharest – Ilfov, the maximum level of state aid which can be obtained by an economic operator is the equivalent in LEI of 22.5 million Euros.
The state aid can be granted to businesses that will make initial investments, have submitted an application for the Grant Agreement and the authority responsible for the scheme administration have subsequently confirmed in writing that, after a thorough examination, the project meets in general the eligibility criteria established in the state aid scheme, before starting the works .
There are considered eligible the costs related to an initial investment made in the same area, concerning the following:
a) either the tangible and/or intangible assets related to the creation of a new business, the development of an existent one, the diversification of the production of a business for new markets, or a fundamental change in the production process of an existent business;
b) either the purchase of fixed assets directly related to a business, when that business had been closed or would have been closed without that purchase, and the assets are purchased by a independent investor. The mere acquisition of the shares of an enterprise shall not be considered an investment.
The state aid scheme is applied to enterprises from all sectors, save those stipulated by the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation – E.C.O.J. series L no.214/2008), as follows:
a) aids favouring fisheries and aquaculture, as they are regulated by the (EC) Regulation no. 104/2000;
b) aids favouring the primary production of agricultural products, stipulated in the Annex I to the European Communities Foundation Treaty;
c) aids favouring processing and marketing agricultural products activities, in the following cases:
When the amount of the aid is established on the basis of the price or the quantity of such products purchased from primary producers or marketed by these enterprises;
When the grant of the aid is conditioned by the obligation to direct it, partially or totally, to the primary producers;
d) aids favouring activities in coal sector;
e) regional aids favouring activities in metallurgic sector;
f) regional aids favouring activities in naval constructions sector;
g) regional aids favouring activities in synthetic fibres sector.
This scheme does not apply to enterprises that are in one of the following cases:
a) those “undertakings in difficulty” in the sense of the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation);
b) there are undertakings which are subject to an outstanding recovery order, if this recovery order has not been already carried out, according to the legal provision in force.
The enterprises, under this scheme, cannot benefit from the following types of state aid:
a) aids favouring export-related activities, such as aids directly linked to quantities exported, establishment and operation of a distribution network, or other current expenses related to the export activity;
b) aid contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods;
c) aid to operation.
In order to ensure the complementarity of regional state aids schemes, the enterprises shall not benefit from state aids under this scheme if for the same eligible costs of the initial investment they have received state aid or de minimis aid from other state aid providers.
The provisions of this state aid scheme are applied to undertakings registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with the subsequent modifications and additions, which make investments in Romania, and fall into one of the following categories:
a) they make an initial investment, of 5 to 10 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 50 jobs;
b) they make an initial investment, of 10 to 20 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 100 jobs;
c) they make an initial investment, of 20 to 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and thus creating at least 200 jobs;
d) they make an initial investment, exceeding 30 million Euros, equivalent in Lei, and they create at least 50 jobs.
The enterprises that meet cumulatively, at the time of submitting the application, the following eligibility criteria, shall benefit from individual specific allocations under this scheme:
a) are registered according to the Law no. 30/1990 on trading companies, republished, with its subsequent modifications and additions, making investments in Romania;
b) intend to make an initial investment that falls into one of the categories provided at letters a) to d) of Article 2 of the Gov. Dec. no. 1680/2008.
c) does not have outstanding debts to constituent budgets of the general consolidated budget.
d) are subject to foreclosure, bankruptcy, judicial reorganization, dissolution, liquidation or other situations regulated by law;
e) do not fall into the category of “undertakings in difficulty” according to the European Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)
f) they are not subject to state aid recovery orders, or such orders have been already carried out, according to the legal provisions in force;
g) at the time when they apply for the state aid, they submit a viable investment plan (expenses shall be detailed: quantity, price, amount), and a technical-economic study
made by a specialized company, which should prove the economic efficiency of the investment, respecting the indicators provided in Chapter III of this guide;
h) do not make investments and do not create jobs for which they request state aid under this scheme, in activity sectors exempted by the Gov. Dec. 1680/2008.
More info
donderdag 1 september 2011
dinsdag 30 augustus 2011
state aid romania - ajutor de stat romania HG 1680/2008 for foreign investment
State aid scheme ensuring sustainable economic development
(Government Decision no. 1680/2008, subsequently amended)
the state aid scheme applies to the following 4 investment categories:
initial investments between Euro 5 and 10 million and creating 50 jobs minimum;
initial investments exceeding Euro 10 million and creating 100 new jobs minimum;
initial investments exceeding Euro 20 million and creating 200 new jobs minimum;
initial investments exceeding Euro 30 million and creating 300 new jobs minimum;
maximum aid ceiling / economic operator: - Euro 22.5 million (RON equivalent), for investments carried out and new jobs created in the development region no. 8, Bucharest-Ilfov;
Euro 28.125 million (RON equivalent), for investments carried out and new jobs created as a result of initial investment in any of the other 7 development regions in Romania.
beneficiary’s financial contribution: at least 50% of the eligible expenses; the form of this contribution must not fall under any other public aid.
maximum total budget / scheme: Euro 1 billion (RON equivalent) / 5 years (2009-2013); anual average budget: Euro 200 million, not exceeding annual budget ceilings
approved for the period of 5 years
duration of the scheme: 2009-2013
provider: Romanian Ministry of Public Finance
total number of companies estimated to be granted state aid under the
scheme: 150; average number of beneficiaries / year: 30
(Government Decision no. 1680/2008, subsequently amended)
the state aid scheme applies to the following 4 investment categories:
initial investments between Euro 5 and 10 million and creating 50 jobs minimum;
initial investments exceeding Euro 10 million and creating 100 new jobs minimum;
initial investments exceeding Euro 20 million and creating 200 new jobs minimum;
initial investments exceeding Euro 30 million and creating 300 new jobs minimum;
maximum aid ceiling / economic operator: - Euro 22.5 million (RON equivalent), for investments carried out and new jobs created in the development region no. 8, Bucharest-Ilfov;
Euro 28.125 million (RON equivalent), for investments carried out and new jobs created as a result of initial investment in any of the other 7 development regions in Romania.
beneficiary’s financial contribution: at least 50% of the eligible expenses; the form of this contribution must not fall under any other public aid.
maximum total budget / scheme: Euro 1 billion (RON equivalent) / 5 years (2009-2013); anual average budget: Euro 200 million, not exceeding annual budget ceilings
approved for the period of 5 years
duration of the scheme: 2009-2013
provider: Romanian Ministry of Public Finance
total number of companies estimated to be granted state aid under the
scheme: 150; average number of beneficiaries / year: 30
donderdag 25 augustus 2011
invest romania
Taking notice of Romania’s competitive advantages, smart investors realize that the greatest benefit of investing in our country is that the Romanian business climate provides a platform for reaching broad business objectives that might include penetrating new markets, globalizing company operations, or establishing new supply-chain partnerships.
Only through a strong infusion of capital, technology, and methods of modern management, through opening towards the external markets, Romania will be able to determine an important change of structure of the economy, an increase of its performances, and of its competitiveness at an international level.
When considering Romania as a possible location for developing their businesses, the foreign investors might benefit from the advantages offered by Romania:
Market & Location Advantage
One of the largest markets in Central and Eastern Europe (over 21 million inhabitants)
Market is growing, there are increasing business opportunities, while the entry barriers remain low
Attractive location: allowing an easy access to the countries of the former CIS countries, Balkans, the Middle East and Northern Africa
Attractive location: at the junction of three prospective European transportation corridors no. 4, 7 & 9
Resource Advantage
Skilled labor force, with solid knowledge in technology, IT and engineering
Rich natural resources, including fertile agricultural land, oil and gas
An important potential for tourism
Political Advantage
Stable executive power
Government - more responsive to the dialogue and suggestions of the business community
Stability factor in the Area -NATO member
Stability Guarantee in South Eastern Europe
EU membership on January 2007
IR Advantage
Bilateral agreements between Romania and other countries for investments promotion and protection
Bilateral diplomatic relations with 177 out of 191
Member of the UN and other international organizations, like: OSCE, Council of Europe and International Organization of La Francophonie
Free trade agreements with EU, EFTA countries, CEFTA countries
WTO member since January 1995
Economical Advantage
Sustainable economic growth
Year 2005 - the 6th one of continuous growth for the country
Functional Market Economy status
Decreasing inflation
Permanent financial assistance for SME's Development
Increasing interest of foreign investors
Privatization program still including some very interesting companies
Commitment of investment funds present in the country to develop their business and the association of the government with international financial institutions, such as IMF, EBRD, World Bank, and the EU Commission
Improving Infrastructure Advantage
Well-developed networks of mobile telecommunications in GSM systems
A highly developed industrial infrastructure, including oil and petrochemicals
The presence of branch offices and representatives of various well-known international banks
A newly developed highway infrastructure
Commitment to improve the highway infrastructure to EU standards
Extensive maritime and river navigation facilities
Social and Education Advantage
Agreement between Government and Major Unions
No major Union Movements
Permanent dialogue with the employees associations
Labor relations regulated by the Labor Code
Foreign languages largely spoken in the main cities
Good housing, schooling, shopping, etc. options
Legislative Advantage
Good law and order
Legislation compatible with Acquis Communautaire
Similar legal provisions as in UE
Healthy fiscal policy regulated by the Fiscal Code
Competitive tax policy: 16% flat tax
zaterdag 13 augustus 2011
State aid in the GD no. 1680/2008 subventions in romania
Source : Applicant Guidelines for State aid in the GD no. 1680/2008 to establish a state aid scheme for ensuring sustainable economic development, as amended and supplemented, May 2011
The submitted documentation must show that the state aid has a ˝ incentive effect˝ and meets one or more of the following criteria:
• A material increase in the size of the project/activity due to the aid;
• A material increase in the scope of the project/activity due to the aid;
• A material increase in the total amount spent by the beneficiary on the project/activity due to the aid;
• A material increase in the speed of completion of the project/activity concerned;
• The project would not have been carried out as such in the assisted region concerned in the absence of the aid
Conditions for granting state aid
The provisions of this state aid scheme applies to enterprises that are registered according to Law no. 31/1990 republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, which make investments in Romania and are situated in the following categories:
a) attain an initial investment with a value falling between 5 and 10 million euro, including the equivalent in lei, and create at least 50 new jobs following the completion of the initial investment;
b) attain an initial investment with a value that falls between 10 and 20 million euro, including the equivalent in lei, and create at least 100 new jobs following the completion of the initial investment;
Eligibility criteria
The enterprises that meet cumulatively the eligibility criteria upon submission date, can benefit from specific allocations under the aid scheme:
a) are registered according to Law 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, and make investments in Romania,
b) intend to make an initial investment falling within any category referred to in points a) - d) of Article 2 of the GD no. 1680/2008.
c) there is no history of payment delinquency to the consolidated budget
d) are not in enforcement procedure,bankruptcy,judicial reorganization, dissolution, operational closure, liquidation or other situations covered by law;
e) are not classified as "enterprises in difficulty" under Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)
f) no decisions have been issued against them for recovery of state aid or if such decisions were issued they were executed according to legal provisions,
g) when applying for state aid they have to present a viable investment plan (costs will be detailed: quantity, price, value) and a technical-economic study issued by a specialized company which proves the economic efficiency of investment in compliance with the indicators referred in Chapter III of this guidelines;
h) do not make investments and do not create new jobs, which require state aid under this scheme in the fields of activity exempted by GD no. 1680/2008.
State Aid Intensity
For investments whose eligible costs are less than 50 million, the gross intensity of regional aid cannot exceed 50% of initial investment costs, or wage costs over a period of two years with new staff. For investments or jobs done in Region 8 Bucharest - Ilfov, state aid intensity is 40%.
Eligible costs
Standard cost does not include expenses for the following chapters of the general estimate of the investment structure, approved by Government Decision no.28/2008:
- Chapter 1. - Expenses for obtaining and arranging land;
- Chapter 2. - Expenses for utilities necessary for the objective;
- Chapter 3. - Expenses for engineering and technical assistance;
- Chapter 4 - Expenses for basic investment,
- Chapter 5. – Other expenses;
- Chapter 6. - Expenses for technological tests and tests and teaching to the beneficiary.
Are considered eligible the costs associated with an initial investment made in the same area including:
a) tangible and/or intangible assets relating to the setting-up of a new establishment, the extension of an existing establishment, diversification of the output of an establishment into new additional products or a fundamental change in the overall production process of an existingestablishment.
b) the acquisition of the capital assets directly linked to an establishment, where the establishment has closed or would have closed had it not been purchased, and the assets are bought by an independent investor. The sole acquisition of the shares of an undertaking shall not constitute investment.
Tangible assets means assets relating to: industrial, tourist and medical buildings and equipment.
Intangible assets means assets entailed by the transfer of technology through the acquisition of patent rights, licences, know-how or unpatented technical knowledge
Intangible assets must meet the following conditions:
a) they must be used exclusively in the undertaking receiving the aid;
b) they must be regarded as amortizable assets, as required by law;
c) they must be purchased from third parties under market conditions, without the acquirer being in a position to exercise control on the seller or vice versa
d) they must be included in the assets of the undertaking and remain in the establishment receiving the regional aid for at least five years.
Replacement is accepted if the criteria analysis to keep the investment takes into consideration the assets that have been obsolete in this period due to rapid technological change.
See separate sheet on demand cibr@telenet.be
The submitted documentation must show that the state aid has a ˝ incentive effect˝ and meets one or more of the following criteria:
• A material increase in the size of the project/activity due to the aid;
• A material increase in the scope of the project/activity due to the aid;
• A material increase in the total amount spent by the beneficiary on the project/activity due to the aid;
• A material increase in the speed of completion of the project/activity concerned;
• The project would not have been carried out as such in the assisted region concerned in the absence of the aid
Conditions for granting state aid
The provisions of this state aid scheme applies to enterprises that are registered according to Law no. 31/1990 republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, which make investments in Romania and are situated in the following categories:
a) attain an initial investment with a value falling between 5 and 10 million euro, including the equivalent in lei, and create at least 50 new jobs following the completion of the initial investment;
b) attain an initial investment with a value that falls between 10 and 20 million euro, including the equivalent in lei, and create at least 100 new jobs following the completion of the initial investment;
Eligibility criteria
The enterprises that meet cumulatively the eligibility criteria upon submission date, can benefit from specific allocations under the aid scheme:
a) are registered according to Law 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, and make investments in Romania,
b) intend to make an initial investment falling within any category referred to in points a) - d) of Article 2 of the GD no. 1680/2008.
c) there is no history of payment delinquency to the consolidated budget
d) are not in enforcement procedure,bankruptcy,judicial reorganization, dissolution, operational closure, liquidation or other situations covered by law;
e) are not classified as "enterprises in difficulty" under Commission Regulation no. 800/2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation)
f) no decisions have been issued against them for recovery of state aid or if such decisions were issued they were executed according to legal provisions,
g) when applying for state aid they have to present a viable investment plan (costs will be detailed: quantity, price, value) and a technical-economic study issued by a specialized company which proves the economic efficiency of investment in compliance with the indicators referred in Chapter III of this guidelines;
h) do not make investments and do not create new jobs, which require state aid under this scheme in the fields of activity exempted by GD no. 1680/2008.
State Aid Intensity
For investments whose eligible costs are less than 50 million, the gross intensity of regional aid cannot exceed 50% of initial investment costs, or wage costs over a period of two years with new staff. For investments or jobs done in Region 8 Bucharest - Ilfov, state aid intensity is 40%.
Eligible costs
Standard cost does not include expenses for the following chapters of the general estimate of the investment structure, approved by Government Decision no.28/2008:
- Chapter 1. - Expenses for obtaining and arranging land;
- Chapter 2. - Expenses for utilities necessary for the objective;
- Chapter 3. - Expenses for engineering and technical assistance;
- Chapter 4 - Expenses for basic investment,
- Chapter 5. – Other expenses;
- Chapter 6. - Expenses for technological tests and tests and teaching to the beneficiary.
Are considered eligible the costs associated with an initial investment made in the same area including:
a) tangible and/or intangible assets relating to the setting-up of a new establishment, the extension of an existing establishment, diversification of the output of an establishment into new additional products or a fundamental change in the overall production process of an existingestablishment.
b) the acquisition of the capital assets directly linked to an establishment, where the establishment has closed or would have closed had it not been purchased, and the assets are bought by an independent investor. The sole acquisition of the shares of an undertaking shall not constitute investment.
Tangible assets means assets relating to: industrial, tourist and medical buildings and equipment.
Intangible assets means assets entailed by the transfer of technology through the acquisition of patent rights, licences, know-how or unpatented technical knowledge
Intangible assets must meet the following conditions:
a) they must be used exclusively in the undertaking receiving the aid;
b) they must be regarded as amortizable assets, as required by law;
c) they must be purchased from third parties under market conditions, without the acquirer being in a position to exercise control on the seller or vice versa
d) they must be included in the assets of the undertaking and remain in the establishment receiving the regional aid for at least five years.
Replacement is accepted if the criteria analysis to keep the investment takes into consideration the assets that have been obsolete in this period due to rapid technological change.
See separate sheet on demand cibr@telenet.be
zaterdag 16 juli 2011
Regulation for applying the VAT Directive
A new EU Regulation has been published introducing clarifications for amendments to the VAT Directive that came into force on 1 January 2010.
The clarifications deal with (among others):
• the place of taxation for intra-community services;
• the status as taxable persons of the beneficiaries of services;
• the conditions under which a company is deemed to have a fixed establishment for VAT purposes.
The provisions of this Regulation enter into force on 1 July 2011 and are directly applicable to all Member States of the European Union. Please note that most of the amendments clarified by this Regulation have already been implemented into Romanian national law. See: Regulation no. 282/2011 laying down implementing measures for Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of VAT published in the Official Journal of the European Union L77/23.03.2011
Amendment of the VAT refund procedure
An Order has been published introducing new rules regarding the refund of value added tax (“VAT”). The main amendments brought by this Order are:
• The reimbursement decision will be issued within five days of submitting the VAT return in the following situations:
- The VAT refundable amount is equal to RON 10,000 or lower;
- The VAT returns are considered to be of low fiscal risk;
- The amount requested at reimbursement does not exceed the value of the Negative Individual Standard.
• The conditions for applying the special procedure of VAT reimbursement for exporters was modified as follows:
- The value of the export operations and intra-community supplies should represent 60% of the client’s account (previously 75%);
- The minimum value of export operations and intra-community supplies should exceed EUR 500,000 (previously EUR 1,000,000).
• The tax inspection for large and medium taxpayers will be performed within four years of the reimbursement being approved (previously 2 years).
• In cases of annulment of the VAT number, all the negative VAT amounts, irrespective of their value, will be reimbursed in accordance with the general procedure stipulated by the law.
The Order is applicable starting with the VAT returns related to April 2011.
See: Order no. 2017/2011 issued by the Ministry of Public Finance published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 362/24.05.2011
The clarifications deal with (among others):
• the place of taxation for intra-community services;
• the status as taxable persons of the beneficiaries of services;
• the conditions under which a company is deemed to have a fixed establishment for VAT purposes.
The provisions of this Regulation enter into force on 1 July 2011 and are directly applicable to all Member States of the European Union. Please note that most of the amendments clarified by this Regulation have already been implemented into Romanian national law. See: Regulation no. 282/2011 laying down implementing measures for Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of VAT published in the Official Journal of the European Union L77/23.03.2011
Amendment of the VAT refund procedure
An Order has been published introducing new rules regarding the refund of value added tax (“VAT”). The main amendments brought by this Order are:
• The reimbursement decision will be issued within five days of submitting the VAT return in the following situations:
- The VAT refundable amount is equal to RON 10,000 or lower;
- The VAT returns are considered to be of low fiscal risk;
- The amount requested at reimbursement does not exceed the value of the Negative Individual Standard.
• The conditions for applying the special procedure of VAT reimbursement for exporters was modified as follows:
- The value of the export operations and intra-community supplies should represent 60% of the client’s account (previously 75%);
- The minimum value of export operations and intra-community supplies should exceed EUR 500,000 (previously EUR 1,000,000).
• The tax inspection for large and medium taxpayers will be performed within four years of the reimbursement being approved (previously 2 years).
• In cases of annulment of the VAT number, all the negative VAT amounts, irrespective of their value, will be reimbursed in accordance with the general procedure stipulated by the law.
The Order is applicable starting with the VAT returns related to April 2011.
See: Order no. 2017/2011 issued by the Ministry of Public Finance published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 362/24.05.2011
zaterdag 18 juni 2011
Report retail and logistics in Romania june 2011 - danube strategy
1. Presentation of the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber
2. Why is there a future for Constanta as a gateway ?
3. Council gave green light for Danube Strategy
4. Available plots for logistic investments in Romania
5. Logistic and business center for sale in Bucharest , Romania
6. Taxes of only 3% on a micro company from 1 january 2011
7. New business center in Buzau (central location in Romania)
8. How to create a Romanian Company
9. Investments in Logistics in Romania and industrial investments in Romania
10. Employ Romanian workers & drivers and earn 1000 Euro/per worker/per month
11. Linking partners & events
Download the full report as a pdf file at http://www.pbsworldwide.com/pressreleases/6507LOGIPLAN%20J.pdf
2. Why is there a future for Constanta as a gateway ?
3. Council gave green light for Danube Strategy
4. Available plots for logistic investments in Romania
5. Logistic and business center for sale in Bucharest , Romania
6. Taxes of only 3% on a micro company from 1 january 2011
7. New business center in Buzau (central location in Romania)
8. How to create a Romanian Company
9. Investments in Logistics in Romania and industrial investments in Romania
10. Employ Romanian workers & drivers and earn 1000 Euro/per worker/per month
11. Linking partners & events
Download the full report as a pdf file at http://www.pbsworldwide.com/pressreleases/6507LOGIPLAN%20J.pdf
zaterdag 11 juni 2011
Renewable Energy News Romania May 2011
Provided by Freddy M.E. Jacobs
Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber
www.investromania.be – the cibr blog
contact: frjacobs@telenet.be
Electromagnetica invests 10 million euros in two hydropower plants
Producer of electrical and telecommunications equipment Electromagnetica Bucharest (ELMA) has announced its intentions to invest some 10 million euros in the construction of a small hydropower plant and in the modernization of another unit of production in the Brodina River basin, located in the Suceava County (north-eastern Romania), Ziarul financiar daily reads on April 7. The plant is going to invest by 30% more than the amount provided for this purpose in the budget - 7.7 million euros, with the investment plan having already been approved by shareholders at the recent General Assembly. Electromagnetica started producing electric power in 2007, following the acquisition of several units from Hidroelectrica. The company recorded 6.7 million euros in net profit in 2009, double compared with results in 2008. The 2009 turnover amounted to about 94.6 million euros.
Source: Ziarul Financiar, 7 april 2011
Investors kick off works on 1,082 MW Romania-sited wind parks
The Construction works had kicked off by March 2011 for wind power projects with an aggregate installed capacity of 1,082 MW, director of the Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) Radu Regman told a seminar on energy. "Connection approvals were issued so far for a total capacity of 11,000 MW and contracts were signed for 6,000 MW; incorporation approvals were also issued and construction works have started for facilities with a combined capacity of 1,082 MW," said Regman. He added that "wind power will cover 70-80 pct of the renewable energy production target." Romania increased last year its installed wind capacity by 448 MW to 462 MW, landing the seventh position in the EU by the growth in volume, reads a report by the European Wind Energy Association - EWEA. The share of wind energy of the total domestic consumption is 24 pct in Denmark, 14 pct in Spain and Portugal, about 10 pct in Ireland and Germany, and 5.3 pct across the EU; wind power covers just 1.6 pct of Romania’s electricity consumption. Numerous wind power projects are underway or under preparation in Romania, developed by companies such as CEZ (350 MW), Iberdrola (500-600 MW), Verbund (200 MW), Energias de Portugal (230 MW) or Continental Wind Partners (232 MW).
Source: Agerpres, ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, April 11, 2011.
Energy industry in figures
Energy amount traded on PCCB in 2010, up to 79,165 GWh
The amount of energy traded last year on the Centralized Market of Bilateral Contracts (PCCB) was of 79,165 GWh, about 22 percent higher compared to the one traded in 2009, according to data centralized by the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE). The average trading price last year stood at 161.62 lei / MWh, compared to 161.37 lei / MWh in 2009. A volume of 28,942 GWh was traded based on regular contracts, and 50,223 GWh on negotiated contracts.
Thermal energy produced in 2010 amounts to 17,359 Tcal
The thermal energy generated in 2010 for delivery in Romania was 17,359 Tcal, 0.03 percent lower than in the previous year, according to data centralized by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). The thermal energy produced by cogeneration was 14,120 Tcal, 1.24 percent lower than in 2009. There was an amount of 2,522.73 Tcal of thermal energy produced for delivery in December 2010 and 2,161.68 Tcal of cogenerated energy.
Source: Agerpres, ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, March 21, 2011.
Local energy market to see robust growth by 2015
One of the most interesting phenomena to follow until 2015 on the energy market will be the trend of the wind segment, Ziarul Financiar daily writes. The reference year 2015 is indicated because the start of 2,500-3,000 MW capacity is estimated until then, namely the equivalent of four reactors of the Cernavoda nuclear power plant (southern Romania), which now has only two reactors in operation. To reach this level from wind energy production, investments of some 5 billion euros will be needed. According to European statistics, 448 MW were installed in Romania in wind farms last year, the equivalent of some investments worth 800 million euros. Numerous wind energy projects, developed by companies such as CEZ (350 MW), Iberdrola (500-600 MW), Verbund (200 MW), Energias de Portugal (230 MW) or Continental Wind Partners (232 MW), are under preparation or underway in Romania. Moreover, the projects done last year led to a capacity leap of over 32 times compared with 2009, Romania being the seventh EU member country in terms of newly finalized wind projects. Thus, local investments accounted for 5% of the total capacity newly installed in the 27 EU member states. The electricity consumption is also expected to rise by some 5-10% versus 2010, the quoted daily estimates. In terms of energy production generated from oil, although the price of barrel has exceeded the threshold of 100 dollars amid the incidents in North Africa, analysts believe its value could stand between 95 and 110 dollars per barrel in 2015, the quoted daily mentions. Also expected in 2015 are the first deliveries of natural gas through the transcontinental gas pipeline Nabucco, with 2011 being a milestone year for the achievement of this major European project. Moreover, the natural gas price is expected to be deregulated in 2015, which will bring substantial gains to producers but will also lead to higher bills for end-consumers, Ziarul Financiar estimates.
Source: Agerpres, ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, March 7, 2011.
Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber
www.investromania.be – the cibr blog
contact: frjacobs@telenet.be
Electromagnetica invests 10 million euros in two hydropower plants
Producer of electrical and telecommunications equipment Electromagnetica Bucharest (ELMA) has announced its intentions to invest some 10 million euros in the construction of a small hydropower plant and in the modernization of another unit of production in the Brodina River basin, located in the Suceava County (north-eastern Romania), Ziarul financiar daily reads on April 7. The plant is going to invest by 30% more than the amount provided for this purpose in the budget - 7.7 million euros, with the investment plan having already been approved by shareholders at the recent General Assembly. Electromagnetica started producing electric power in 2007, following the acquisition of several units from Hidroelectrica. The company recorded 6.7 million euros in net profit in 2009, double compared with results in 2008. The 2009 turnover amounted to about 94.6 million euros.
Source: Ziarul Financiar, 7 april 2011
Investors kick off works on 1,082 MW Romania-sited wind parks
The Construction works had kicked off by March 2011 for wind power projects with an aggregate installed capacity of 1,082 MW, director of the Renewable Energy Department of the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) Radu Regman told a seminar on energy. "Connection approvals were issued so far for a total capacity of 11,000 MW and contracts were signed for 6,000 MW; incorporation approvals were also issued and construction works have started for facilities with a combined capacity of 1,082 MW," said Regman. He added that "wind power will cover 70-80 pct of the renewable energy production target." Romania increased last year its installed wind capacity by 448 MW to 462 MW, landing the seventh position in the EU by the growth in volume, reads a report by the European Wind Energy Association - EWEA. The share of wind energy of the total domestic consumption is 24 pct in Denmark, 14 pct in Spain and Portugal, about 10 pct in Ireland and Germany, and 5.3 pct across the EU; wind power covers just 1.6 pct of Romania’s electricity consumption. Numerous wind power projects are underway or under preparation in Romania, developed by companies such as CEZ (350 MW), Iberdrola (500-600 MW), Verbund (200 MW), Energias de Portugal (230 MW) or Continental Wind Partners (232 MW).
Source: Agerpres, ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, April 11, 2011.
Energy industry in figures
Energy amount traded on PCCB in 2010, up to 79,165 GWh
The amount of energy traded last year on the Centralized Market of Bilateral Contracts (PCCB) was of 79,165 GWh, about 22 percent higher compared to the one traded in 2009, according to data centralized by the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE). The average trading price last year stood at 161.62 lei / MWh, compared to 161.37 lei / MWh in 2009. A volume of 28,942 GWh was traded based on regular contracts, and 50,223 GWh on negotiated contracts.
Thermal energy produced in 2010 amounts to 17,359 Tcal
The thermal energy generated in 2010 for delivery in Romania was 17,359 Tcal, 0.03 percent lower than in the previous year, according to data centralized by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). The thermal energy produced by cogeneration was 14,120 Tcal, 1.24 percent lower than in 2009. There was an amount of 2,522.73 Tcal of thermal energy produced for delivery in December 2010 and 2,161.68 Tcal of cogenerated energy.
Source: Agerpres, ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, March 21, 2011.
Local energy market to see robust growth by 2015
One of the most interesting phenomena to follow until 2015 on the energy market will be the trend of the wind segment, Ziarul Financiar daily writes. The reference year 2015 is indicated because the start of 2,500-3,000 MW capacity is estimated until then, namely the equivalent of four reactors of the Cernavoda nuclear power plant (southern Romania), which now has only two reactors in operation. To reach this level from wind energy production, investments of some 5 billion euros will be needed. According to European statistics, 448 MW were installed in Romania in wind farms last year, the equivalent of some investments worth 800 million euros. Numerous wind energy projects, developed by companies such as CEZ (350 MW), Iberdrola (500-600 MW), Verbund (200 MW), Energias de Portugal (230 MW) or Continental Wind Partners (232 MW), are under preparation or underway in Romania. Moreover, the projects done last year led to a capacity leap of over 32 times compared with 2009, Romania being the seventh EU member country in terms of newly finalized wind projects. Thus, local investments accounted for 5% of the total capacity newly installed in the 27 EU member states. The electricity consumption is also expected to rise by some 5-10% versus 2010, the quoted daily estimates. In terms of energy production generated from oil, although the price of barrel has exceeded the threshold of 100 dollars amid the incidents in North Africa, analysts believe its value could stand between 95 and 110 dollars per barrel in 2015, the quoted daily mentions. Also expected in 2015 are the first deliveries of natural gas through the transcontinental gas pipeline Nabucco, with 2011 being a milestone year for the achievement of this major European project. Moreover, the natural gas price is expected to be deregulated in 2015, which will bring substantial gains to producers but will also lead to higher bills for end-consumers, Ziarul Financiar estimates.
Source: Agerpres, ROMANIAN ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS, March 7, 2011.
zaterdag 21 mei 2011
New Labour Code to enter into force in May - Romanian workers
Amendments to the Labour Code were published on 31 March 2011.
According to the new law, the provisions of the job description will become paramount in assessing the professional performance of any employee, which will prevent abuses from employers. Also, the new Labour Code stipulates that professional performance will prevail in case of disposals made due to the economic situation of a company, thus replacing the old provisions that social criteria had to be taken into consideration first when undertaking disposals.
The most important changes include:
1. Conclusion and execution of individual labour agreements
· Written form is mandatory for the valid conclusion of an individual labour agreement.
· The employer is obliged to give the employee the individual labour agreement before they start working.
2. Evaluation of employee performances
· Employer has the right to insert in the individual labour agreements individual performance objectivesand evaluation criteria regarding fulfillment of such objectives.
· Criteria and process of professional evaluation of employees are to be inserted in the internal regulations of the employer and shall be the main criteria of shooutout in case of redundancies due to economic conditions.
3. Liabilities
· Consideration for damages caused by employees may be retained by the employer from the wage with the consent of the employee but may not exceed the limit of five national minimum gross monthly salaries.
· People caught working without an individual labour agreement will be fined.
· Having more than five workers without individual labour agreements and repeatedly establishing wages under the level of the national minimum guaranteed wage in the country both represent criminal offences.
The new provisions will enter in force on 1 May 2011. See: Law no. 40/2011 published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 225 of 31 March 2011
According to the new law, the provisions of the job description will become paramount in assessing the professional performance of any employee, which will prevent abuses from employers. Also, the new Labour Code stipulates that professional performance will prevail in case of disposals made due to the economic situation of a company, thus replacing the old provisions that social criteria had to be taken into consideration first when undertaking disposals.
The most important changes include:
1. Conclusion and execution of individual labour agreements
· Written form is mandatory for the valid conclusion of an individual labour agreement.
· The employer is obliged to give the employee the individual labour agreement before they start working.
2. Evaluation of employee performances
· Employer has the right to insert in the individual labour agreements individual performance objectivesand evaluation criteria regarding fulfillment of such objectives.
· Criteria and process of professional evaluation of employees are to be inserted in the internal regulations of the employer and shall be the main criteria of shooutout in case of redundancies due to economic conditions.
3. Liabilities
· Consideration for damages caused by employees may be retained by the employer from the wage with the consent of the employee but may not exceed the limit of five national minimum gross monthly salaries.
· People caught working without an individual labour agreement will be fined.
· Having more than five workers without individual labour agreements and repeatedly establishing wages under the level of the national minimum guaranteed wage in the country both represent criminal offences.
The new provisions will enter in force on 1 May 2011. See: Law no. 40/2011 published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 225 of 31 March 2011
zondag 15 mei 2011
Een Roemeense vennootschap oprichten - general partnerships
A general partnership can involve two or more partners. The partnership relationship is based upon a contract and any person who is capable of entering a binding contract may enter a partnership. Following this agreement, the parties must register their partnership with the National Trade Register Office.
In a general partnership, partners are jointly liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership and each partner can be personally liable for the overall debts and liabilities, which are not satisfied by the assets of the partnership.
The capital of the partnership is formed of the partners' contributions. These contributions can include cash, real estate, equipment, or other property. Contributions become assets of the partnership and comprise its registered capital. Romanian laws do not set maximum or minimum limits on capital, nor does it indicate how much must be in cash or other assets. These decisions are left with the partners.
A general partnership must select a name for itself. Included in this name must be the name of one individual partner, the nature of the partnership, and disclosure of the general partnership status of the enterprise (Societate in nume colectiv - SNC). If a person who is not a partner permits his or her name to be used in the name of the partnership, that person then becomes liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership in the same fashion as general partners.
General partnership matters are determined under a written partnership agreement. Where the agreement is silent or unclear, decisions are made by partners on the basis of their relative capital contributions. If a partnership seeks to have a formal management, perhaps because of its large size, a vote of the partners representing a majority of the registered capital is required.
In a general partnership, partners are jointly liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership and each partner can be personally liable for the overall debts and liabilities, which are not satisfied by the assets of the partnership.
The capital of the partnership is formed of the partners' contributions. These contributions can include cash, real estate, equipment, or other property. Contributions become assets of the partnership and comprise its registered capital. Romanian laws do not set maximum or minimum limits on capital, nor does it indicate how much must be in cash or other assets. These decisions are left with the partners.
A general partnership must select a name for itself. Included in this name must be the name of one individual partner, the nature of the partnership, and disclosure of the general partnership status of the enterprise (Societate in nume colectiv - SNC). If a person who is not a partner permits his or her name to be used in the name of the partnership, that person then becomes liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership in the same fashion as general partners.
General partnership matters are determined under a written partnership agreement. Where the agreement is silent or unclear, decisions are made by partners on the basis of their relative capital contributions. If a partnership seeks to have a formal management, perhaps because of its large size, a vote of the partners representing a majority of the registered capital is required.
Een Roemeense vennootschap oprichten - E.I.G. (Economic Interest Group)
Dit is een samenwerkingsverband tussen 2 en 20 natuurlijke – of rechtspersonen, opgericht voor een bepaalde periode en bedoeld om de economische activiteiten van de leden te vereenvoudigen of te ontwikkelen en de resultaten ervan te verbeteren. De E.I.G. wordt in de wet beschreven als een autonome, winstmakende, rechtspersoonlijkheid met ten hoogste 20 leden. De activiteit van een E.I.G. moet gerelateerd zijn aan de activiteiten en moet een meerwaarde bieden aan zijn leden.
De E.I.G. mag worden opgericht door een notariële akte, getekend door alle leden en wordt een rechtspersoon vanaf de registratie bij het handelsregister. Een E.I.G. mag zonder maatschappelijk kapitaal opgericht worden. Indien er toch een maatschappelijk kapitaal ingebracht wordt, is er geen minimumwaarde per aandeel vereist.
De werking van een E.I.G. is zeer flexibel, de structuur en de werking ervan kan op elk moment gewijzigd worden door de leden, wijzigingen moeten dan wel in de statuten vermeld worden.
De leden van een E.I.G. zijn in principe hoofdelijk en onbeperkt aansprakelijk voor de verplichtingen aan derden, behalve indien dit in de statuten anders werd overeengekomen. De schuldeisers van een E.I.G. wenden zich eerst tot de E.I.G. en indien er 15 dagen na de vervaldag nog geen betaling geschied is, mogen ze de betaling eisen van de leden van de E.I.G..
De leden verkiezen 1 of meer bestuurders en leggen de verplichtingen, de besturingstermijn en het loon vast.
Een E.I.G. mag geen winst maken voor eigen rekening. Indien er winst gemaakt wordt moet deze volledig in de vorm van dividenden uitgekeerd worden aan de leden, een E.I.G. mag geen winst reserveren. Indien de kosten groter zijn dan de inkomsten van een E.I.G., moet dit verlies bijgepast worden door de leden, het verlies mag niet overgedragen worden naar een volgend boekjaar.
Een E.I.G. moet bij de afsluiting van het boekjaar dezelfde financiële rapporten opstellen als gewone vennootschapsvormen.
De E.I.G. mag worden opgericht door een notariële akte, getekend door alle leden en wordt een rechtspersoon vanaf de registratie bij het handelsregister. Een E.I.G. mag zonder maatschappelijk kapitaal opgericht worden. Indien er toch een maatschappelijk kapitaal ingebracht wordt, is er geen minimumwaarde per aandeel vereist.
De werking van een E.I.G. is zeer flexibel, de structuur en de werking ervan kan op elk moment gewijzigd worden door de leden, wijzigingen moeten dan wel in de statuten vermeld worden.
De leden van een E.I.G. zijn in principe hoofdelijk en onbeperkt aansprakelijk voor de verplichtingen aan derden, behalve indien dit in de statuten anders werd overeengekomen. De schuldeisers van een E.I.G. wenden zich eerst tot de E.I.G. en indien er 15 dagen na de vervaldag nog geen betaling geschied is, mogen ze de betaling eisen van de leden van de E.I.G..
De leden verkiezen 1 of meer bestuurders en leggen de verplichtingen, de besturingstermijn en het loon vast.
Een E.I.G. mag geen winst maken voor eigen rekening. Indien er winst gemaakt wordt moet deze volledig in de vorm van dividenden uitgekeerd worden aan de leden, een E.I.G. mag geen winst reserveren. Indien de kosten groter zijn dan de inkomsten van een E.I.G., moet dit verlies bijgepast worden door de leden, het verlies mag niet overgedragen worden naar een volgend boekjaar.
Een E.I.G. moet bij de afsluiting van het boekjaar dezelfde financiële rapporten opstellen als gewone vennootschapsvormen.
Een Roemeense vennootschap oprichten - een Roemeens filiaal of dochtermaatschappij
A foreign company can do business in Romania through a subsidiary or a branch. While a subsidiary has a legal personality and is considered a Romanian entity, the branch is just an extension of the parent company and therefore has no legal personality and no independence.
Law No. 105/1992 on the Regulation of the Private International Law Relationship adopts the accepted international practice by which a branch is governed by the national law of its parent company.
Legally, the branch has no separate status from the foreign company itself. It is merely carrying on business in Romania. The foreign company will be liable to the employees and creditors of the branch for the actions of, and debts contracted by, its managers and agents on behalf of the branch. On the contrary, according to the Law No.31/1990, a Romanian subsidiary of a foreign company is a Romanian legal person and, consequently, it is subject to Romanian laws. It is liable, on its own behalf, for the actions assumed. Subsidiaries and branches can carry out only the activities to which the parent company is authorized.
In practice, subsidiaries are commissioned following the same steps as the registration of companies, i.e. notarizing the statutes, and registering the subsidiary with the National Trade Register Office.
The formation of a branch follows the same steps as that of a subsidiary, but they do not need to establish incorporation statutes.
a notarized copy of the articles of incorporation of the parent company;
evidence of registration of the parent company in its country of origin;
documentation indicating the company's solvency; and
the decision of the parent company's Board of Directors (or similar authorized body) to establish a foreign branch. This decision should indicate the type of activity of the branch, the individuals appointed by the parent company to act on its behalf and the confirmation of the parent company that the acts of its representatives are legally binding to it.
Assuming the branch is accepted, it must then be registered with the local office of the National Trade Register Office. The formation of a subsidiary must comply with the minimum capital requirements under the Romanian Company Law.
Een buitenlandse vennootschap kan ook handel drijven in Roemenië door middel van een filiaal of dochtermaatschappij54. Een dochtermaatschappij heeft een eigen rechtspersoonlijkheid, een filiaal daarentegen is slechts een uitbreiding van de buitenlandse vennootschap. Bij een filiaal is er dus geen sprake van een aparte rechtspersoon en is bijgevolg ook niet financieel onafhankelijk.
Door het ontbreken van een aparte rechtspersoonlijkheid is een filiaal onderhevig aan de nationale wetten van de buitenlandse vennootschap waardoor het werd opgericht. De buitenlandse vennootschap is aansprakelijk voor de schulden en de verplichtingen die door de bestuurders en vertegenwoordigers van het filiaal gemaakt worden. Een filiaal mag alleen de activiteiten uitoefenen waarvoor de buitenlandse vennootschap de nodige vergunningen heeft.
Een dochteronderneming is, omwille van haar aparte rechtspersoonlijkheid, onderhevig aan de Roemeense wetgeving en is verantwoordelijk voor haar eigen daden. De oprichtingsprocedure van een dochteronderneming is gelijkaardig aan die van andere vennootschapsvormen zoals bijvoorbeeld de naamloze vennootschap of bvba.
Law No. 105/1992 on the Regulation of the Private International Law Relationship adopts the accepted international practice by which a branch is governed by the national law of its parent company.
Legally, the branch has no separate status from the foreign company itself. It is merely carrying on business in Romania. The foreign company will be liable to the employees and creditors of the branch for the actions of, and debts contracted by, its managers and agents on behalf of the branch. On the contrary, according to the Law No.31/1990, a Romanian subsidiary of a foreign company is a Romanian legal person and, consequently, it is subject to Romanian laws. It is liable, on its own behalf, for the actions assumed. Subsidiaries and branches can carry out only the activities to which the parent company is authorized.
In practice, subsidiaries are commissioned following the same steps as the registration of companies, i.e. notarizing the statutes, and registering the subsidiary with the National Trade Register Office.
The formation of a branch follows the same steps as that of a subsidiary, but they do not need to establish incorporation statutes.
a notarized copy of the articles of incorporation of the parent company;
evidence of registration of the parent company in its country of origin;
documentation indicating the company's solvency; and
the decision of the parent company's Board of Directors (or similar authorized body) to establish a foreign branch. This decision should indicate the type of activity of the branch, the individuals appointed by the parent company to act on its behalf and the confirmation of the parent company that the acts of its representatives are legally binding to it.
Assuming the branch is accepted, it must then be registered with the local office of the National Trade Register Office. The formation of a subsidiary must comply with the minimum capital requirements under the Romanian Company Law.
Een buitenlandse vennootschap kan ook handel drijven in Roemenië door middel van een filiaal of dochtermaatschappij54. Een dochtermaatschappij heeft een eigen rechtspersoonlijkheid, een filiaal daarentegen is slechts een uitbreiding van de buitenlandse vennootschap. Bij een filiaal is er dus geen sprake van een aparte rechtspersoon en is bijgevolg ook niet financieel onafhankelijk.
Door het ontbreken van een aparte rechtspersoonlijkheid is een filiaal onderhevig aan de nationale wetten van de buitenlandse vennootschap waardoor het werd opgericht. De buitenlandse vennootschap is aansprakelijk voor de schulden en de verplichtingen die door de bestuurders en vertegenwoordigers van het filiaal gemaakt worden. Een filiaal mag alleen de activiteiten uitoefenen waarvoor de buitenlandse vennootschap de nodige vergunningen heeft.
Een dochteronderneming is, omwille van haar aparte rechtspersoonlijkheid, onderhevig aan de Roemeense wetgeving en is verantwoordelijk voor haar eigen daden. De oprichtingsprocedure van een dochteronderneming is gelijkaardig aan die van andere vennootschapsvormen zoals bijvoorbeeld de naamloze vennootschap of bvba.
Een Roemeese vennootschap oprichten - een Roemeens vertegenwoordigingskantoor
Foreign corporations are entitled to set up representative offices in Romania, in accordance with the provisions of Decree – Law No.122/1990. While representative office cannot carry out commercial activities on their behalf, they are entitled to promote and supervise the business of their parent companies. As a representative of a foreign entity, a representative office cannot earn revenues in local currency. For payments in local currency, the office must open a ROL bank account, which is to be funded only by its foreign currency account.
Establishing a representative office with the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Department of Foreign Trade, is a straightforward matter. A fee of US$ 1,200 is paid for a one year-license. The license must be renewed every year against payment of the corresponding fee. If the registration occurs at a time other than the first quarter of the opening year, the annual fee is prorated accordingly. If a representative office represents more than one foreign company, a supplementary fee of 10% is to be paid for each of the represented companies.
Most representative offices are subject to minimum taxation since their only "income" is their funding by their parent company. As of January 1st, 1997, representative offices must maintain statutory accounts in compliance with legislation applicable to companies.
Applications for representative status should be accompanied by the following documents:
documentation from a Chamber of Commerce or other official body of the country where the parent company has its headquarters, indicating the company's legal existence, activities, and registered capital;
confirmation of the parent company' solvency from the bank handling its main financial operations;
statutory or other documentation, indicating the nature of the company's activities, its organizational form and its operations; and
a power of attorney for the individual or individuals appointed to act as trade representative(s);
a decision of the parent company's General Meeting approving the setting up of the representative office;
payment proof for the relevant tax.
Een vertegenwoordigingskantoor is geen rechtspersoon maar handelt, door middel van een specifiek mandaat, in naam en voor rekening van de buitenlandse vennootschap aardoor het werd opgericht.
De afwezigheid van het statuut van rechtspersoon heeft tot gevolg dat een vertegenwoordiging geen eigen winst mag genereren. De activiteiten van een vertegenwoordiging moeten beperkt blijven tot het voeren van marketing, reclame en het assisteren van de buitenlandse vennootschap bij haar activiteiten in Roemenië. De enige inkomsten die een vertegenwoordiging mag hebben zijn de sommen die door de buitenlandse vennootschap worden doorgestort om de lokale kosten te dekken.
Het Ministerie van Economische Zaken moet de aanvraag tot de oprichting van een vertegenwoordigingskantoor goedkeuren.
De aanvraag moet binnen een periode van 30 dagen vanaf het neerleggen van de nodige informatie goedgekeurd of afgewezen worden. Indien er een goedkeuring verkregen wordt moet het vertegenwoordigingskantoor nog bij het Handelsregister en bij de lokale belastingdienst geregistreerd worden. Voor deze registratie heeft men 15 dagen, te tellen vanaf de goedkeuringsdatum.
Establishing a representative office with the approval of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Department of Foreign Trade, is a straightforward matter. A fee of US$ 1,200 is paid for a one year-license. The license must be renewed every year against payment of the corresponding fee. If the registration occurs at a time other than the first quarter of the opening year, the annual fee is prorated accordingly. If a representative office represents more than one foreign company, a supplementary fee of 10% is to be paid for each of the represented companies.
Most representative offices are subject to minimum taxation since their only "income" is their funding by their parent company. As of January 1st, 1997, representative offices must maintain statutory accounts in compliance with legislation applicable to companies.
Applications for representative status should be accompanied by the following documents:
documentation from a Chamber of Commerce or other official body of the country where the parent company has its headquarters, indicating the company's legal existence, activities, and registered capital;
confirmation of the parent company' solvency from the bank handling its main financial operations;
statutory or other documentation, indicating the nature of the company's activities, its organizational form and its operations; and
a power of attorney for the individual or individuals appointed to act as trade representative(s);
a decision of the parent company's General Meeting approving the setting up of the representative office;
payment proof for the relevant tax.
Een vertegenwoordigingskantoor is geen rechtspersoon maar handelt, door middel van een specifiek mandaat, in naam en voor rekening van de buitenlandse vennootschap aardoor het werd opgericht.
De afwezigheid van het statuut van rechtspersoon heeft tot gevolg dat een vertegenwoordiging geen eigen winst mag genereren. De activiteiten van een vertegenwoordiging moeten beperkt blijven tot het voeren van marketing, reclame en het assisteren van de buitenlandse vennootschap bij haar activiteiten in Roemenië. De enige inkomsten die een vertegenwoordiging mag hebben zijn de sommen die door de buitenlandse vennootschap worden doorgestort om de lokale kosten te dekken.
Het Ministerie van Economische Zaken moet de aanvraag tot de oprichting van een vertegenwoordigingskantoor goedkeuren.
De aanvraag moet binnen een periode van 30 dagen vanaf het neerleggen van de nodige informatie goedgekeurd of afgewezen worden. Indien er een goedkeuring verkregen wordt moet het vertegenwoordigingskantoor nog bij het Handelsregister en bij de lokale belastingdienst geregistreerd worden. Voor deze registratie heeft men 15 dagen, te tellen vanaf de goedkeuringsdatum.
Een Roemeense vennootschap oprichten - het consortium
De Roemeense wetgeving voorziet ook in de mogelijkheid om een consortium tot stand te brengen. Dit is een samenwerkingsverband tussen verschillende partijen waarbij ze samenwerken voor de vervolmaking van een gezamenlijke zakelijke doelstelling. Er is hierbij geen spraken van een aparte rechtspersoonlijkheid. Meestal wordt er 1 partij aangeduid die de administratie van het consortium op zich neemt.
Een Roemeense vennootschap oprichten - de commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen (societate în comandita pe actiuni)
Het ingebracht kapitaal is in aandelen verdeeld en de vennoten zijn verdeeld in actieve en stille vennoten. Het bestuur van de vennootschap wordt aan 1 of meer actieve partners toevertrouwd. Ook hier zijn de actieve vennoten onbeperkt aansprakelijk en zijn de stille vennoten slechts aansprakelijk ten belope van het door hen ingebrachte kapitaal.
De statuten moeten bepaalde informatie bevatten: de aard en de waarde van de goederen die in natura zijn ingebracht, de gegevens van de aandeelhouder die deze goederen inbracht in de vennootschap, ook het aantal aandelen, de waarde ervan en de aard van de aandelen (op naam of aan toonder) moet in de statuten vermeld zijn.
Andere specifieke eigenschappen van de commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen zijn dat er minimum twee vennoten moeten zijn, hun beslissend orgaan is de Algemene Vergadering.
De statuten moeten bepaalde informatie bevatten: de aard en de waarde van de goederen die in natura zijn ingebracht, de gegevens van de aandeelhouder die deze goederen inbracht in de vennootschap, ook het aantal aandelen, de waarde ervan en de aard van de aandelen (op naam of aan toonder) moet in de statuten vermeld zijn.
Andere specifieke eigenschappen van de commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen zijn dat er minimum twee vennoten moeten zijn, hun beslissend orgaan is de Algemene Vergadering.
Roemeense firma oprichten - gewone commanditaire vennootschap (societate în
A limited partnership consists of one or more general partners who manage the business of a partnership and one or more limited partners who contribute capital (money or other property) to a partnership but do not participate in its management. Generally, limited partners are not liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership beyond their contributions, to the registered capital. The liability of the general partner is the same as the liability of partners in a general partnership. For an investor, therefore, being a limited partner is similar to have an investment in a corporation.
Limited partners share the profits or other compensation by way of income in proportion to their partnership contributions. However, no such income or other distribution can be made if it would reduce the assets of the limited partnership to an amount insufficient to discharge its liabilities to persons who are not partners.
While the limited partners cannot manage the business, they may examine the state and progress of the partnership business and advise on its management.
A limited partner may also act as a contractor for, or an employee of, the limited partnership.
Company Law No.31/1990 generally sets out the rights, powers, and obligations of limited partners. For example, a limited partner may be held liable as a general partner if the limited partnership legislation is not strictly complied with; when a limited partner participates in the management of the partnership's business without having been mandated to that effect by company's representatives, by means of a special power-off attorney, registered with the trade register, or allows his or her name to be used in the name of the limited partnership.
A limited partnership is a practical form of organization for a pooled investment where the investors would not normally participate in the control of the investment. Investors are limited partners while the general partner provides the professional management of the investment. In this way, investors share the profits but, as limited partners, their financial risk is limited to the capital they have contributed.
A limited partnership must use in its name the words "limited partnership" (Societate in comandita simpla, S.C.S).
In deze vennootschapsvorm is er sprake van 2 soorten vennoten, de actieve en de stille vennoten. De actieve vennoten zijn gezamenlijk en onbeperkt aansprakelijk voor de verrichtingen van de onderneming. Het andere deel, de stille vennoten, is slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van het door hen onderschreven kapitaal.
Deze vennootschapsvorm heeft een aantal specifieke eigenschappen: er is geen minimumwaarde vastgesteld voor de aandelen, het aantal vennoten is niet gedefinieerd maar mag vrij gekozen worden door de oprichters van de vennootschap, de dministratie van een gewone commanditaire vennootschap is de verantwoordelijkheid van één of meerdere aandeelhouders en de aandeelhouders kunnen alleen bepaalde verrichtingen in naam van de onderneming doen als ze voor deze specifieke verrichtingen een volmacht bezitten die geregistreerd is bij de Roemeense register.
Limited partners share the profits or other compensation by way of income in proportion to their partnership contributions. However, no such income or other distribution can be made if it would reduce the assets of the limited partnership to an amount insufficient to discharge its liabilities to persons who are not partners.
While the limited partners cannot manage the business, they may examine the state and progress of the partnership business and advise on its management.
A limited partner may also act as a contractor for, or an employee of, the limited partnership.
Company Law No.31/1990 generally sets out the rights, powers, and obligations of limited partners. For example, a limited partner may be held liable as a general partner if the limited partnership legislation is not strictly complied with; when a limited partner participates in the management of the partnership's business without having been mandated to that effect by company's representatives, by means of a special power-off attorney, registered with the trade register, or allows his or her name to be used in the name of the limited partnership.
A limited partnership is a practical form of organization for a pooled investment where the investors would not normally participate in the control of the investment. Investors are limited partners while the general partner provides the professional management of the investment. In this way, investors share the profits but, as limited partners, their financial risk is limited to the capital they have contributed.
A limited partnership must use in its name the words "limited partnership" (Societate in comandita simpla, S.C.S).
In deze vennootschapsvorm is er sprake van 2 soorten vennoten, de actieve en de stille vennoten. De actieve vennoten zijn gezamenlijk en onbeperkt aansprakelijk voor de verrichtingen van de onderneming. Het andere deel, de stille vennoten, is slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van het door hen onderschreven kapitaal.
Deze vennootschapsvorm heeft een aantal specifieke eigenschappen: er is geen minimumwaarde vastgesteld voor de aandelen, het aantal vennoten is niet gedefinieerd maar mag vrij gekozen worden door de oprichters van de vennootschap, de dministratie van een gewone commanditaire vennootschap is de verantwoordelijkheid van één of meerdere aandeelhouders en de aandeelhouders kunnen alleen bepaalde verrichtingen in naam van de onderneming doen als ze voor deze specifieke verrichtingen een volmacht bezitten die geregistreerd is bij de Roemeense register.
zondag 1 mei 2011
Creation of a public limited company (SA) in Romania (societate pe actiuni in romania )
If you invest in Romania, then the limited company is one the options. A joint stock corporation is normally recognized by the use of the words limited incorporated or corporation in its name (Societate pe Actiuni, S.A).
The creation of a public company requires a minimum capital of the Romanian equivalent of 90000 RON. At the day of the creation at least 30% of the social capital is paid and if it is a creation by public subscription then this percentage increased to 50%.
Within 12 months from the registration (formation of the company in Romania) of the company at the local registry the social capital should be fully paid via a Romanian commercial bank. If you increase the capital, the maximum period for full payment for the new shares is 36 months.
A public limited company must have at least two shareholders, it may be natural - and legal persons. The partners of a limited liability company are only liable within the limits of their contribution to the company. The capital of a limited liability company is represented by shares in registered or bearer shares and may be freely tradable.
Each share has a nominal value of at least 0.1 new lei. In addition, all shares of equal value, because all members of a limited liability company have equal rights.
The management of a joint-stock company is assumed by a Council of Administration (Board of Directors), although it is possible to have only one Administrator. At least half of the Administrators must be Romanian citizens unless the articles of incorporation and corporate by-laws provide otherwise. The Directors do not necessarily need to be shareholders. The Directors are appointed by the General Meeting of shareholders, which establishes their powers, for a maximum mandate of four years. They may be re-elected. Before starting their activity, the Directors must deposit a guarantee, representing at least the value of ten shares or double the amount of their monthly remuneration.
Decisions are taken by majority vote at the General Assembly, a share represents a vote in principle but there may be restrictions placed on the voting rights of a shareholder who holds more shares.
At least once a year a general meeting of shareholders must be held. This meeting must take place within 3 days after the end of the fiscal year of the company. The financial statements will be disclosed to shareholders and the results are discussed.
Law No.99/1999, regarding certain measures for the economic reform acceleration, added new provision to the Company Law. Therefore, any shareholder is entitled to request information on the management of the company, maximum twice during a financial year. In addition, one or several shareholders representing at least 10% of company share capital may request the court to appoint experts which will be in charge with the analyses of certain operations in the management of the company. Such experts will draw up a report, which will be handed over to the auditors of the company.
The unnamed company is represented by the Board of Directors, which consists of one or more directors, they are elected for a maximum period of four years, this period may be renewed subsequently.
The Board has the authority to delegate his powers to a Management Committee. The directors of a public company must disclose the same information and submit the same documents as the directors of a private company. In establishing a limited company there should be a board of 6 censors. Their job consists of checking the activities of the company. At least one of these six censors must have an approved auditor. The censors are elected by the majority on the Assembly, increasing their mandate lasts 3 years. Afterwards they can be re elected for another mandate. The censors are accountable regarding their findings to the General Assembly. First they check the accounts of the company and keep an eye on them or clauses which were fixed by the statutes are not violated. If an irregularity is determined by the censors, they may convene a General Meeting.
A Romanian limited liability company may be listed on the Romanian stock exchange, the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The formal adoption of the CVNM (the Romanian stock exchange and commission) is required, the company should already have minimum 3 years activities and capital the company must be at least € 1 000 000.00 amounts, in some cases CVNM may decide to deviate from these conditions.
The constitutive act of the joint-stock company or of the limited partnership by shares shall contain:
a) the name and first name, place and date of birth, the domicile and citizenship of the associates, when they are natural persons; denomination, their registered office and the nationality of the associates, when they are legal persons; in case of a limited partnership by shares the active partners as well as the sleeping partners shall be clearly identified;
b) the form, denomination, the registered office and the emblem of the company, when there is the case;
c) the company's object of activity, specifying the field of action and its main activity;
d) the subscribed and deposited registered capital. At the time of setting up the subscribed registered capital, deposited by each shareholder, shall be no less than 30% of the subscribed capital, except where the law provided otherwise. The remaining of the registered capital shall be deposited within 12 months from the date of the company's incorporation;
e) the value of the assets brought as contribution in kind, the method of evaluation and the number of shares attributed against them;
f) the number and nominal value of the shares, specifying whether they are registered or on bearer; where there are different categories of shares the number, nominal value and the rights conferred to each category shall be specified;
g) the name and first name, place and date of birth, the domicile and citizenship of the managers, when they are natural persons; denomination, the headquarters and nationality of the managers, when they are legal persons; the guaranty which the managers are bound to deposit, the powers vested in them and whether they shall exert the said together or separately; the special rights of administration and representation granted to some of them. In a limited partnership by shares the active partners who represent and manage the company shall be identified;
h) the name and first name, place and date of birth, domicile and citizenship of the auditors, when they are natural persons; denomination, headquarters and nationality of auditors, when they are legal persons;
i) provisions regarding the management, functioning and control of the company by the statutory bodies, the controlling of the company by the shareholders, as well as the documents to which these shall have access in order to inform themselves and to exert control;
j) duration of the company;
k) method of profit distribution and loss bearing;
l) location of its subsidiaries - branches, agencies, representations or other offices of the same kind without legal personality - when they and the company are set up at the same time, or the conditions to set them up at a later date if such a setting up is considered;
m) special benefits reserved for the founders;
n) the shares for the sleeping partners in a limited partnership by shares;
o) operations concluded by associates on behalf of the company to be set up and which the company is going to take over as well as the sums of money to be paid for those operations;
p) method of dissolution or liquidation of the company.
Concerning the registration of the company and of the corporate headquarters is amended as follows from 23 July 2010:
a) The first registration of a company: For the notarization of the constitutive act or for certification of its date, one must present i) the document issued by the trade registry for proving the availability and reservation of the company’s name, and ii) its declaration on own responsibility in respect of being a sole shareholder in only one limited liability company.
Both the public notary and the person who certifies the date of the constitutive act will refuse to notarize/certify the date if the abovementioned conditions are not fulfilled.
b) The headquarters of the company: For the first registration of a company or for changing the headquarters, the following documents must be submitted at the trade registry:
• the document certifying the right to use the building as headquarters, registered at the fiscal authority from the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, in whose district the building is located;
• a certificate issued by the fiscal authority referred to in point a), attesting that, for the building used as headquarters there has not been recorded another document proving a previous transfer of the right of use or other contracts for the transfer of the right of use on the same building, if any;
• in case the certificate issued under point b) proves that there have already been registered at the fiscal authority other documents which attest the transfer of the right of use upon the same building, there must be submitted a statement on own responsibility in respect of the fulfilment of the legal conditions, as detailed in paragraph c. (see below)
By way of comparison, before this amendment, there were no documents from the fiscal authority needed to be submitted to the trade registry, neither for the first registration, nor for changing the premises.
c) Legal conditions in respect of the headquarters At the same premises, several companies can be registered only if the building, by its structure and surface of use, allows the carrying on of the activity of more companies, in different rooms or separate places. The total number of the companies can not exceed the number of the rooms or separate places.
For more information mail us
The creation of a public company requires a minimum capital of the Romanian equivalent of 90000 RON. At the day of the creation at least 30% of the social capital is paid and if it is a creation by public subscription then this percentage increased to 50%.
Within 12 months from the registration (formation of the company in Romania) of the company at the local registry the social capital should be fully paid via a Romanian commercial bank. If you increase the capital, the maximum period for full payment for the new shares is 36 months.
A public limited company must have at least two shareholders, it may be natural - and legal persons. The partners of a limited liability company are only liable within the limits of their contribution to the company. The capital of a limited liability company is represented by shares in registered or bearer shares and may be freely tradable.
Each share has a nominal value of at least 0.1 new lei. In addition, all shares of equal value, because all members of a limited liability company have equal rights.
The management of a joint-stock company is assumed by a Council of Administration (Board of Directors), although it is possible to have only one Administrator. At least half of the Administrators must be Romanian citizens unless the articles of incorporation and corporate by-laws provide otherwise. The Directors do not necessarily need to be shareholders. The Directors are appointed by the General Meeting of shareholders, which establishes their powers, for a maximum mandate of four years. They may be re-elected. Before starting their activity, the Directors must deposit a guarantee, representing at least the value of ten shares or double the amount of their monthly remuneration.
Decisions are taken by majority vote at the General Assembly, a share represents a vote in principle but there may be restrictions placed on the voting rights of a shareholder who holds more shares.
At least once a year a general meeting of shareholders must be held. This meeting must take place within 3 days after the end of the fiscal year of the company. The financial statements will be disclosed to shareholders and the results are discussed.
Law No.99/1999, regarding certain measures for the economic reform acceleration, added new provision to the Company Law. Therefore, any shareholder is entitled to request information on the management of the company, maximum twice during a financial year. In addition, one or several shareholders representing at least 10% of company share capital may request the court to appoint experts which will be in charge with the analyses of certain operations in the management of the company. Such experts will draw up a report, which will be handed over to the auditors of the company.
The unnamed company is represented by the Board of Directors, which consists of one or more directors, they are elected for a maximum period of four years, this period may be renewed subsequently.
The Board has the authority to delegate his powers to a Management Committee. The directors of a public company must disclose the same information and submit the same documents as the directors of a private company. In establishing a limited company there should be a board of 6 censors. Their job consists of checking the activities of the company. At least one of these six censors must have an approved auditor. The censors are elected by the majority on the Assembly, increasing their mandate lasts 3 years. Afterwards they can be re elected for another mandate. The censors are accountable regarding their findings to the General Assembly. First they check the accounts of the company and keep an eye on them or clauses which were fixed by the statutes are not violated. If an irregularity is determined by the censors, they may convene a General Meeting.
A Romanian limited liability company may be listed on the Romanian stock exchange, the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The formal adoption of the CVNM (the Romanian stock exchange and commission) is required, the company should already have minimum 3 years activities and capital the company must be at least € 1 000 000.00 amounts, in some cases CVNM may decide to deviate from these conditions.
The constitutive act of the joint-stock company or of the limited partnership by shares shall contain:
a) the name and first name, place and date of birth, the domicile and citizenship of the associates, when they are natural persons; denomination, their registered office and the nationality of the associates, when they are legal persons; in case of a limited partnership by shares the active partners as well as the sleeping partners shall be clearly identified;
b) the form, denomination, the registered office and the emblem of the company, when there is the case;
c) the company's object of activity, specifying the field of action and its main activity;
d) the subscribed and deposited registered capital. At the time of setting up the subscribed registered capital, deposited by each shareholder, shall be no less than 30% of the subscribed capital, except where the law provided otherwise. The remaining of the registered capital shall be deposited within 12 months from the date of the company's incorporation;
e) the value of the assets brought as contribution in kind, the method of evaluation and the number of shares attributed against them;
f) the number and nominal value of the shares, specifying whether they are registered or on bearer; where there are different categories of shares the number, nominal value and the rights conferred to each category shall be specified;
g) the name and first name, place and date of birth, the domicile and citizenship of the managers, when they are natural persons; denomination, the headquarters and nationality of the managers, when they are legal persons; the guaranty which the managers are bound to deposit, the powers vested in them and whether they shall exert the said together or separately; the special rights of administration and representation granted to some of them. In a limited partnership by shares the active partners who represent and manage the company shall be identified;
h) the name and first name, place and date of birth, domicile and citizenship of the auditors, when they are natural persons; denomination, headquarters and nationality of auditors, when they are legal persons;
i) provisions regarding the management, functioning and control of the company by the statutory bodies, the controlling of the company by the shareholders, as well as the documents to which these shall have access in order to inform themselves and to exert control;
j) duration of the company;
k) method of profit distribution and loss bearing;
l) location of its subsidiaries - branches, agencies, representations or other offices of the same kind without legal personality - when they and the company are set up at the same time, or the conditions to set them up at a later date if such a setting up is considered;
m) special benefits reserved for the founders;
n) the shares for the sleeping partners in a limited partnership by shares;
o) operations concluded by associates on behalf of the company to be set up and which the company is going to take over as well as the sums of money to be paid for those operations;
p) method of dissolution or liquidation of the company.
Concerning the registration of the company and of the corporate headquarters is amended as follows from 23 July 2010:
a) The first registration of a company: For the notarization of the constitutive act or for certification of its date, one must present i) the document issued by the trade registry for proving the availability and reservation of the company’s name, and ii) its declaration on own responsibility in respect of being a sole shareholder in only one limited liability company.
Both the public notary and the person who certifies the date of the constitutive act will refuse to notarize/certify the date if the abovementioned conditions are not fulfilled.
b) The headquarters of the company: For the first registration of a company or for changing the headquarters, the following documents must be submitted at the trade registry:
• the document certifying the right to use the building as headquarters, registered at the fiscal authority from the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, in whose district the building is located;
• a certificate issued by the fiscal authority referred to in point a), attesting that, for the building used as headquarters there has not been recorded another document proving a previous transfer of the right of use or other contracts for the transfer of the right of use on the same building, if any;
• in case the certificate issued under point b) proves that there have already been registered at the fiscal authority other documents which attest the transfer of the right of use upon the same building, there must be submitted a statement on own responsibility in respect of the fulfilment of the legal conditions, as detailed in paragraph c. (see below)
By way of comparison, before this amendment, there were no documents from the fiscal authority needed to be submitted to the trade registry, neither for the first registration, nor for changing the premises.
c) Legal conditions in respect of the headquarters At the same premises, several companies can be registered only if the building, by its structure and surface of use, allows the carrying on of the activity of more companies, in different rooms or separate places. The total number of the companies can not exceed the number of the rooms or separate places.
For more information mail us
zaterdag 30 april 2011
Oprichten van een naamloze vennootschap (societate pe actiuni in romania ) in Roemenie
Oprichten van een naamloze vennootschap (societate pe actiuni in romania ) in Roemenie
Wil U een onderneming oprichten in Roemenie dan is de naamloze vennootschap één van de mogelijkheden.
De oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap vereist een minimum kapitaalinbreng van het Roemeense equivalent van 90000 RON. Hiervan moet op de dag van de oprichting ten minste 30 % volstort zijn en als het een oprichting door publieke inschrijving betreft wordt dit percentage verhoogd naar 50 %.
Binnen de 12 maanden vanaf de registratie (oprichting van de vennootschap in Roemenie) van de vennootschap bij het locale register moet er een volledige volstorting van het kapitaal plaatsvinden bij een Roemeense commerciële bank. Indien men nadien overgaat tot een kapitaalverhoging, bedraagt de maximumperiode voor de volstorting van de nieuwe aandelen 36 maanden.
Een naamloze vennootschap moet ten minste 2 aandeelhouders hebben, dit mogen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. De vennoten van een naamloze vennootschap zijn slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van hun inbreng in de vennootschap. Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door aandelen die op naam of aan toonder kunnen zijn en de aandelen zijn vrij verhandelbaar.
Elk aandeel heeft een nominale waarde van minimum 0,1 nieuwe lei. Bovendien hebben alle aandelen een gelijke waarde, dit omdat alle leden van een naamloze vennootschap gelijke rechten hebben.
De beslissingen worden genomen door de meerderheid van de stemmen tijdens de Algemene Vergadering, 1 aandeel vertegenwoordigd in principe 1 stem maar er mogen beperkingen geplaatst worden op het stemrecht van een aandeelhouder die in het bezit is van meerdere aandelen.
Ook mogen er preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht uitgegeven worden maar dit maximaal ten belope van een kwart van de waarde van het maatschappelijk kapitaal en er mogen geen preferente aandelen uitgegeven worden aan de vertegenwoordigers, de bestuurders of de auditoren van de vennootschap. Indien er sprake is van een beperking van het stemrecht van bepaalde aandeelhouders of indien er preferente aandelen uitgegeven zijn moet dit wel in de statuten van de onderneming vermeld worden.
Op zijn minst 1 maal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering van de aandeelhouders bijeengeroepen worden. Deze vergadering moet plaatsvinden binnen een termijn van 3 dagen na de afsluiting van het boekjaar van de onderneming. De jaarrekening wordt dan aan de aandeelhouders bekendgemaakt en de resultaten worden besproken.
De naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door de Raad van Bestuur, deze bestaat uit 1 of meerdere bestuurders, zij worden verkozen voor een termijn van maximum 4 jaar, deze termijn kan nadien verlengd worden. Een persoon mag ten hoogste in 3 ondernemingen tegelijkertijd in de Raad van Bestuur zetelen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft de bevoegdheid om zijn macht te delegeren aan een Managementcomité. De bestuurders van een naamloze vennootschap moeten dezelfde informatie bekendmaken en dezelfde documenten voorleggen als de bestuurders van een besloten vennootschap. Bij de oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap moet er een raad van 6 censoren aangesteld worden. Hun taak bestaat uit het controleren van de activiteiten van de onderneming. Op zijn minst 1 van deze 6 censoren moet een erkend accountant zijn. De censoren worden verkozen door de meerderheid van stemmen op de Algemene Vergadering, hun mandaat duurt steeds 3 jaar. Nadien kunnen ze wel weer verkozen worden voor een volgend mandaat. De censoren moeten verantwoording afleggen met betrekking tot hun bevindingen aan de Algemene Vergadering. In de eerste plaats controleren ze de jaarrekening van de onderneming en houden ze in de gaten of de bepalingen die werden vastgelegd door de statuten niet geschonden worden. Indien er een onregelmatigheid vastgesteld wordt door de censoren mogen ze een Algemene Vergadering samenroepen. Een Roemeense naamloze vennootschap mag op de Roemeense beurs, de Bucharest Stock Exchange, genoteerd worden, hiervoor is wel de formele goedkeuring van de CVNM (de Roemeense stock en exchange commissie) vereist, de vennootschap moet reeds minimum 3 jaar zijn activiteiten uitoefenen en het kapitaal van de onderneming moet op zijn minst € 1 000 000,00 bedragen, de CVNM kan in bepaalde gevallen beslissen om van deze voorwaarden af te wijken.
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Wil U een onderneming oprichten in Roemenie dan is de naamloze vennootschap één van de mogelijkheden.
De oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap vereist een minimum kapitaalinbreng van het Roemeense equivalent van 90000 RON. Hiervan moet op de dag van de oprichting ten minste 30 % volstort zijn en als het een oprichting door publieke inschrijving betreft wordt dit percentage verhoogd naar 50 %.
Binnen de 12 maanden vanaf de registratie (oprichting van de vennootschap in Roemenie) van de vennootschap bij het locale register moet er een volledige volstorting van het kapitaal plaatsvinden bij een Roemeense commerciële bank. Indien men nadien overgaat tot een kapitaalverhoging, bedraagt de maximumperiode voor de volstorting van de nieuwe aandelen 36 maanden.
Een naamloze vennootschap moet ten minste 2 aandeelhouders hebben, dit mogen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. De vennoten van een naamloze vennootschap zijn slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van hun inbreng in de vennootschap. Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door aandelen die op naam of aan toonder kunnen zijn en de aandelen zijn vrij verhandelbaar.
Elk aandeel heeft een nominale waarde van minimum 0,1 nieuwe lei. Bovendien hebben alle aandelen een gelijke waarde, dit omdat alle leden van een naamloze vennootschap gelijke rechten hebben.
De beslissingen worden genomen door de meerderheid van de stemmen tijdens de Algemene Vergadering, 1 aandeel vertegenwoordigd in principe 1 stem maar er mogen beperkingen geplaatst worden op het stemrecht van een aandeelhouder die in het bezit is van meerdere aandelen.
Ook mogen er preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht uitgegeven worden maar dit maximaal ten belope van een kwart van de waarde van het maatschappelijk kapitaal en er mogen geen preferente aandelen uitgegeven worden aan de vertegenwoordigers, de bestuurders of de auditoren van de vennootschap. Indien er sprake is van een beperking van het stemrecht van bepaalde aandeelhouders of indien er preferente aandelen uitgegeven zijn moet dit wel in de statuten van de onderneming vermeld worden.
Op zijn minst 1 maal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering van de aandeelhouders bijeengeroepen worden. Deze vergadering moet plaatsvinden binnen een termijn van 3 dagen na de afsluiting van het boekjaar van de onderneming. De jaarrekening wordt dan aan de aandeelhouders bekendgemaakt en de resultaten worden besproken.
De naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door de Raad van Bestuur, deze bestaat uit 1 of meerdere bestuurders, zij worden verkozen voor een termijn van maximum 4 jaar, deze termijn kan nadien verlengd worden. Een persoon mag ten hoogste in 3 ondernemingen tegelijkertijd in de Raad van Bestuur zetelen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft de bevoegdheid om zijn macht te delegeren aan een Managementcomité. De bestuurders van een naamloze vennootschap moeten dezelfde informatie bekendmaken en dezelfde documenten voorleggen als de bestuurders van een besloten vennootschap. Bij de oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap moet er een raad van 6 censoren aangesteld worden. Hun taak bestaat uit het controleren van de activiteiten van de onderneming. Op zijn minst 1 van deze 6 censoren moet een erkend accountant zijn. De censoren worden verkozen door de meerderheid van stemmen op de Algemene Vergadering, hun mandaat duurt steeds 3 jaar. Nadien kunnen ze wel weer verkozen worden voor een volgend mandaat. De censoren moeten verantwoording afleggen met betrekking tot hun bevindingen aan de Algemene Vergadering. In de eerste plaats controleren ze de jaarrekening van de onderneming en houden ze in de gaten of de bepalingen die werden vastgelegd door de statuten niet geschonden worden. Indien er een onregelmatigheid vastgesteld wordt door de censoren mogen ze een Algemene Vergadering samenroepen. Een Roemeense naamloze vennootschap mag op de Roemeense beurs, de Bucharest Stock Exchange, genoteerd worden, hiervoor is wel de formele goedkeuring van de CVNM (de Roemeense stock en exchange commissie) vereist, de vennootschap moet reeds minimum 3 jaar zijn activiteiten uitoefenen en het kapitaal van de onderneming moet op zijn minst € 1 000 000,00 bedragen, de CVNM kan in bepaalde gevallen beslissen om van deze voorwaarden af te wijken.
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Oprichten van een naamloze vennootschap (societate pe actiuni in romania ) in Roemenie
Wil U een onderneming oprichten in Roemenie dan is de naamloze vennootschap één van de mogelijkheden.
De oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap vereist een minimum kapitaalinbreng van het Roemeense equivalent van 90000 RON. Hiervan moet op de dag van de oprichting ten minste 30 % volstort zijn en als het een oprichting door publieke inschrijving betreft wordt dit percentage verhoogd naar 50 %.
Binnen de 12 maanden vanaf de registratie (oprichting van de vennootschap in Roemenie) van de vennootschap bij het locale register moet er een volledige volstorting van het kapitaal plaatsvinden bij een Roemeense commerciële bank. Indien men nadien overgaat tot een kapitaalverhoging, bedraagt de maximumperiode voor de volstorting van de nieuwe aandelen 36 maanden. Een naamloze vennootschap moet ten minste 2 aandeelhouders hebben, dit mogen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. De vennoten van een naamloze vennootschap zijn slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van hun inbreng in de vennootschap. Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door aandelen die op naam of aan toonder kunnen zijn en de aandelen zijn vrij verhandelbaar.
Elk aandeel heeft een nominale waarde van minimum 0,1 nieuwe lei. Bovendien hebben alle aandelen een gelijke waarde, dit omdat alle leden van een naamloze vennootschap gelijke rechten hebben.
De beslissingen worden genomen door de meerderheid van de stemmen tijdens de Algemene Vergadering, 1 aandeel vertegenwoordigd in principe 1 stem maar er mogen beperkingen geplaatst worden op het stemrecht van een aandeelhouder die in het bezit is van meerdere aandelen. Ook mogen er preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht uitgegeven worden maar dit maximaal ten belope van een kwart van de waarde van het maatschappelijk kapitaal en er mogen geen preferente aandelen uitgegeven worden aan de vertegenwoordigers, de bestuurders of de auditoren van de vennootschap. Indien er sprake is van een beperking van het stemrecht van bepaalde aandeelhouders of indien er preferente aandelen uitgegeven zijn moet dit wel in de statuten van de onderneming vermeld worden.
Op zijn minst 1 maal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering van de aandeelhouders bijeengeroepen worden. Deze vergadering moet plaatsvinden binnen een termijn van 3 dagen na de afsluiting van het boekjaar van de onderneming. De jaarrekening wordt dan aan de aandeelhouders bekendgemaakt en de resultaten worden besproken.
De naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door de Raad van Bestuur, deze bestaat uit 1 of meerdere bestuurders, zij worden verkozen voor een termijn van maximum 4 jaar, deze termijn kan nadien verlengd worden. Een persoon mag ten hoogste in 3 ondernemingen tegelijkertijd in de Raad van Bestuur zetelen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft de bevoegdheid om zijn macht te delegeren aan een Managementcomité. De bestuurders van een naamloze vennootschap moeten dezelfde informatie bekendmaken en dezelfde documenten voorleggen als de bestuurders van een besloten vennootschap. Bij de oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap moet er een raad van 6 censoren aangesteld worden. Hun taak bestaat uit het controleren van de activiteiten van de onderneming. Op zijn minst 1 van deze 6 censoren moet een erkend accountant zijn. De censoren worden verkozen door de meerderheid van stemmen op de Algemene Vergadering, hun mandaat duurt steeds 3 jaar. Nadien kunnen ze wel weer verkozen worden voor een volgend mandaat. De censoren moeten verantwoording afleggen met betrekking tot hun bevindingen aan de Algemene Vergadering. In de eerste plaats controleren ze de jaarrekening van de onderneming en houden ze in de gaten of de bepalingen die werden vastgelegd door de statuten niet geschonden worden. Indien er een onregelmatigheid vastgesteld wordt door de censoren mogen ze een Algemene Vergadering samenroepen. Een Roemeense naamloze vennootschap mag op de Roemeense beurs, de Bucharest Stock Exchange, genoteerd worden, hiervoor is wel de formele goedkeuring van de CVNM (de Roemeense stock en exchange commissie) vereist, de vennootschap moet reeds minimum 3 jaar zijn activiteiten uitoefenen en het kapitaal van de onderneming moet op zijn minst € 1 000 000,00 bedragen, de CVNM kan in bepaalde gevallen beslissen om van deze voorwaarden af te wijken.
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De oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap vereist een minimum kapitaalinbreng van het Roemeense equivalent van 90000 RON. Hiervan moet op de dag van de oprichting ten minste 30 % volstort zijn en als het een oprichting door publieke inschrijving betreft wordt dit percentage verhoogd naar 50 %.
Binnen de 12 maanden vanaf de registratie (oprichting van de vennootschap in Roemenie) van de vennootschap bij het locale register moet er een volledige volstorting van het kapitaal plaatsvinden bij een Roemeense commerciële bank. Indien men nadien overgaat tot een kapitaalverhoging, bedraagt de maximumperiode voor de volstorting van de nieuwe aandelen 36 maanden. Een naamloze vennootschap moet ten minste 2 aandeelhouders hebben, dit mogen zowel natuurlijke - als rechtspersonen zijn. De vennoten van een naamloze vennootschap zijn slechts aansprakelijk binnen de limieten van hun inbreng in de vennootschap. Het maatschappelijk kapitaal van een naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door aandelen die op naam of aan toonder kunnen zijn en de aandelen zijn vrij verhandelbaar.
Elk aandeel heeft een nominale waarde van minimum 0,1 nieuwe lei. Bovendien hebben alle aandelen een gelijke waarde, dit omdat alle leden van een naamloze vennootschap gelijke rechten hebben.
De beslissingen worden genomen door de meerderheid van de stemmen tijdens de Algemene Vergadering, 1 aandeel vertegenwoordigd in principe 1 stem maar er mogen beperkingen geplaatst worden op het stemrecht van een aandeelhouder die in het bezit is van meerdere aandelen. Ook mogen er preferente aandelen zonder stemrecht uitgegeven worden maar dit maximaal ten belope van een kwart van de waarde van het maatschappelijk kapitaal en er mogen geen preferente aandelen uitgegeven worden aan de vertegenwoordigers, de bestuurders of de auditoren van de vennootschap. Indien er sprake is van een beperking van het stemrecht van bepaalde aandeelhouders of indien er preferente aandelen uitgegeven zijn moet dit wel in de statuten van de onderneming vermeld worden.
Op zijn minst 1 maal per jaar moet er een Algemene Vergadering van de aandeelhouders bijeengeroepen worden. Deze vergadering moet plaatsvinden binnen een termijn van 3 dagen na de afsluiting van het boekjaar van de onderneming. De jaarrekening wordt dan aan de aandeelhouders bekendgemaakt en de resultaten worden besproken.
De naamloze vennootschap wordt vertegenwoordigd door de Raad van Bestuur, deze bestaat uit 1 of meerdere bestuurders, zij worden verkozen voor een termijn van maximum 4 jaar, deze termijn kan nadien verlengd worden. Een persoon mag ten hoogste in 3 ondernemingen tegelijkertijd in de Raad van Bestuur zetelen. De Raad van Bestuur heeft de bevoegdheid om zijn macht te delegeren aan een Managementcomité. De bestuurders van een naamloze vennootschap moeten dezelfde informatie bekendmaken en dezelfde documenten voorleggen als de bestuurders van een besloten vennootschap. Bij de oprichting van een naamloze vennootschap moet er een raad van 6 censoren aangesteld worden. Hun taak bestaat uit het controleren van de activiteiten van de onderneming. Op zijn minst 1 van deze 6 censoren moet een erkend accountant zijn. De censoren worden verkozen door de meerderheid van stemmen op de Algemene Vergadering, hun mandaat duurt steeds 3 jaar. Nadien kunnen ze wel weer verkozen worden voor een volgend mandaat. De censoren moeten verantwoording afleggen met betrekking tot hun bevindingen aan de Algemene Vergadering. In de eerste plaats controleren ze de jaarrekening van de onderneming en houden ze in de gaten of de bepalingen die werden vastgelegd door de statuten niet geschonden worden. Indien er een onregelmatigheid vastgesteld wordt door de censoren mogen ze een Algemene Vergadering samenroepen. Een Roemeense naamloze vennootschap mag op de Roemeense beurs, de Bucharest Stock Exchange, genoteerd worden, hiervoor is wel de formele goedkeuring van de CVNM (de Roemeense stock en exchange commissie) vereist, de vennootschap moet reeds minimum 3 jaar zijn activiteiten uitoefenen en het kapitaal van de onderneming moet op zijn minst € 1 000 000,00 bedragen, de CVNM kan in bepaalde gevallen beslissen om van deze voorwaarden af te wijken.
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